UFO Crash Site

Where have you been? I've had to find other people to be nasty to. Welcome back. Have you found out anything new about the site?
Ophiolite said:
Where have you been? I've had to find other people to be nasty to. Welcome back. Have you found out anything new about the site?

Not as of yet however I think it is strange that all my photos are no longer available in this thread and I am unable to upload them. :confused:
Yes. I just checked, in case it was something effecting your system, but I also cannot see them. Perhaps it is related to the several site crashes that occured over the last several months.
I just realised the unintentional pun in relating the disappearance of photos of a crash site to a site crash.
Did anyone else read the article on CNN.com about the farmer who is building a landing strip for UFOs in Southwest Puerto Rico? There's been a lot of sightings of bright objects in the sky there, but the "runway" is only going to be about a thousand feet long or so and it sounds like he's only doing it for commercial reason, i.e., to make money. The article did say something about trying to attract tourists to the area.
phlogistician said:
BUT, if you mean that ALL world govts conspire to cover up evidence of aliens, well, that just doesn't fly. For that to be the case, firstly, they'd all have to agree, and see this one issue as mutually beneficial to all, and that would just not happen. I don't think there is a single other issue known, which can illustrate that ALL world govts can agree and co-operate. So, no precedent there.

I was going to respond to this quote by saying that governments agree that nukes shouldn't be used as a weapon because once one goes off it's only a matter of time before another and another and so forth. Although the cooperation part of that notion is simply a wild card because all it takes is someone with nothing to lose.

For all governments to possess this secret knowledge of Alien Existence would mean a majority of decisions would be made with that in mind but agreeing is one thing, cooperation is another.

Maybe there are only a select few that know for sure about their existence like the U.S., and/or the UK, Russia, and others. Hell we don't even know the real story behind JFK, so who knows what everyone is capable of.

I don't know if any of that makes sense but governments be damned I think that Extraterrestrials do exist and hope they will bring the world closer. I know it sounds like a coca-cola commercial but it's a nice thought.
heyzeus321 said:
I was going to respond to this quote by saying that governments agree that nukes shouldn't be used as a weapon because once one goes off it's only a matter of time before another and another and so forth. Although the cooperation part of that notion is simply a wild card because all it takes is someone with nothing to lose.

Interesting, if flawed analogy, about agreement. There are only a limited number of nuclear powers, and despite the nuclear non proliferation treaty having 187 signatories worldwide, new nations have aquired nuclear weapons since, who did not sign up (India, Pakistan, and Israel).

So, not everyone agrees on nukes, and the fact they haven't been used for a while, doesn't imply they'll never be used again, especially if Korea develop their program further.

Anyway, on disclosure, why is it the choice of terrestrial govts to make the choice whether to disclose or not? Why isn't it the aliens choice, being the more technologically advanced society?
In a post in another thread I just said words to this effect:

I believe the data from Z for two reasons
a) I can't find any contrary data, although I have looked.
b) It matches what I want to believe.
If data turns up that disproves Z's data I shall reject a) and ignore b).

In other words, my natural biases incline me towards a parrticular belief. My scientific methodology will cause me to reject that belief when superior contrary evidence is presented.
I suggest that for many people b) takes precedence in every instance. That is the source of most of the disagreements in pseudo-science forums. (That and a singular inability to understand what is meant by evidence.)
The Roswell "Crash" was actually a HOAX, setup to make manmade topsecret technology look like it was from extraterrestrials.

"My flying machine will have neither wings nor propellers. You might see it on the ground and you would never guess that it was a flying machine. Yet it will be able to move at will through the air in any direction with perfect safety, higher speeds than have yet been reached, regardless of weather and oblivious of 'holes in the air' or downward currents. It will ascend in such currents if desired. It can remain absolutely stationary in the air even in a wind for great length of time. Its lifting power will not depend upon any such delicate devices as the bird has to employ, but upon positive mechanical action." Nikola Tesla, 1911
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I will suggest that Roswell was more than just a hoax. The local area (approx: 100 miles or so) had seen use during atomic tests. It's very possible that a test balloon that had been sent up to test for radioactivity might have come down near Roswell.

This explaination would support any protective suited soldiers or the perimeter set up around the crash site for fear of radioactive contamination.
Yes, but I know people, who have seen flying saucers in New Mexico since the 50's, and that falls into place with the timeline very nicely.

In WWII allied aircraft gunners and pilots saw flying machines which they deemed "foo-fighters." And "Foo-Fighters" is also the name of a kick ass band, and the reason they named their band that, is because the singer (Dave Grohl) had some sort of "foo-fighter like sighting."

Plus, I know a guy who once saw the original footage of the gunner films from the WWII bombers, which caught the "foo-fighters" in action. According to him, they were changing directions rapidly (by controlling momentum) and maintaining roughly 500 mph the whole time.