US soldier kills puppy, the whole world gets upset

How odd that soldiers kill things.

Darhling, you clearly didn't get the point of the post. I will spell it out for you:

It was about the REACTION of the people, who clearly cared about a puppy more than about the thousands of dead Iraqis...
Oh, I see. This soldier was the spiritual successor to Mohammed, not just some grunt in the field. That makes all the difference. Off with his head, then.

Don't get distracted. That was an American soldier flinging a puppy off a cliff. :rolleyes:
Then don't distract me with talk of what Mohammed did with his cat. Or to his robe.
Are you seriously trying to tell us all, Sam, that a Muslim soldier has never killed an animal? Even for you, that is some stretch.
Then don't distract me with talk of what Mohammed did with his cat. Or to his robe.
Are you seriously trying to tell us all, Sam, that a Muslim soldier has never killed an animal? Even for you, that is some stretch.

They behead Americans now and then. But thats not for fun, its a very serious business.
so if instead of a puppy the soldier held an Iraqi terrorist and threw him like tha...would that get to the news?
Darhling, you clearly didn't get the point of the post. I will spell it out for you:

It was about the REACTION of the people, who clearly cared about a puppy more than about the thousands of dead Iraqis...
Just as mine was not a comment on the soldier himself, but on the posters who feel no shame about speaking of the way they'd mutilate a soldier for killing a dog, but couch their opposition to war in much more polite terms. It was a comment on what humans will (say) they will do when they feel they can without serious retribution.
You see, it is not politically correct to talk about disembowelling someone who shoots at a family in a car who race through a checkpoint. It is not politically correct to speak of burning alive a man who beheads an aid worker. You speak of "punishment" for these.

But it is perfectly safe and acceptable to talk about how you'd like to see vultures feed on the intestines of a soldier who kills a puppy.

It's amusing. My comment was not on the post, or on the event. It was on the REACTION of those posters.
Just as mine was not a comment on the soldier himself, but on the posters who feel no shame about speaking of the way they'd mutilate a soldier for killing a dog, but couch their opposition to war in much more polite terms. It was a comment on what humans will (say) they will do when they feel they can without serious retribution.
You see, it is not politically correct to talk about disembowelling someone who shoots at a family in a car who race through a checkpoint. It is not politically correct to speak of burning alive a man who beheads an aid worker. You speak of "punishment" for these.

But it is perfectly safe and acceptable to talk about how you'd like to see vultures feed on the intestines of a soldier who kills a puppy.

It's amusing. My comment was not on the post, or on the event. It was on the REACTION of those posters.

Norse is an Arab from Texas, he is double whammied.:D
They behead Americans now and then. But thats not for fun, its a very serious business.
I imagine it is. Especially the aid workers - those are particularly deserving of divine retribution... by proxy.

That is not the question I asked, by the way.

so if instead of a puppy the soldier held an Iraqi terrorist and threw him like tha...would that get to the news?
So if a Iraqi soldier killed a cat, would that make YouTube?
He claims not to be a Muslim. Say your prayers immediately; atheists have a worse history of bloodymindedness!:p
The human species has a history of bloodymindedness. I only wonder why you think your side is any better.
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