was the moon landing fake?

what do you think about the moon landing?

  • its was real

    Votes: 68 79.1%
  • it was fake as hell

    Votes: 6 7.0%
  • i dont have any strong feelings either way and are essentialy worthless as a human being

    Votes: 5 5.8%
  • it was fake as shit

    Votes: 7 8.1%

  • Total voters
duendy said:
oh, you materialists wid yur 'math'.....actually i hate math and am crap wth math. so what shouod i do snake river rufus, go drown meself? or is tis your cue to patronizingly tell me to go read up on math etc etc....?
well, there ARE people who ARE insightful who dont do math . live with it

someof THE most evil people in ths world have been geeerreeeaaat at maths

what put me off it.........maybe i didn't haveinclination for it. but you also have to consider how school teaches it. my first taste of it was at primary school. we had to wear short pants. pur teach Miss MOLE wouldslap yer legs if you got sums wrong!......didn't like that form of learnin
OK. you can't do math, You can't seem to keep a level thought in your head. You can't even put all the letters in your words. It's no wonder that most posters here ignore you. You are going to have to strive a bit harder and think a bit more clearly or you are doomed to a future of saying "would you like fries with that". The "facts" that you and mars13 post keep astounding some of us who have a bit of technical training. If this is the average our future is doomed. tell me that you are on drugs when you claim that 'radiation would have ruined the film'.
Okay okay. Heres the bottom line, as I see it.

I could shoot President Bush in the face tomorrow. On national television. Everyone will see it. But there will be this one little sector of humanity that will go "That was fake" and drum of publicity.
snake river rufus said:
You are going to have to strive a bit harder and think a bit more clearly or you are doomed to a future of saying "would you like fries with that".

That derision probably went over duendy's head. Being a Brit (at least I think he's a Brit), you would want to re-phrase: "will 'at be fish and chips, govna'?" :cool:

Duendy's okay... I think I would truly be disappointed if I logged on and didn't see any recent posts from him.
SkinWalker said:
That derision probably went over duendy's head. Being a Brit (at least I think he's a Brit), you would want to re-phrase: "will 'at be fish and chips, govna'?"

Would you want to eat anything duendy perpared? I mean, basic food hygiene is probably a government conspiracy to weaken our immune systems, so large pharmaceutical companies can sell us more product, in woowoo land.

Or there could be an accidental inclusion of some of duendy's stash in a meal.

I don't think duendy is involved in gainful employment, even in catering, anyway.
SkinWalker said:
Being a Brit (at least I think he's a Brit), you would want to re-phrase: "will 'at be fish and chips, govna'?" :cool:
And this year's Dick van Dyke English Accent Award goes to SkinWalker.
SkinWalker said:
That derision probably went over duendy's head. Being a Brit (at least I think he's a Brit), you would want to re-phrase: "will 'at be fish and chips, govna'?" :cool:

me)))))no that's Cockney.....int North they'd say 'will it be fish and chips luv?'..usually in Chinese accent

Duendy's okay... I think I would truly be disappointed if I logged on and didn't see any recent posts from him.
when we ge a compliment like that from wherei'm come from the response is:
and that's what i had in me mind when i read it. but i am still going after blood mind...haa
phlogistician said:
Would you want to eat anything duendy perpared? I mean, basic food hygiene is probably a government conspiracy to weaken our immune systems, so large pharmaceutical companies can sell us more product, in woowoo land.

Or there could be an accidental inclusion of some of duendy's stash in a meal.

I don't think duendy is involved in gainful employment, even in catering, anyway.
what yo think and what is REA are two VERY different things.....and Big Food? you obviously dont know jack/ about it.....call it 'Conpiracy' call it whatyalike, FACT is....know you like them, is........ poor people get shit food thrown at them, good food's made expensive. crap food is filled wit sugar, fat, hydrogenated vegetable oil(a very insidious glunky substance only man could gunk), and salt. they do not give one shite about health, and about children's health...Big Food?? go learn, before you strut about like ya know...
I didn't mention 'Big Food' duendy, that's yet another straw man you are stuffing there.

Healthy food is not expensive either. I've just started munching down on a microwaved leftover chinese, that I made out of carrots, onions, green beans, mushrooms, ginger, and a few spices, and some sliced chicken. None of the ingredients were expensive.

Stupid people might eat too much saturated fat, sugar and salt from pre-prepared meals. It's cheaper and healthier to cook from scratch, so these people are stupid, not poor. I know the distinction, because I am not stupid, but did not come from a well off family by any means, and at some stages we were fairly poor.

Anyway duendy, are you saying you DO have a job?
phlogistician said:
I didn't mention 'Big Food' duendy, that's yet another straw man you are stuffing there.

me)))))strawman sureman...i can see right thru u dudey. you admit you consider me intellectually inferior to yur 'scientific' self, but i have last laugh cause i can see where yo at

Healthy food is not expensive either. I've just started munching down on a microwaved leftover chinese, that I made out of carrots, onions, green beans, mushrooms, ginger, and a few spices, and some sliced chicken. None of the ingredients were expensive.

me(((((((((readna frightening report about microwaving food by Dr MErcola ...ONLINE. HAVE NEVER MIROWAVED SINCEW. IT IS UP TO YOU. DO NOT WANT A LECTURE ABOUT WHAT A CON MAN DR MERCOAL IS....GODDIT?....only pretending to shout. hit cap key by mistake

Stupid people might eat too much saturated fat, sugar and salt from pre-prepared meals. It's cheaper and healthier to cook from scratch, so these people are stupid, not poor. I know the distinction, because I am not stupid, but did not come from a well off family by any means, and at some stages we were fairly poor.

me)))))))they are NOT stupid people. they are manipultated pople . too fukin opressed mny of em, what with bringin up kids in amean stupic State, that of bleedin COURASE they are gonna be seduced by the Big corp stores, like Tescos, pushin their 'special offer' fast food crap and drinks at mums. They via advertizers also target their kids. putting crap cereals filled with sugar and salt at childs eyew-level with picture of te kids fave cartoon characters from shows sponsored by the very same corps who porduce this shitfoodfor CHILDREN. then kids is tuggin at poor mum harrasing here for tis or that cereal. its not the people are stupid it is it shouldn't fukin BE like this in the first place!!

Anyway duendy, are you saying you DO have a job?
whatr i do is none of yer business. the moree u try and poke nose, the more i will
poke ypur nose
Welcome to the 2005 sciforums International Nose Poking Contest.

A special prize will be awarded to the first person to remember what this thread is about.
Last edited:
was it about aliens manufacturing fatty foods for the poor people to consume, to make them fat, so that they could invade us from their base on the dark side of the moon?

*hopes desperately that the special prize is cool*
SkinWalker said:
That derision probably went over duendy's head. Being a Brit (at least I think he's a Brit), you would want to re-phrase: "will 'at be fish and chips, govna'?" :cool:

Duendy's okay... I think I would truly be disappointed if I logged on and didn't see any recent posts from him.
I still think that Duendy is a she, did you see this post?
some women will claim ...'no'. ..YET eyes betray and WILL water when faced with a BIGjuicy xxxx
It's posted in the cesspool and I did edit to remove one word that might be offensive on other boards
The Devil Inside said:
was it about aliens manufacturing fatty foods for the poor people to consume, to make them fat, so that they could invade us from their base on the dark side of the moon?
*hopes desperately that the special prize is cool*
I have some bad news,and some good news.
First the bad news: that was the wrong answer, though suprisingly close.
The good news: the special prize is cool. It is two weeks in a vat of liquid nitrogen at a cryogenic facility of your choice.
*looks disappointed*
ok, second guess:
niel armstrong actually bred with a moon woman, and brought the hybrid child back to earth with him. to this day, the child is the head of an illuminati/zionist conspiracy to keep us from finding out what is on the other side of the moon?

what happens after the 2 weeks are over? do we get a coupon for those 2 weeks, or will we need to bring cash for extra time in this super cool vat?
duendy said:
readna frightening report about microwaving food by Dr MErcola ...ONLINE. HAVE NEVER MIROWAVED SINCEW. IT IS UP TO YOU. DO NOT WANT A LECTURE ABOUT WHAT A CON MAN DR MERCOAL IS....GODDIT?....only pretending to shout. hit cap key by mistake

From Dr Mercola's web site;

"By comparison, microwaves from the sun are based on principles of pulsed direct current (DC) "

BULLSHIT! Microwaves are microwaves. He makes a half decent stab at explaining how a microwave works, then blows it with this.

"We've all been told that microwaving food is not the same as irradiating it "

Who said that? Not a real physicist, that's for sure. If you grill or toast something, you are irradiating it with infra red radiation. Microwave heating is irradiation with a different wavelength. We also use gamma rays to sterilise things. If he has been told it's 'not irradiation', that's because the public are so uninformed about what radiation is, people try and steer clear of the term, and incorrectly distance themselves from the truth. (people are so dim, they cling to the 'Astronauts would die from lethal doses of radiation if they went to the moon myth, to get this back on topic a little)

they are NOT stupid people. they are manipultated pople . too fukin opressed mny of em, what with bringin up kids in amean stupic State, that of bleedin COURASE they are gonna be seduced by the Big corp stores, like Tescos, pushin their 'special offer' fast food crap and drinks at mums. They via advertizers also target their kids. putting crap cereals filled with sugar and salt at childs eyew-level with picture of te kids fave cartoon characters from shows sponsored by the very same corps who porduce this shitfoodfor CHILDREN. then kids is tuggin at poor mum harrasing here for tis or that cereal. its not the people are stupid it is it shouldn't fukin BE like this in the first place!!

If you are dictated to by advertisers and children, you are stupid. It's lazy parenting, giving in to their children. Lazy parenting buying ready meals. People aren't that busy they can't cook. They just reheat crap so they can spend more time in front of the TV. That's their CHOICE.

On the subject of TV and Space, have you seen any of the series 'Space Cadets', duendy? Seen how gullible people are? How uneducated, that they can believe what they believe? That they are in space, but the lack of zeroG is accounted for by a 'gravity machine' built into the shuttle?

For those unaware of the TV program, Channel4 in the UK, are running a 'reality' TV show where contestants were selected, and 'sent into space', except, they are actually riding a simulator for five days, but have been told they are in a real shuttle, really in orbit. They were selected for their lack of space knowledge, but what amuses me, was how easily the program found people eneducated enough, so quickly after 'The Space Race'. The cadets are suspicious everthing isn't right, but then, the TV program has been leaving some pretty large clues.

Here's a link to the programs web site;

but what amuses me, was how easily the program found people eneducated enough, so quickly after 'The Space Race'.
Really? This amuses you? It frightens me.

I did not know about the "gravity machine" - I heard they were told they weren't going into full orbit, though again what would be worth a trip for just a few minutes - and there you see I fall into the trap of assuming everybody knows what a suborbital flight is. I could not stand to watch the show, I'm afraid, because stupid these people may be, but I know that I for one would not like to think that I was in space and then told that I never had been, it would be too crushing.