UFO Crash Site

SkinWalker said:
If it's secret, then how did you know about it :)
Besides, there are many things about my former career that couldn't discuss even if I wanted to (see this link). I can only tell you that none of it concerns flying saucers or alien spacecraft.

If you think that bit of shrubery is a guardstation and the creek is a rockwall, then you really should look at the higher resolution photo that I linked to above that one. Have you ever seen these features in other images or in person?

This is not a creek for it is located at the top of an adjacent mountain just west of the object. The roads below the object are actually in a valley. Just after that the terrain climbs again up the side of another mountain.

I know about RAT SCAT from interviewing people that worked at the site and if you like I believe I can show you a satellite photo of it.
Starman said:
This is not a creek for it is located at the top of an adjacent mountain just west of the object.

Actually, you are correct. It is not a creek. Its a dry wash. and the area is replete with them. They are on either side of the hill you believe is a "crashed disk."

Clearly you are allowing your fantasies of locating a "crashed disk" delude you. There's little else I can discuss with you about it, though I *do* hope you get the opportunity to visit the "site." Borrow a good camera outfit and see if you can get a permit to photograph hawks or owls or something.
SkinWalker said:
Actually, you are correct. It is not a creek. Its a dry wash. and the area is replete with them. They are on either side of the hill you believe is a "crashed disk."

Clearly you are allowing your fantasies of locating a "crashed disk" delude you. There's little else I can discuss with you about it, though I *do* hope you get the opportunity to visit the "site." Borrow a good camera outfit and see if you can get a permit to photograph hawks or owls or something.

Thanks I am only interested in finding out what the object is. Due to the fact that it is hidden from the public it will probably remain a mystery..

You know what they say, everyone loves a mystery.

I will probably someday solve my mystery until then, thanks for all your feedback it has been rewarding and I look forward to discussing other threads on this site with you.
SkinWalker said:
Actually, you are correct. It is not a creek. Its a dry wash. and the area is replete with them. They are on either side of the hill you believe is a "crashed disk."

Clearly you are allowing your fantasies of locating a "crashed disk" delude you. There's little else I can discuss with you about it, though I *do* hope you get the opportunity to visit the "site." Borrow a good camera outfit and see if you can get a permit to photograph hawks or owls or something.

Pretend he's trying to locate a top secret government craft then, maybe that would make it less delusional. :D
Starman said:
Granted however it is highly unusual to have something on that order located on the back side of a hill in rough terrain. There are plenty of tracking stations around, they are located at advantage points as would be any Meteorological station, radar station, communications relay station, etc, etc. Not hidden from view in a remote wash.
To get to work this morning I had to drive farther into the desert than to get to your site. There is also a meterological and communications relay here. The site is surrounded on each side by hills. The site is completely less accessible than yours. (Hell, the mustard gas facility to the south is right off the main road).
lat 38.433488
long -104.282627

That doesn't mean they are hidding UFOs here... regardless of the fact that the geography is VERY similar.

Your logic doesn't pan out.
Persol said:
That doesn't mean they are hidding UFOs here... regardless of the fact that the geography is VERY similar.

Your logic doesn't pan out.

Well all righty then, why won't they let us take a look? No show and tell here.
Starman said:
Well all righty then, why won't they let us take a look? No show and tell here.

What happened, that made you feel there was a crashed UFO there?

Forgive me, I have not really followed this thread that closely. I was just curious as to what was the first thing that made you go, WHOA?

Is this near a famous UFO crash site, or what?
Starman said:
Well all righty then, why won't they let us take a look? No show and tell here.
You drive out to where I am they won't let you in to have a look either... there are thousands of such places. That doesn't mean there are UFOs there.

Being a missle test site is a good enough reason not to let some kook 'take a look'.
btimsah said:
What happened, that made you feel there was a crashed UFO there?

Forgive me, I have not really followed this thread that closely. I was just curious as to what was the first thing that made you go, WHOA?

Is this near a famous UFO crash site, or what?

I had an up front and personal UFO sighting at this site also whitnessed by my wife. I know the area and the topography when I observed the USGS immages of the site I saw this area that did not fit the geology and I was shocked at what it resembled a crashed disk. On many occasions I have sceen lights in the area doing strange things. This site is just like area 51 only with no publicity. The site is tied to NASA by a tunnel bored through the mountain I can only immagine this is not to generate attention to the site by traffic. Go figure my theory stands and no one can prove otherwise even if they choose to disagree. I can tell you this what I saw that early morning in July 1995 was nothing like I had ever seen before and the two F-16s in full afterburnner chasing the two objects were just as interested as I was. BTW look at the immages on page 10 of this thread and the latest immage that I had edited shows great detail that the Military has shown great interest by all the roads into this rough terrian to investigat this object. Also notice what looks like cranes at the site. This needs to be investigated.
" The site is tied to NASA by a tunnel bored through the mountain"

You do realize how far this is from the nearest "NASA" installation and the amount of matrix that would have to be removed in order to construct a tunnel, right? How do you account for the thousands of dump trucks that must have done this? Where is this matrix now? What did they remove it with?

"my theory stands and no one can prove otherwise even if they choose to disagree."

Starman, its unfortunate, but your "theory" only stands in your mind. A theory is a culmination of tested hypotheses. Your's is a hypothesis that has yet to be tested, hardly a "theory." As a hypothesis, it is weak since little consideration is given to tests that falsify and the only tests that you seem willing to accept are those that appear to support.

At least two people with backgrounds in geology (myself and Ophiolite) have given you critical analysis of the features you believe are present, yet you persist in seeing only what you want.

I think you're a pretty good guy, don't get me wrong. I'm only being critical of your methodology in hopes that you'll start to open yourself up to other possibilities. You have the correlation of the site to the extraordinary experience that you and your wife witnessed, and that creates confirmation bias for you.

Did you see the object crash?
SkinWalker said:
Did you see the object crash?

I did not see it crash personaly but here is the evidence of the eye whitnesses who did see it. The tunnel from nasa to the site was confirmed by employes I had talked to who worked at NASA along with Construction workers from Mesa Verde out of Alamogordo who were contracted to pave the road leading from the tunnel to the site,.

White Sands Proving Ground was involved in another sighting on July 4 1947 when the El Paso building inspector said that he and a carload of people saw two glowing disks hovering over WSPG before they suddenly dashed away.

Another interesting cluster of sightings occurred the night of July 8th 1947 starting at about 9:30, when an El Paso man claimed that a thin, disk-shaped object came straight at his car. Ten minutes later, three witnesses in two different parts of El Paso reported a round and a "silver-dollar"- shaped object streak over the city and disappear to the north. Possibly not too long after this, a group of witnesses in Las Cruces 30 miles north of El Paso reported a large light approach rapidly from the south and break into three pieces when it was between Las Cruces and the Organ Mountains, about a dozen miles to the east. Immediately, it was reported, searchlights went up from the White Sands Proving Grounds on the other side of the mountains and searched the skies for an indefinite period of time. In this case,the reports came from 4 groups of witnesses published in 3 newspapers from 2 cities.
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Starman said:
I had an up front and personal UFO sighting at this site also whitnessed by my wife. I know the area and the topography when I observed the USGS immages of the site I saw this area that did not fit the geology and I was shocked at what it resembled a crashed disk. On many occasions I have sceen lights in the area doing strange things. This site is just like area 51 only with no publicity. The site is tied to NASA by a tunnel bored through the mountain I can only immagine this is not to generate attention to the site by traffic. Go figure my theory stands and no one can prove otherwise even if they choose to disagree. I can tell you this what I saw that early morning in July 1995 was nothing like I had ever seen before and the two F-16s in full afterburnner chasing the two objects were just as interested as I was. BTW look at the immages on page 10 of this thread and the latest immage that I had edited shows great detail that the Military has shown great interest by all the roads into this rough terrian to investigat this object. Also notice what looks like cranes at the site. This needs to be investigated.

Okay, now I get it. The other's here will try to "brow beat you" untill you STOP thinking it's a saucer. Like they know? Sure anything is more probable than a saucer, but that does not make it FACT.

So you've tried to get in, but you can't? I will try to go back and read this some more. Thank's for the re-cap though. Good luck on you're crusade. :)
Here's what I found on Terraserver.com. Similar to what you are showing. It says it's a "mine." Here are the ones I got:




I see the indentation you're talking about. Now, you just need to parachute down there! :D
btimsah said:
Here's what I found on Terraserver.com. Similar to what you are showing. It says it's a "mine." Here are the ones I got:
I see the indentation you're talking about. Now, you just need to parachute down there! :D

I did try to charter a plane to fly over the site but it is restricted air space. Anything short of an ROV will be dangerous. I have not given up yet I hope to find a way to obtain information about the site by the employees who work there. I might hang out at the gate and see who shows up. It sounds correct that it should be discribed as a mine because they have a large underground facility there.
Restricted mine? Yeah, I would not want anyone to fly over and see our government... MINNING! :eek: Just think of the info they could gain..

You might try suducing an employee to get information - that always works in movies. :cool:
btimsah said:
Restricted mine? Yeah, I would not want anyone to fly over and see our government... MINNING!
Can you say 'missile test site'? The air space is restricted for a good reason....
To all who view this site I encourage you to comment.

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SkinWalker said:
Your list of anecdotes above is meaningless. There are doubtless similar lists of "testimonials" for every wild or kooky idea from the effectiveness of prayer to the existence of bigfoot. From the reality of ESP to the idea that shark cartilage cures cancer. And so on.
As a longtime UFO investigator I'm not sure yet what I think of Starman's photos of the "parentheses" markings (I call them), but I have to take exception with your (SkinWalker's) remark, following the long list of witness accounts provided by Starman, that these accounts are merely anecdotal. Quite frankly, people have been sent to the gas chamber on far less evidence than this. Don't get me wrong-- I certainly consider skepticism healthy, but I also feel that it is sometimes driven by a groundless desire NOT to believe something (in spite of any amount of evidence) that can be every bit as irrational as an uncritical desire TO believe something (without evidence). Certitude is hard to come by in this business, but when several hundred witnesses say they experienced something, I'm inclined to listen to them seriously. For my money, there is abundant reason to believe that something extraordinary happened near Roswell.
Roswellite said:
As a longtime UFO investigator I'm not sure yet what I think of Starman's photos of the "parentheses" markings (I call them), but I have to take exception with your (SkinWalker's) remark, following the long list of witness accounts provided by Starman, that these accounts are merely anecdotal. Quite frankly, people have been sent to the gas chamber on far less evidence than this. Don't get me wrong-- I certainly consider skepticism healthy, but I also feel that it is sometimes driven by a groundless desire NOT to believe something (in spite of any amount of evidence) that can be every bit as irrational as an uncritical desire TO believe something (without evidence). Certitude is hard to come by in this business, but when several hundred witnesses say they experienced something, I'm inclined to listen to them seriously. For my money, there is abundant reason to believe that something extraordinary happened near Roswell.

Thank you for your response. Skinwalker is more of a believer than a skeptic he just want's the proof like we all do.

Because you are in the area, do you have any contacts or are you able to help in any way further this investigation? Your reply would be appreciated.

starman, do you have hotmail messenger? if no, you could download it. We need to talk.