What am I?

Every tounge shall bow and every knee confess that LeeDa is the lord.
ellion said:
looking at the interaction between the members of this forum it is worrying for the future of the world in the light of current affairs because these two beleifs systems have been set up to hate and destroy each other in the beleif they are serving their god.

it makes sense why the athiest takes his position of seeing the world a safer place without any religion at all.

that is saddening.

Amen brother ellion.
Crunchy Cat said:
That's what indoctrination does to people sadly. It creates a conceptual geometry "distant from reality" that all information is processed with.

I really can see your point, Crunchy. Do you think that scientific indoctrination could possibly result in the same thing?
SetiAlpha6 said:
I really can see your point, Crunchy. Do you think that scientific indoctrination could possibly result in the same thing?

I would speculate that any indoctrination might have similar results.
Adstar said:
Is that you can do? Attack the messenger because you cannot accept the message? You have created your own god, and that god is yourself.

As i have already made clear. I will never kill anyone because of the loving teachings of My Messiah Jesus. I would prefer to be killed then be a killer.

Extreme and arrogant you say? No i am confident in the Word of God and i trust in Him not in my own thoughts, I do not make myself a god and judge God as evil.

Everyone will go their own way. But there is only One Way to God.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I am glad I was wrong!
I guess you wouldn't kill someone you love even if you thought God wanted you to.
Glad to hear it! I Apologize!
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Adstar said:
Yes they where pagans over 500 years after Jesus. Why where they still pagans???? Because they had rejected the Word of God the love of God they had rejected the truth, JESUS.

Pagans who became Monotheisms after the advent of Islam. And this was around 600s, not 500s.

Adstar said:
God gives those who reject His Son over to great deception, That’s why muhammad listened to the false angel a messenger of satan. to deceive them and to set them up for destruction.

ok, thats your belief.

Adstar said:
I know about your history. You seem to be the only one who is brain washed about your history, Your bloody history is known all over the world and your people are hated all over the world. And the bloodshed your forefathers carried out will be repaid with interest when destruction comes upon your people. What difference does it make of you are 25% of the worlds population? Your people are doomed in this world and in eternity. Your a religion drunk with the blood of Christians.

Why such emotional hatred? You really do not know how to deal with others who believe differently than you.

Adstar said:
Liar, you yourself on this very forum have stated that religion is not free in islam on the thread where you talked of the convert to Christianity who was going to be murdered for converting by you bloody brothers in Afghanistan.

I have stated the law of the Islamic State for people who embrace Islam that they are not allowed to openly declare a conversion or to preach their faith to Muslims. Islamic propagation should be the primary objective of the state and this undermines the ideals and motives of the state.

Adstar said:
You deceive yourself but you do not deceive me or the people of the world. they are quickly coming to understand the true face of islam and they will react with bloody violence against you and your people.

I have no need to decieve you or anyone else, I will state my views clearly because I believe in absolute truth and justice of Islam.

Adstar said:
Just wait for a few more terrorist atrocities on a larger scale from your heroes like Ossama. He knows how to be a true muslim, He knows how to use terror against the infidel. I do not need to argue the case. the whole world can SEE the reality of islam NOW.

As far as the terrorist attacks, no Muslim i have ever met has ever supported them so don't spread lies.

Another case is why do you support genocide and extermination of others? Are you looking forward to every photo that comes from prisons of the Americans like Abu Ghareeb? Do you find pleasure in the suffering of others?

Adstar said:
I have absolutly no respect for islam. I do not respect evil, those who call evil good. It is an hounor for me to stand against the teachings of islam and to stand up for Jesus who is spat on by the lies of islam.

I used to have some respect for you, but all that is no longer. You are a hater and you insults are not like a true Christian. Would Jesus peace be to him ever talk to me as you are talking, calling for the genocide of my people?

Adstar said:
You think Jesus is just a man just a prophet. That is a lie and an insult to God.

An insult to Jesus or an insult to God, or are they the same?

Adstar said:
LOL that is why when the people of eastern Europe where finally freed from the islamic ottoman empire that they cast out over 200,000 of their Turkish oppressors right? You are filled up with lies the world loathes you and soon will destroy you.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days


Why should I be responsible for every bad action any muslim in the world does against the teachings of the Quran?

Why should all the blame rest on me, even if I do not support it?

I respect your religion of Christianity, however I have no respect for you.

DiamondHearts said:
Why such emotional hatred? You really do not know how to deal with others who believe differently than you.

Said the kettle to the pot.

I have stated the law of the Islamic State for people who embrace Islam that they are not allowed to openly declare a conversion or to preach their faith to Muslims.

Then we should lobby our governments to make it illegal ot preach Islam, that would only be fair.

Islamic propagation should be the primary objective of the state and this undermines the ideals and motives of the state.

And that is the goal of other religions as well, but you just said it is not allowed in an Islamic state. Islam undermines the ideals and motives of many countries, should we outlaw Islam there?

I have no need to decieve you or anyone else, I will state my views clearly because I believe in absolute truth and justice of Islam.

That is exactly the reason why you deceive.

As far as the terrorist attacks, no Muslim i have ever met has ever supported them so don't spread lies.

Is that another lie, Mr. Kettle?

Why should I be responsible for every bad action any muslim in the world does against the teachings of the Quran?

Muslims aren't taking any responsibility, they do nothing at all to prevent those actions. So, they must be supporting the actions.

Why should all the blame rest on me, even if I do not support it?

For exactly the same reasons everyone here does not support your views. You and every Muslim should be doing something about the fundamentalists who are destroying the image of Islam. By doing nothing is the same as supporting it?

What ARE you doing to help?
DiamondHearts said:
I respect your religion of Christianity, however I have no respect for you.

Although I've disagreed with many of Adstars views on his religion, I have far more respect for him than you. He is at the very least honest and passionate about his beliefs while you are as close to a fundamentalist as those you purport not to support.
ellion said:
looking at the interaction between the members of this forum it is worrying for the future of the world in the light of current affairs because these two beleifs systems have been set up to hate and destroy each other in the beleif they are serving their god.

it makes sense why the athiest takes his position of seeing the world a safer place without any religion at all.

that is saddening.

I am no danger to the world or to isalm. I am a non- resistance Christian. An extreme pacifist if you like. No you are very wrong. Its not me and my brothers in faith that are going to bring this world to a cataclysm. Its warrior religions and reactionary atheists that are going to bring the world to a cataclysm. People will kill to defend their home and families and loved ones. satan knows this and he relies on it to lead billions into the abyss.

Fear makes men do fearsome things. Most of the Nazi SS mass murderers thought they where saving their families from the "evil sub humans" Lead by the "scheming Jews". People who have enough fear instilled in them will commit abominable crimes, Just look at the Hutus of Rwanda the whole community joined in the machete massacre of the Tutsis, why because they where full of fear.

I have eternity with God and therefore i have no fear. That’s one of the greatest blessing i have had from God. The peace of Jesus that cannot be removed.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
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thats fair enough,

if you look again at your reaction to diamondhearts comments would you repent any of that you said?could there have been a more peaceful approach?
I have stated the law of the Islamic State for people who embrace Islam that they are not allowed to openly declare a conversion or to preach their faith to Muslims. Islamic propagation should be the primary objective of the state and this undermines the ideals and motives of the state.

You have just confirmed that your religion seeks to use force to stop people from following their conscience toward God. What truth lies in a religion that keeps its adherents by making them fear death for leaving it? Do they stay because they believe or do they stay because the fear death? How many muslims go to the mosque and go through the motions but on the inside believe non of it?

As far as the terrorist attacks, no Muslim i have ever met has ever supported them so don't spread lies.

I must wonder in amazement at this answer. Where you in the middle of a deserted island with no communication with the outside world when your brothers in faith destroyed the towers in New York city? Did you not see the news coverage as it crossed to the streets of Gaza showing all the Muslims out on the streets blowing their car horns and celebrating the news in the streets? Didn’t you see the happy shop keeper throwing candy to excited kids while the woman on the side of the street let out their unique Arabic victory wail? Or maybe you did not see the celebrating crowds spill out of the mosque in Cairo jumping with joy at the deaths? Are you so blind as to not see the booming sales of Ossama T shirts being worn all across the islamic world… I really have to wonder could it be possible that you actually, truly, believe what you are saying?

Another case is why do you support genocide and extermination of others? Are you looking forward to every photo that comes from prisons of the Americans like Abu Ghareeb? Do you find pleasure in the suffering of others?

Who said I supported Genocide? I said your people will face genocide I did not say that I like that your people will be exterminated. If a scientist declared that a meteor was going to strike Japan in two weeks time and the devastation was going to end all life in Japan would you accuse the scientist of hating the Japanese’s and calling for the meteor to strike Japan?

Warning you of the disaster i believe you face is not jumping for joy at the disaster you are going to face. I believe that the arab world will face destruction on a scale not seen before in history. You should see that as a warning of disaster, Not a call for disaster. Of course if you do not believe that then so be it.

I used to have some respect for you, but all that is no longer. You are a hater and you insults are not like a true Christian. Would Jesus peace be to him ever talk to me as you are talking, calling for the genocide of my people?

Oh yes I am a hater all right. I hate false religion with a passion. Wether that be islam or catholicism or orthodoxy or many of the other “false Christian” sects or the pagan religions like Hinduism. But do I hate you? I admit you frustrate me a lot. And I get exasperated in trying to get you to take a step back and just look at the fruit of islam. Yes I have been blunt with you, but often being blunt and shocking someone is the only way to have any chance of saving them from destruction. I want you, as a person who believes that God exists to have eternity with God. Do i think you like the terrorism that is going on? No. I get the sense that you are a person who loves peace and wants to live in peace. But you are a muslim who is blinded to the reality of the message that is written in the koran. You are desperately holding on to the only foundation that you can see because of fear of letting go and finding the real love of God.

An insult to Jesus or an insult to God, or are they the same?

To insult Jesus is to insult God

Why should I be responsible for every bad action any muslim in the world does against the teachings of the Quran?

They are not doing things against the teachings of the Quran, they are doing things in keeping with the teachings of the koran, It is you who are blinded as to the truth of the koran. It is you who has had their understanding of the koran twisted to believe it is the religion of peace. Just as many “Christian” have had their understanding of the Words of Jesus twisted into doing evil in the name of God. You are a false muslim but you do not realise it. Understand that to me you being a false muslim is a cause for hope. because you seek to live in peace and I do think deep down inside a part of you wants to embrace the truth of Jesus.

Why should all the blame rest on me, even if I do not support it?

I sense you do not support it. But you are supporting the false prophet that supports it and you support the koran that supports it. The tragedy for you is you cannot see this.

I respect your religion of Christianity, however I have no respect for you.

You do not respect me. That’s good. Because I am just a man and only God should be respected because he is perfect. Just as you should not respect muhammed. Do you realise your whole eternity is dependant on that man? You have to respect him with your eternal destination. Your faith in islam is dependant on your faith that muhammed was telling the truth and that the angel was indeed a messenger from God? Does this thought fill you with fear? It should.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
ellion said:
thats fair enough,

if you look again at your reaction to diamondhearts comments would you repent any of that you said?could there have been a more peaceful approach?

Yes ellion i do repent of the LOL i used in the statement you quoted as being vicious. Yes i was wrong. At the time i had just seen a TV documentary about the muslim massacre of the Arminian Christians of turkey around the time of the first world war. I just saw the pictures of the faces of the starving childeren who had died on the death marches the muslims forced them to take as a way of slowly exterminating them. I suppose i let my emotions get the better of me. But you are right and i was wrong to put that in. I am just a man and i let Jesus down.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I am just a man and i let Jesus down.
did you let ourself down? do you let DiamonHeart down?

george bush is a christian how would it feel for you as a christian to be blamed for that mans war?

is that similar to what you do? blaming all muslims for the actions of few extremists?

do you want our future to be one of war? or of peace?

of conflict or copoeration?
(Q) said:
Although I've disagreed with many of Adstars views on his religion, I have far more respect for him than you. He is at the very least honest and passionate about his beliefs while you are as close to a fundamentalist as those you purport not to support.

No one needs the respect of someone like you.

If I had ever earned the approval of someone like you, I would wonder about myself.

Adstar said:
You have just confirmed that your religion seeks to use force to stop people from following their conscience toward God. What truth lies in a religion that keeps its adherents by making them fear death for leaving it? Do they stay because they believe or do they stay because the fear death? How many muslims go to the mosque and go through the motions but on the inside believe non of it?

From what I see as living as a Muslim for my entire life, not many at all.

This is the law of the Islamic State, it only is made to dissuade others form leaving Islam. Private Apostasy or Apostasy in a Non-Muslim city, village, or country is not punishable.

Adstar said:
I must wonder in amazement at this answer. Where you in the middle of a deserted island with no communication with the outside world when your brothers in faith destroyed the towers in New York city? Did you not see the news coverage as it crossed to the streets of Gaza showing all the Muslims out on the streets blowing their car horns and celebrating the news in the streets? Didn’t you see the happy shop keeper throwing candy to excited kids while the woman on the side of the street let out their unique Arabic victory wail? Or maybe you did not see the celebrating crowds spill out of the mosque in Cairo jumping with joy at the deaths? Are you so blind as to not see the booming sales of Ossama T shirts being worn all across the islamic world… I really have to wonder could it be possible that you actually, truly, believe what you are saying?

I have said none of the Muslims I have met have supported the attacks. It's not my problem if a few hundred people around the world show support for them in an isolated town being bombarded with American-made Israeli weapons. You wonder why human beings love misfortune for their enemies, ask those people who lost their homes because of them?

Adstar said:
Who said I supported Genocide? I said your people will face genocide I did not say that I like that your people will be exterminated. If a scientist declared that a meteor was going to strike Japan in two weeks time and the devastation was going to end all life in Japan would you accuse the scientist of hating the Japanese’s and calling for the meteor to strike Japan?

It seemed like you were saying we somehow deserved this. Please make this point more clear. Your response also was unnecessarily harsh.

Adstar said:
Warning you of the disaster i believe you face is not jumping for joy at the disaster you are going to face. I believe that the arab world will face destruction on a scale not seen before in history. You should see that as a warning of disaster, Not a call for disaster. Of course if you do not believe that then so be it.

I also believe that the Islamic world will witness a great disaster before the coming of prophet Jesus (as), these are the words of the noble Prophet Muhammad (s).

Adstar said:
Oh yes I am a hater all right. I hate false religion with a passion. Wether that be islam or catholicism or orthodoxy or many of the other “false Christian” sects or the pagan religions like Hinduism. But do I hate you? I admit you frustrate me a lot. And I get exasperated in trying to get you to take a step back and just look at the fruit of islam. Yes I have been blunt with you, but often being blunt and shocking someone is the only way to have any chance of saving them from destruction. I want you, as a person who believes that God exists to have eternity with God. Do i think you like the terrorism that is going on? No. I get the sense that you are a person who loves peace and wants to live in peace. But you are a muslim who is blinded to the reality of the message that is written in the koran. You are desperately holding on to the only foundation that you can see because of fear of letting go and finding the real love of God.

I guess I can accept your view of this, but please don't be too harsh and unfeeling for Muslims. We are still human beings.

Adstar said:
To insult Jesus is to insult God

They are not doing things against the teachings of the Quran, they are doing things in keeping with the teachings of the koran, It is you who are blinded as to the truth of the koran. It is you who has had their understanding of the koran twisted to believe it is the religion of peace. Just as many “Christian” have had their understanding of the Words of Jesus twisted into doing evil in the name of God. You are a false muslim but you do not realise it. Understand that to me you being a false muslim is a cause for hope. because you seek to live in peace and I do think deep down inside a part of you wants to embrace the truth of Jesus.

I'm confident my beliefs aren't founded on a false idea of Islam. Islam is the only religion for me, I know enough of Christianity to say I'm not interested.

Adstar said:
I sense you do not support it. But you are supporting the false prophet that supports it and you support the koran that supports it. The tragedy for you is you cannot see this.

Such an action would not be acceptable either by the Quran the word of Allah (swt) the Most High, or by the Holy Prophet (s).

Adstar said:
You do not respect me. That’s good. Because I am just a man and only God should be respected because he is perfect. Just as you should not respect muhammed. Do you realise your whole eternity is dependant on that man? You have to respect him with your eternal destination. Your faith in islam is dependant on your faith that muhammed was telling the truth and that the angel was indeed a messenger from God? Does this thought fill you with fear? It should.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

And my faith and belief in the kind and noble Prophet Muhammad (s) is baseed on his teachings and his noble life as portrayed by the Hadith.



Once the Prophet (pbuh) was sleeping under a tree and his sword was hanging on the branch of a tree. His enemy came and took the sword and impertinently awakened the Prophet (pbuh) and asked him who would save him. The Prophet (pbuh) instantly replied that Allah would take care of him. He became unconscious and fell down and his sword dropped from his hand. The Prophet (pbuh) picked up the sword and asked him who could save him. Then he was astounded. He then asked the man to go as revenge he never cherished.

The Prophet (pbuh) did away with the issues that were the causes of battles during the early years of Ignorance (Jahiliyyah). He also declared to abandon the claims for compensation for murder done to his family. Loans given by his uncle were also remitted by him.

To meet cheerfully, to talk about virtues and prevent people from vices and villainy, to show the right path to those who have lost the way, to lead weak-sighted persons on the way, to remove thorns, stones, and bones from paths and to draw water from wells for others, are all deeds of virtue.

A person asked the Prophet (pbuh) how many times an attendant should be pardoned. He said that this should be allowed seventy times in a day.


Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him), the servant of the Prophet, had another recollection:

I never saw anyone who was more compassionate towards children than Allah’s Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him). His son Ibrahim was in the care of a wet nurse in the hills around Madinah. He would go there, and we would go with him, and he would enter the house, pick up his son and kiss him, then come back. (Muslim)

Narrated Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him),

Allah’s Messenger kissed Al-Hasan ibn `Ali while Al-Aqra` ibn Habis At-Tamim was sitting with him . Al-Aqra` said, “I have ten children and have never kissed one of them.” The Prophet cast a look at him and said, “Whoever is not merciful to others will not be treated mercifully.” (Al-Bukhari)

The Prophet said,

Allâh will show mercy to those who show mercy to people. Show mercy to those who are on the earth, the One Who is in the Heaven will show mercy to you.
ellion said:
did you let ourself down? do you let DiamonHeart down?

george bush is a christian how would it feel for you as a christian to be blamed for that mans war?

Oh no no ellion. You cannot take my repentance on that point and use it to say that everything else i said was wrong. Yes i fell down on the delivery i admit it and i did let Jesus and DH down, but you cannot use my repentance as an opportunity to declare all that i have said wrong.

George Bush is a masonic puppet, he is a scull and bones man. He works for satan. He is no brother of mine. George bush just knows to tell people what they so desperately want to hear . Many american religious want desperately to believe they are lead by a Christian.

I spend more time in "christian" forums that here ellion and they don't take to kindly to the message i have given them. Funny thing is ellion i have been banned from more Christian forums than i can remember because of my beliefs. But in this atheist forum i have had a good long run. :D The conservatives love me until i start preaching non-resistance and bush the tool of the lucifer worshiping masons, and the liberals love me until i start preaching the abomination of the homosexual act and the literal lake of fire. Both conservatives and liberals are all smorgasbord christians. Just as HD is a smorgasbord muslim only wanting to recognise the teachings in the quran that his morals agree with and denying the rest.

is that similar to what you do? blaming all muslims for the actions of few extremists?

I blame the message of the Quran. And yes all those who accept the Quran and preach it are taking part in the actions being carried out by these muslims, because their acts are encouraged in the Quran. It is the undeniable call of the Quran for all muslims to wage jihad until the whole world comes under submission to the religion of islam.

do you want our future to be one of war? or of peace?

of conflict or copoeration?

Why ask that question ellion? Do you actually believe i want bloodshed?

My wants have nothing to do with what the future holds. I believe the Bible as it pertains to prophecy. What is to happen will happen; the future will be full of war and conflict on scale and brutality not seen before in history. I would love to live the rest of my life in a world with no guns, bombs, sarin gas, radiation and Genetically Modified Ebola, but unfortunately that’s not how its going to work out.

Once again i do not seek bloodshed nor do i seek to take part in bloodshed. But bloodshed is coming in bucket loads.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
The conservatives love me until i start preaching non-resistance and bush the tool of the lucifer worshiping masons, and the liberals love me until i start preaching the abomination of the homosexual act and the literal lake of fire. Both conservatives and liberals are all smorgasbord christians.

Haha! Good one. I like you :D
Adstar said:
George Bush is a masonic puppet, he is a scull and bones man. He works for satan. He is no brother of mine. George bush just knows to tell people what they so desperately want to hear . Many american religious want desperately to believe they are lead by a Christian.
so you see my point then? you would not like the fruits of that mans work to mar your faith, but you judge diamond hearts by the actions of the terrorist muslim.

Why ask that question ellion? Do you actually believe i want bloodshed?
no i dont believe you do, i think you could be and to some extent are, caught up in the campaigns for hatred and violence that are being propitiated.

Once again i do not seek bloodshed nor do i seek to take part in bloodshed. But bloodshed is coming in bucket loads.
then refuse to have your hands bloodied by those that pass your way, and if you allow it in your heart it may as well be on your hands.
DiamondHearts said:
From what I see as living as a Muslim for my entire life, not many at all.

This is the law of the Islamic State, it only is made to dissuade others form leaving Islam. Private Apostasy or Apostasy in a Non-Muslim city, village, or country is not punishable.

Yes, the threat of death has that effect on people. And although the Qu'ran does not mention it, Muslims, in countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Yemen, Iran, Sudan, Afghanistan, Mauritania and Pakistan, with their twisted view of Islam, will put apostates to death. In Pakistan, all it takes is a little blasphemy and you'll be put to death.