Virgins anyone???

You mean Information from your radical brand of Islam with a touch of girl power. Do you realize you could be arrested in Saudi arabia for discrediting the hadith's!
You haven't experienced enough insights to the common practises and habits of the people in Saudi to pass any factual judgement on their customs!

You may be surprised to know this but it was from the Saudis that I learned that the Hadiths have rules and isnad. :rolleyes:
Whats Wahabi about checking the chain of narration?
Tirmidhi's understanding of the Gharib Hadith (weak tradition), concurs to a certain extent with that of the other traditionists.
From what I know, alot of Saudis from the Western region follow a madhab, usually Shafii or Hanafi and Saudis from the Eastern region are either Sh'ias, Shafiis or Hanafis...but Saudi Arabia is officially Salafi (they don't follow a madhab, although Salafism is based on the Hanbali madhab).
Tirmidhi's understanding of the Gharib Hadith (weak tradition), concurs to a certain extent with that of the other traditionists.
From what I know, alot of Saudis from the Western region follow a madhab, usually Shafii or Hanafi and Saudis from the Eastern region are either Sh'ias, Shafiis or Hanafis...but Saudi Arabia is officially Salafi (they don't follow a madhab, although Salafism is based on the Hanbali madhab).

And again, what does that have to do with isnad?
An ongoing economic boycott and intermittent border closures have created humanitarian problems for Gaza’s residents, including a deteriorating agricultural sector, the United Nations and the Palestinian Authority (PA) said.

The PA’s Minister of Agriculture, Mohammed al-Agha, told IRIN that “Israel’s security measures had cost Palestinian farmers thousands of acres of farmland and nearly US $1.2 billion since the start of the second intifada [Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation] in September 2000.” Israel says it was necessary to clear land to prevent cross-border terrorist attacks.

UN spokesperson Marie Okabe told reporters in New York recently that “Gaza’s food security remains an issue of serious concern. Furthermore, Gaza’s agricultural markets continue to suffer from access restrictions.”
So you blame Israel for trying to defend itself against Palestinian attacks. I blame the Palestinians. If they weren't constantly sending suicide bombers into Israel, they wouldn't need the wall.

So long as Palestinians support terrorism, they deserve whatever they get.
So you blame Israel for trying to defend itself against Palestinian attacks. I blame the Palestinians. If they weren't constantly sending suicide bombers into Israel, they wouldn't need the wall.

So long as Palestinians support terrorism, they deserve whatever they get.

I presume if China occupies the US, you will hail them with flowers for fear of being thought a terrorist supporter.
I presume if China occupies the US, you will hail them with flowers for fear of being thought a terrorist supporter.
I'd fight the invaders. Attack their command and control. Attack their officials. Attack their weapons depots. I sure as hell wouldn't go on a campaign of killing women and children.
I'd fight the invaders. Attack their command and control. Attack their officials. Attack their weapons depots. I sure as hell wouldn't go on a campaign of killing women and children.

And if you can't? If the military targets you're suggesting as so well defended that such an attack is impossible?

I'm as disgusted by attacks on civilians as you are. I'm just wondering what the next step would be for you in this hypothetical.
It's really ignorant for one to pass judgement on a country which one hasn't even visited. I think our resident fundamentalist (S.A.M) should make a trip to Israel sit in a cafe, have a coffee and then come back and make the remarks!
And if you can't? If the military targets you're suggesting as so well defended that such an attack is impossible?

I'm as disgusted by attacks on civilians as you are. I'm just wondering what the next step would be for you in this hypothetical.
If you're willing to die yourself (which suicide bombers obviously are), there is no amount of defense that can prevent you from doing major damage. Even the president isn't really safe from someone willing to trade their life for his.

So I really can't imagine a situation in which I'd believe it was justified to blow up buses full of children or randomly set off bombs in public places. Go after the enemy, not women and children.
Now that we've had our fun, here is my more serious question. It seems that in Paradise, one has virgins (possibly of either sex) to have fun with to your heart's content.

Why is it that behavior in this life that is considered sinful, no longer sinful in the afterlife?

Why is it that the afterlife appeals to materialistic concerns and pleasures of the flesh?

And just who are these virgins? Are they other people who have died? Or are they Jinn or some other spirit beings? And why would they want to have sex with you? Don't they have their own minds? Their own needs, wants?
The Islamic Paradise or Jannat which was invented by Mohammed to bribe the Arabs into committing hedious crimes by promising them materialistic things which they couldn't obtain in the harsh desert. The paradise contains six important items: beautiful virgins, young boys, water, wine, fruits and wealth.

Mohammed knew that sex would sell very well among the group of his lecherous followers who were motivated to fight battles by the promise of sex slaves and booty. By constantly emphasizing to his followers that they would get untouched virgins in Paradise, Mohammed is clearly expressing his "high" opinion of the institution of marriage and his fairness to women. Once the followers go to heaven, they can conveniently ditch their wives for the fresher and more pleasurable sexual encounters with 'Houris' (beautiful virgins). Not only that, the poor wives who gave up their virginity for the pleasure of their husbands do not get even one Male Sex Bomb. But wait, Allah is all merciful! He gives the wives the rare honour of watching their husbands deflower those 72 Houris (virgins) and 28 young pre-pubescent boys.

Koran 78:31
As for the righteous, they shall surely triumph. Theirs shall be gardens and vineyards, and high- bosomed virgins for companions: a truly overflowing cup.

Koran 37:40-48
...They will sit with bashful, dark-eyed virgins, as chaste as the sheltered eggs of ostriches.

Koran 44:51-55
...Yes and We shall wed them to dark-eyed houris. (beautiful virgins)

Koran 52:17-20
...They shall recline on couches ranged in rows. To dark-eyed houris (virgins) we shall wed them...

Koran 55:56-57
In them will be bashful virgins neither man nor Jinn will have touched before.Then which of the favours of your Lord will you deny ?"

Koran 55:57-58
Virgins as fair as corals and rubies. Then which of the favours of your Lord will you deny ?"

Koran 56:7-40
...We created the houris (the beautiful women) and made them virgins, loving companions for those on the right hand.. "

Koran 55:70-77
"In each there shall be virgins chaste and fair... Dark eyed virgins sheltered in their tents whom neither man nor Jin will have touched before..

Oh wait it gets better....

In the Hadiths, Mohammed goes one step further and expands the promise of virgins to include a free sex market where there is no limit of the number of sexual partners. Women and young boys are on display as if in a fruit market where you can choose the desired ripeness.

Quote from Hadiths

Al Hadis, Vol. 4, p. 172, No. 34
Ali reported that the Apostle of Allah said, "There is in Paradise a market wherein there will be no buying or selling, but will consist of men and women. When a man desires a beauty, he will have intercourse with them."

Homosexuality was and is widely practised in Islamic conutries. To please the homosexuals among his followers he promised them pre-pubescent boys in Paradise. So after committing plunder, loot, rape and murder in this life, the followers of Islam get "rewarded" by untouched virginal youths who are fresh like pearls.

The relevant verses from the Koran are:

Koran 52:24
Round about them will serve, to them, boys (handsome) as pearls well-guarded.

Koran 56:17
Round about them will serve boys of perpetual freshness.

Koran 76:19
And round about them will serve boys of perpetual freshness: if thou seest them, thou wouldst think them scattered pearls.

Alot of famous poets in Arabia glorified homosexuality.

Mohammed's promise of an Islamic Paradise that glittered with the fulfillment of all sorts of wordly desires and sense enjoyment was nothing but a sinister ploy to recruit those who had no hope or expectation of ever getting these things in their present lives. Knowing that they are assured of such a Paradise simply because they follow Islam, Muslims can go around committing murder, rape plunder and loot. It is the picture of this paradise that has motivated Muslims over the centuries to cut down people of other religions, to desecrate their places of worship and mistreat them in the name of Allah. Even after death, the spritually deprived Prophet of Islam could not see beyond wine, women and food, leave alone exploring spiritual heights of the soul.

Source? Did you put this together yourself?

The Islamic Paradise or Jannat which was invented by Mohammed to bribe the Arabs into committing hedious crimes by promising them materialistic things which they couldn't obtain in the harsh desert. The paradise contains six important items: beautiful virgins, young boys, water, wine, fruits and wealth.

The early Muslims conquered the entire Arabian Peninsula, later much of the Middle-East as well as Northern Africa. They would have had access to 'beautiful virgins, young boys, water, wine, fruits and wealth', they had access to it all. Why would Muhammad (pbuh) have promised such things to them in the afterlife when he could have promised them such things in this life? Anyway, that accusation is baseless. Many early Muslims abandoned the Worldy life (pursuit of riches) when they joined Muhammad (pbuh) in his struggle (and it was a real struggle). Abu Bakr (The Prophet's closest Companion) gave all his riches for Islam, he left nothing for himself and Abu Bakr was a well respected person in Makkah. The Prophet as well as many of his Companions lived a life of hardship - this must be emphasised.

Mohammed knew that sex would sell very well among the group of his lecherous followers who were motivated to fight battles by the promise of sex slaves and booty. By constantly emphasizing to his followers that they would get untouched virgins in Paradise, Mohammed is clearly expressing his "high" opinion of the institution of marriage and his fairness to women. Once the followers go to heaven, they can conveniently ditch their wives for the fresher and more pleasurable sexual encounters with 'Houris' (beautiful virgins). Not only that, the poor wives who gave up their virginity for the pleasure of their husbands do not get even one Male Sex Bomb. But wait, Allah is all merciful! He gives the wives the rare honour of watching their husbands deflower those 72 Houris (virgins) and 28 young pre-pubescent boys.

Was the battle for Makkah about sex, slaves and booty, what about the battle of Badr? Uhud? The most momentous and important battles for the Muslims had nothing to do with sex, slaves and booty, they were about survival! When the Muslims gathered strength, the battles were about propelling Islam and bringing an end to the current system of governance.

The rest of the paragraph is baseless nonsense.

Homosexuality was and is widely practised in Islamic conutries. To please the homosexuals among his followers he promised them pre-pubescent boys in Paradise. So after committing plunder, loot, rape and murder in this life, the followers of Islam get "rewarded" by untouched virginal youths who are fresh like pearls.

Does Islam condone homosexuality? Please provide evidence.

The relevant verses from the Koran are:


Mohammed's promise of an Islamic Paradise that glittered with the fulfillment of all sorts of wordly desires and sense enjoyment was nothing but a sinister ploy to recruit those who had no hope or expectation of ever getting these things in their present lives.

Addressed earlier.

Knowing that they are assured of such a Paradise simply because they follow Islam, Muslims can go around committing murder, rape plunder and loot.

So you're telling me Islam allows Muslims to commit murder, rape, plunder and loot? evidence please.

It is the picture of this paradise that has motivated Muslims over the centuries to cut down people of other religions, to desecrate their places of worship and mistreat them in the name of Allah. Even after death, the spritually deprived Prophet of Islam could not see beyond wine, women and food, leave alone exploring spiritual heights of the soul.

You clearly know very little about Islam or are being intentionally deceptive.

Islam does promise rewards for the faithful i.e. rewards for all good deeds done in this life. However you fail to understand the core of Islamic teachings. Muslims believe that the zenith of belief and faith is when one lives to please God - for the sake of God, not for the sake of rewards.

The purity of the intention for an action is also extremely important. Let’s take charity as an example. In Islam it is an obligation for someone earning to give a certain amount in charity - giving in charity is a rewardable deed. Let’s say some rich so and so makes a very public donation to a charity, however this guy’s actions were actually a PR stunt, he simply wanted people to think well of him – he was not motivated to alleviate the suffering of others, his intention was not sincere. His action will not be equal to that of a poor person with a sincere intention who can only afford to give a small amount to charity – they are not equal in rank. The Prophet taught us that actions are judged by intention and we believe God is fully aware of our intention.

Islamic scholars particularly Sufis regard the rewards promised in heaven to be distractions and actually consider them tests. They can compromise our intention. The Muslim freedom fighter can be used as another example. A Mujahid goes to fight in order to alleviate the suffering of others (a duty), they go to help other people in need, they go to fight the aggressor, they don’t go to fight just so they can receive x, y and z in the afterlife.
Well, do you get the 72 virgins for martyrdom or not? And if women commit martyrdom do they get 72 virgins too? How does that work?