Virgins anyone???

Sounds like utter nonsense to me,
You do agree that people are blowing themselves up on occasion in Iraq? Obviously one needs a bomb to do so. One needs a target. One needs a bomb maker and one needs a target designator. According to common sense it is neither the bomb maker or the target designator that are blowing themselves up. Hence the volunteer and a handler. So? How does one get someone to volunteerily blow themselves up?
You do agree that people are blowing themselves up on occasion in Iraq? Obviously one needs a bomb to do so. One needs a target. One needs a bomb maker and one needs a target designator. According to common sense it is neither the bomb maker or the target designator that are blowing themselves up. Hence the handler. So? How does one get someone to volunteerily blow themselves up?

You blow up their families.
Yeah, so I am speaking of the people who volunteer from another country. How do you get such a person to blow themselves up?
Did you miss post #80? :D

And yeah, I never go for that "one wants" stuff. Sorta like " my uh friend has uh a problem"
Yeah, so I am speaking of the people who volunteer from another country. How do you get such a person to blow themselves up?

It does not matter where they are from, if they feel solidarity with their "brother".

Sorta like Australians fighting US wars in Iraq.
Did you miss post #80? :D

And yeah, I never go for that "one wants" stuff. Sorta like " my uh friend has uh a problem"
I did miss that post. Seems to fit.

I think it usually takes something extra ordinary to get someone to strap on a bomb for a country or a family that is not theirs. Aussies will fight in Iraq but they do so thinking they will be paid and comeback when the fight is won.
I did miss that post. Seems to fit.

I think it usually takes something extra ordinary to get someone to strap on a bomb for a country or a family that is not theirs. Aussies will fight in Iraq but they do so thinking they will be paid and comeback when the fight is won.

I think you underestimate idealism in young men. Think of soldiers dying to go to war. Literally.
Just ask yourself this. Do Muslims take their religion seriously? If someone could use that faith to convince a Muslim into doing a suicide bombing would they? If yes, then what sort of things do you think that they'd tell them - promises of the riches they will enjoy in Heaven? I think it seems reasonable.

What I would do is play on the fact that they are going to join a list of Great Martyrs and that their Heroic deed will be sung for all of History. Or some such crap.
Then sneak in a bit about the 72 hot babes in heaven they are going to be getting it on with tonight (if they blow themselves up this morning). Don't work that one over too much. Just enough so that they know it's going to come true. Then keep working on this Hero theme and let the 72 virgins play themselves out in the back ground.

that is probably enough for many a idiot brainwashed kid.

Basically take the DEEP religious brainwashing that is already firmly rooted and use it to your advantage.

Oldest trick in the book,
I think you underestimate idealism in young men. Think of soldiers dying to go to war. Literally.
That is true - but I'd say in 99.99% of the time the solder thinks they are going to come home a real man and a hero.
That is true - but I'd say in 99.99% of the time the solder thinks they are going to come home a real man and a hero.

Yeah I find Westerners dont have the spirit of shahadat.

Its very prolific in the Eastern culture. You should see our movies. The ones where the hero lays down his life for anything, and even if he was a bad guy to begin with, are the crowd pullers.

Dying for honor, family country ideals love

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Reminds me of Samurai.

I find most Eastern Heros (Koreans are notorious for this) are a little too cookie cutter. While the Chinese movie Crouching Dragon is nice, I think I like the protagonist to be a little more flawed. I noticed an ad for a TV series were the Hero is a serial killer who hunts down serial killers....

Koreas are always putting together these movies where the Hero is some kid who ala-Skywalker becomes the hero against the odds and ends up with the girl who isn't his sister but is a princess. Every story its always the same. They never have an unhappy ending. It's so modern day Hollywood...
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Actually I should take that back, some Korean movies are great, before Hollywood messed over Il Mare (lake house) the protagonist actually dies in the end. But Scooby Doo America seems to prefer the Walt Disney movie now a days ...
I have found most Chinese and Indian movies to have at least one death in the end, in fact in India it is a standard joke to guess who will die with appropriate dialogues.
Who said anything about poor or disadvantaged?
"Hahahaha he blew himself up for 72 virgins" sounds much better than "he blew himself up because without food, employment or access to education and healthcare, he could no longer find any way to support his family and just wanted to do something violent and get it over with and take some of those who were responsible for his conditions with him"
So someone without food, employment, access to healthcare, or an ability to support his family is not poor or disadvantaged?
madanth said:
So someone without food, employment, access to healthcare, or an ability to support his family is not poor or disadvantaged?
Depends on how they got that way.

One doesn't usually describe robbery victims, for example, as "poor or disadvantaged". Nor does one explain their actions in complaint or revenge by pointing to their poverty.

So someone without food, employment, access to healthcare, or an ability to support his family is not poor or disadvantaged?

Nope, I said they had no access, however most of the Palestinians regardless of personal worth fall into this category. This is also true of all Iraqis under occupation and especially those enclosed in walls built by the US. Does not mean they don't have money or wealth or ability or qualifications, but with no access to food, education or employment, they are f*cked.


An ongoing economic boycott and intermittent border closures have created humanitarian problems for Gaza’s residents, including a deteriorating agricultural sector, the United Nations and the Palestinian Authority (PA) said.

The PA’s Minister of Agriculture, Mohammed al-Agha, told IRIN that “Israel’s security measures had cost Palestinian farmers thousands of acres of farmland and nearly US $1.2 billion since the start of the second intifada [Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation] in September 2000.” Israel says it was necessary to clear land to prevent cross-border terrorist attacks.

UN spokesperson Marie Okabe told reporters in New York recently that “Gaza’s food security remains an issue of serious concern. Furthermore, Gaza’s agricultural markets continue to suffer from access restrictions.”
It's quite unfortunate Women under Islam get the short end of the stick...wonder what a female suicide bomber gets in paradise if she blows herself up?
Trolling now? Or simply unable to grasp the information given?
You mean Information from your radical brand of Islam with a touch of girl power. Do you realize you could be arrested in Saudi arabia for discrediting the hadith's!
You haven't experienced enough insights to the common practises and habits of the people in Saudi to pass any factual judgement on their customs!