Very Bad News for the Haters and the Islamophobes !!

Vienna said:
No it was just a nice way of saying to her - "You're a thick foul mouthed bitch"

No pleasing some people :D

And I rest my case.....Vienna's Versus Islam in treating women. Any woman here in the audience that would like to rest her freedom, justice, future with such a man? I sure hope you have no daughters....May god have mercy on your wife, although I'm darn sure that birds of the same feathers flock together.
Preacher_X said:
So what if Islam loses 6 million a year, it gains a hell of a lot more. and anyway, ALL religions lose numbers in massive amounts. in fact the one suffering the most is Judaism which has lost 5% of its population in 10 years :D Islam has gained the most!!!

By "suffering the most loss" i mean of the well known religions, there are those other small unknow religons which lose a lot more the 5% but i said Judaism becase it is well known
The value of a religion is not measured by the number of converts. I can't believe I even have to say that. Perhaps we should all be worshipping Tlahuizcalpantecuhlti, but no one does anymore, boy will he be mad when he wakes up from his sleep in his volcano, and demands the ritual sacrifice of 1 million virgins.
spidergoat said:
The value of a religion is not measured by the number of converts. I can't believe I even have to say that. Perhaps we should all be worshipping Tlahuizcalpantecuhlti, but no one does anymore, boy will he be mad when he wakes up from his sleep in his volcano, and demands the ritual sacrifice of 1 million virgins.

You know I think everybody knows that fact, even PM himself. Unfortunately sometimes instincts prevail. The "pack" instinct... "the more we are the better we are over you"
DoctorNO said:
Such noble thinking, if unrealistic.
Perhaps, but as the second largest religion in the world, an anti-muslim stance would be inviting apocalypse. I think even George W. Bush would agree.
Flores said:
And I rest my case.....Vienna's Versus Islam in treating women. Any woman here in the audience that would like to rest her freedom, justice, future with such a man? I sure hope you have no daughters....May god have mercy on your wife, although I'm darn sure that birds of the same feathers flock together.

Flores I dislike you very much, I don't care whether you are muslim or not. Don't hide behind the shield of feminism, or behind Islam. They are not your failings, it is you who is the failure. It is YOU I dislike.
I am glad to hear your new view spider, there is hope after all !
Thanks, buddy, you're not entirely hopeless either. You know, with adequate care and supervision, you could even be taught simple tasks.
Flores said:
Welcome to the human race...our personal experience IS our only valid method of forming a global persepective, unfortunately we don't learn by osmosis, we learn by experiencing.
If the human race judges all children as brilliant or brats based on a few chance encounters then we truly are fucked. This is part of the whole point today we have abundant inexpensive books and publications, we have television, not all of which is bad for example I saw a documentary last night on BBC about the wall and it's effect on normal palestinians :( and now there is the internet. It is extremely myopic to invalidate information simply because you haven't seen it with your own eyes or it doesn't fit into your worldview. And no I don't watch alot of television and I don't get Fox here in Norway

BTW my 7, 6 and 3 year old american brats are all bi-lingual as are the 2 and 8 year olds of our best friends, while in Bolivia I saw a man who couldn't read. So all Bolivians are illterate and all american children are bilingual :rolleyes:
Last edited:
mohamed said:
and what westerns that working in islamic countries like malasia and dubai and also in saudi arabia and companies that want to ppt in recounstruction of iraq?
actually you cant blame islam as a cause of poverty or illetracy for some islamic countries!!!!
400 or 500 years ago europe was in dark ages and usa even was not even discovered while islam was very powerfull.
and i can mention lot of verses in quran or from sunnah that ask encourage us for achieving and working .
Mohammed for the record I think the US has NO business in Iraq now and will vote accordingly even if I have to vote for mickey mouse. Mohammed let me ask you a couple of questions so I know where you stand first if I may.

Do you believe Islam is a perfect God given system of government as well as a religious belief?
islam is not only a religious belief only but also a complete system of life.
social , economy, politics, all these catigories are regulated by islamic rules
"You know I think everybody knows that fact, even PM himself. Unfortunately sometimes instincts prevail. The "pack" instinct... "the more we are the better we are over you"

Also, DoctorNo, I just love getting PreacherX and Proud Muslim trying to convey the fact that they're yelling via colorful script and bold text.

Therefore, I will simply state that current revised estimates indicate that there are only between 2.5 and 3 million Muslims in the US, much lower than was previously thought. I have about a half dozen friends who left Islam for Christianity and tell me the phenomenon is widespread. I realize this is an anecdote and does not substitute as proof, but it seems to me the phenomenon of Muslims accepting Christ is not as rare as some would have us believe.
ISLAM, with its sources, Quran and Way of Prophet (pbuh) remains the same as it was 1426 years back. Only thing is that at few places, Muslims have deviated from these teachings and that has earned them bad name. Otherwise, those who have acted on ISLAMIC teachings of Justice, Equality, Brotherhood, etc etc have prospered in this world.

?Those who believe, and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah: for without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction.? (Surah Ra?d 13:2

The religion of Islaam is a complete religion comprising both `aqeedah (beliefs) and sharee`ah (laws).

It commands them with tawheed (to single out Allaah alone for worship) and prohibits them from shirk (associating partners with Allah in that which is particular to Him.

It commands them with being truthful and prohibits them from lying
It commands them with `adl (justice) and prohibits them from injustice and oppression
It commands them with fulfilling trusts and prohibits them from acting treacherously
It commands them with keeping promises and prohibits them from breaking them
It commands them with kindness and good treatment of parents and prohibits them from disobedience to them in that which is not sinful
It commands them with joining the ties of relations and prohibits them from severing them
It commands them with good treatment of neighbours and prohibits the causing of harm to them
In short, Islaam orders all that is good, from manners and morals, and prohibits all that is evil from it. Likewise, it orders all actions which are righteous and good and prohibits all actions that are evil and harmful.
?Say: He is Allah, the One and Only;
Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
He begetteth not, nor is He begotten;
And there is none like unto Him.? 112,qu
mohamed said:
islam is not only a religious belief only but also a complete system of life.
social , economy, politics, all these catigories are regulated by islamic rules
I think this combined with this
ISLAM, with its sources, Quran and Way of Prophet (pbuh) remains the same as it was 1426 years back
Is a big part of the problem.
Gotta go
mohamed said:
Otherwise, those who have acted on ISLAMIC teachings of Justice, Equality, Brotherhood, etc etc have prospered in this world.
What do you mean prospered? I mean how do you define prospered? In terms of wealth? Be specific please. Also, who have prospered?
path said:
If the human race judges all children as brilliant or brats based on a few chance encounters then we truly are fucked.

Judgement should be reserved and calculated...You are confusing my words and tangeling them in your own web of confusion. I stated that learning is acquired by experiences, I never suggested that judgement should be based on limited experiences.

path said:
This is part of the whole point today we have abundant inexpensive books and publications, we have television, not all of which is bad for example I saw a documentary last night on BBC about the wall and it's effect on normal palestinians :( and now there is the internet. It is extremely myopic to invalidate information simply because you haven't seen it with your own eyes or it doesn't fit into your worldview. And no I don't watch alot of television and I don't get Fox here in Norway

Good for you, but perhaps not good for another person. Don't push your prefferred method of learning on the entire world and then become label happy categorizing nations as illiterate and such.

path said:
BTW my 7, 6 and 3 year old american brats are all bi-lingual as are the 2 and 8 year olds of our best friends, while in Bolivia I saw a man who couldn't read. So all Bolivians are illterate and all american children are bilingual :rolleyes:

No, because you are arrogant enough to generalize and categorize....Perhaps Bolivian man that couldn't read is an Master in the skill of making shoes...he knows everything about can you call him illiterate because he can't speak a second language while both your kids will never gather the information he has about shoe-making.
Proud_Muslim said:
And where is your proof ??????????? :rolleyes:

how come you dont answer when ask to
it is extremely rude
below are the questions put to you in your thread
The Evil Deeds that Lead one to Hell

my question
Could you explain the difference between blowing youself up and murdering others as opposed killing youself alone.
they are both suicides yet the bombers believe they are going to paradise with virgins riches etc and to sit at the side of allah

several days later again

questions begets answers
answers begets more questions
more questions begets more answers etc etc etc.
this is how we come to understand (during the second world war the japanese believed that you dishonoured yourself by surrenderong so they had no respect for there prisoners and treated them badly they were hated for this however we have come to understand there reasons now, we may not like it but theres peace and understanding.)

my question is
i counted 36 reasons to get to hell your article
you stated there were 5
this one " killing any soul forbidden by Allah except for reasons of justice "
when does it become justice
and what are the deeds to paradise as mentioned in the article
also my last post needs an answer too

i am not religionphobe i want to understand i'm human like you and humanity is my first god ,we're all different to, life would be pretty boring otherwise.
Last edited by el supremo el diablo : 04-18-04 at 03:54 AM. Reason: addenda

last edited 1258 pm 04-24-04 reason an answer
Paula said:
Therefore, I will simply state that current revised estimates indicate that there are only between 2.5 and 3 million Muslims in the US, much lower than was previously thought. I have about a half dozen friends who left Islam for Christianity and tell me the phenomenon is widespread.

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL !! widespread !! indeed, they even confirm it here:


I realize this is an anecdote and does not substitute as proof, but it seems to me the phenomenon of Muslims accepting Christ is not as rare as some would have us believe.

And here as well, it confirms what you said about muslims accepting CHRIST, THE FALSE GOD:

Why I Left Christianity And Became A Muslim...

Enjoy !!
el supremo el diablo said:
how come you dont answer when ask to
it is extremely rude
below are the questions put to you in your thread
The Evil Deeds that Lead one to Hell

I remember I answered you specially about the question regarding hell, it seems you missed the answer.

my question
Could you explain the difference between blowing youself up and murdering others as opposed killing youself alone.
they are both suicides yet the bombers believe they are going to paradise with virgins riches etc and to sit at the side of allah

This virgins stuff is MYTHICAL laughable story, the HINDU Tamil Tigers in Seri Lanka did most of the suicide bombings in the 20th century, why you dont ask them why they did that ????????? is it because they are not muslims so it is ok for them to become suicide bombers ????

several days later again

my question is
i counted 36 reasons to get to hell your article
you stated there were 5
this one " killing any soul forbidden by Allah except for reasons of justice "
when does it become justice
and what are the deeds to paradise as mentioned in the article
also my last post needs an answer too

it becomes justice when it is done for the killers who kill.

i am not religionphobe i want to understand i'm human like you and humanity is my first god ,we're all different to, life would be pretty boring otherwise.
Last edited by el supremo el diablo : 04-18-04 at 03:54 AM. Reason: addenda

last edited 1258 pm 04-24-04 reason an answer

Sure, do you have more questions ?
When someone steal life from someone else ( murder ), he/ she has to lose her life in return, Allah Almighty gave us LIFE as Gift, no one has the right to take it from anyone without conditions set by God himself.

it is just very fair.