Topless Women March for Right to Go Topless

In the OP...the protesters were angry with men that gathered around to ogle them. To me, I think this reaction would be temporary.
(cue story for Mac's past)

When I was in high school, I knew a really cute girl that had a swimming pool in her backyard. My group of friends spend countless summer days over there swimming and having a good time. I was in absolute shock and disbelieve the first time I went to her she came out of the house wearing only bikini bottoms and no top. Holy crap! I reacted like any super-horny 17 year old would, and stared and drooled...but after a few times swimming over there, and seeing her topless...even though she was really cute and had an awesome rack, eventually seeing her boobs became old hat...and wasn't a big deal anymore.
Why do you think women have been harnessing their breasts from the day the contraptions were produced? The larger the breasts the more risk of sagging. Ask any woman...if there any around you to ask.

ummm.... Not to be crude but... I wasn't born yesterday. I kinda knew this one already...
You know what 'free and unfettered' get you as time goes by? Breasts that droop to you belly button;)
Nope, this is a myth. There is even evidence that wearing bra increases sagging.

Will bras keep the breasts from sagging?

Bras will keep your breasts from sagging while you're wearing them - but not for the remainder of time. There is no published medical literature showing that bras prevent sagging. Even the bra industry seems to know this, as the following quote illustrates:

"We have no evidence that wearing a bra could prevent sagging, because the breast itself is not muscle, so keeping it toned up is an impossibility. What it can do, particularly for larger-breasted women, is obviously to provide the comfort and the support. So, if a woman wants a particular breast profile, she will buy a particular brand, and that is what they're designed for. There's no permanent effect on the breast from wearing a particular bra. The bra will give you the shape the bra's been designed to give while you're wearing it. Of course, when you take it off, you go 'au natural.' "
executive John Dixey at Bras, Bare Facts documentary

However, there is some support for the idea that breasts in bras actually sag more (when bra is taken off). How could that be since the main idea of bras is to lift the breasts upward? The main idea is that the ligaments which support breasts in normal circumstances, would atrophy (get thinner and weaker) when breasts are immobilized within bras and don't have to bear their own weight.

There are lots of studies showing that ligaments and tendons in limbs do atrophy when the limb is immobilized. Bras obviously prevent the the natural slight up-down movement of breasts when we walk, and let shoulders bear the weight of breasts. If breast ligaments behave like limb ligaments, it may be a matter of "use it or lose it".

One study published on the subject of bras and sagging was done in 1991, in Japan. The study suggests that a bra can actually increase breast sagging rather than the opposite. The abstract says (emphasis mine):

"Eleven adult female subjects aged 22-39 years wore a certain brassiere for 3 months while anthropometry and moire fringe photographs on the anterior trunk were taken regularly once a week. After the 3 months, the brassiere was not worn for another 3 months. Then the measurements and photogrammetry were repeated for comparison using superimposed moire configurations. The results are summarized as follows. Regardless of slim or obese trunk, subjects with pendent breasts showed the highest degree of breast form "correction" from wearing the brassiere. In all subjects, after 3 months of brassiere constraint, the underbust circumference was smaller but the chest circumference became enlarged, the distance between the right and left nipples became wider, and the breasts tended to hang down. This change was more marked in obese subjects with pendent breasts. And when this type of subject wore a "well-fitted" brassiere for a long time, her breast form became developed, that is, her breasts hung down more."
Ashizawa K, Sugane A, Gunji T Institute of Human Living Sciences, Otsuma Women's University, Tokyo, Japan: Breast Form Changes Resulting From A Certain Brassiere Journal of Hum. Ergol.(Tokyo) 1990 Jun; 19(1):53-62.
Then why all the previous retorts?

I was messin' with ya...

Doreen: Thousands of national Geographic photographs disagree with you:p
Nope, this is a myth. There is even evidence that wearing bra increases sagging.

"Bras will keep your breasts from sagging while you're wearing them - but not for the remainder of time."

That is not evidence which supports your claim that bras increase sagging.
"Bras will keep your breasts from sagging while you're wearing them - but not for the remainder of time."

That is not evidence which supports your claim that bras increase sagging.

It goes on to talk about atrophied muscles and ligaments.
"Bras will keep your breasts from sagging while you're wearing them - but not for the remainder of time."

That is not evidence which supports your claim that bras increase sagging.
First of all I said it was a myth that they prevented sagging. Even the little quote you quoted supports this. There is more evidence of this in the rest of the quote. If you read the whole quote you would also see that I provided evidence that they may increase sagging.
I also haven't seen any evidence to support the myth bras prevent sagging...

Here's another study supporting - have to keep using that verb - the idea that bras may increase sagging.

The French study the sagging and bra wearing even further

Another study with similar results was conducted in 2003 by Laetitia Pierrot and Jean-Denis Rouillon. In it, 250 women who practiced sports stopped wearing a bra for one year. They were followed regularly with questionnaires and biometric measurements. At the 6-week checkup, the ladies experienced some discomfort from abandoning the bra, but this disappeared later, and by the end of the year 88% of the women reported improved comfort compared to before the study.

The measurements showed firmer, more elevated and perkier breasts. For example, the distance from the nipple to the shoulder bone was reduced, which means the breasts sagged less. They noted a better muscular development in the rotator muscles of the shoulders and the pectoralis major. Also, stretch marks on breasts became less visible.

(Pierrot L., Evolution du sein après l'arrêt du port du soutien gorge, étude préliminaire longitudinale sur 33 sportives volontaires, Thèse présentée le 19 décembre 2003 devant la Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie de Besançon.
[The development of the breasts after discontinuing wearing bras. Preliminary longitudinal study of 33 volunteer sportswomen. Thesis presented December 19th, 2003, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Besancon, France.]
The only time to wear a bra to prevent sagging is if you are jogging or doing other running sports. The forces involved then can stretch the ligaments, etc. But the rest of the time the evidence supports not wearing bras to prevent sagging.
Wanna know what Trash Looks Like?
That's really mean :(. For someone who claims to be a nice guy, I'm kind of confused as to why you would say that I look like trash, especially since you've never even seen me.
Hey, we shouldn't have to keep our pants on either.
Hell, when it gets hot, let's all strip down naked and run around like apes.
And on a really hot day, strip off our skin and lie around in our bones.
Exaggerate much? This has to do with removing one's shirt only.
They have an extensive choice- not a LIMITLESS choice. All things in moderation.
When did I say anything about that?
Just because we of both genders have a lot of choice doesn't mean we should all have limitless choice.
Limits are placed when you start adversly affecting other people.
Wearing a fluorescent yellow shirt also has an adverse effect on people, but you won't get accosted by the police for wearing one regardless of gender.
You can. With a top on, like a bikini top.
You act like this is Unreasonable. It isn't.
If I was a woman, I might not want sunburned boobies, either.
What's the reason? You have nipples, I have nipples, what is the reason you can expose yours in public and I can't? Forgive me if I think that it is outdated and kind of dumb reasoning.
Are you really THAT restricted or are you blowing this out of proportion?
If I can't do it, then I am restricted, am I not?
I also do not have boobs.
The police DO enforce it if I waggle my dong in public. What a shame- society is oppressing me.
DOGS Can do it. Why can't I?!
It's SO unfair!
Why are you comparing men to dogs? Even I didn't go that far.
How far does all this choice get to go?
Women can take their shirts off in public without developing a criminal record. Begins and ends right there. You are turning this end to some slippery slope issue when there is no need to. You said yourself most women won't do it, so why would you even care if the law was changed everywhere?
What limit is there? Where do we draw the line? It seems that wherever it is drawn, people will complain. So complain then. The line was drawn.
Again you're the one blowing things out of proportion. The line has been redrawn oh so many times, this issue is no different. Women used to have to swim in full length dresses and could not wear pants or show their ankles obviously the line is flexible and changes with the trends of the time.
I believe we need more data to correlate the subject in question. Therefore...female sciforum members need to post pictures of their we can scientifically examine them for the sake of science.'s for science. :)
I believe we need more data to correlate the subject in question. Therefore...female sciforum members need to post pictures of their we can scientifically examine them for the sake of science.'s for science. :)
Well, we should also study the effects of boxers vs. briefs on men's genitalia.

Here sagging would be a plus, I suppose. Awaiting your photos....
Doreen: Thousands of national Geographic photographs disagree with you:p
Well, that's hardly scientific. Guess what, women whose breasts sag are not in many 'Western' photos. So we don't see the sagging breasts and this skews how we interpret the data on seeing the 'other culture' breasts. And then there are the scientific studies themselves that don't agree with the anecdotal evidence.
Well, we should also study the effects of boxers vs. briefs on men's genitalia.

Here sagging would be a plus, I suppose. Awaiting your photos....

I hate boxers for the same reason "D cup" women hate not wearing a The whole "bouncy bouncy" thing is uncomfortable.
I hate boxers for the same reason "D cup" women hate not wearing a The whole "bouncy bouncy" thing is uncomfortable.
Wow yours is like a D cup of penises.

But you know, briefs kill sperm. And gravity won't lengthen your penis. You have to look at the upside.
(that was a straight line by the way) ((heck, so was that one))
Wow yours is like a D cup of penises.

But you know, briefs kill sperm. And gravity won't lengthen your penis. You have to look at the upside.
(that was a straight line by the way) ((heck, so was that one))

It's not about's about where a man feels most comfortable. For me, it's I need support to hold this position...for other's to the right or left, or boxers are a better option.