UFO Crash Site

btimsah said:
Basically what debunker's try to do is pretend nothing extraordinary happens, thus "every case has been debunked". Because, anything is more plausible than ETI.
Likewise I claim it isn't ET but Santa disguesed as an alien. The claim has no more or less support than yours, but I somehow doubt you'd think it true. You can't make an extraordinary claim and then expect not to have to back it up... that isn't how science works.
btimsah said:
Basically what debunker's try to do is pretend nothing extraordinary happens,

Perhaps it is because the human mind is such that it sees patterns and correlations where none exist and often creates extraordinary explanations where mundane, prosaic, and coincidental events do just as well.

btimsah said:
It's a typical game that's played on these boards ad-naseum... :rolleyes:

The extraordinary claim with insufficient evidence is also a "game" played ad nauseam on the internet. :cool:
SkinWalker said:
Perhaps it is because the human mind is such that it sees patterns and correlations where none exist and often creates extraordinary explanations where mundane, prosaic, and coincidental events do just as well.

The extraordinary claim with insufficient evidence is also a "game" played ad nauseam on the internet. :cool:

You will always claim every extraordinary claim has insufficient evidence, unless "most scientists" agree with the claim. Nice try though. :D
Persol said:
Likewise I claim it isn't ET but Santa disguesed as an alien. The claim has no more or less support than yours, but I somehow doubt you'd think it true. You can't make an extraordinary claim and then expect not to have to back it up... that isn't how science works.

Only a fanatical debunker would not see the difference between the evidence for ETI and Santa Clause. This is typical debunkery at it's worst. Compare apples to oranges and call it science. Nice try again. :m:
btimsah said:
You will always claim every extraordinary claim has insufficient evidence, unless "most scientists" agree with the claim. Nice try though. :D

Not true at all. For those extraordinary claims that are supported by evidence, I give much credance to.

The idea that the Black Sea flooded after a breach of the Bosperus and, perhaps, gave rise to the flood myth of Noah seems very intriguing to me. Not all geologists, anthropologists, and arcaeologists even agree that the Black Sea was flooded by the Mediterranean, much less believe that it originated Noah's Flood story.

I very much support the former and hold some interest in the latter. But this is because there is considerable evidence: geologically, anthropologically, and via computer modelling of the alleged infill event.

Nice try, indeed. Simply labeling a reasoned, critical thinker who "looks before he leaps" when it comes to extraordinary claims a "debunker" doesn't mean that the "bunk" doesn't exist in the claim.
btimsah said:
Only a fanatical debunker would not see the difference between the evidence for ETI and Santa Clause. This is typical debunkery at it's worst. Compare apples to oranges and call it science. Nice try again. :m:
Then please, point out the difference between the two. What makes your claim hold more water?

Both are extraordinary claims. Both are supported by various people around the world. Neither have a shred of evidence.
Persol said:
Then please, point out the difference between the two. What makes your claim hold more water?

Both are extraordinary claims. Both are supported by various people around the world. Neither have a shred of evidence.

Well, again this just speak's to you're incredible desire to debunk anything UFO/ETI related. You can try to play this stupid apples and oranges game but it won't work. Or, well I won't play it.

There's about as much physical evidence to suggest blackholes exist, as their is santa clause. NONE. Guess we can't believe in either then, right? I can do that too, but we both know it's full of it and mean's nothing. :rolleyes:
SkinWalker said:
Not true at all. For those extraordinary claims that are supported by evidence, I give much credance to.

The idea that the Black Sea flooded after a breach of the Bosperus and, perhaps, gave rise to the flood myth of Noah seems very intriguing to me. Not all geologists, anthropologists, and arcaeologists even agree that the Black Sea was flooded by the Mediterranean, much less believe that it originated Noah's Flood story.

I very much support the former and hold some interest in the latter. But this is because there is considerable evidence: geologically, anthropologically, and via computer modelling of the alleged infill event.

Nice try, indeed. Simply labeling a reasoned, critical thinker who "looks before he leaps" when it comes to extraordinary claims a "debunker" doesn't mean that the "bunk" doesn't exist in the claim.

No, I agree with you how you are probably very well centered on other issues. However, I was mainly referring to thing's in the UFO/ETI field. Unless "mainstream scientist's" agree that it's alien or proof thereof, you always argue against it. That's what you are waiting for isnt it?
Ophiolite said:
And the two cases where he did see something?

Did he photograph it? Does he have any tangible proof that it happened? Or a mountain of witnesses to the event?

It need's something more than just ONE person, unless that one person is incredibly believable. Also, ghost's are virtually impossible to prove. What are they gonna do? Grab the ghostly vision untill the scientist's show up to verify their finding? lol
Starman said:
This would be similar to the Government discovering Jesus had returned, then before any of the Christians see him, they take him and lock him away and proceed to tell the Christians that he was a weather balloon.

Hahaha, I laughed out loud at that one. Good one! :D :D
phlogistician said:
And yes, UFOs are real, they are secret aircraft. So don't hide behind terms. I accept that people sometime see craft that they can't identify, and am confident they are all terrestrial in origin. But they are not aliens. Accepting they are secret aircraft is no mystery, is it, so what are you claiming UFOs to be?

What evidence do you have to support this claim? Since we don't know there are no aliens, you can't claim THEY ARE NOT THEM.

I thought you were a debunker, but more importantly you just dont believe Aliens are visiting us thus you make sure every UFO case is explained away as natural or "secret craft" in your drive too make sure nobody believes aliens are visiting us, right?
btimsah said:
There's about as much physical evidence to suggest blackholes exist, as their is santa clause. NONE. Guess we can't believe in either then, right? I can do that too, but we both know it's full of it and mean's nothing. :rolleyes:
Actually there is physical evidence that blackholes exist. That's why it's a scientific theory...
Persol said:
Actually there is physical evidence that blackholes exist. That's why it's a scientific theory...

I received these responses from UFO researchers.

Hello John,
I really can't draw any conclusions (even speculative ones) as to what
this image really represents. I would suggest you contact someone in the
US like MUFON (see their website) http:www.mufon.com They are currently
the biggest ufo investigation group in the US. I'm sure they would
have somebody in NM who would be in a better position to evaluate it than
we are here down in Oz.It really needs somebody on the ground who knows
that area or can go there and can put this image into some context. The
whole background to the photo would need to be looked into as well.
Sorry for delay in getting back to you.
Steve Walters

Hi John

Actually I had seen this picture not long ago. It was sent to me from a colleague of mine as we work together on many cases. One problem about this John is do we have any actual information that this is a crash site or of a UFO ? I haven't heard of anything and I am sure I would have. It also is very hard to get any detail from the photo to say what it actually is for certain. If it a UFO or just something else earthly.

It is a tough one John.

take care

Why these guys go by the name researchers is beyond me. I do not believe you can research anything without attempting to obtain further information. This is very unscientific. I have a phone number for the site it is (505) 678-1234. I think it is to the Military Police. I just wonder if they would hand out the phone number to the small missile range. That is what the locals say the site in question is called. If anyone wants to try to obtain the number for the small missile range maybe it could be as simple as calling the site and asking hey what is that thing that is crashed on the back side of the hill at your site. The only reason I have not called this number is because I can not get in any trouble. I would not want to get anyone else in trouble so I would not call that number from a house phone if I were you. Another reason I have not called the number is because I do not believe that anyone there is going to divulge any information about the site specially if it is a secret facility and I have every reason to believe it is.

I do see clearly an object of structure in the photograph. This evidence can not be denied because it is from a credible source the USGS. It is not a rock it is not a geological formation. It is some kind of object I am not going to say that we did not build it but I will say that we may of not built it and I mean Humans when I say we. I will say that I had a up front and personal UFO sighting at this site and my wife also witnessed it. I will also say that all the efforts to identify the site have not been exhausted. I will continue to attempt any means within the law to investigate the site including letters to anyone who I hope can help with solving this matter. The evidence at hand points to something of merit and warrants further investigation. Any help is appreciated.

All the people on this forum are for the most part very intelligent although we do not all agree "If we knew what it was that we were doing they would not call it research now would they" AE.
You'll notice that none of those people actually supported you view, and specifically said that there isn't enough information to support it. Intersting, yes. Proof of a UFO crash, hardly.
Persol said:
You'll notice that none of those people actually supported you view, and specifically said that there isn't enough information to support it. Intersting, yes. Proof of a UFO crash, hardly.

Granted you are correct there is not enough information.

However there is far more evidence pointing to the fact that it is an object that has crashed at the site than any evidence you or anyone else have put forward saying it is not. At least I offer genuine credible photo's showing obvious interest by the Military in the object at hand with an exact location. You on the other hand offer only words. When you bring forth evidence proving me wrong then and only then will I submit to your rash statements of disbelief.
I've been following this thread, participating some... but perhaps I missed a post? What "evidence" have you noted that indicates a crash? Specifically?
SkinWalker said:
I've been following this thread, participating some... but perhaps I missed a post? What "evidence" have you noted that indicates a crash? Specifically?

yes, i am fascinatged with all this too and would love to see the pic everyone's goin on about

my views: there are a mixture of interpretations aren't there; that UFOS ETs are really from other civilizations;
That they are more interdimensional 'infraterrestrials (Jacques Valle); that they are from the 'collective unconscious', (Carl Jung); that they are 'Earth ights' seen over powerful magnetic prehistoric site, (Paul Devereux)...etc

hehe, why not ALL these...??

but i cant pretend to know. all i DO know is that what actually IS, us here spinning, falling, in this living organism, Earth, in a spiralling galaxy, the Milky Way~~just one of many~~ in this vast universe....is err mindlowing enough.....

anyway, carry on.....
Starman said:
However there is far more evidence pointing to the fact that it is an object that has crashed at the site than any evidence you or anyone else have put forward saying it is not.
No, you haven't. You have a mark on the ground in a low-res black and white photo. This could be a bombing zone, a dried up field, a lake bed, whatever....
At least I offer genuine credible photo's showing obvious interest by the Military in the object at hand with an exact location.
And exactly what logic supports this? There are several roads, and none of them go directly to the mark. Even assuming it's not natural, there is no evidence that this isn't the result of the facility.