US soldier kills puppy, the whole world gets upset

This is from a bulletin from one of my Myspace friends:

Marine Puppy Killer Dude Speaks Out:

Ah, I love it when people have their priorities straight. It's not upsetting that we didn't find weapons of mass destruction, it's not wrong that Saddam Hussain had NO connection to the attacks on September 11th, but people freak out about a damn puppy.

That said, puppies are cute.
Marines talking on the edge of a cliff as one holds up a puppy by the scruff of its neck. The soldier then tosses the dog over the side of the cliff as it yelps in panic.


From David Motari 'the Puppy Killer' MySpace page:

"I want to say first of all that I am really sorry for the whole puppy thing. I don't know why people are so pissed. It was a FUCKING STRAY!!! Get the fuck over it! You know how many people I see get blown away on a regular basis?!?! Shit Man Not only the towle heads out here but my own friends!"


David Motari 'the Puppy Killer' just updated his MySpace page:

"I want to clear somethings up before tomarrow. This might be hard to believe but I am sorry about the dog. At the time I just really didn't care. When you are constantly under fire sometimes people develope a different sence of humor than what others are used to. That video was from over a year ago and i dont know who put it out there but it wasn't me. It has been a real hard day. I don't know how they got my information but someone got all my information and i had to disconnect my parents and my girlfriends phone. not to mention i had to redo my myspace because it got hacked. I just want this to end."


"What, you expect me to carry a stray sick dog from patrol 10+ miles back to camp with me. Did you know that we're not supposed to have dogs? Did you know that there isn't medicine available for animals out there? So what the fuck do you want me to do with it. It was going to die a slow and horrible death.

Sorry you guys saw that, but it wasn't supposed to ever been shown. Usually what happens is we shoot them. I was being "creative" that day and decided to throw the dog instead. If i could take it back, I would. Either way, I did the dog a favor. Sorry if you can't understand that."


"Look, you guys didn't know that the dog was sick and starving by the road. I was helping it. That dog was going to die anyways"


Michelle Malkin says:

"The puppy doesn't move. It's clear to me that it's either dead or a stuffed toy. The sound effects of a dog yapping seem to have been dubbed in"

~ But Michelle Malkin is wrong because the Marine Killer that killed the Puppy said:
"I am really sorry for the whole puppy thing. I don't know why people are so pissed. It was a FUCKING STRAY!!! Get the fuck over it!"

~ So he admits to the facts that the Puppy was alive when he threw it off the cliff.

You know what jackass, if it was sickly and almost dead, why did you use some common sense and LEAVE IT THE FUCK ALONE?
The fact that it was sickly and going to die gives you no right to throw it off a cliff. Did you not know you were being taped?
Seeing your enemies and friends get blown away on a daily basis also doesn't give you the right to throw a puppy off a cliff. Was the puppy holding a weapon and pointing it at you?
Don't put this ordeal on the whole US army, those were just some typical dumb shits acting stupid. I hope those two soldiers fall off a cliff someday.
Don't put this ordeal on the whole US army, those were just some typical dumb shits acting stupid. I hope those two soldiers fall off a cliff someday.

That shouldn't be tolerated. Soldiers are trained to fight, take orders, be courageous, and most of all be good men. Or at least, they should be.

This is just down-right sick and if I were General of the US Army I would have no qualms about immediately executing the man.:mad:
That shouldn't be tolerated. Soldiers are trained to fight, take orders, be courageous, and most of all be good men. Or at least, they should be.

This is just down-right sick and if I were General of the US Army I would have no qualms about immediately executing the man.:mad:

Oh FFS, you think people should be executed for spitting on the sidewalk. Give it a rest. I'm unaware of anywhere in the world where animal abuse of this sort is a capital offense.
Oh FFS, you think people should be executed for spitting on the sidewalk. Give it a rest. I'm unaware of anywhere in the world where animal abuse of this sort is a capital offense.

As am I, but this is a special case. This man is a soldier.

I agree it shouldn't be a capital offense, but this is the MILITARY.

Also you are wrong, I only support cp for murderers, rapists, and torturers
That shouldn't be tolerated. Soldiers are trained to fight, take orders, be courageous, and most of all be good men. Or at least, they should be.

This is just down-right sick and if I were General of the US Army I would have no qualms about immediately executing the man.:mad:

I agree with you, those soldiers are just two sick bastards who shoud not be given the right to live. They cannot respect life, so they do not deserve it.
It's simple, really:

Push that soldier off the very cliff he threw the dog from. If he survives, then that's that. If he dies, let the vultures eat his intestines.
It's simple, really:

Push that soldier off the very cliff he threw the dog from. If he survives, then that's that. If he dies, let the vultures eat his intestines.

If he survives, cut open his stomach and let the vultures eat his intestines, while he still breathes.
The gods only know what you'd say about (or do to), say, a muslim fanatic who beheaded an aid worker or something.

Most probably, you'd be far more polite in your condemnation. Is this, perhaps, an indicator of how far some will go when they feel the climate and circumstances indicate it safe to do so?
Killing animals for enjoyment is frequently used as an index of psychological disturbances and possible future sociopathic behaviour
How odd that soldiers kill things. My worldview has been totally rocked by that post.

I wonder. What are the odds that anyone would even think of posting a youtube video of Afghan soldiers killing a cat?
The Prophet had a cat. Hadiths have been written about the Prophets cat. :bugeye:

The prophet Mohammed loved cats. The story is told that at one day when he was being called to pray he noticed his cat, Muezza sleeping on the folds of his sleeve. Rather than disturb the sleeping cat, Mohammed cut off the sleeve of his robe.
Oh, I see. This soldier was the spiritual successor to Mohammed, not just some grunt in the field. That makes all the difference. Off with his head, then.