What am I?

I'm confident my beliefs aren't founded on a false idea of Islam. Islam is the only religion for me, I know enough of Christianity to say I'm not interested.

That may be so DH but where there is life there is still hope for you. Of cource you may indeed continue to reject The Love of God and reject the Salvation on offer to you through the Messiah Jesus. If you do then indeed you will deserve the destruction that you yourself believe is coming upon your people.

I also believe that the Islamic world will witness a great disaster before the coming of prophet Jesus (as), these are the words of the noble Prophet Muhammad

Yes isn't it amazing that the "angel"? that deliver’d this message to muhammed is in agreement with Biblical prophecy. I understand now that it is pointless telling you about the extermination coming your way as a way of motivating you to come to the truth of Jesus, because the deception you are under is so well constructed that this destruction is already factored into your religion.

It is amazing indeed. You have been set up for destruction in a way that when the destruction arrives it will only increase your belief in islam and the deception you are under. Holding you in it like a cage until your own destruction.

The more i find out about islamic end times prophecy the more it seems to confirm Biblical prophesy. It is like satan was allowed to set up a religion to lead people into fulfilling his end time plans. Amazing how it is all coming together now.

Once the Prophet (pbuh) was sleeping under a tree and his sword was hanging on the branch of a tree.

Yes he had a sword didn't he and he kept it close by didn't he, And he used it a lot didn't he. And id say that quite a few people would have wanted to kill him seeking revenge. And you admire him and follow him don't you.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
If you do then indeed you will deserve the destruction that you yourself believe is coming upon your people.

I understand now that it is pointless telling you about the extermination coming your way as a way of motivating you to come to the truth of Jesus, because the deception you are under is so well constructed that this destruction is already factored into your religion.

It is amazing indeed. You have been set up for destruction in a way that when the destruction arrives it will only increase your belief in islam and the deception you are under. Holding you in it like a cage until your own destruction.

It is like satan was allowed to set up a religion to lead people into fulfilling his end time plans. Amazing how it is all coming together now.

Yes he had a sword didn't he and he kept it close by didn't he, And he used it a lot didn't he. And id say that quite a few people would have wanted to kill him seeking revenge. And you admire him and follow him don't you.

Isn't religion wonderful? I love it when theists agree whole-heartedly with one another and embrace each other as brothers, and hold strong together as one devine force against the evil atheists.
You are confused Q. What does this post or this thread have to so with atheists? This thread has basically been two different discussions one between Alpha and me and the other between me and DH. Non of us are atheists.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
ellion said:
so you see my point then? you would not like the fruits of that mans work to mar your faith, but you judge diamond hearts by the actions of the terrorist muslim.

Well in a way people like george bush and the popes have hurt my efforts to share my faith. Its very hard trying to overcome the evil that is being done and has been done in the name of Jesus. It is very hard to overcome the perception in peoples minds that Christian means hate war and injustice. But that’s the handicap i have to work with. Bringing the truth about Jesus while trying to disassociate myself from the popes and the bushes of history. All i can do is point to the message of Jesus and hope people will see that these men do not follow the Messiah Jesus and that their claims of being Christians is fake.

That’s why i also point to the teachings of muhammed to reveal to DH that those terrorists are in fact following the call of muhammed to terrorise the infidels and wage jihad until the world is subjugated to the religion of islam.

The warmongers who call themselves Christians are fakes but the warmongers who call themselves muslims are true.

no i dont believe you do, i think you could be and to some extent are, caught up in the campaigns for hatred and violence that are being propitiated.

I am a keen observer of their campaigns And i am watching this all develop just as the bible said it would. But i will only be caught up in it if i take part in it. You will not see me riding on a armoured Tank firing out brimstone from its tail at anyone.

then refuse to have your hands bloodied by those that pass your way, and if you allow it in your heart it may as well be on your hands.

What do you mean? My hands are not bloodied by giving warning to others of the bloody consequences of their beliefs.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
The warmongers who call themselves Christians are fakes but the warmongers who call themselves muslims are true.
and you are the right person to cast this judgement.

What do you mean? My hands are not bloodied by giving warning to others of the bloody consequences of their beliefs.
is that all you are doing, giving warnings? you dont relish the idea that this evil enemy of yours will face destruction in a war that has been brought on them by men from your own faith?

it appears that you are fuelled by anger and hatred?

here is a nice link http://www.the-good-way.com/eng/intro/i14.htm
The warmongers who call themselves Muslims are not proper human beings, much less Muslims.

We must learn to accept each other as human beings and recognize that other religions might have good teachings as well.

I believe that in the world that there are many people of other faiths who do good that are better than those Muslims (as they call themselves) who commit evil.

Yes, even the prophet Muhammed killed a boy to prove another man would doubt his doings. I just read that in the Quran, learning lots of things. And Jesus in the bible turned over the money changers tables in dissatisfied impulsion. And also asked God "why hast though forsaken me", implying he had a doubt in his faith or God's plan. No one is perfect, even the prophets or preachers of God's words. We can be fighting 'til the cows come home, or in this case, a new prophet, but we should all understand, no one's belief is perfect. An imperfect human cannot hold an imperfect belief or mediate a statement from God perfectly.
usp8riot said:
Yes, even the prophet Muhammed killed a boy to prove another man would doubt his doings. I just read that in the Quran, learning lots of things.

I have read the Quran many times and have never found this, please show me exactly which verse is it? Considering the layout of the Quran, it seems impossible for such a personal story of the Prophet Muhammad (s) to be included in this. The prophet Muhammad (s) is the greatest of all men and never committed a single sin in his life.

usp8riot said:
And Jesus in the bible turned over the money changers tables in dissatisfied impulsion.

Money changing and charging interest in the holy temple is a horrid thing. The Messiah Jesus (a) did the proper thing, these rabbis and leaders rebelled and desanctified the holy temple by engaging in fraud.

usp8riot said:
And also asked God "why hast though forsaken me", implying he had a doubt in his faith or God's plan. No one is perfect, even the prophets or preachers of God's words.

Muslims believe that this was not the prophet Jesus (a), but rather was made to appear to the disbelievers that it was him. Allah (swt) raised him to Paradise before this event.

I'm sure a christian can give you a good reason as to why he said this.

usp8riot said:
We can be fighting 'til the cows come home, or in this case, a new prophet, but we should all understand, no one's belief is perfect. An imperfect human cannot hold an imperfect belief or mediate a statement from God perfectly.

An imperfect human being cannot develop a perfect belief system, however Allah swt (God) is capable of this. Allah swt has made humans divine in that they have the capacity to accept and hold the perfect truth.

I have read the Quran many times and have never found this, please show me exactly which verse is it? Considering the layout of the Quran, it seems impossible for such a personal story of the Prophet Muhammad (s) to be included in this. The prophet Muhammad (s) is the greatest of all men and never committed a single sin in his life.

The Quran, verse 18:74. Some things he did at the very least could be called mischievious. This you can not deny. Your faith has blinded you.

Money changing and charging interest in the holy temple is a horrid thing. The Messiah Jesus (a) did the proper thing, these rabbis and leaders rebelled and desanctified the holy temple by engaging in fraud.

That isn't the most moral thing to do, even better, to ask them first to take them out. That is to stress my point, even a prophet isn't perfect. It is never proper to lose your temper or lose control of yourself. And any exaggerated degree of emotion is wrong. It is childish and immature. This you can not deny.

Muslims believe that this was not the prophet Jesus (a), but rather was made to appear to the disbelievers that it was him. Allah (swt) raised him to Paradise before this event.

There is no good reason other than he commited sin. You are committing blasphemy when you say a person is perfect DH. No one but God, aka, Allah is perfect. This you can not deny. And with perfection, there can be only one. It is a simple law of logic.

An imperfect human being cannot develop a perfect belief system, however Allah swt (God) is capable of this. Allah swt has made humans divine in that they have the capacity to accept and hold the perfect truth.

I'm sorry to say I disagree. There can never be perfection in free will. You believe as you may, but I believe in logic, the truth. And I will only accept the truth. I dig and dig until I find it and not satisfied until I do. Those that do not test will not recieve reward for testing. And that phrase madam, you can not deny.
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usp8riot said:
The Quran, verse 18:74. Some things he did at the very least could be called mischievious. This you can not deny. Your faith has blinded you.
all that digging for the truth you do, maybe some dirt is in your eyes, read that chapter you reference, it is not the prophet that is spoken of it is a story of moses and joshua.

did you even read that reference or did you jsut get form some anit-muslim pro-war site

I'm sorry to say I disagree. There can never be perfection in free will. You believe as you may, but I believe in logic, the truth. And I will only accept the truth. I dig and dig until I find it and not satisfied until I do. Those that do not test will not recieve reward for testing. And that phrase madam, you can not deny.
perhaps you are digging in dirt, you dig and dig for truth and falsehoods roll form your tongue.

thats unbelievable, lmao
this is really ironic, jsut reading through that chapter after the comment form usp8riot i find this to enlighten me on usp8riot and ignorance.

18:56 we never send apostles but to convey happy tidings and to warn. but those who disbelieve contend with false arguments to nullify truth. they make a mockery of My revelations and of what they had been warned.
18:57 who is more unjustthan hewho on being reminded of his lords revelations, turns away from them, and forgets the evil deeds he had commited in the past. verily We had placed a covering on their hearts so that they do not understand and a deafness in their ears so that however you may call them to guidance they they will never be guided aright.
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did you even read that reference or did you jsut get form some anit-muslim pro-war site

Yes, I realize that now, forgive me, like I said, no one is perfect. Moses wasn't perfect either. And like I said, neither was Muhammed or Jesus.

perhaps you are digging in dirt, you dig and dig for truth and falsehoods roll form your tongue. thats unbelievable, lmao

Not just my eye, but everyone's eye. I just stressed no one's perfect and have stressed it many times. And just as anyone makes mistakes searching for the truth, so did I there. I just learned. That's what it's called. And you just learned something new also, that you can't learn without making a mistake and as such, get one step closer to the truth. You can't know the positive without knowing the negative. And as in life we're always learning, always deducing the false from the true by curiosity from those that have been there and sometimes mistakes you learn on your own. And that you can not deny. This is the sciforums after all, where many come to try to trade info to each other as to gain understanding and no one here comes here that knows all. It is ignorant to assume anyone here knows all and unbelievable you actually may believe that ellion. If you want to debate with me more ellion, converse as a mature adult, not a mocking child, otherwise, I won't answer.
how very civil of you.

that was my learning here. that you have some humilty and can admit error and ask forgiveness. not something i find a lot of here. i respect you for that at least.
this is really ironic, jsut reading through that chapter after the comment form ups8riot i find this to enlighten me on ups8riot and ignorance.

You seem to try to speak bad of my nick. So why is this? Have I offended you or is it just my message I'm sending? Is the message that no one's perfect offensive to you? Are you religious? Did I offend a prophet of yours? You, who speak of ignorance. Are you not ignorant of english when you liberally spell as you do? Is that not irony, someone speaking of ignorance and not knowing everyone makes mistakes which is just what I was speaking of before? I would like to know why you speak bad of me. Not many people like someone who is seemingly at peace with themselves and others. By all means, if I can make amends, I will.
ups8riot said:
If you want to debate with me more ellion, converse as a mature adult, not a mocking child, otherwise, I won't answer.

how can i not mock you when you do this

ou seem to try to speak bad of my nick. So why is this? Have I offended you or is it just my message I'm sending? Is the message that no one's perfect offensive to you? Are you religious? Did I offend a prophet of yours? You, who speak of ignorance. Are you not ignorant of english when you liberally spell as you do? Is that not irony, somewhat speaking of ignorance and not knowing everyone makes mistakes which is just what I was speaking of before? I would like to know why you speak bad of me. Not many people like someone who is seemingly at peace with themselves and others. By all means, if I can make amends, I will.

oops! what happend?

i just cant help finding this funny!

i am sorry.

i corrected the spelling of your username. sorry if you thought i was making fun of you.
how can i not mock you when you do this

It seems almost mockable anymore to act too civilized but hey, I think it's about time I start acting more civilized and not so quick to temper. If I'm going to act on anyone's account, I represent them and tried to represent God lately so we all know God gets a bad enough rep here. I believe I need to act more according to the way He wants me to or else it sure won't help Him here. And if I can act more civilized, anyone can. I got, or used to, have a temper like a hornet. But with God's help, I've really changed a lot for the good.
usp8riot i corrected the spelling of your username. sorry if you thought i was making fun of you.

No, I didn't take it that way. No need to apologize, it was all taken lightly.

Pssst! P8triot!

Take a guess. Everyone feels the need to be cleansed at some times in their life.