Very Bad News for the Haters and the Islamophobes !!

i saw a status for a jewish scholar who lived in 1120-1190 AD
who put the statue there? uh.. the Spanish authority.. duh...

do you know how much this jizyah is ? and why it is payed ? and what rights paying this jizya give you ?
it exempted you from military service and supposedly covered the cost of you not being there. well, read that link i provided... it was much more than that
Jizya was a punishment in itself

I hope ARIEL SHARON will appoint an arab or a muslim as his advisor
well, aside from having 12 Arab members of parliament (Knesset) in Israel, Sharon does have arab advisors. he also has good connectin with the Israeli Bedouins

Not true, BAHRAIN ( another Arab Muslim country ) has 2 JEWS in the parliament.
good for Bahrain. but it has a better-than-the-arab-average relationship with Israel
Please make sure that the media is made aware of the fact that MEMRI is a propaganda arm of the Israeli PR machine.

but they don't write anything
they just translate

pick and choose any article from them and tell me where the translation is wrong

and, what is your reaction about the 2 clips i posted? are those Israeli actors? what do they say? it's in arabic, isn't it?
otheadp said:
i saw a status for a jewish scholar who lived in 1120-1190 AD
who put the statue there? uh.. the Spanish authority.. duh...

This is not the point, the point is this jewish scholar prospered under Muslims.

do you know how much this jizyah is ? and why it is payed ? and what rights paying this jizya give you ?
it exempted you from military service and supposedly covered the cost of you not being there. well, read that link i provided... it was much more than that
Jizya was a punishment in itself

That is not true, if non muslims pay the jizya and stayed home, Muslims payed ZAKAT and went to war and got killed ! You were getting better deal mate !!

I hope ARIEL SHARON will appoint an arab or a muslim as his advisor
well, aside from having 12 Arab members of parliament (Knesset) in Israel, Sharon does have arab advisors. he also has good connectin with the Israeli Bedouins

Oh please, give me a break ! Name me these supposdely arab advisors !! :rolleyes:

Not true, BAHRAIN ( another Arab Muslim country ) has 2 JEWS in the parliament.
good for Bahrain. but it has a better-than-the-arab-average relationship with Israel

Until Israel get the hell out of the occupied arab land inculding my land in Al golan, you will always be rejected in our land.
otheadp said:
Please make sure that the media is made aware of the fact that MEMRI is a propaganda arm of the Israeli PR machine.

but they don't write anything
they just translate

That's where they SUCK..they twist the translation to make arabs look bad.

and, what is your reaction about the 2 clips i posted? are those Israeli actors? what do they say? it's in arabic, isn't it?

They are in Arabic, they are talking about AL SAHAIYNA ( Zionists ) not about AL YAHOUD ( JEWS ) !! for shit sake, dont believe this crap !

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world wiethr you like it or not (abd yes i've read you're silly little posts about how it isn't)

it has the fastests rate of conversion and highest fertility rate among women in places like Africa and Asia.
DoctorNO said:
so what do you mean "much of it is cultural"?
I mean the bible is everywhere pretty much the same, but on the one hand there is Mother Teresa, and on the other, abortion clinic assassins. The current beliefs of moslems are not just the result of one book, but the accumulated influences of history, culture, environment, politics, wars, etc... which all lead to a specific interpretation. The Quran says you may retaliate against your enemy, but who people choose to declare the enemy, and why, is less a matter of religion than culture. If the Quran was Islam, then there would be no suicide bombers, since PM says suicide is forbidden. Anyway, I imagine there are people who would call themselves muslim who do not study the Quran in a scholarly way.

DoctorNO said:
You placed the entire blame on the culture. Doesnt bad cultures have some roots in bad religions?
Religious beliefs shape culture, but culture can twist the language of religion to suit its own ends. The bible says God brought the Jews out of Egyptian slavery, but early America (which was very religious), depended on an economy of slavery.

Islam itself can't be to blame for Islamic terrorism, since (1.)there are other forms of terror that have nothing to do with Islam, (2.) western muslims have been living in peace here for a long time, and (3.) western religions have their own share of violence and revenge stories. I think the blame has more to do with poverty, lack of jobs, lack of educational opportunities, lack of farmland and means of irrigation, and the social change influenced by science and technology. I'd be pretty pissed off too, if I had to live in Afghanistan while Americans worried about which color SUV to buy. I would not be worrying about the finer points of the Quran while training to kill Americans, as long as my imam said it was the thing to do. Remember, in Islam there is no distinction made between daily life and religion or politics. We can make the distinction, though, and are wrong to blame the religion, when it is the politics we object to. Osama's peers got a free University education, but nowhere to use it. With no jobs available, they turned to religious activism. Religion is simply the catalyst he uses, the common denominator, to gather the disaffected and ignored to his cause.

I think Idealism of any sort is subject to abuse, since, to do the right thing, one must be flexible enough to adapt to changing circumstances. There are many points about Islam that I have philosophical differences with, but that's just my personal belief, which is based on my subjective experience, as all beliefs are.
otheadp said:
do you know how much this jizyah is ? and why it is payed ? and what rights paying this jizya give you ?
it exempted you from military service and supposedly covered the cost of you not being there. well, read that link i provided... it was much more than that
Jizya was a punishment in itself

jacka :eek: s, if you think its dumb then dont pay your taxes to the US (or whatever country you in) cos it goes to the milatry.

if you live in the US your paying $1400 per capita yearly.
Preacher_X said:
jacka :eek: s, if you think its dumb then dont pay your taxes to the US (or whatever country you in) cos it goes to the milatry.

if you live in the US your paying $1400 per capita yearly.

Money well spent. :D
Preacher_X said:
jacka :eek: s, if you think its dumb then dont pay your taxes to the US (or whatever country you in) cos it goes to the milatry.

if you live in the US your paying $1400 per capita yearly.

As salamo Alikum dear brother:

These people are ignorants, they dont know what Jizya is and how much it used to be !! let us educate them !!

DoctorNO said:
On with the fight against Islam!

Unfortunately the solution for you is not to fight against Islam but to join Islam. Submit to Islam it's such abeautiful feeling to be practice the real Islam that Allah has chosen for us as a religion and a way of life.

When an engineer design a building can a Cook or a Tailor come and tell him the sewer should go through the bed rooms?? ofcourse not the engineer knows where to put the pipes so that the building comes perfect. Same with Allah's work. He made the humans and he knows how they think, so he gave us rules to follow so that our lives stay perfect. so if we come now and decide new rules for our lives then we might just get lost.
wissam37 said:
Unfortunately the solution for you is not to fight against Islam but to join Islam. Submit to Islam it's such abeautiful feeling to be practice the real Islam that Allah has chosen for us as a religion and a way of life.

When an engineer design a building can a Cook or a Tailor come and tell him the sewer should go through the bed rooms?? ofcourse not the engineer knows where to put the pipes so that the building comes perfect. Same with Allah's work. He made the humans and he knows how they think, so he gave us rules to follow so that our lives stay perfect. so if we come now and decide new rules for our lives then we might just get lost.
Yes and we can clearly see this perfection daily in the muslim world ;)
Allah gave us rules and if we try to make our own we might get lost. That is a good start. Compare Christian and Muslim societies. The Christian societies seem to be winning in strength, infant mortality, life span, wealth, literacy and over all freedom. Please explain how the Muslim religion is better at anything but war. I take that back the U.S. has proven that while the Islamic may be better at murder they are not very good at fighting a war .
laughing weasel said:
Allah gave us rules and if we try to make our own we might get lost. That is a good start. Compare Christian and Muslim societies. The Christian societies seem to be winning in strength, infant mortality, life span, wealth, literacy and over all freedom. Please explain how the Muslim religion is better at anything but war. I take that back the U.S. has proven that while the Islamic may be better at murder they are not very good at fighting a war .
What you say that Christian States are winning in only applies to the wealthy in the Christian States. Walk through the poorer regions in any Christian country and ask them about what you deem to be 'winning'. You'd be suprised. And as for freedom... LOL..

Yes, being better at war is something anyone would be really proud of :rolleyes:.
OK here come some fun figures and viewpoints

Poverty levels in many Islamic countries are extremely high. Although the following figures are the latest available, some date back to the late 1990s.

Afghanistan's 26 million people have a per capita output of less than $200 a year, a life expectancy of about 46 years and more than two-thirds are illiterate.
Pakistan's 144 million ring up only $487 per capita GDP -- in a nation where less than half are literate and life expectancy is roughly 61 years.
Sixty-nine million Egyptians enjoy a slightly higher per capita GDP at $1,307 -- as well as a literacy rate slightly above 50 percent and life expectancy of nearly 64 years.
Some 66 million Turks produce the U.S. GDP equivalent of $2,813 per capita -- with life expectancy of some 71 years and an 85 percent literacy rate.
Experts say that within the 46 Islamic countries, those who want to modernize are at odds with fundamentalists -- who want to return to the pattern of nomadic and agricultural civilizations that dominated many centuries ago.

Whether Islamic societies continue to retreat or join the modern world depends greatly on the educational opportunities afforded to today's Islamic youths.

from NCPA
Four million American children go hungry

The first national survey ever conducted to identify childhood hunger has found that 4 million low-income children under the age of 12 go hungry during some part of the year and another 9.6 million children are at risk of hunger.

The report paints a devastating picture of childhood hunger and nutritional uncertainty, and the effects which hunger has on the education and health of children. It also exposes the standard myth, presented in the media and repeated daily by Democratic and Republican politicians at every level, that hunger either does not exist or is the fault of parents who are too lazy to work.

Furthermore, the report details the dependence of countless families upon government support programs, such as Aid to Families with Dependent Children, Women, Infants and Children (WIC), Food Stamps and school and summer lunch programs. It also details the use of soup kitchens and food banks by families.

The report by the Community Childhood Hunger Identification Project was made public by the Food Research and Action Center this past July. It is based on the results of a survey of households having children under 12 years of age and earning less than 185 percent of the federal poverty level, that is, earning about $26,548 for a family of four in 1993.
Since we are posting data.

W. T. Root, professor of psychology at the Univ. of Pittsburgh, examined 1,916 prisoners and said "Indifference to religion, due to thought, strengthens character," adding that Unitarians, Agnostics, Atheists and Free-Thinkers are absent from penitentiariers or nearly so.

So much for religon - ANY religon.
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Proud Muslim,

While I believe no child should go hungry, 4 million out of 73 million children is less than 6% and many of these are the children of illegal immigrants who cannot qualify for benefits to which underprivileged American children are entitled. That means that more than 94% of our children are not hungry. Those in danger of hunger are those whose parents live from check to check, a feeling I know well, but again for citizens and legal residents there is Aid to Dependent Children and the Women, Infants and Childrens Fund, food stamps, welfare, education, job training, housing and fuel assistance.

Show me an Islamic country that provides these services, particularly to religious minorities, who are generally poorer than the majority.