Very Bad News for the Haters and the Islamophobes !!

And yeah Hitler lost the war because he annihilated the jews. Notice that he was winning before he implemented the silly notion of exterminating the jews.

And Europe started to prosper again when the jews started multiplying again. Muslim countries started to suffer when their oppressed jews left their lands for the safety of Israel. Arab countries are the top losers today because they keep attacking the jews. Notice that Muslim countries who made peace with the jews (like turkey, jordan & egypt) are starting to prosper. Muslim Spain was the greatest nation at that time because jews were allowed to rule. After they massacred their jews they started to lose their lands to spanish christians. And yeah it was thanks to jewish help why they were able to conquer spain in the first place.

I tell ya it Jews are the magic ingredient for success. :D

Bad news to muslim jew-bashers.
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path said:
Can you read? go back a page and enjoy ;)
or just look at the quoted bit in miss khans post.

Let us read what you wrote:

I am afraid it is not just Bolivia but almost ALL of Latin America that has higher literacy rates than the muslim world with the exception of malaysia.

You did not provide a proof that almost ALL of latin america has higher literacy rates than the muslim world !! I am still waiting for PROOF you retard !
Proud_Muslim said:
Let us read what you wrote:

You did not provide a proof that almost ALL of latin america has higher literacy rates than the muslim world !! I am still waiting for PROOF you retard !
RETARD....retard?! but but but.....
Au contraire mon ami your reading skills aren't up to snuff This way you can't miss it here.
miss khan said:
Also, what about the Latino countries? They are worse off than most Muslim countries in regards to literacy rates

Actually you are very wrong, here compare the figures

Latin America

The middle east

How in the name of all that is sacred can a country with the resources of Saudi Arabia have a literacy rate of 71 !?! While a poor country like Bolivia has a literacy rate of 83! It is SHAMEFUL

And is there really any need for name calling :cool:

PS. you cliiick the link, cliiick theee liiiink
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path said:
RETARD....retard?! but but but.....
Au contraire mon ami your reading skills aren't up to snuff This way you can't miss it here.

And is there really any need for name calling :cool:

PS. you cliiick the link, cliiick theee liiiink

You are both idiots and if I were you I wouldn't be too proud to indulge in a pure pissing match with PM....Hip Hip Horay, Path can piss longer than PM by 2 inches....look look, his piss was more stream lined and he managed not to get any splash on his underwear...Wow, what a great guy is that Path? I wanna marry you Path because you piss so eloquently.

The fine voodoo art of gathering and using statistics....Literacy rate????? What the hell does it mean anyway?? Who is giving the darn test and qualifying the individuals as literate? I hear English have much fewer letters than arabic, so can we qualify a muslim person as literate when they can read 26 letters, the equivalent to the english language, or should we disqualilfy all other countries because they are all short of learning the 32 letter alphabet? What the hell does literate mean anyways? Is there a universal unified accredited exam that we give to every human on earth to come up with these statistical numbers that you are so proud of?

Educated fools by a dozen...
path said:
RETARD....retard?! but but but.....
And is there really any need for name calling :cool:

Funny you found a great need yourself to name call....Next time you sniff foul, check your upper lip.

Or is the infamous, "Do as I say, and not as I do"...Very convineant indeed.
Flores said:
You are both idiots and if I were you I wouldn't be too proud to indulge in a pure pissing match with PM....Hip Hip Horay, Path can piss longer than PM by 2 inches....look look, his piss was more stream lined and he managed not to get any splash on his underwear...Wow, what a great guy is that Path? I wanna marry you Path because you piss so eloquently.

The fine voodoo art of gathering and using statistics....Literacy rate????? What the hell does it mean anyway?? Who is giving the darn test and qualifying the individuals as literate? I hear English have much fewer letters than arabic, so can we qualify a muslim person as literate when they can read 26 letters, the equivalent to the english language, or should we disqualilfy all other countries because they are all short of learning the 32 letter alphabet? What the hell does literate mean anyways? Is there a universal unified accredited exam that we give to every human on earth to come up with these statistical numbers that you are so proud of?

Educated fools by a dozen...

Gee thanks Flores unfortunately I am already spoken for. Ok so we can't use statistics to support an assertion, pray tell what should we use Flores oh fountain of wisdom? Literacy mens you can READ and comprehend what you read not just say the letter sounds. It is impossible to function in a modern workplace without this basic ability (I can't believe I am actually explaining this to you) nevermind Flores
Flores said:
Funny you found a great need yourself to name call....Next time you sniff foul, check your upper lip.

Or is the infamous, "Do as I say, and not as I do"...Very convineant indeed.
Yes Flores very quick of you to catch that. Tell me do you usually put a question mark after an insult? I was repeating what he said, the second iteration there is supposed to represent me trying to catch my breath from the shock of it all.

PS my upper lip is just fine.
There was a recent article in the World Press Review regarding secularism and France. Being atheistic, I am delighted to hear that Amsterdam (and maybe The Netherlands in general) are atheistic as well. If the Dutch are finally, as a whole, pulling their heads out – I think now would be the time to introduce classes into secularism as well as religious studies (written errors and scientific errors of various religious books, dispel myths such exposing the different copies of the Qur’an (used even today), and historical significance of Biblical writings and errors, and of course a full course in evolution, the fact that there is no contemporary evidence of Jesus/along with parallel myth comparisons, the use of term Allah for god pre-Mohammed, etc…). In this way everyone in the country can begin to be taught to think rationally and to dispel some of the myths about religious teachings. And, people that are fundamentalist nutters can choose to move somewhere else, those that are religious academics will have to accept the truths.
miss khan said:
I guess you didnt understand what I said. I'm not claiming present-day Muslim countries are prospering. I said the countries which you yourself listed which were previously under Muslim rule, are now enjoying relative prosperity because they were greatly influenced by the golden age of Islamic prosperity. They borrowed culture and science from the highly advanced Islamic civilization of that time.
The Brits, on the other hand, were too blown up with hot air to allow for an integration of cultures and ideas or peaceful living. Many once-British colonies, now infant nations speak with hate about British rule. But you never hear a Spaniard complaining about the Muslim Moors who came in and made their country one of the most beautiful in the world. Ever been to Spain? Take a fieldtrip to the Alhambra palace.
Now thats really very sad that so many Muslims are illiterate and poor, but they are not illiterate because they're Muslim.. and they're not poor because they're Muslim. They are both because they live in countries with inadequate governments. so I'm not really getting your point in screaming about GDP's.

Miss Khan as I stated the countries that had been under muslim rule with the exception of Spain, and Greece are far below the european average. Turkey formerly Byzantium (since we are going there) though better than many muslim nations is below the average in europe. Now if your theory held water Turkey should have been a if not THE global leader in most areas of human endeavour since Byzantium was the wealthiest most advanced land in europe, Paris and London were mangy villages compared to Constantinople. In addition if as you claim the reason Spain (the only country formerly under muslim occupation that can be considered for this status) is doing well is because of the blessings bestowed upon it by muslim occupation. Then why aren't the muslim countries which have had the benefit of uninterrupted muslim rule not prospering all the more? You or me claiming that this or that occupation is good or bad is fallacious and until EVERYBODY realizes this we will continue to see tragic events like the one unfolding in Iraq now.
As far as British rule giving nothing but misery to India I am sure there are a few things which India did make use of like models of governance, education or business. That doesn't matter though we shouldn't try and justify colonization or occupation by anyone.
In regards to medicine architechture science etc being gifts from islam it is true yet not true. The idea that arts and sciences suddenly exploded out of the desserts of saudi arabia completely ignores the history of the preIslamic middle east which saw some of the worlds finest and most enlightened civilizations. The Egytians, Sumerians Babylonians Phoenecians, Persians, Greeks and Romans all had contributed thier knowledge to the middle east before the coming of Islam. When invading muslim armies conquered the lands of the middle east they inherited all that knowledge. Much of which had also been in europe via Greece and Rome but had since been lost in the turmoil which accompanied the barbarian invasions and the fall of Rome.
Gotta go.
Anyway basic idea, invasion occupation=bad no matter who is doing it

Many once-British colonies, now infant nations speak with hate about British rule. But you never hear a Spaniard complaining about the Muslim Moors who came in and made their country one of the most beautiful in the world.
PS. how many contemporary spaniards have you interviewed for thier impression of the moors. How many people from former english colonies have made england thier home? This is a pointless argument
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path said:
Literacy mens you can READ and comprehend what you read not just say the letter sounds. It is impossible to function in a modern workplace without this basic ability (I can't believe I am actually explaining this to you) nevermind Flores

And which part of the statistics explain the comprehension ability of the individuals...Which part of the statistics measure the creative ability of the individual? Which part of the statistics takes in account language variation, culture, ect....Which part of the statistics acknowledge other forms of non-conformance subjects? None huh? Just a lower denominator set by god knows who to allow us to measure ourselves againest others, which means that by today's standards, literacy means competetive trained professional monkeys......for sure it doesn't mean education, because education have never been a lowly defined race toward an already established common goal.
Vienna said:

Literacy = the quality or state of being literate

How do you measure that quality or state? And which part of the statistics covered this?

Vienna said:
Literate = able to read and write

Does that include the music language? My son is only 2 and he is reading and writing music notes before he can even read alphabets...Is he literate? Does the statistics specify the language to be spoken or written?
DoctorNO said:
I tell ya it Jews are the magic ingredient for success. :D

Is your nose naturally brown or did you rub it too long inside a Jew's ass. Keep kissing..... :D
Oh Flores... nasty mental pic there... :eek:

Between the pissing contest and the ermmm brown nose.. :bugeye: .. and here I thought the exploding penis thread was bad.. :eek:
Flores said:
And which part of the statistics explain the comprehension ability of the individuals...Which part of the statistics measure the creative ability of the individual? Which part of the statistics takes in account language variation, culture, ect....Which part of the statistics acknowledge other forms of non-conformance subjects? None huh? Just a lower denominator set by god knows who to allow us to measure ourselves againest others, which means that by today's standards, literacy means competetive trained professional monkeys......for sure it doesn't mean education, because education have never been a lowly defined race toward an already established common goal.
So you mean the ability to read (for example a warning label or an instruction manual or a course guide for agriculture) is a meaningless gauge in the modern world?
Flores said:
Is your nose naturally brown or did you rub it too long inside a Jew's ass. Keep kissing..... :D
Flores you are getting nastier and nastier aren't you, and I see you have developed the standard jew conspiracy mentality.
path said:
Flores you are getting nastier and nastier aren't you, and I see you have developed the standard jew conspiracy mentality.

Nothing of the sort, I have a sailor's tongue that knows no discrimination.
path said:
So you mean the ability to read (for example a warning label or an instruction manual or a course guide for agriculture) is a meaningless gauge in the modern world?

The ABILITY to read???? And how do you measure that if you're not giving a standarised testing? And how do you know those countries with so called low literacy rates are just not giving or taking the test. How do you know for sure that the literacy rate is only 20%?

Back in 1997, Me and hubby spent our honey moon at one of the red sea resorts in Egypt. During our visit, I remember quite vividly those dirty looking young boys maximum 7 years old who were abundant and in the business of begging or pan handling. Those boys never went to school, but guess what, when they spoke to me in Arabic, I ignored them, so they assumed I'm not Egyptian, next they spoke to me in English, again I ignored them, After that, came Spanish, Italian, German, Portequese, and even chinease. Seven year old boys that live on the street, never been to school, and know over a dozen languages. They could read and write too, and they would challenge the hell out of you in any discussion. Although I'm totally opposed to giving those kids money, they managed to get money out of me in every single occasion, whether they wanted to clean my wind shield, carry my bag, Shine my shoe, sell me flowers, ect...The government knows nothing about these kids to be including them in literacy charts...the government assumes that if a kid is born and that kid doesn't report to school, then the kid must be illiterate. That's how statistics work.

Here in America, the average 7 year old is a spoiled brat that can barely read and write one language, only knows barney and ninga turtles, and have zero survival skills. Yet he has a spot in the statistical literacy chart of his country.