Unanswered Questions

heflores, you are being deliberately obstinate and narrow-minded. Jesus did know the Septuagint - which is the largest part of the Bible - and often quoted from it. So did the apostles in the New Testament.

Matthew 15
16"Are you still so dull?" Jesus asked them. 17"Don't you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? 18But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man 'unclean.' 19For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. 20These are what make a man 'unclean'; but eating with unwashed hands does not make him 'unclean.' "

You should know this heflores.
Originally posted by Jenyar
heflores, you are being deliberately obstinate and narrow-minded. Jesus did know the Septuagint - which is the largest part of the Bible - and often quoted from it. So did the apostles in the New Testament.

Matthew 15
16"Are you still so dull?" Jesus asked them. 17"Don't you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? 18But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man 'unclean.' 19For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. 20These are what make a man 'unclean'; but eating with unwashed hands does not make him 'unclean.' "

You should know this heflores.

Yes Jenyar,
but physical cleanliness is important and it's holly. Atleast the Koran tells me so. So to tell me that hands should not be washed after sex or having urinating or having a bowel movement and then eating and going to prayer, I'd say, your bible is missing a lot. Muslims can't even pray to god unless they wash after going to the bathroom. A whole shower is needed for after sex. I don't get how I'm being bad questioning the important of physical cleanliness to christians, but cleanliness is godly and holly at least from the muslim prespective.

Also, the new testament talks about not eating the pig, so I don't understand why are christians so insisting on eating an animal that god has not designated for eating for whatever reason.
And how about Jesus never recommending to read the book of bible.....he didn't even prophesize that a book containing the old and new testemant will be put together. Jesus never read the book to his desciples.

What does that say about the book? The work of man with no relevance to Jesus.
What does that say about the book? The work of man with no relevance to Jesus.


The Old testement was proclaimed by Him and He spoke from it often. It was prophetic of the New testement with "types and "shadows" He Himself quoted and explained.

He said "This day this scripture is fulfilled."
come on now, the whole time you throw scriptures in my face. I want sciptures of where Jesus spoke to the people and told them that they have to read the bible. Also where Jesus have said that he is the last prophet and that Mohamed is false prophet and the Quran is not the book. Jesus must have warned his people of this Muahmed and Quran, for afterall, the entire region of Jesus has became Muslims or submitters, 1.3 billion people, and Christianity flee outside of Jesus home to north to Europe.

He said "This day this scripture is fulfilled." [/B]

No my friend. Jesus said that he didn't fulfill the scripture.

John 16:
[12] I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.
[13] Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.
[14] He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.

Prophet Muhammed didn't speak of himself, but spoke of what he heard. I remember you making fun of Prophet Muhammed before. He couldn't read or write, yet gave the nations a beautifull elegant complete book, a book that glorified Jesus Christ by saying the truth regarding him to clear all the lies that the Romans wrote and later you studied.
In the bible it says that a true scripture will say:

[23] And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God.

The Quran mentions this:

[4.125] And who has a better religion than he who submits himself entirely to Allah? And he is the doer of good (to others) and follows the faith of Ibrahim, the upright one, and Allah took Ibrahim as a friend.

The bible, does not mention this about Abraham when telling the story of Abraham. Actually Jenyar said that Abraham is not a believer because he married more than one.
Okay, this is just a question and not an aim to ruffle any feathers:

Do you think that the spiritual occurrances, as described in the Bible, are real, ie., the ability for people to receive the holy spirit, that Jesus healed people from incureable illnesses and that Jesus had cast an Evil spirit from a child into a pig?

I am not too familiar with the Bible but I had heard that these things were written in "the good book," and if so, do you believe that they are true?
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Don't believe a word you say, you intentionally don't answer to my logic, so I intentionally will ignore what you wrote and repeat.

John 16:
[12] I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.
[13] Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.
[14] He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.

Ok. Why is Jesus saying that he have many things to say, yet the people at the time are not ready to hear them. Then Jesus tell the people of a spirit of truth that will come, referred to as HE, a man, that will speak what it hears and will recieve of the same revelation that Jesus recieved of. Please tell me who is that HE who completed the revelation. And don't tell me it's your priest. Remember, Jesus said HE, not everyone, or the people, or the body like you ramble on.
Originally posted by heflores

No my friend. Jesus said that he didn't fulfill the scripture.

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Jesus fulfilled all the scriptures pertaining to His visit then.

From Luke 4:16-21

He took the scrolls from the priests in the temple and read:
..................From Isaiah 61:1-2.......................
"The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; 2 To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD"

Jesus stopped there in the middle of verse 2 and handed back the scrolls, and said "This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears"

That was what He fulfilled in His first coming.........
He knew just where to stop reading...................That's God.

The rest of vs.2 and vs 3 takes place today at His second coming......

"and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn; (vs.3 ) "To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion(that's always His Bride....Zion), to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified"

He is fulfilling scritures today through His "many membered body" (i.e. His people, His Bride).........that He might be glorified.

This is a hopeless case.

I don't dispute with you that Jesus as annointed by god and empowerd with the holly goast. I don't even dispute with you that Jesus taught the Israelites about god. That's all in the Quran. What I dispute about is that Jesus never said that he has completed the scriptures. Fulfilled and completed have different meanins. Of course, Jesus fulfilled the scriptures. His coming as a prophet is a fulfillment.

Jesus said that he has many things to say that he can't say now and another will come and complete the revelation. Please discuss that, and stop going to tangents and repeating garbage.

12] I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.
[13] Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.
[14] He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.
Ok. Why is Jesus saying that he have many things to say, yet the people at the time are not ready to hear them. Then Jesus tell the people of a spirit of truth that will come, referred to as HE, a man

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Read Rev 10:1-7

When the "Son of Man" comes, he is "the fullness of the Godhead bodily", in "the Dispensation of the fulness of times".

These are all Bible terms refering to Jesus second coming.

The people "raised up then" are the ones who receive this revelation. The ones in Pauls were not meant to receive it, it was "Sealed up" until the time of the end.

Rev. 19:11 Blessed are they which are called to the wedding supper of the Lamb......these are the true sayings of God.

True means complete as opposed to partial revelation.

You hit it right on the head .....your asking some good questions....
I'm done TheVisitor,

I'd rather become christian than listen to another word from you. You're a very effective preacher.....Could convert masses out of boredom or fear of hearing more of you.
Jesus comes as the Son of Man ......(first coming), God, in the flesh
as a man to die for our sins as The Sacrifice.

Then he's the Son of God....(Holy Spirit, leading His people into all truth)..The Bloody Lamb sitting on the Mercy seat through the Ages...interceding for us...

Then He takes the book, and comes as the Son of Man,..again, in this day.... (revealed )from heaven.......
(a theophany/or Word body) to open the Seven Sealed book and reveal His Mysteries - the meaning of which has been sealed through the ages, to his people............and be then gloified IN His people.

Then after the dispensation of the Gentiles are over......
He turns back to the Jews, sends them two prophets..(the two witnesses, the two wings of an eagle in Rev.) and in the Millineum
He sits on the throne as the Son of David..(it's a type..see)...Married to His Gentile Bride, with the Jews there as His servants.

Allthough He was the stone the builders rejected......and the kingdom was taken out of the hands of the Jews when she was put away as an adulterous wife, it was done to save live...they were blinded by God, for a purpose.... and will still be saved.(a perfect parallel with the life of Joseph)
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Originally posted by wesmorrisbabe

Do you think that the spiritual occurrances, as described in the Bible, are real, ie., the ability for people to receive the holy spirit, that Jesus healed people from incureable illnesses and that Jesus had cast an Evil spirit from a child into a pig?


Yes, I do.

These same things are happening again today also.....

The days of these kind of miracles are not passed.

It is your own faith that heals you......however sometimes that faith needs to be increased to receive something from God.

This can be through seeing a miracle take place in someone, hearing and receiveing the word for the day your living in, or as Jesus said "some kinds come not out without much prayer and fasting".

The Word of God needs to be "pure" in order for it to have effect.

It is like bread.....it needs to be un-leavened by "man's" creeds and doctrines.

Many organized religions today mix their creeds and traditions with the Word of God, in the name of "Christianty" and make the word of non-effect.

So thats why you don't see the miracles as often as you should..

The scriptures say "The works that I do shall you do also"


(listen to this message....at the end, about paragraph 55 on down there is a healing service takes place with God calling out people "thoughts and intents of the heart", thier diseases...something no one could know but God ....)

It's miracles from God caught right on this tape recording...
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1. Would you say that someone must be a true follower of God for good things to happen to them?

2. Do you believe that a nonbeliever, in a desperate desire for a miracle, could get down on his/her hands and knees and pray and be given a miracle?

3. Has anything spirtual happened to you personally? I've heard of people who had claimed to encounter amazing,, almost unbelievable and awesome religious experiences, some who claimed to have felt an "overwhelming energy" when their minister touched his/her hands upon them, so much so that they lost all muscle control and fell down. I'd heard of others who claimed to have been struck with the sudden ability to speak 'in tongues.' I never really quite understood what 'speaking in tongues' meant though. I think it's a Heavenly language. Do you think that people really feel what is happening to them?

4. What do you think of televangelists and their efforts to heal people?

5. Why do you think that God allows us to hurt each other where as, in the New Testament (or so I'm still assuming. I've never read the entire "Good Book") God would cast down his wrath against the people for not obeying his commands? Is it because Jesus' death has given us the free will to make such horrible mistakes against each other?

6. Why does God desire that we worship him? Is he an insecure deity?

Again, I don't mean these questions as an insult towards anyone. It's just something that I haven't understood and I appreciate everyone's willingness to bare with me and to help me find the answers.

Thank you, Visitor, for your input! It's appreciated, as well. You've answered a lot of my former questions and I'm grateful for your help.
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I'm sure He would hear you.

It's the sincerity of a persons heart He is looking at.

Tounges are A spiritual gift, but are the least of the gifts mentioned in the scriptures....
Some "organized" churches have "majored on a minor", with this and have denominated on the doctrine that it is the "evidence" of the Holy ghost......This is an error

Tounges are "A" evidence of the Holy ghost, but some will have other gifts.....

The Rain (Holy Spirit) falls on the just and un-just alike......

The tares receive the same benifits as the wheat...see

It can make them shout and speak in tougnes and still they be of the wrong seed........with sin in their life.

But the real christians can speak in tounges too.

It is not the Evidence, that is the doctrine of the Pentecostal churches and is a partial truth.
I'm not saying there isn't a real manifestation of this by no means.

Have I seen miracles...yes......They are real, because He is real.

T.V. preachers i.e. faith healers are all impersonating a gift that was given to William Branham, the man on this tape link I gave you to listen to.....

He had a supernatural gift of discernment that boosted the peoples faith when they saw this displayed....He didn't make vauge, general guesses at there afflictions he called them out exactly, along with the peoples name ,what they were praying for, any unconfessed sins in their live ect.. tens of thousands of times without one error. He expained it was God revealing this to Him.

Listen to this tape especially at the end......

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The following is a translation to what this EVIL EVIL man, thevisitor, is saying:

Originally posted by TheVisitor
I'm sure He would hear you.
Yes I cling to my lies because they are all I know and in order to make sure I don't think they're lies, YOU have to believe them too.
Originally posted by TheVisitor

It's the sincerity of a persons heart He is looking at.
Yes I have divine knowledge and you can only get it by listening to ME.
Originally posted by TheVisitor

Tounges are A spiritual gift, but are the least of the gifts mentioned in the scriptures....
People acting like utter fools and spasming like epileptics convinces me that God is in the hizouse.
Originally posted by TheVisitor

Some "organized" churches have "majored on a minor", with this and have denominated on the doctrine that it is the "evidence" of the Holy ghost......This is an error
I STILL know more about God than you, so you must follow MY interpretation of some stupid book I read that I think the creator of the universe wrote.
Originally posted by TheVisitor

Tounges are "A" evidence of the Holy ghost, but some will have other gifts.....
The Rain (Holy Spirit) falls on the just and un-just alike......
Originally posted by TheVisitor

The tares receive the same benifits as the wheat...see

It can make them shout and speak in tougnes and still they be of the wrong seed........with sin in their life.

But the real christians can speak in tounges too.
The above is just evidence that I am really really gullable and pretty much anyone in a robe spouting verse gives me a spiritual woody. This being the case it must BE spiritual. Therefore christianity is completely justified.
Originally posted by TheVisitor

It is not the Evidence, that is the doctrine of the Pentecostal churches and is a partial truth.
I'm not saying there isn't a real manifestation of this by no means.
Can't you SEE that I'm way smarter than you because the only book I ever read is the bible? It's the only book worth reading. Jews, Muslims, Hindus, etc are tragically mistaken and will burn in hell for their error. Aitheists on the other hand are demons upon this earth, trapped by the lies of the angel cast down. I know this because the voices in my head told me so. I know this for it is my heritage. My heritage cannot be wrong.
Originally posted by TheVisitor

Have I seen miracles...yes......They are real, because He is real.
I'm a gullable idiot. Everything I do not understand is a miracle, and since the only book I've ever read is the bible, there sure seem to be a lot of miracles in the world.
Originally posted by TheVisitor

T.V. preachers i.e. faith healers are all impersonating a gift that was given to William Branham, the man on this tape link I gave you to listen to.....
Only MY faith healing charlitan is not a charlitan.
Originally posted by TheVisitor

He had a supernatural gift of discernment that boosted the peoples faith when they saw this displayed....He didn't make vauge, general guesses at there afflictions he called them out exactly, along with the peoples name ,what they were praying for, any unconfessed sins in their live ect.. tens of thousands of times without one error. He expained it was God revealing this to Him.

I have some homoerotic fantasy about this guy, but can't admit that.. so I hide my sexual deviance behind the guise of my religious heritage, which of course, serves as a guise for ALL my ignorance and mental deficiency.
I told you the truth.
All those other religions and christians who think you are wrong must be really stupid then. People are not seeing the 'truth' in what you speak, because when an question is asked of you you generally don't answer in any direct way.

If hearing the scripture and not believing it causes you to forfeit you chance at heaven, I advise you to shutup. There are people on this site that actually hold intelligent discussions and who may persuade others that their belief is correct. You however, are not one of these people, and are commiting 'genocide of the soul' by explaining your 'truth' in a way that makes you look like a fool.