US soldier kills puppy, the whole world gets upset

Nice try, dear.

"I really don't care for being crude", is what you erased.

Perhaps you aniticipated that a comment like that, from a Muslim, is strange.

C'est la vie; I was attempting to be nice, never works.:p




C'est la vie; I was attempting to be nice, never works.:p





if the purpose of showing these images is to make people aware of your stance on animal expierments then let me remind you all, many many people are still alive because of these anaimals, i am sorry but if it came to a human life or a rat/mouse/cat ad yes even dog i would have to choose the human any day!!
Thats me dissecting that rat there. :rolleyes:

has far as this soldier is concerned, what do you think should happen to him?

Personally he was a complete A hole for doing it but he shoudlnt be forced out of the army.

(and sorry about the rat thing)
has far as this soldier is concerned, what do you think should happen to him?

Personally he was a complete A hole for doing it but he shoudlnt be forced out of the army.

(and sorry about the rat thing)

Lets see. What should happen to a soldier in a war who is killing people on a daily basis and also throws a puppy off a cliff?

Nothing much, he's trained to kill. Its his job description.

(no problem ;))
Maybe some of those people are trying to kill him? I don't think the puppy was a threat.

Does anyone know if they are still investigating this?
Maybe some of those people are trying to kill him? I don't think the puppy was a threat.

Does anyone know if they are still investigating this?

i dont know, but hey look, if he was a good soldier then just leave it, like people say, one us soldier kills a puppie and they all get up in arms about it, if they kicked him out of the army the they will be one soldier short in an already shortening army!
Because here in America, its generally thought that if a person maliciously harms animals, they have bigger mental problems. Its how most serial killers start.
Because here in America, its generally thought that if a person maliciously harms animals, they have bigger mental problems. Its how most serial killers start.

i see!! i knew that most sereal killers killed animals before humans but really is it such a problem>

Misanthropy is usually disguised as animal love.

The pandering of human sentiment is a role obligated by the threat of social opprobrium- look at them when the occasion permits all their vice.

Look at then when they're watching that animal being flung off the cliff.
It is the same sneer S.A.M has for the American, you for the world, me for idiots named Gary.

This thread ended last month. There is only one reason for you to post in it, and only one reason I knew you had.

All else is crafted dross.
In the following video an US soldier in Iraq throws a puppy off the cliffs:

This got almost 7000 diggs, which is a lot and by reading the comments, one can see that the readers are all upset. Of course killing an innocent puppy this way is wrong, but US soldiers also killed about 100K Iraqis and probably a decent % of them innocent. Not many people got upset about that.

So I figure, if we want to make the US leave Iraq, we just have to make them accidentally bomb an animal shelter....

Edit: Can a moderator correct the threadtitle? Thanks...

No human is innocent. Kill the freaking bastard ! :cool:
Goddamnit !! :mad:
I watched the video just now.. this really pisses me off !! :mad:
If I were one of their mates I'd probably put a hole in their head right there and then.

I think it's something symbolic. You know, like, "Them Americans is so low they'll kill puppies!"

In other words, it's emblematic of the problem. People have a hard time grasping the breadth of the disaster, so something awful in a neat package, like video of a soldier killing a puppy, becomes the symbol of what's wrong with the war.

I disagree.
People kill each other all the time. No human is as innocent innocent as animals. This is worse.
i hear ya. in school they told me to cut up a frog onnce and i told them to 'go f themselves, i wouldnt do it' what for? to see the effects of cheese wiz on a frog? not me man.
Goddamnit !! :mad:
I watched the video just now.. this really pisses me off !! :mad:
If I were one of their mates I'd probably put a hole in their head right there and then.


I doubt that.If you were being shot at daily and watching people die all around you, my guess is you'd forget about that dog very quicky.
i hear ya. in school they told me to cut up a frog onnce and i told them to 'go f themselves, i wouldnt do it' what for? to see the effects of cheese wiz on a frog? not me man.

I respect that, but this is far worse.

Firstly, the dog was alive and well before they threw it down the cliff. You could hear it's terrified yelps in it's final moments.
The frogs are killed more 'humanely' and are dead before they are cut up. Or they are at least unconscious..

Secondly, you don't (and obviously won't) have to like cutting up dead or unconscious frogs in science class.
These assholes were having a ball killing that puppy :mad:

And lastly, even if not completely necessary the frogs are cut up for a purpose; to learn something from it. I am not defending the practice but at least the motives are somewhat noble.
Not so with killing that dog.

I view the killing of that puppy as a gross disrespect for life in general. People like that should not be allowed to live.
Here are people who have never been to a war judging a soldier for 4 pages, 40 posts per page. That's one of the grossest things I've ever seen.
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Firstly, the dog was alive and well before they threw it down the cliff.

Alive? yes. Well? who the hell knows?
I doubt they have great vet care in the middle of a desert.

I'm not defending this turd. He could've easily just shot the dog, yet those bullets are in short supply.
In fact, I can see a situation were the dog is following the troops and won't go away. Orders are "get rid of it, but don't waste any bullets."

Again, I'm just making the point that this thread was designed to make. There are worse things in war than a dead dog.

That said, it pisses me off a little,too. But I can't pretend I know what war is like.