Very Bad News for the Haters and the Islamophobes !!

More Bad News for the haters and the Islamophobes

Turning Muslim in Texas :p

George W Bush may be backed by Christian fundamentalists but in his home state of Texas, Islam is the latest big draw. The Bible belt is transferring its allegiance to the Qur’an because, for many erstwhile Christians, believe it or not, the church is too liberal.


Praying in Texas

Eric was a Baptist preacher before he became a Muslim 14 years ago. Now he prays five times a day – even in the middle of watching a football game. His wife, Karen, also a convert, is covered from head to toe in the traditional Muslim burka. Islam, says Eric, ‘is everything I wanted Christianity to be’. His mother has found it hard to come to terms with her son’s conversion and believes he will return to the Christian faith: ‘Then he will be a dynamic preacher.’ Eric says: ‘Maybe some day she’ll embrace Islam.’

Women are also becoming followers of Muhamed. Yasmine (previously Mindy) arranged a marriage for herself and has three children. Islam, she says is ‘the solution to a lot of the prevailing evils: drugs, adultery, fornication…’ Converts often see the religious laws more clearly than those who have been brought up as Muslims and Yasmine can spot a mistake at 20 paces. She believes that she has a unique opportunity to help people who are born into the religion get back to the fundamentals.

Catherine has been a Muslim for two weeks. She came from a privileged background – private school followed by a career in PR. Now the established Muslim women guide her through the purification rituals as she washes before prayer and removes her nail varnish.

David is the only white Muslim in his little town on Route 66. He believes his new religion makes him a better American and, far from undermining liberties, gives the individual more rights. He had an arranged marriage and his wife, who was born a Muslim, was shocked by the strictness with which he insists they live their lives. His family – a white man with his wife and daughter dressed in their hijabs (headscarves) –are stared in the streets and supermarkets of their one-horse town.

There are 400,000 Muslims in Texas alone and Islam is the fastest growing religion in the USA. Since 9/11 there have been more converts to Islam than ever. Eric believes that people are trying to understand Muslims and want to learn about their religion. Yasmine says: ‘America should not be afraid. If it would be better Muslims were the majority. If a child asks me: “Who made this leaf?” I say, “Allah. Allah made everything.”’

Channel 4 is famous British TV.

Flores said:
The ABILITY to read???? And how do you measure that if you're not giving a standarised testing? And how do you know those countries with so called low literacy rates are just not giving or taking the test. How do you know for sure that the literacy rate is only 20%?

Back in 1997, Me and hubby spent our honey moon at one of the red sea resorts in Egypt. During our visit, I remember quite vividly those dirty looking young boys maximum 7 years old who were abundant and in the business of begging or pan handling. Those boys never went to school, but guess what, when they spoke to me in Arabic, I ignored them, so they assumed I'm not Egyptian, next they spoke to me in English, again I ignored them, After that, came Spanish, Italian, German, Portequese, and even chinease. Seven year old boys that live on the street, never been to school, and know over a dozen languages. They could read and write too, and they would challenge the hell out of you in any discussion. Although I'm totally opposed to giving those kids money, they managed to get money out of me in every single occasion, whether they wanted to clean my wind shield, carry my bag, Shine my shoe, sell me flowers, ect...The government knows nothing about these kids to be including them in literacy charts...the government assumes that if a kid is born and that kid doesn't report to school, then the kid must be illiterate. That's how statistics work.

Here in America, the average 7 year old is a spoiled brat that can barely read and write one language, only knows barney and ninga turtles, and have zero survival skills. Yet he has a spot in the statistical literacy chart of his country.
Oh so you base your global perspective on personal experience now I understand.
How many different ways and times will you disseminate this same line?
400,000 may sound like a great number but the fact is that there are still only 6million muslims in america.

Nothing compared to the 6 million african muslims who trash islam EACH YEAR. :D
Nothing wrong with this movement, in the marketplace of ideas, Islam is free to compete with many different ideas, especially in the U.S.. Your underlying implication of this is that the popularity of Islam has some correlation with its ultimate truth, which is nonsense.

P.S. Texas is also becoming a hot spot for Jewish immigration, watch out, maybe the Zionists will annex Texas!!
path said:
Some more on the wonderful situation in the islamic world

From this article$file/Islamsciencearticle.pdf?OpenElement

This could be the wonderful fate that awaits the west if islam took over.
PM are you first or second generation? why did you or your family leave the islamic world if it is so wonderful?
What really galls me is that so many muslim immigrants were given fled to the west because of CONDITIONS IN THE ISLAMIC WORLD and with thier new found freedom they spend thier time ceaselessly criticizing and demonizing the corrupt and decadent west that in many cases may have actually saved thier lives. And hardly a bad word about the regimes they fled from.

If the west saw even 1 single islamic country that was doing well then you might have something to argue with but as usual all you have is blatantly obvious islamo propaganda that only a muslim would be gullible enough to believe.

and what westerns that working in islamic countries like malasia and dubai and also in saudi arabia and companies that want to ppt in recounstruction of iraq?
actually you cant blame islam as a cause of poverty or illetracy for some islamic countries!!!!
400 or 500 years ago europe was in dark ages and usa even was not even discovered while islam was very powerfull.
and i can mention lot of verses in quran or from sunnah that ask encourage us for achieving and working .
path said:
Oh so you base your global perspective on personal experience now I understand.
Welcome to the human race...our personal experience IS our only valid method of forming a global persepective, unfortunately we don't learn by osmosis, we learn by experiencing.
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I do not care if Islam spreads, I have no problem with it. I realize now that the backwards ways of middle eastern muslims are the result of culture, and perhaps the hot sun frying your brains, or early childhood sexual abuse, and has nothing to do with the Quran. American muslims will restore the dignity of Islam that has been stolen by violent arab-nationalist thugs, and brain-dead propagandists. I would be interested to find out if Eric's political views have changed as a result of his conversion.
Proud_Muslim said:
I am glad to hear your new view spider, there is hope after all !

There is no hope for Islam - It is a backward organisation, and its very own brand of terrorism has shown Islams true colours.
spidergoat said:
American muslims will restore the dignity of Islam that has been stolen by violent arab-nationalist thugs, and brain-dead propagandists.

Such noble thinking, if unrealistic.
mohamed said:
actually you cant blame islam as a cause of poverty or illetracy for some islamic countries!!!!

So who do you blame?

400 or 500 years ago europe was in dark ages and usa even was not even discovered while islam was very powerfull.

Islam is still in the dark ages.
Vienna said:
So who do you blame?.

You don't take corrective action to improve your situation.

Vienna said:
Islam is still in the dark ages.

How would you know? How can you see Islam in the dark and without a flash light? I'm impressed.
Flores said:
You don't take corrective action to improve your situation.

You haven't a clue what you are talking about

How would you know? How can you see Islam in the dark and without a flash light? I'm impressed.

It doesn't take much to impress you, everyone knows that.
Vienna said:
You haven't a clue what you are talking about

What's up dildo boy? Is this the British elite civilized non-Islamic non-barbaric way to speak to a lady? At least PM, although he highly disagree with me, haven't harrassed me at all lately....I thought you are a concerned civilized western who is dedicating his life to secure freedom and justice to all muslim ladies and an avid spokesman for their lost and abused rights? What happened??

Oh...I forgot...."DO AS I SAY....NOT AS I DO"
Is the phrase "You haven't a clue what you are talking about" supposed to be a form of harrassment?
DoctorNO said:
Is the phrase "You haven't a clue what you are talking about" supposed to be a form of harrassment?

Absolutely.....It's dragatory and intended to shut up the opponent without giving much explanation. Cave man mentality....
DoctorNO said:
400,000 may sound like a great number but the fact is that there are still only 6million muslims in america.

Nothing compared to the 6 million african muslims who trash islam EACH YEAR. :D

So what if Islam loses 6 million a year, it gains a hell of a lot more. and anyway, ALL religions lose numbers in massive amounts. in fact the one suffering the most is Judaism which has lost 5% of its population in 10 years :D Islam has gained the most!!!

and also do you know why we are losing these people in Africa? it is becasue the Red Cross and other Christian organiztions are going there and giving food to the starving people and setting up churches. these people then convert, knowing nothing about Christianty.

also, if what you say about Islam losing 6 million a year is true then that just makes Islam an even faster growing religion!!!! becasue this means it population growth is filling in the gap and growing even more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
DoctorNO said:
Is the phrase "You haven't a clue what you are talking about" supposed to be a form of harrassment?

No - Not a form of harrassment - It's a fact!
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