UFO Crash Site

zion said:
starman, do you have hotmail messenger? if no, you could download it. We need to talk.

No I do not like Instant messenger because it has inherent problems. I do have an e-mail address it is quest4mail@hotmail.com you can send mail to me there I check it several times a day.
Starman said:
No I do not like Instant messenger because it has inherent problems.
Just wrap your computer in tin-foil... then they can't listen in.
Persol said:
Just wrap your computer in tin-foil... then they can't listen in.

LOL First it helps to crush the computer with a Sludge Hammer if you want to be really effective.
Starman said:
Phlogistician the Belgian government went public when the as you say radar anomaly occurred in the AP. This made national news in the United States. It was not evidence of Extra Terrestrials it was evidence of a UFO. It was caught on radar performing maneuvers and traveling at speeds that are incapable of our known flight vehicles of today. If you want evidence of a government coming forth with evidence of an ET or Alien as you put it, well I have not seen this as of yet.

The COMETA report was not meant for the public. It's purpose was to brief the French Government on the topic of UFO's. This report has not been translated in English that I know of but that is not important. The people who wrote the report were a very credible members of the French Government past and present. What is important is that the report was generated by a non bias group that came to the conclusion UFO's are real. Now this report was taken seriously by the highest members of the French Government if you do not want to take it seriously well that is up to you.

Starman, even if the report was official, it would not matter to them. They would claim that, even officials make mistakes. Just because it's official, that does not mean that aliens exist.. blah blah.. blah blah.

Everytime they try to act like the evidence you've provided is not good enough, ask yourself, what would be good enough for them? :) Nothing.

So don't let them fool you for a second!
So which is it? Government officials are credible or not credible? When they give information that is not supportive of the ETI-UFO hypothesis, they're considered by the ETI-UFO believers to be lying.

Yet when a government official gives information that supportive of the ETI-UFO relgion, they're suddenly credible sources.

You can't have it both ways.
SkinWalker said:
So which is it? Government officials are credible or not credible? When they give information that is not supportive of the ETI-UFO hypothesis, they're considered by the ETI-UFO believers to be lying.

Yet when a government official gives information that supportive of the ETI-UFO relgion, they're suddenly credible sources.

You can't have it both ways.

Not all of Government officials are informed. So therefore they truly do not know about the subject.

If you haven't noticed our government is compartmentalized for a reason, this is so that the left hand has no idea what the right hand is doing.

In other words so the information can remain a secret especially when it comes to national security, the government will hire sub-contractors to work on a small part of a project that will give no clue as to the finished product.

This is common policy for the chain of command. The only ones who have knowledge of the entire project are those who have a need to know.

In most cases where ETL's are concerned, not even the President of the U.S. has a need to know. This is all controlled by our Military Industrial Complex, this is just what Dwight Eisenhower was talking about when he left office, he predicted this would happen.

Our Military is running this country and It decides what the people should and should not know. They are making decisions on a theological, ethnical, Historical, basis that effect everyone on the planet.

This is the greatest scandal of out lifetime.
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This is all controlled by our Military Industrial Complex, this is just what Dwight Eisenhower was talking about when he left office, he predicted this would happen.
Could you actually quote what he said, please?
Silas said:
Could you actually quote what he said, please?

"In the counsels of Government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the Military Industrial Complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals so that security and liberty may prosper together." D.E.
You silly git. My suggestion is that you stop taking quotes from UFO nutter sites and start actually reading books. Have you ever read Eisenhower's farewell speech of 1961? It is one of the finest examples of statesmanship and is both a caution to the American people to be aware of the need for strong defense as well as to keep an eye on the defenders so that power does not become absolute to the point of "endanger[ing] the democratic process."

Get a history book and read the 21 paragraphs that preceed your quote as well as the 15 or so that follow.

The government is not controlled by the military industrial complex, it's controlled by the approximately 50% of voting Americans who believe a god wants Bush and his party in the Whitehouse. The defense contractors benefit from this, but there is no evidence to indicate that they are "in control" and much evidence to indicate that they are not.

But then, a "Conspiracy Theory" is demanded as a way to maintain the myth of crashed aliens and back-engineered UFOs.
SkinWalker said:
But then, a "Conspiracy Theory" is demanded as a way to maintain the myth of crashed aliens and back-engineered UFOs.

Only the Government would say there are no Conspiracies.

Skinwalker, who was it you said that you work for?

President Eisenhower sad what he said because, he knew that the Military was keeping secrets from him, he thought that was inappropriate, for he was the President.

BTW I witnessed another UFO on Wednesday.

I was on I 10 heading east from Houston heading toward San Antonio Texas. It was early morning and the sun had not yet rose above the horizon. It just started getting light out and you could no longer see the Stars in the sky. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. What got my attention was there was a bright star in the sky I mean really bright at least 100 times brighter than Venus. Other vehicles on the highway saw it also some were pulling over to the side of the road to observe the object. It was located by mile marker 685 on HWY 10. I watched it start to maneuver up and down and then from side to side is was 35 degrees off the horizon at an altitude of about 25 to 30 thousand feet and it was hovering. After observing it for about 5 minutes it glowed real bright and just disappeared like some one just turned it off. I may of witnessed a supernova however I do not believe Supernova move around in the sky.
Or it could have just been the rising sun bouncing off the bottom of an airliner travelling above you at around 25-30 thousand feet.

btw, how did you know it was flying that high?
Squeak22 said:
Or it could have just been the rising sun bouncing off the bottom of an airliner travelling above you at around 25-30 thousand feet.

btw, how did you know it was flying that high?

I have experience in everything from Gliders to Lear Jets.

Commercial airliners fly at about 35,000 beyond any cloud layers. This object was at that approximate altitude due to the appearance.

I could be wrong however it was an educated guess. The object was too close to be in Earth orbit or beyond.

BTW I did not know that they made disappearing airliners, my bad. :cool:
It didn't disappear, the sun just rose high enough that it stopped reflecting off the bottom of the plane. :p

Like Skin said, you are applying a filter to your perceptions so that this HAS to be a UFO, although there are alot of other perfectly good explinations.

Remember also, that UFO does not equal Alien, it just means that YOU can't explain it.
SkinWalker said:
You silly git. My suggestion is that you stop taking quotes from UFO nutter sites and start actually reading books. Have you ever read Eisenhower's farewell speech of 1961? It is one of the finest examples of statesmanship and is both a caution to the American people to be aware of the need for strong defense as well as to keep an eye on the defenders so that power does not become absolute to the point of "endanger[ing] the democratic process."

Get a history book and read the 21 paragraphs that preceed your quote as well as the 15 or so that follow.

The government is not controlled by the military industrial complex, it's controlled by the approximately 50% of voting Americans who believe a god wants Bush and his party in the Whitehouse. The defense contractors benefit from this, but there is no evidence to indicate that they are "in control" and much evidence to indicate that they are not.

But then, a "Conspiracy Theory" is demanded as a way to maintain the myth of crashed aliens and back-engineered UFOs.

The history books could be lying. Prove their right. History books are just anecdotal.. lol :D
I agree. There is much about history that should be taken with a grain of salt. Indeed, historical perspectives have changed dramatically over the course of the last few decades. In fact, this is a well-discussed topic in college history classes. Historians are always faced with anecdotal accounts and the need to look for what they call primary sources of information.

I'm an archaeologist by study and use "historical" accounts to enhance artifactual finds or provide research questions. But in the end, it is the artifactual evidence that is accepted, not the history if the two diverge. Also, historical accounts are useful if multiple historical accounts can be obtained from independent sources that share different beliefs. Such as in the case of a war or battle: the opposing sides accounts are obviously biased, but the common factors can be accepted as fact. Things like the date, location of the battle, etc. The outcomes of the battles are occasionally suspect, however, particularly when the opposing sides have drastically divergent views.

In the case of UFO believers, multiple sources offer some credibility to the overall account if the common factors can be extrapolated with objectivity. However, the problem with this is that very often the accounts are tainted by bias to believe in the extraterrestrial hypothesis of the UFO (though not always) and/or the so-called "investigator" is using confirmation bias in questions that are frequently leading or biased to investigate the positive while avoiding the negative.
SkinWalker said:
I agree. There is much about history that should be taken with a grain of salt. Indeed, historical perspectives have changed dramatically over the course of the last few decades. In fact, this is a well-discussed topic in college history classes. Historians are always faced with anecdotal accounts and the need to look for what they call primary sources of information.

I'm an archaeologist by study and use "historical" accounts to enhance artifactual finds or provide research questions. But in the end, it is the artifactual evidence that is accepted, not the history if the two diverge. Also, historical accounts are useful if multiple historical accounts can be obtained from independent sources that share different beliefs. Such as in the case of a war or battle: the opposing sides accounts are obviously biased, but the common factors can be accepted as fact. Things like the date, location of the battle, etc. The outcomes of the battles are occasionally suspect, however, particularly when the opposing sides have drastically divergent views.

In the case of UFO believers, multiple sources offer some credibility to the overall account if the common factors can be extrapolated with objectivity. However, the problem with this is that very often the accounts are tainted by bias to believe in the extraterrestrial hypothesis of the UFO (though not always) and/or the so-called "investigator" is using confirmation bias in questions that are frequently leading or biased to investigate the positive while avoiding the negative.

What are your views on Zecharia Sitchin?

Who were the Anunnaki?

How do you explain the knowledge that this civilization possessed over six thousand years ago?
Crackpot and/or opportunist.

Near Eastern mythology.

Nothing to explain, cite a source other than Sitchin and perhaps there may be.
SkinWalker said:
Crackpot and/or opportunist.

Near Eastern mythology.

Nothing to explain, cite a source other than Sitchin and perhaps there may be.

Unfortunately I know little about him. From the little I do know, it would seem that he has published translations from ancient writings found in Mesopotamia or modern day Iraq. The writing were the pre-curser to Judaism and twisted versions of the stories wound up in the Old Testament like Noah's ark. The only reason I mentioned the author is someone had mentioned him to me and I thought you might know about him.
I don't know about him, but the study of Near Eastern and Mesopotamian epigraphy is a hobby of mine, particularly as it relates to biblical mythology. Indeed, there is also much in older, Indus/Indian literature that appears "borrowed" by biblical authors to create their myths.

I could more readily answer questions of that subject than of Sitchin, whose motives appear somewhat dubious: he's apparently holding a "reunion" in Florida that will cost each attendee $125... but a "luncheon" is included. I'm betting hotdogs and chips on the grill. :cool:

If there are specific Sitchin claims that interest you, I could give some insight into the facts surrounding Near Eastern/Mesopotamian literature and archaeology if you're interested.