US soldier kills puppy, the whole world gets upset


one comment that might or might not be helpful, cruelity to animals is a sign of sociopathic tendancies. Now if i was out fighting for my life i DEFINITLY wouldnt want to be standing next to a guy would would be quite willing to shoot the enermie or turn around and shoot ME in the balls (or where ever) for fun.

So even in the millarty sociopaths are a BAD idea

You are completely correct I wouldn't want to stand next to him
Sociopaths are BAD news, you never know when they will turn on you

this link is a bloke diving of a cliff (super imposed possibly) I wouldn't be half as concerned/disturbed if the soldier had fell of the cliff.

They were not the actions of a civilized man
FR have you ever herd about the charge of the light brigade? (sorry if you were Australian i wouldnt even ask the question but im not sure how much millatry history you know). At the end of the war when our solders were coming home they couldnt bring the horses back so they had to shoot them. It was devistating for them because the horses had saved there lives more than once
Most Americans have heard of the Charge of the Light Brigade. It has become a cliche for a bad military decision with ruinous results, and by extension a similarly bad business decision. But most of us are not familiar with the actual historical event, where or when it took place, which two countries were fighting, or what exactly went wrong and why. I daresay hardly anyone has read Tennyson's poem. I confess I had to look it up to remember things I learned 45 years ago. I certainly didn't know about the horses and that wasn't brought up in anything I read.

I also didn't find any reference to Australians fighting. Or is this just another of those quaint references to "us," meaning all who pledge allegiance to the Queen? We're not all that far removed. We don't have Elizabeth's picture on our postage stamps, but as long as there is an England, America will unquestioningly spring to her defense.

Humans have a special relationship with horses too. They were not the first domesticated animal and they didn't even domesticate themselves the way dogs, cats, pigs and goats did. But they helped us work. They helped us build civilization, everywhere except in the New World. (The Incas had llamas but the poor Olmecs had to do it with no draft animals.) The advent of motorized transportation and the demise of that special relationship is almost a Paradigm Shift in itself. People still keep horses for no reason except companionship and recreation, and perhaps always will.
Most Americans have heard of the Charge of the Light Brigade.

Your age truly shows. :)

Most Americans don't know shit, and they definiatelly haven't heard of it. Unless it has to do with Britney or Lindsay....
Your age truly shows. :)

Most Americans don't know shit, and they definiatelly haven't heard of it. Unless it has to do with Britney or Lindsay....

Nah, there was a movie, and most Americans who make it through high school at least have to read the poem by Tennyson once.

Cannon to left of them
Cannon to right of them
Cannon in front of them
Volleyed and thundered
Stormed with shot and shell
Boldly they rode and well
Into the jaws of Death
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the six hundred
If you associate yourself with a group of people who is occupying a country and destroying it under false pretences, you need not ask others if you are a barbarian.

Its the kind of conclusion you can draw about yourself by asking what you would think of such soldiers if the situation were reversed.
I understand completely, Sam.
A terrorist act is a terrible thing, and we should all take care not to believe that all Muslims are like that - in fact, most deplore such actions, apparently. You've taken great pains to make this clear.

However, if an American soldier kills a puppy, then all Americans are barbarians by association.

Love it. Keep it coming, please.
FR have you ever herd about the charge of the light brigade? (sorry if you were Australian i wouldnt even ask the question but im not sure how much millatry history you know)

At the end of the war when our solders were coming home they couldnt bring the horses back so they had to shoot them. It was devistating for them because the horses had saved there lives more than once
I think Asguard is a little confused. The Charge of the Light Brigade usually refers to the famous charge by British cavalry in the Crimean war.

He's probably thinking of the Australian Light Horse, mounted infantry which charged the town of Beersheba in 1917 and won through by a combination of luck and desperation.
US soldiers are used to killing puppies and murdering children on Baghdad streets, so why all the media fuzz now?
Primarily to get people like you and Sam to believe all Americans are barbarians because a soldier killed a puppy once.

Laughable that you can deride the bias of CNN and then go and make a topic of conversation about a YouTube video. Twit.
Primarily to get people like you and Sam to believe all Americans are barbarians because a soldier killed a puppy once.

Laughable that you can deride the bias of CNN and then go and make a topic of conversation about a YouTube video. Twit.

youtube is much much much more liberal than CNN

It does look real BUT:

The dog doesnt move, dogs dont freeze up like rabbits do when held like that one is, not even the eyes are moving or the mouth and when trhrown does not stretch out like an animal normally would. Not only that but the yelping is dubbed in and finally 2 guys stick their heads into video, hard to believe two of them would be so stupid.
That is exactly how puppies behave when held by the scruff. If it were dead, it would have been limp. What proof do you have that the yelping was dubbed? Soldiers at Abu Ghraib took photos of prisoner abuse, obviously far worse than anything shown here. People do strange things for strange reasons.
As far as the yelping: The sound does not trail off when it is thrown a pretty far distance...Thats a BIG clue, and it just is there while he is holding it i've never seen a dog not make a peep if it is held like that either and reamin in one position as still as a board. No matter what you say that does not happen. NO eye movement at all is not going to happen in living puppy.... Could be realistic toy which are widely available or sent through mail.

When it is thrown it just flips end over end and the shape remains constant. This is inconsistent with a living creature. And like i said the sound FX\yelping is not real, that much is a fact and easily provable.

IOW: Physics and physically impossible.
As far as the yelping: The sound does not trail off when it is thrown a pretty far distance...Thats a BIG clue, and it just is there while he is holding it i've never seen a dog not make a peep if it is held like that either and reamin in one position as still as a board. No matter what you say that does not happen. NO eye movement at all is not going to happen in living puppy.... Could be realistic toy which are widely available or sent through mail.

When it is thrown it just flips end over end and the shape remains constant. This is inconsistent with a living creature. And like i said the sound FX\yelping is not real, that much is a fact and easily provable.

IOW: Physics and physically impossible.

Your expertise on this subject is non existent. You don't want to believe it is true, therefore it is not.