Unanswered Questions

Originally posted by TheVisitor
See...you may have talked to beleivers before, and mocked and made fun; but what I spoke was not of my own thoughts, the words brought to you were real and had supernatural power.
Prove it. All you have are empty words, prove to me that your words are supernatural and I'll shutup and praise jesus. Otherwise, shut up. You have every right to spout what ever kind of self-serving bullshit you'd like, and I have every right refute it. I think you simply have no capacity for independent thought. I have no way to prove that, but you seem to be doing a great job.

I do not hate you... I do however loath your shallow, simplistic, prehistoric message. You are an arbiter of lies that you think are truth, it's pathetic to me that a grown man can only see life through a book designed specifically for controlling the masses. You exemplify this more than almost anyone I've encounterd. Your inability to use the ONE gift that the universe DID bestow upon you... your potential for thinking.. has been squandered on your self-involved bible thumping. That wouldn't be so bad, but you then insist that everyone else is jacked in the head if they don't listen to YOUR interpretation thereof as the ONLY POSSIBLE truth. To that I say... F**K you, A**HOLE. :)
Originally posted by TheVisitor

I told you the truth.

Sadly, I'm sure you think you have.
because when an question is asked of you you generally don't answer in any direct way.

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You say I never answer directly...........

I've told you the truth from the scriptures.
My own thoughts would be a guess, and the words would hold no life.
Jesus said:...(see) My words are spirit, and they are life.

If I didn't know an answer, I wouldn't give you "I guess"....
Not concerning the scriptures. Other things sure, military secrets or political opinions.
But not on scripture.
Good versus Evil. What a useful model of the human spirit.

Is it just me, or does a religion that forces everything in the universe to conform to a binary model of Good versus Evil look like it was designed by a computer programmer on the back of a napkin?
1's and 0's...good point
Ever notice how the breakdown of a molecule looks just like a little solar system.....

And the forces that hold those nucleui and electrons together in their places, are like the forces that hold the planets in line.

What is that force....and who or what put it there....

"Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding. 5 Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it? 6 Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof; 7 When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?"
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Wow, here's a whole group of people with the spirit
My cat has 'the spirit' in him
Proof the paganism is the way to th spirits
A scout and 2 ladies with the spirit

Personal accounts of those Branham 'healed' dying soon after

And finally, some classis Branham quotes of false prophesies and stupid ideas:
"And there if you go to the moon you couldn't set down because see, you'd jump right back up unless you had some magnet to hold you there. You couldn't stay over night; you'd freeze to death. In the daytime you'd burn up. What you going to do when you get there?" (Basis of Fellowship 61-0214)

"Oh, now they're all wanting to make a whole lot of these astronaut cans so they can get into it... I don't believe, with all my heart, they'll ever get there. See?" (Countdown 20:101 62-0909M)

"But I remember when my father's still up there running, I had to be out there with water and stuff, see young ladies that wasn't over seventeen, eighteen years, up there with a man my age now, drunk. And they'd have to sober them up and give them black coffee, to get them home to cook their husband's supper. Oh, something like that, I said, 'I...This was my remarked [sic] then, THEY'RE NOT WORTH A GOOD CLEAN BULLET TO KILL THEM WITH IT.' That's right. And I hated women. That's right. And I just have to watch every move now, to keep from still thinking the same thing."
(This hatred of women partly lead to the twisting of the Eve and the serpent story)

Anyone belonging to any denomination had taken "the mark of the beast" (Footprints on the Sands of Time, pp. 627, 629, 643, 648).

"every sin that ever was on the Earth was caused by a woman ... the very lowest creature on the Earth" (The Spoken Word, Vol. III Nos. 12, 13, 14;, Branham: Spoken Word Publications, Jeffersonville, Ind. 1976; pp. 81-82)

“What is God? God is a great Eternal. At the beginning, way back before there was a beginning, he wasn't even God. Did you know that? A god is an object of worship, and there wasn't nothing to worship him; He lived alone. And in him was attributes. What is an attribute? A thought." (The Spoken Word, Vol. III, p. 79)
(Which btw fails the strange god clause in Deut 13:1-3)

"I sincerely believe and maintain as a private student of the word, along with divine inspiration that 1977 ought to terminate the world system and usher in the Millennium".
In light of claims that Branham was God's end-time prophet, it is significant that he falsely predicted that America would be destroyed in 1977 (The Seven Church Ages, p. 322).

If God will reveal to me what you were praying about, will you receive it? Your a praying for your son. And your son has a heart trouble. And he's got a black shadow over him, for death. No, I beg your pardon, lady. He's a sinner. The dark shadow, you are praying for the salvation of his soul. That's what that dark shadow is. Raise your hand if that's true. Hallelujah! I challenge your faith in God. Ask the woman. What did she touch? Nothing. What caused it? Was it that faithful pastor setting there praying? I don't think so. It was her faith that did that. You just believe. [Christ Outside the Door, March 30, 1958 (tape #58-0330E) ]
There is a man standing before me, he's had a operation for hemorrhoids; didn't do any good. Mr. Day, I beg your pardon, Mr. Short, stand up and receive your healing. [Abraham's Grace Covenant, March 17, 1961 (tape #61-0317) ]
Mr. Branham has said that his gift of discernment was actually the Holy Spirit speaking through his lips. Since God does not make mistakes, these incidents invalidate any such claim.

Now, I'm going back into the country, that you might know, when I come back next year. I'm going to get a brown bear that's almost twice that size. You see if it's right or not. I seen it. When we was standing, put my hands on his haunches laying on the ground, like that. And I could put my hands on his hips like that, and him laying down. Now, you find out if that's right or not. [Presuming, S. Pines, NC, June 10, 1962 (tape #62-0610M)]
He died before finsihing his second bear 'prophecy'

William Branham and his son Billy Paul were once standing in front of the May Company in downtown Los Angeles. He told his son, "Billy, I may not be here but you won't be an old man until sharks will swim right where we are standing" (See The Acts of the Prophet, by Pearry Green, page 119).
Billy is now over 70 (possibly dead). Branham often called himself an old man from the time he was 56 years old.

The president which now is, President Franklin D. Roosevelt... (Now remember, this is twenty-eight years ago.) will cause the whole world to go to war...
Condemnation by Representation, Jeffersonville, IN, (tape #60-1113)
The US was one of the last major contries to enter ww2

But now you must be brought down to hell.' And about two hundred or three hundred years after His prophecy, with all them coastal towns, every one of them still standing but Capernaum, and it lays in the bottom of the sea. A earthquake sunk it into the sea. [Ashamed, Jeffersonville, IN, July 11, 1965 (65-0711)]
Capernaum never sank into the sea. Its ruins lay on the northwestern shore of the Sea of Galilee to this day. [/b]

"And you seen it in Reader's Digest, not long ago, Donny Morton, "The Miracle Of Donny Morton." That little child right there in California, at the Assemblies of God, down there at that school, Southwestern Bible School, that child was so twisted and afflicted till even John Hopkins and Mayo Brothers said, 'There's not a earthly chance for him.' But the Lord...?... THUS SAITH THE LORD. That was different." [His Unfailing Words of Promise, Phoenix, AZ, January 20, 1964 (tape #64-0120)]
He continue to say that the child was healed of the disease due to his praying. According to reader's digest he said ". . . do not give up hope. With faith in God’s power, and help from the medical world, your little son will live." Within five months of this prediction, the boy died from a combination of meningitis and pneumonia.

William Branham prophesied of a great campaign in India, saying:

Mark my word; write it in the pages of your Bible, for it's THUS SAITH THE LORD, "Remember, when we land in India, you're going to hear of tens of thousands times thousands being saved." The Holy Spirit has said it; I've wrote it here in my Bible; it's wrote in tens of thousands of Bibles right here, like the resurrection of the little boy. By a vision that He said, "There's three hundred thousand of them in there." And you see if that isn't right. There's how the Gospel's going to be preached just overnight. She'll just sweep like that from place to place.
Questions and Answers, May 15, 1954 (tape #54-0515)

As many of his other prophecies, this one did not come to pass quite as he predicted. Mr. Branham did go to India in September 1954, but the results fell far short of fulfilling this prophecy. Mr. Branham had to leave India after having been rescued by the militia from an angry mob. He tells of this:

"When I held my hand there, and when the prayer, of course wasn't interpreted, when I dropped my hands, the man looked. He let out a scream. He grabbed me around the waist. He grabbed the mayor of the city and begin hugging him and kissing him. He was just--could see as good as any man setting in here. I'm telling you: a frantic, a scream went from those people, and the whole thing went into a turmoil. Two or three hours later, they got me through the crowd with a army there trying to push them back. I had no pockets in my coats. My shoes was gone. They'd pulled every clothes off of me, nearly stripping me, screaming and crying. And the next day with sorrow. I had to leave India with a promise that I'd be back again. "
India Trip Report, January 26, 1957 (tape #57-0126B)

Mr. Branham never achieved the results in India that were prophesied when he said, "THUS SAITH THE LORD, 'Remember, when we land in India, you're going to hear of tens of thousands times thousands being saved.' The Holy Spirit has said it . . . " Look here for the unintended consequences of this visit.

I'm the Lord that raised up Christ from the grave.
I'm the One that sent the Holy Ghost.
I'm the One that give the promise.
Brother Branham has nothing to do in this.
I have--He's surrendered his life to Me.
I'm using his Spirit;
I'm talking through his lips.
That's Me; I'm the Lord.
Looking At the Unseen, April 10, 1959 (tape #59-0410).
It's difficult to belive that God doesn't know proper grammar and stumbles over His words in line 5. He is perfect after all

And so far as I know, that every vision that He's ever give me has been fulfilled except the one that I'm a change in my ministry to where I'm to pray for people in a little place like a little room under a tent, or a big auditorium or something. It looked to me like a tent. You remember that, two or three years ago?
Present Stage of My Ministry, September 8, 1962 (tape #62-0908)
3 later, Branham was killed, leaving this "thus saith the Lord" vision unfulfilled.

You have quite a collection there...

You've really done your homework.....I'm impressed, but I've heard it all before, and every bit is either mis-representing what he said,...or a mis-placed quote...taken out of context from the message around it
It's all off of Web-sites that are supported by people who've turned away from God......

Even the harshest secular critics's if they've studied history have better things to say than this by far...Read David Harrel's(All Things are Possible).......

Things were said in a symbolic way, in some cases..like the tent, and the millineum....

Does God require a "certain education" to call his people.?

No, and your critic's will never see what really happened .
The worst enemies Jesus had, were ones that had at one time been with Him.
Such as Judas.............these are who you quote.

They are not even "respectable critics", on the other hand I have the testamony of Kings and Potentates, U.S. congressmen and world leaders, that say otherwise., I could use if I wanted, but I don't.

I've studied the Word of God, and the Message for myself

What you need to decide is whether Branham was a messinger of God or Not.
For yourself, don't take what someone else wrote about it.

It's up to each person to work out their own salvation with fear and trembleing......

"No man can come to Me unless the Father draws him first"

Some people just are not going to do that, so I'm not surprised what I hear from them.

Believe what you will, I just hope you drag no one down with you, but Jesus said:

"All the Father has given me will come, and none can snatch them from my hand.:

So I'm not worried............I'm sure,....... Are you?

Or are you "just guessing"................?
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What you need to decide is whether Branham was a messinger of God or Not.
For yourself, don't take what someone else wrote about it.
His false prophesies where attached to statments such as "this saith the lord". They were not symbolic, as his original prophesies were VERY specific. As for believing what other people have wrote, Branham's "teachings" were fortunately taped... so no translation is needed. That is what he said, that is what he wrote, and that is what did not come true.

The Bible is very clear about how to tell true prophets, and Branham fails.
Persol, yeah... hehe. I wonder how I go about doing that or if I need to just start-up a new account. I just chose this name because I didn't think I would be posting much but I found some threads that I thought were interesting and that I had questions about. No matter. I'll try to fix my name. :D Just hope it doesn't hurt my hunny's feelings. :)
I don't know what that hell that groupie chick is talking about - but I'm NOT MARRIED.

She has been hounding me for months. Ack. :bugeye:
heheheheh.. just kidding. I loves me some wifey!!!!!!!!!

I just can't help messing with her... pardon.

she's the sweetest girl in the whole world so you people be nice to her. *loves the wifey*
OMG, did you see me stalking you? Did you see the pictures of you doing during your daily routine that I have hanging on my wall?.... OHHH! I am so embarrassed. :D

As for believing what other people have wrote, Branham's "teachings" were fortunately taped

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The tent meeting, and the little room were symbolic, of the prayer closet the privite place God meets His people , the Millineum was ushered in 1963 and the world missed it......the raptures a proccess, it's been going on for 40 years now.
Rev. 19:11

That kingdom was set up in the hearts of His people just as promised in Daniel, Revelations, Isaiah, and about every other book in the bible.

And there are over 1100 tapes between 2 and 4 hours each.....

Have you heard them all... any of them ....even 1

I won't play with you. I've been very clear for the sake of others that might read this.....

You both have lost your composure many times and take opposite sides of any issue for the sake of arguement, and anyone reading your posts can see that.
Originally posted by TheVisitor
You both have lost your composure many times and take opposite sides of any issue for the sake of arguement, and anyone reading your posts can see that.

As anyone reading your posts can see that you're a bible-thumping idiot with a homoerotic fixation on a guy with a fake picture proving he's your wannabe love slave. :eek:

Give it a rest jerk.