Very Bad News for the Haters and the Islamophobes !!

James R said:
Terrible, Proud_Muslim, by what is the relevance?

One idiot was talking about povetry in the Muslim world, so I just wanted to remind him of HUNGER in the richets country in the world !!
Paula said:
Proud Muslim,

While I believe no child should go hungry, 4 million out of 73 million children is less than 6% and many of these are the children of illegal immigrants who cannot qualify for benefits to which underprivileged American children are entitled.

first you did not provide EVIDENCEA to support your claim.

Secondly, if those kids were ( for the sake of argument) childern of illegal immigrants, does that mean IT IS OK FOR THEM TO GO HUNGRY ?? How crul ??

That means that more than 94% of our children are not hungry. Those in danger of hunger are those whose parents live from check to check, a feeling I know well, but again for citizens and legal residents there is Aid to Dependent Children and the Women, Infants and Childrens Fund, food stamps, welfare, education, job training, housing and fuel assistance.

This is not true according to HUNGER RELIEF:

Show me an Islamic country that provides these services, particularly to religious minorities, who are generally poorer than the majority.

How about:


Some more on the wonderful situation in the islamic world

Muslims countries are home to some 1.3 billion people and three-quarters of the worlds fuel reserves. But their combined gross national product (GNP) is less than half that of Germeny, illiteracy levels are among the worlds highest, and science spending, at 0.2% of GNP, is well below the global average.

From this article$file/Islamsciencearticle.pdf?OpenElement

This could be the wonderful fate that awaits the west if islam took over.
PM are you first or second generation? why did you or your family leave the islamic world if it is so wonderful?
What really galls me is that so many muslim immigrants were given fled to the west because of CONDITIONS IN THE ISLAMIC WORLD and with thier new found freedom they spend thier time ceaselessly criticizing and demonizing the corrupt and decadent west that in many cases may have actually saved thier lives. And hardly a bad word about the regimes they fled from.

If the west saw even 1 single islamic country that was doing well then you might have something to argue with but as usual all you have is blatantly obvious islamo propaganda that only a muslim would be gullible enough to believe.
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Most of the Muslim world was under colonial rule, you guys think you are wealthy because you are hard workers !! NAH, you are wealthy because you are THIEVES.

Just ask the INDIANS about it !! :rolleyes:

Proud_Muslim said:
Most of the Muslim world was under colonial rule, you guys think you are wealthy because you are hard workers !! NAH, you are wealthy because you are THIEVES.

Just ask the INDIANS about it !! :rolleyes:

Your very choice of a cyber name says it all. Anyone "Proud" of inciting violence, indoctrinating children with BS and advocating the overthrow of the entire world in favor of a particular religon, that then has the audacity to comment about the indians - You are indeed brainwashed and pathetic.
Proud_Muslim said:
Most of the Muslim world was under colonial rule, you guys think you are wealthy because you are hard workers !! NAH, you are wealthy because you are THIEVES.

Just ask the INDIANS about it !! :rolleyes:
Imagine that a muslim looking for a scapegoat to excuse the dismal shape of the ummah LOL.
Care to tell me which islamic countries were under colonial rule and for how long. Then care to tell me what sort of economic and developmental form those countries were in before and after colonialism. Then tell me which natural resources the colonial powers managed to remove from those colonial countries, for example gold, diamonds, coal, oil etc.

I will be expecting the usual islamo bullshit so I won't hold my breath
Proud_Muslim said:
Most of the Muslim world was under colonial rule, you guys think you are wealthy because you are hard workers !! NAH, you are wealthy because you are THIEVES.

Just ask the INDIANS about it !! :rolleyes:

That is absolutely true... a point I myself overlooked. Not only the Indian subcontinent, but also the entire continent of Africa is suffering to catch up with the rest of the world because it was just recently liberated from Western tyranny.

Also, what about the Latino countries? They are worse off than most Muslim countries in regards to literacy rates and poverty levels and the such, and most of them are Christian. The Latin Countries such as Peru and Ecuador have major oil fields.. but that only led to their countries being exploited by American oil companies such as Texaco. Does that mean that they are failing to catch up with the world BECAUSE they are Christian? Obviously not.. that is no argument.. same goes for the ppl who think Muslims are poor BECAUSE they are Muslim.
One idiot was talking about poverty in the Muslim world, so I just wanted to remind him of HUNGER in the richest country in the world !!
The subject of poverty is not a contest, poverty is much worse in some muslim countries, but not because they are muslim. The conditions in Afghanistan could only be compared to remote areas of apalachia. The point is not that on is better than the other, but that extreme poverty is one of the root causes of terrorist organizations. Osama Bin Laden is not a religious leader, he is a political one.
DoctorNO said:
You obviously havent read enough Quran & Hadiths for that matter. Here start with this one....

Remember, dont let history repeat itself. ;)

btw, that's the most bullshit site I've ever been to in my whole life. EVERY SINGLE quote is taken deliberately out of context to ensure that it makes no sense.
And yet, when I go back to the original text of the Qu'ran and put that controversial line back into context.. Alhumdulillah. .. suddenly the meaning becomes clear.
miss khan said:
btw, that's the most bullshit site I've ever been to in my whole life. EVERY SINGLE quote is taken deliberately out of context to ensure that it makes no sense.
And yet, when I go back to the original text of the Qu'ran and put that controversial line back into context.. Alhumdulillah. .. suddenly the meaning becomes clear.

If you're willing to believe hard enough, two plus two will equal five!

Millions of people will testify that the book of Mormon makes sense. That Joseph Smith did find gold plates with a lost book of the bible. That native Americans were a lost tribe of Israel. And all of the other nonsense that Mormons believe.

Does their belief make it so?

When it comes to religion, the emperor has no clothes. Pointing this out to believers just enrages them. "If you believe hard enough, the emperor does have clothes!"
miss khan said:
btw, that's the most bullshit site I've ever been to in my whole life. QUOTE]

You obviously haven't seen ANY of PMs site links :D
miss khan said:
That is absolutely true... a point I myself overlooked. Not only the Indian subcontinent, but also the entire continent of Africa is suffering to catch up with the rest of the world because it was just recently liberated from Western tyranny.

Yes that IS true I just remembered Spains 800 years of muslim tyranny, Greece, Serbia, Macedonia, Croatia, Armenia, and Georgia also had to endure over 400 years of muslim colonialization each (more than twice the length of time african countries suffered colonial rule).
Thanks for reminding me ;)

PS the native Anatolians and Greeks never did get thier native lands back from the Turks now did they.
miss khan said:
Also, what about the Latino countries? They are worse off than most Muslim countries in regards to literacy rates

Actually you are very wrong, here compare the figures

Latin America

The middle east

How in the name of all that is sacred can a country with the resources of Saudi Arabia have a literacy rate of 71 !?! While a poor country like Bolivia has a literacy rate of 83! It is SHAMEFUL
MacM said:
Your very choice of a cyber name says it all. Anyone "Proud" of inciting violence,

Can you show me where I incited violence ? or is it your typical American seterotyping of Muslims ?? :rolleyes:

indoctrinating children with BS and advocating the overthrow of the entire world in favor of a particular religon, that then has the audacity to comment about the indians - You are indeed brainwashed and pathetic

TRUTH HURTS, in fact it hurts so much when it comes to your HYPOCRISY and terrorism against the entire world.
miss khan said:
That is absolutely true... a point I myself overlooked. Not only the Indian subcontinent, but also the entire continent of Africa is suffering to catch up with the rest of the world because it was just recently liberated from Western tyranny.

Very true dear sister...The filthy westerners colonized, stole and enslaved many nations around the world and made them only receptives for their products and farms for their raw materials, after independence, those filthy westerners left from the door to come back from the window in forms of Economical and cultural colonization.

Africa is drowning in debts, debts to the filthy Westerners who stole and enslaved Africa for centuries !! I cant BELIEVE this western barbarism, they stole and enslaved Africa and now Africa is PAYING them for allgeded loans !! can you believe it !!! it must be the OTHER WAY AROUND, it is the filthy westerners who should PAY BACK Africa !! :mad:

Also, what about the Latino countries? They are worse off than most Muslim countries in regards to literacy rates and poverty levels and the such, and most of them are Christian.

Indeed, not only latin America, even in the supposedly ''civilized'' western nations, RATES OF ILLITRACEY ARE BREATH-TAKING !!

''A new survey of the United States and 11 other countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) found that literacy levels are low in these developed industrial nations.

The survey concluded that between one quarter and three quarters of adults ages 16 to 65 in all these countries have only minimum skills for coping with the complex demands of modern life and work. The survey report says a person at minimum skill level should at least be able to complete a job application, read a bus schedule and balance a checkbook. ''

Source: National Center for Policy Analysis:

The Latin Countries such as Peru and Ecuador have major oil fields.. but that only led to their countries being exploited by American oil companies such as Texaco. Does that mean that they are failing to catch up with the world BECAUSE they are Christian? Obviously not.. that is no argument.. same goes for the ppl who think Muslims are poor BECAUSE they are Muslim.

well said sister, The poorest countries on earth are NOT Muslim countries, in fact, Muslim states like Malaysia and UAE are doing very well, Malasyia in particular is one of the most advanced 15 IN THE WORLD.
Proud_Muslim said:
Very true dear sister...The filthy westerners colonized, stole and enslaved many nations around the world and made them only receptives for their products and farms for their raw materials, after independence, those filthy westerners left from the door to come back from the window in forms of Economical and cultural colonization.

Africa is drowning in debts, debts to the filthy Westerners who stole and enslaved Africa for centuries !! I cant BELIEVE this western barbarism, they stole and enslaved Africa and now Africa is PAYING them for allgeded loans !! can you believe it !!! it must be the OTHER WAY AROUND, it is the filthy westerners who should PAY BACK Africa !! :mad:

That is good then I am sure you agree that those "filthy"(your label) muslims should return Iran to the Persians,(they are actually in the process of taking it back now :cool: ) North Africa to the Berbers, Copts Tuaregs etc. Constantinople to the byzantines, anatolians and greeks actually too many peoples to name were invaded and colonized by muslims and they NEVER LEFT. In addition they should pay restitution to the Greeks, Spanish, Serbs, Georgians, Armenians, Croats etc for the centuries of muslim colonial rule. :D

Indeed, not only latin America, even in the supposedly ''civilized'' western nations, RATES OF ILLITRACEY ARE BREATH-TAKING !!
If you think those are breath-taking you better not look at the global literacy rates I provided you may just keel over and die.

''A new survey of the United States and 11 other countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) found that literacy levels are low in these developed industrial nations.

The survey concluded that between one quarter and three quarters of adults ages 16 to 65 in all these countries have only minimum skills for coping with the complex demands of modern life and work. The survey report says a person at minimum skill level should at least be able to complete a job application, read a bus schedule and balance a checkbook. ''

Source: National Center for Policy Analysis:

And what are you comparing this to?....Oh there is nothing to compare it to.
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The survey concluded that between one quarter and three quarters of adults ages 16 to 65 in all these countries have only minimum skills for coping with the complex demands of modern life and work. The survey report says a person at minimum skill level should at least be able to complete a job application, read a bus schedule and balance a checkbook. ''
The survey concluded that between one quarter and three quarters of adults ages 16 to 65 in all these countries have only minimum skills for coping with the complex demands of modern life and work. The survey report says a person at minimum skill level should at least be able to complete a job application, read a bus schedule and balance a checkbook. ''