was the moon landing fake?

what do you think about the moon landing?

  • its was real

    Votes: 68 79.1%
  • it was fake as hell

    Votes: 6 7.0%
  • i dont have any strong feelings either way and are essentialy worthless as a human being

    Votes: 5 5.8%
  • it was fake as shit

    Votes: 7 8.1%

  • Total voters
aw,you wont shower us with your wisdom anymore?

please tell me more about how solar ardiation cant kill unshielded humans,it amuses me.
SkinWalker said:
Obviously mars13 would rather wallow in his belief than take note of science. Further discussion with such ignorance is futile. Welcome to my ingnore list.

He's just a little twit of a troll. Nothing to say and learning nothing. I'm just about convinced he's actually another incarnation of MetaKron - just about as stupid.
Meh. Put him on ignore. Such nutters aren't worth the effort. It stands to reason that everything else he posts in all other forums would be similarly nutty. Such nutters have no regard for science or understanding. They seek only to confirm their own twisted perspectives of the world and to validate their delusions.
so tell me why you think the radiation of space WONT kill you even thou they were expsosed for days on end with almost no shielding of any kind.
See how much better the thread looks without such nonsense? :cool:

its funny,you claim space is NOT full of radiation,but I dont know what im talking about.

its funny.
Idiot ignorelisted.

And would somebody please, please in the future delete all new fake moonlanding threads?
We have lots of these!
i look at it this way:
if we did not land on the moon then why hasn't russia rubbed it in our faces?
if our enimy can't prove it wrong then nobody can.
russia would if she could.

mars13 these people will eat you for breakfast and some of them take their shit very seriously
Breaking News:
It is with deep regret that we announce the sudden death of the poster formerly known as Mars13. Stung by the heartfelt criticism of his betters it appears Mars13 was attempting to obtain an education. Unfortunately, while browsing through an illustrated astronomy text book he got too near a close-up photograph of the sun. As a consequence he experienced a fatal dose of radiation and died shortly afterwards.
A family spokesman noted that since his demise, unscrupulous persons have been posing as Mars13 on this board. They ask that, as a token of respect for this noble individual, any posts by this spurious Mars13 be ignored. "This will very much reflect the way Mars13 dealt with anything written to him", said a friend.
he was posting a bunch of stuff from that banned members website.
which makes me wonder. . .
mars13 are you a sock puppet?
sweeet jeeeezus why dont ya all just start chantin 'cru-ci-fy him...cru-ci-fy him' etc and hve done with it?? you KHOWyou'l feel that much better after yer little blood sacrifice to your god of science
we are already beating the drums and building the fire.
the natives are getting restless, they need someone to palpate their grey matter.
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Duendy, do you want us to support and commend, blatant and persistent ignorant behaviour? Do you want us to stand one side while a person ignores the precepts of science on a science forum?
Do you want us to fail to challenge the most ridiculous, unscientific claims, lacking in any common sense?
Do you want us to fail to castigate anyone who persistently avoids answering any questions and who ignores all the answers they are provided with?
Is this what you want us to do?

To use your terminology, I should rather make a sacrifice to the god of science than to the demon of ignorance.
Ophiolite said:
Duendy, do you want us to support and commend, blatant and persistent ignorant behaviour? Do you want us to stand one side while a person ignores the precepts of science on a science forum?
Do you want us to fail to challenge the most ridiculous, unscientific claims, lacking in any common sense?
Do you want us to fail to castigate anyone who persistently avoids answering any questions and who ignores all the answers they are provided with?
Is this what you want us to do?

To use your terminology, I should rather make a sacrifice to the god of science than to the demon of ignorance.

...meanwhile, Duendy takes another acid trip, contemplates the mysteries of her navel and chants her favorite mantra, " I love being stoopid, I wanta get dumber and dumber, I love being very stooooopid, I want to get dumber..."
duendy said:
dont know,whih is why i am askin about this. i am not pretending to be a scientist. but not beihg A 'scientist' must NEVER EVER EVER EVER stop anyone from inquiring, EVER...!...at the moment i have heard several explantions here from people who Do believe the moon ladning was real. i would now like to hear sevweral explanations from scientists who dont believe it was real to tell me about Van Ellen belt shit and i will then look at it in theee way i look at it.......
I just want to see if you can do simple math
duendy said:
such questions as these summarized:

'Moon is affected by extreme teperatures excacerabted by lack of atmosphere'...so, if so, how come teir 'Hasselblad 500' camera worked witout destroying film emulsioon'

'Xrays from Sun would fog film and ultraviolet rays would distort colours'...yet offical Landing pics are perfect---explain?

'Gravity on moon is one sixth that of Earth...........astronaut would weigh about 30 kilos on moon, yet....the depth of te astronauts' footprints in sand of Moon suggest they weighed much more..' explain?

'None of photos taken on the oon showed evidence of flash. You wold have seen a flash...because the astronaut taking the phograph would have been reflected in the visor of othe astronaut' please explain

these questions come from a film called 'Dark Side of the Moon'

see here: 'Moon Hoax Documentary' http://www.orwelltoday.com/moonhoaxdoc.shtml

You might try this site for factual information :rolleyes:

snake river rufus said:
I just want to see if you can do simple math
oh, you materialists wid yur 'math'.....actually i hate math and am crap wth math. so what shouod i do snake river rufus, go drown meself? or is tis your cue to patronizingly tell me to go read up on math etc etc....?
well, there ARE people who ARE insightful who dont do math . live with it

someof THE most evil people in ths world have been geeerreeeaaat at maths

what put me off it.........maybe i didn't haveinclination for it. but you also have to consider how school teaches it. my first taste of it was at primary school. we had to wear short pants. pur teach Miss MOLE wouldslap yer legs if you got sums wrong!......didn't like that form of learnin