Unanswered Questions


It's not minimalism. It's the realization that any effort by me to accurately categorize some people and their blathering would necessitate inappropriate language for a forum such as this.


I hope your not talking about me !
Have I offended you too.....

Oh, I'm having a bad day........

Just to resolve the 'flood' issue......

There was a giant flood that wiped out almost all of Mesopotamia. Mesopotamians at the time really didn't know that there was any world outside Mesopotamia (or far outside it at least) After that, the Mesopotamians included a "world flood" in their mythology. After that, almost every culture to come in contact with Mesopotamia or a second contact has had a "world flood" in it's mythology. The link is not hard to see.
Originally posted by TheVisitor
Those meeting were in the early 50's, the dead were raised, blind restored with sight , deaf made to hear, cancer healed, ect....
Jesus Christ was showing Himself with this prophet in a mighty way.....
Outside of my university teachings I do psychological sessions, so perhaps we can set up an appointment for 1 session(1 hr @ $500).
Outside of my university teachings I do psychological sessions, so perhaps we can set up an appointment for 1 session(1 hr @ $500).


Let's see.......

You paid money to someone else, so...........they could tell you what to think.

And now you want to charge me for your second-hand info.

I don't think so. Thats not the way God teaches His people.
Originally posted by TheVisitor
You paid money to someone else, so...........they could tell you what to think.
Or you could be paying to learn from others. There is always someone else who can teach you something.

And now you want to charge me for your second-hand info.

He was just offering to help:D

I don't think so. Thats not the way God teaches His people.

Well obviously he's not God. It is the way people teach people. If you don't want to learn from people, you shouldn't be on a discusion forum.
It is the way people teach people. If you don't want to learn from people, you shouldn't be on a discusion forum.


I appreciate your advice - 'lot cheaper too...
Originally posted by TheVisitor
Let's see.......

You paid money to someone else, so...........they could tell you what to think.

I don't think so. Thats not the way God teaches His people.

So I take it you didn't go to college then. Churches survive on the donations of their congregation so in turn you(if you're not cheap and donate) pay to hear someone tell you what to think.
Re: Re: Re: What an ASS

Originally posted by wesmorris
You're right. But hell, I took offense on behalf of heflores on that comment.
Thanks CA.

Thanks Wes, you're a woman's hero. I think that most christians and even muslims coming to this site realize at first that the site is about debating philosophical point of views, but as theists get accustomed to the site, they get this false feeling that they are winning arguments and thus earned the right to preach the gospels to others. I think bible, Quran, or Torah studies have no place on this site. This is a religious philosophical discussion regarding general topics, and not a place to study the bible and preach the gospel.
Re: Re: Re: Re: What an ASS

Originally posted by heflores
Thanks Wes, you're a woman's hero. I think that most christians and even muslims coming to this site realize at first that the site is about debating philosophical point of views, but as theists get accustomed to the site, they get this false feeling that they are winning arguments and thus earned the right to preach the gospels to others. I think bible, Quran, or Torah studies have no place on this site. This is a religious philosophical discussion regarding general topics, and not a place to study the bible and preach the gospel.

(I prefer saying "word" rather than "amen" .... don't you?)
"but as theists get accustomed"

What a prejudiced statement - shows real tolerence.

"I think bible, Quran, or Torah studies have no place on this site. This is a religious philosophical discussion regarding general topics, and not a place to study the bible and preach the gospel."

heflores.....obviously you don't get paid to "think" ...huh?

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Supernatural manifestations of pillars of fire, people raised from the dead........(documented - of course), exo-atmospheric clouds
disernment of the thoughts , intents thousands of times and the meanings of biblical symbology...revealed.....

This is Sci-fi, religion and everything else at it finest, we got it all..

Right Here......but you know whats amazing to me (well not really, it WAS to be expected) is how the atheist's, muslims, and "educated" religious "experts" all side up against someone who says they have the truth.......

That sounds familiar....
Last time they did that was....

Against Jesus..........go figure!
Originally posted by TheVisitor
"but as theists get accustomed"

What a prejudiced statement - shows real tolerence.

"I think bible, Quran, or Torah studies have no place on this site. This is a religious philosophical discussion regarding general topics, and not a place to study the bible and preach the gospel."

heflores.....obviously you don't get paid to "think" ...huh?

Right Here......but you know whats amazing to me (well not really, it WAS to be expected) is how the atheist's, muslims, and "educated" religious "experts" all side up against someone who says they have the truth.......

That sounds familiar....
Last time they did that was....

Against Jesus..........go figure!

I guess, we'll find out soon enough.......some of us sooner than others......becarefull while driving, or it'll be instant...In the meanwhile keep convincing yourself that you are right and everyone else are infedels.......The more you convince yourself that you're right and holly, the more you'll feel holier....soon enough you'll loose prespective of the entire reality and what is right and what is wrong......What you think does not matter a bit though, because guess what...In judgement.....your creator will be the one doing the talking and judging and you'll shut up.....No more justifications....preaching....annoying crap.......You'll get what you deserve.

We say where I come from that a person with a bump on their head keep feeling it.....So you and the other preachers must be the chosen ones with the big bump on their head.....You're so insecure about your believes that you must hear yourself talk about it to comfort yourself......Stop preaching....It's annoying....You obscure version of your religion doesn't need to be spread. We are all so happy and comfortable with what we are and we are sure liable and responsible infront of god. God is sure not going to tell us, recite what The Visitor said or you'll be thrown in hell.......You preachers don't get it...they love fame, they strive for pride and power and feeling that they are right, you're lazy and feel that the more people that repeat what you think is right the more it makes it right. But remember this, the more people the merrier for hell, which is made of stone and people for fuel.
Originally posted by TheVisitor
heflores.....obviously you don't get paid to "think" ...huh?
What a prejudiced statement - shows real tolerence.

Supernatural manifestations of pillars of fire, people raised from the dead........(documented - of course)

I would like to see some documenation that hasn't been trnaslated a dozens of times.

Right Here......but you know whats amazing to me (well not really, it WAS to be expected) is how the atheist's, muslims, and "educated" religious "experts" all side up against someone who says they have the truth.......

What a prejudiced statement - shows real tolerence.
I'm no preacher

Dr. Lounatic and others....

Why do you get so upset when people start quoting scripture and religion? Why does it bother you? I like for people to debate their veiwpoints wheter i agree or not. I personally don't care much for the bible so when people quote, i try to find errors in their logic and go from there. Why get upset? Use your mind and debate.
I was talking only to TheVisitor and excessive use of scriptures. It ruins the arguments. I myself use scriptures sometimes to support my arguments, but I find them utterly useless, because noone is interested and the scriptures accuracy is not supported.

Second...placing scriptures as facts creates a prejudice environment. If christians are allowed to place their words as facts, then muslims need to use their Koran as facts, jews place their torah, Hindus place their writings, Buddas, Atheists......ect. Can you imajine what kind of soup that would be if to support ot deny one little incident, you allow all to throw their books that are not believed in by others......That will not be a debate....more like a pissing match using different pissing equipments.

Preaching and debating are completely different animals. I think Cris, Raithere, Tiassa, James, ect. all have good debate techniques. I realize that a lot of us are learning, but this exclusive bombarding of the site with scriptures by the christians ruins the environment and halts the learning.
Not only does he quote scriptures but he quotes scriptures that have nothing to do to prove a particular point. Give a few months and he will also think he's a prophet.
Re: I'm no preacher

Originally posted by Mrhero54
Dr. Lounatic and others....

Why do you get so upset when people start quoting scripture and religion? Why does it bother you? I like for people to debate their veiwpoints wheter i agree or not. I personally don't care much for the bible so when people quote, i try to find errors in their logic and go from there. Why get upset? Use your mind and debate.

Did you read this entire thread before posting that? This guy does not debate, he preaches. He gets angry when you question the "scriptures" and really does nothing but preach and make snide comments, even when people are being kind to him, like heflores was attempting to do. Someone who cannot see outside of the bubble around them should either get out of the bubble or get off this board. There is no debate with a jerk who just ignores the points in question, then slanders that "you're twisting the truth". Quite immature.

Further, I'm pretty sure he thinks that what he is saying is THE ONLY thing that can be right. In that case, I think he should be educated (which is impossible, since he's convinced he's right.. maybe he could be interventioned or something) or shunned. Since I cannot intervene. Shunning is all I've got and I've done so. I did however, decide to listen to a wise man and disregard him... so, now he's disregarded.

If you feel it so neccessary, please feel free to use YOUR mind to debate this moron. Have fun. ;)
Originally posted by TheVisitor
......but you know whats amazing to me (well not really, it WAS to be expected) is how the atheist's, muslims, and "educated" religious "experts" all side up against someone who says they have the truth.......

That sounds familiar....
Last time they did that was....

Against Jesus..........go figure!
And according to the myth, Jesus was killed......go figure!
Originally posted by TheVisitor
......but you know whats amazing to me (well not really, it WAS to be expected) is how the atheist's, muslims, and "educated" religious "experts" all side up against someone who says they have the truth.......

That sounds familiar....
Last time they did that was....

Against Jesus..........go figure!

And according to the myth, Jesus was killed......go figure

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Thank You.......I'm greatly honored by your observation.
Originally posted by TheVisitor
Originally posted by TheVisitor
......but you know whats amazing to me (well not really, it WAS to be expected) is how the atheist's, muslims, and "educated" religious "experts" all side up against someone who says they have the truth.......

That sounds familiar....
Last time they did that was....

Against Jesus..........go figure!

So TheVisitor, you claim to have the Truth and that the Atheists, muslims, eductated religious experts all don't. How is that possible. Does god talk to you and assures you that you're saved, or are you just going by the bible interpretations and your pastor speaches.

I don't think any person that says that they are saved have any believe or faith in god. These people have actaully forgot completely about god and bought temporal comfort of salvation. They placed trust and faith in their own interpretations and their pastor's teachings. This is not true faith. True faith is one that would constantly fear god and never takes god for granted or hasten god's judgement. By claiming that you are saved, you have stripped god from passing judgement and placed all power of decision to your pastor.
I don't think any person that says that they are saved have any believe or faith in god.

By claiming that you are saved, you have stripped god from passing judgement and placed all power of decision to your pastor.

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I must admit I'm not throughly familiar with Muslim beliefs, but.....

The truth is in the Word of God......

And not to offend, but God....Allah, Elah, Elohim are all names of the Lord Jesus Christ.

He is the Word..... and that Word says:

That God chose by the "foolishness of preaching to bring the church to "perfection"

Not only am I saved, but in God's eyes I'm perfect......

Matthew 5:48 - Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

Luke 6:40 - The disciple is not above his master: but every one that is perfect shall be as his master

John 17:23 - I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved.