was the moon landing fake?

what do you think about the moon landing?

  • its was real

    Votes: 68 79.1%
  • it was fake as hell

    Votes: 6 7.0%
  • i dont have any strong feelings either way and are essentialy worthless as a human being

    Votes: 5 5.8%
  • it was fake as shit

    Votes: 7 8.1%

  • Total voters
mars13 said:
so the sun doesnt produce gamma rays?

Sure it does. But only in very limited amounts and dangerous amounts are only produced at times of solar flares.

mars13 said:
and humans are not effected by gamma rays?

An irrelevant question since I've already discussed it above. See my comments regarding REMs.

mars13 said:
space is not the cuddly happy place you wish it was.

No one said it was. Clearly the comment of someone with much ignorance.

mars13 said:
whats a sun burn?

Again, you demonstrate your ignorance and undereducated position rather than any cleverness. Sunburn is caused by UV radiation. Astronauts are 100% protected against UV by their suits & visors.

Again, I advise you to actually obtain an education. So far, you've only succeeded in making yourself look very bad.
Ophiolite said:
Light, I must protest. I have the greatest respect for the quality of your insightful posts, but this goes to far. We doubtless have a number of thirteen year olds who are valuable contributors to sciforums. To compare them to Mars13 is extremely offensive. :cool:

You are absolutely right, Ophiolite, my apologies to our 13-year-olds. Actually, the number doesn't represent his age at all - rather it's his IQ. And slightly overstated at that.
mars13 said:
whats a sun burn?
I take it your failure to respond to my request for facts means that you are unable to so.
You stand exposed as a combination of the following:

Lacking in common sense
Deprived of 'street smarts'
Of low IQ
Poorly educated

All in all a bit of a boor. Please note it is you who have demonstrated these characteristics with exquisite certainty through your conduct on this thread. I am not accusing you of these character defects (we'll consider low IQ part of your character, for simplicities sake. I want to keep it simple for you.) You are accusing yourself.

You don't actually understand what we are talking about. Let's see. Without googling for answers can you handle a few quick questions:

How far away is the moon?
Why does it always keep one side turned towards us?
What diameter is it?
What is its mass compared with the Earth?
When was the last significant (i.e. major) geological activity on its surface?
Is it -on average - moving closer to the Earth, further away, or maintaining its position?
Whichever answer you give, please say why?

Oh, but what have these got to do with radiation. Not a lot. But they are connected with the moon, and any schoolchild with a passing interest in astronomy would be able to answer most of them.

Here's a quick couple of radiation questions for you.
Are x-rays at a higher or lower frequency than light?
Can you quote me Wien's Law?
What percentage of the sun's output is composed of gamma rays?
What percentage of the sun's output reaches the moon?

No? Too difficult? Then what the blue blooded bovine droppings gives you the immense arrogance to think you can question those who actually understand something about the topic. Oh, I remember. We covered that above with a short list.

Go back to your remedial English classes sonny. You aren't cutting the mustard here.
Two separate posters have given two separate answers, both correct in different contexts. Yet, mars13 repeats his question. That leaves a couple of possibilities: 1) he's being intentionally daft and trolling because he realizes that he's in way over his head; 2) he doesn't read very well and didn't see the replies.

I believe it to be the second, since this could be directly related to his overall ignorance and undereducated position. Pity is the emotion that I feel when reading the silliness guys/girls like this write, since it is representative of the larger, more endemic of the greater problem of poor education of today's youth.

This is the same reason why we have propents of "intelligent design" demanding it be taught side-by-side with real science in the classroom. In the voids created by undereducation, belief and superstition rule.
mars13 said:
whats a sunburn?

It's skin damage caused by exposure to UV radiation. Nothing to do with your gamma or x-rays.

Oh... You probably don't even know what UV is. That's ultraviolet.
and why didnt the apollo astronuats mention the fact you can SEE radiation in space as it rips throu your optic nerves?

the shuttles astronuats mentioned it.

and its funny how radiation didnt hurt the CHEMICAL film they used on the moon.
What's funny is your continued presence here in a science board since you are clearly not interested in the science of the matter at hand nor are you capable of producing data.

Don't get me wrong. I don't fault your ignorance. I do, however, fault your arrogance. If you're going to be ignorant, at least be willing to allow yourself to be educated. Your assumptions about radiation in space are faulty. They aren't backed by science. You have been challenged to produce data that supports your assumptions, but have failed. Miserably.

Now is the time for you to save what little face you have remaining and either: 1) leave; or 2) admit your ignorance and get an education.
The problem isn't whether or not *I* read what I type. Its that *you* aren't reading what others are typing. Of course there's radiation in space. There's radiation on Earth as well. But there isn't sufficient radiation on the surface of the moon for concern unless there is a solar storm/flare. And, even then, an astronaut need only to get in "out of the storm" to avoid exposure from the majority of it.

As I said: an education. You would benefit from one.
mars13 said:
yeah theres no radiation in space.

do you read what you type?

Wow! You really are a dummy, aren't you??? When he said "Your assumptions about radiation in space are faulty." he was talking about what YOU assume them to to be, as in levels, doses, intensity. In no way was he saying there's no radiation in space.

How stupid can someone be? Sheesh!
you should keep making me laugh with your silliness.

tell me more about how the sun doesnt produce lethal radiation.
mars13 said:
you should keep making me laugh with your silliness.

tell me more about how the sun doesnt produce lethal radiation.

No one here has said it didn't. Get a clue, kid!!!! At least TRY to understand what everyone is telling you.
Obviously mars13 would rather wallow in his belief than take note of science. Further discussion with such ignorance is futile. Welcome to my ingnore list.