Unanswered Questions

Visitor... normally you make sense, but I really have trouble with William Branham. To say he was the rolemodel for all televangelists might be right - he definitely sensationalised some scriptures. I think it's safer, and more scriptural, to base your answers on scripture alone, rather than referring to Mr. Branham. He is not our saviour and you know this. If he made the message clear for you - good for you - but believing in him will not bring me closer to God. Jesus said nothing could come between me and him, and that's all Mr. Branham seems to want to do. He said "all denominations" are wrong, i.e. every church with a name. Aren't we all a church under Jesus' name? What does it matter what we call ourselves on earth? It's what God called you that matter, and Jesus called us his brothers - in Him, we have all become 'sons of God'. Where we stray, we stray from Him and his Message - NOT from Mr. Branham's path. And don't you, by associating your theology with his, fall under "the church of Mr. Branham"?

At least for the sake of making the truth clear to people like Mrs. Wesmorris, try not to 'convert' people to any other man than Jesus himself. Then, instead of defending Branham, you will be able to defend your own faith. Anything that requires 'special knowledge' belongs to the gnostic church, and falls outside the core message of our faith.

This is just a request. I know you mean well, and I usually support you, but discernment is a gift of the Spirit as well, and my instinct says, be cautious.
Originally posted by TheVisitor
I never said any of the things you claim, and niether did Branham.
Well yeah, he did.

I can understand being defencive about something you've believed to be true for years, but your denominations HAVE been judged.

By all mighty Braham, all hail the prophet Branham.

And it's a small thing for me to say they are wrong , and the Word is right.

And it's also a small thing for me to say you are an idiot, and your Word is wrong.

I doubt you came to that conclusion on your own...

Hypocricy in action.

Because thats the standard doctrine of the modern ecumenical movement, and God hates...yes Hates those who mix their false creeds with His Word....It's HIS Word , not man's, and He's VERY jealous of It.

And he told you this?

Branham never claimed or asked to be put in a position between man and God, what your missing is him being a prophet, Jesus used the opportunity to do two things he said would happen.

Maybe you are not understanding what a prophet is. He claims to be taking God's words, and giving them to his people. Sounds like a middleman to me. That's ok if he was actually a prophet, but there is little evidence that was, and just as much that he wasn't.

Thier ministries overlap.......just like John and Jesus. The one decreased so the other could increase.

It was kind of the embodied God to preah less so Branham could take over. How giving of him.

None of it was my Idea, or my own thoughts.....

You don't say...

Jesus has in this day throughly judged the Harlot church system...

Um, none of those quotes are from 'this day'... but nice try.

Rev 19:11........"Blessed are they who are called to the wedding supper of the Lamb, for it is written "These are the true sayings of God"

Was there a reason to include this? It has absolutly nothing to do with your argument.

I hope you can see this, and leave off your attempt to fight God.
Because thats who your fighting here....The Word, not me..I'm just a man.

I doubt that we are fighting God here, and see no reason to think otherwise.
Well, Mr. Persol...
How are you today..?

It's beautiful where I'm at.

See you later,

Originally posted by TheVisitor
How are you today..?
Good as always

It's beautiful where I'm at.

Yeah, I spent the whole day outside till about an hour ago. He just started to get nippy.

And how did the message I responded to get below my post?:confused:
Originally posted by Persol
[BAnd how did the message I responded to get below my post?:confused: [/B]

Must have been an act of god... I mean thevisitor.

Oh, and I wonder what he's visiting? It must be that he's come down from up high to sport us wee little brains a bit o scripture, such that someday we too may be as obnoxious, annoying, presumptuous and self-righteous as he. It shall be a sad day for us, but glorious for allmighty visitor.
Actually it started as the name of an old T.V. series from the 90's, remember it?

But many things in life have more than one meaning ....

So it may be "as you've said"


Neither I or the Message I've represented here has claimed to put Branham in any place between God and Man or take the place of Jesus. What you're seeing is something even more profound, I'll explain on down.

I can understand being defensive about something you've believed to be true for years, but your denominations HAVE been judged.

And it's a small thing for me to say they are wrong , and the Word is right.

You said "shouldn't we all just worship God and lay down our differences....
I doubt you came to that conclusion on your own...
Because thats the standard doctrine of the modern ecumenical movement, and God hates...yes Hates those who mix their false creeds with His Word....It's HIS Word , not man's, and He's VERY jealous of It.

Branham never claimed or asked to be put in a position between man and God, what your missing is him being a prophet, Jesus used the opportunity to do two things he said would happen.

He revealed Himself as the Son of Man...(Jesus), not Branham.
Luke 17:30 Rev 10:1-7...and dozens of other scriptures show how this was to happen....

Branham was the Elijah, promised in Malichi 4, just a prophet, Jesus is the Son of Man,
(He's still here revealing Himself to His Bride) and they were BOTH here at the same time.
Thier ministries overlaped.......just like John and Jesus. The one decreased so the other could increase. Branham died in '65
The Son of Man is still here.

Now, follow that thought one step further, If the Son of Man is here being revealed, (and I say he is), then he has took the book out of the Father's hand, opened the Seals and when He came down to reveal what was in the book......HE GOT UP FROM THE MERCY SEAT where He had been for the last 2000 years interceding, as the Slain Lamb, the Son of God.

The dispensation has changed from Son of God, to Son of Man....
At the same time in Rev 18, The Harlot church system is judged.
It is done...time (for the church ages) shall be no more.

These things are written and will happen...
If not now....then when?
It's later than you think.

Now you say you've believed what I've said...I made sense.
This doctrine I've spoke came from The revelation today of the Son of Man...
None of it was my Idea, or my own thoughts.....

Jesus has in this day throughly judged the Harlot church system...Rev 18...and others...
(She's gone....completely...not ever coming back).
Jesus said: "He who accepts whom I've sent accepts me"
"He who rejects whom I've sent rejects Me"

May be many good people in there still,..... they need to come out...Rev.18:4

To where you might say...?
To God's only provided place of worship....Branham tabernacle?..No....
Jesus Christ the Word.

Rev 19:11........"Blessed are they who are called to the wedding supper of the Lamb, for it is written "These are the true sayings of God"

Let's put that with this :
Jesus said, "unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you'll have no life in you"

He wasn't talking canibalism here....Jenyar, I think you understand what He meant here by His flesh and His blood.....

Thats His provided place of worship today....His Word...revealed by the Son of Man..those "true sayings " we'll all be eating or "partaking" of, ................ at the wedding supper.
Which is taking place now.......His Bride has to make Herself ready, put on the Garment, The white linen.

I hope you can see this, and leave off your attempt to fight God.
Because thats who your fighting here....The Word, not me..I'm just a man, trying to tell you the truth.

Do you hear the sound of laughter...?
They all laughed at Him the last time He was here.

He hasn't changed, do you think the nature of man has?.
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There is no other Message than the gospel, and as you know the scripture says that even an angel who presents a different gospel should not be listened to. I still want to know - where do you yourself go to praise God and worship Him? Are all religious gatherings included in Mr. Branham's condemnation? And where would you faith be if Mr. Branham turns out to be false? It's a good idea to strip down you beliefs every know and again and see what comes from God and what comes from other people.

Jesus is a reality in my life. My family has a history of ministers, one grandfather was a mission doctor, and the other studied under Karl Barth in Sweden. The one didn't have a denomination or 'church', the other was professor at a university and a pastor. Both believed the same thing - yet you say only one will be saved? If I leave my church now, but still believe the same thing, will Mr. Branham be happy then?

I believe God works through history, because He is always active and involved. Mr. Branham is an anomaly - he is one man claiming that the end has come and he has been given THE truth. That God's work stops with HIM. No one can be saved unless we believe HIM. Not one of the prophets claimed anything for themselves.

Prophets proclaim what everybody should know already. They bring nothing new; they just tell things as they are and will be. Mr. Branham is not an angel (angels do not make mistakes, and Mr. Branham said many things that should not even come out of common person's mouth - symbolic or otherwise). I believe he is a false prophet. He adds words to Revelation that were not intended.

Revelation 22:18
I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book.
OK, if I understand you correctly, you are saying the same thing that has been said since the arrival of Jesus, and you are trying to convert a converted...

You make a few large jumps, however:

The time span between Rev. 17 and 18 is scriptural (literary), not temporal - you seem to think Rev.18 only came into effect 30 years ago. It was just as valid and understandable when it was written as it is now. The "mystery" was removed right there on the spot, not just recently.

Rev.19:18 "The Woman whom you saw is the GREAT CITY, which reigns over the kings of the Earth.''

We have all been slaves of Babylon, we are all held captive by her. The Babylonian exile was a real event that foreshadowed our own exile and redemption in this world with the coming of Jesus.

You say that all Christian denominations are prostitutes who must flee from her? But that doesn't fit in with the prophecy. There is an evident correlation between the exile to Babylon and Revelation, which you can't ignore:

Psalm 137:8
O Daughter of Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us...

Rev.18:6Give back to her as she has given;
pay her back double for what she has done.
Mix her a double portion from her own cup.

The cup is one which God gave to her Himself when He gave Jerusalem over to the Babylonian king. Babylon drank the blood of all God's children. He gave her the cup Himself:
Jeremiah 51:7
Babylon was a gold cup in the LORD's hand; she made the whole earth drunk. The nations drank her wine; therefore they have now gone mad.

Isaiah 48:20
Leave Babylon, flee from the Babylonians! Announce this with shouts of joy and proclaim it. Send it out to the ends of the earth; say, "The LORD has redeemed his servant Jacob."

Jeremiah 51:6
"Flee from Babylon! Run for your lives! Do not be destroyed because of her sins. It is time for the LORD's vengeance; he will pay her what she deserves.

Rev.18:4Then I heard another voice from heaven say:
"Come out of her, my people,
so that you will not share in her sins,
so that you will not receive any of her plagues;

And if you think that you aren't living between the walls of Babylon: Even Jerusalem was given harsher words than any of the seven churches, in Ezek.16:

Ezek.16:15 " 'But you trusted in your beauty and used your fame to become a prostitute. You lavished your favors on anyone who passed by and your beauty became his. ...

28 You engaged in prostitution with the Assyrians too, because you were insatiable; and even after that, you still were not satisfied. 29 Then you increased your promiscuity to include Babylonia, [6] a land of merchants, but even with this you were not satisfied.
30 " 'How weak-willed you are, declares the Sovereign LORD , when you do all these things, acting like a brazen prostitute!

So where would you flee to? You have no church. If you read Jeremiah 27 again, you'll see that God actually told his people to live in Babylon, from where He would free them.

Micah 4:10
Writhe in agony, O Daughter of Zion, like a woman in labor, for now you must leave the city to camp in the open field. You will go to Babylon; there you will be rescued. There the LORD will redeem you out of the hand of your enemies.

Mr. Branham would have done well to remember these words:
63 Then, when I make atonement for you for all you have done, you will remember and be ashamed and never again open your mouth because of your humiliation.

What we must excape from is sin. Not protestantism.
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I appreciate your sincerity, but I have been a Christian all my life. A "protestant" Christian, to be precise.

And to make it clear what you are doing: you are asking me to turn back, "to walk no more with him". I won't demonize anybody who follows Christ earnestly - and who gets their information from the Bible . Martin Luther had a point when he said "sola fide, sola scriptura".

I told you that slaves were branded on their head or right hand if they ran away. These marks were called "stigmata" by their Roman masters.

Genesis means 'origin' or 'the beginning' of something: Latin genus, from Greek gignesthai to be born.
The word in Greek genos is also visible in English as 'gene' and 'genetic'. The word Genesis was not originally the Hebrew title, but B'reshith, ("eternal beginnings").

I would like to know the etymology of the 'two seeds' translation.

TheVisitor, you know I don't mean any disrespect, but I have to verify the things you say very critically, since it's such a drastic change you propose. You still haven't told me "come out" to where? I understand that you mean "from all denominations", but since the "temple" is within ourselves, I don't see what difference it makes "where" I go.

But I can assure you I am not a citizen of Babylon. If God sends me out, I will go. If you really want to do something productive, go to people who don't know God's kingdom.
You still haven't told me "come out" to where? I understand that you mean "from all denominations", but since the "temple" is within ourselves, I don't see what difference it makes "where" I go.
{{{{{{ }}}}}}}

Good question,

Come out to the Word.
Get away from half creed, half truth, pagan idolism the organized churches are teaching for "The Word"

Jesus Christ is the Word. John 1:1-14
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"Today" was almost 2000 years ago.

I don't know what you're doing. I already believe in Jesus.
This is pretty cool, I think thevisitor is turning out to be a strong player for the atheist team. *giggle*

Sorry, had to smart off. It's all I've got, what without jesus and all.
