Topless Women March for Right to Go Topless

Exactly, they really accomplished nothing. Or did they? I don't think it got the results that they wanted, but did it work to an extent?

Proper term is Mardi Gras. :D

Well its like the example I gave on Woodstock, NY. Some women did the same and the local officials gave them the 'right' to walk around topless but after the law was passed no females took it upon themselves to exercise this right. It was pointless, nothing that a woman really feels the need to do.

As the feminist Camille Paglia once wrote women in the US already have most of the rights they need:

"It is capitalist America that produced the modern independent woman. Never in history have women had more freedom of choice in regard to dress, behavior, career, and sexual orientation."

And then she said this:

"My generation of the Sixties, with all our great ideals, destroyed liberalism, because of our excesses."

"When anything goes, it's women who lose."

Kinda sums this up for me.
Well its like the example I gave on Woodstock, NY. Some women did the same and the local officials gave them the 'right' to walk around topless but after the law was passed no females took it upon themselves to exercise this right. It was pointless, nothing that a woman really feels the need to do.

Yeah, it's kinda like begging your parents for a Playstation then not using it. Very pointless. While these people think they're cause is important we are trying to fix an economy, fight a war, and hold a nation together.
I just thought I'd mention that I'm more of a leg man myself :)

I don't think it's a big deal. If women feel good protesting about equality of toplessness - good for them. The funny thing is, if you've ever been to one of these events you'll see it's the very same people next week protesting something else. About 80% just love to protest regardless of what they're protesting about.

I did find the semi-nude cyclists (men and women) protesting the Jewish Synagogue that had their bike lane removed was a good point made. I'd have done it!
I just thought I'd mention that I'm more of a leg man myself :)

I don't think it's a big deal. If women feel good protesting about equality of toplessness - good for them. The funny thing is, if you've ever been to one of these events you'll see it's the very same people next week protesting something else. About 80% just love to protest regardless of what they're protesting about.

I did find the semi-nude cyclists (men and women) protesting the Jewish Synagogue that had their bike lane removed was a good point made. I'd have done it!

What difference did it make? The bike lane was removed - it stayed removed. And its uncomfortable to bike topless in winter in the NE. So what did they prove?
They got my attention :) Yeah, it's too bad they didn't continue to petition to have the bike lane restored. Maybe make it into an annual event "boycott the prudes". With random nakeness tossed in once in awhile - something that could turn into a right of passage for all rebellious youths :D I think it would have been good to try and get some Jewish girls involved as well! (if they weren't already)

That aside, I'm still more of a leg man :)
Here in the Great White North, going topless outside in nice weather = feeding the bugs bigtime, no matter what your sex. I wear long sleeves and pants even when it is really hot out because the bugs would have a field day on me otherwise. :(

As for the topless thingie - the same rules should apply to both men and women, whatever those rules may be.

I agree on the pseudo - outrage though. One would need be terribly naive to imagine that a large group of women could march topless down the street and not draw attention - this especially when drawing attention is the stated objective. :huh:
When I hear about things like this I am left with one thought every time? Would I rather hang out with June Cleaver, or Janeane Garofalo? I liked June, she never failed for a second at being a lady. I feel sorry for men today. They are left to pick from scads of body pieced tattooed foul mouths who flaunt their tramp stamp with pride. Girls who have taken equal pay for equal work and turned it into, we just hate men. We do as we please regardless of consequences (I'm sure they're all happily married:rolleyes:).
V.I, you're so hot!

The Spud Empress sometimes takes to my face with a tittie assault. She thinks it's hilarious but for me, it is quite painful. She packs a wallop and she's only a 'c' cup.
You'd be close to lethal with those bazoongas V.I.

p.s I once shot myself in the foot with my penis.
wait wait wait just one second.... did I miss something here?... .... ....

*cross references thread*

I would go topless, but 32Ds whirling around tend to make your movements awkward.




I said something about legs earlier??? haha.....

hahahahahahaha, topless women in the street, do you mean, topless topless, without the pikini? hahahaha
everyone will be running behind them.
I bet there would be a sharp spike in rear impact auto crashes the first few months. :)

I bet there would be a sharp spike in rear impact auto crashes the first few months. :)

few monthes? few hours, in few hours, all cars will crash,

but there's a positif way, if there are some criminals trying to rob a bank, when they see a naked cop, a naked woman, or shirtless, they will just forget about robing the bunk, lol,
Notes Around

Alright, to touch on just a few points from this comedic disaster, and starting at the beginning:

Madanthonywayne said:

So you organize an event featuring a bunch of topless women and are "enraged" that men show up to enjoy the show?

I would think you might be overlooking a point, except that you raised the point later in the thread:

Plus, don't forget about the male tendency to be hypnotized by the sight of breasts ....

This has always been something of a joke in my circles, but I started noticing the point in earnest a couple years ago. Isn't it to some degree bigoted to reduce men to mere mechanical objects? Are we not human? Yet I've discovered that pointing to men's apparent inability to control their sex drives is only offensive if the point is made as a criticism of men. If offered in their defense, it's apparently perfectly acceptable.

I think if men who are accustomed to spending parts of their summers working topless had to endure the kind of ogling and sexual harassment women are broadly subject to, they would probably think twice before stripping off in the midday heat.

Of course, if gays decided to deliberately make the point by harassing shirtless het men, people would scream and cry about the dirty-minded homos, and this is why they should be stuffed back in the closet.

That men showed up for the sexual thrill only reinforces the protesters.

• • •​

Neverfly said:

It's better than me being a dick.

Indeed. If you were a dick, you'd periodically be required to wear a suffocating raincoat while being stuffed into a dank cave and forced to do jumping jacks until you puked.

• • •​

S.A.M. said:

Its a crying shame when you find headlines like these:

Why Can't Men Wear Panties?

Generally speaking, men have painted themselves into a corner.

The problem with men wearing panties, even after we cut away all the sexism, is sort of technical. That is ... um ... there's really nothing attractive or comfortable about, say, a thin strip of nylon mesh squeezing a couple of fleshy pockets out to either side.

Or, to be blunt, unless we have what are generally considered diminutive genitals, we don't exactly fit properly into lingerie. And, yes, I am speaking from experience here.

To the other, I have encountered men's versions of what is often considered women's lingerie. I've worn thongs before, and even still have a couple in my drawer. Presently I have "string bikini" underwear, with only a thin strip of fabric at the hip. About the only women's underwear that will remotely fit men properly are what we commonly refer to as "granny panties", which most people don't find sexy at all.

Beyond that, it's all an issue of style: right now, frilly lace just isn't considered "masculine". And plenty of what we might refer to as "sensible" women's underwear comes with various prints on the fabric, men's prints are usually masculine: stripes, paisley, plaid, &c. No flowers. No cutesy squiggles. I don't think I could even find men's bikini underwear with Family Guy or beer mug print without delving into the specialty retail corners of the gay community.

To the one, all it requires is a commercial trend. To the other, there are some people I just don't ever want to see with lace or satin frill peeking out between their thighs, or from the folds of fat-laden flesh. And that boundary has no real gender attachment to it.

• • •​

Omega133 said:

Yeah today guy's wouldn't wear that.

I might. I still prefer to buy button-down shirts at least a size too large, and leave the cuffs unbuttoned. It's more comfort than fashion, but all else being equal, give me a well-fitted rayon shirt with a Mandarin collar and some sort of ruffle at the cuff, and I would probably wear it. The actual design of the lace or whatever would only be relevant in terms of thematic consistency; I wouldn't wear stripes with a more flowery lace, or paisley with linear decoration.

Then again, that's me, and cannot by any logic be held representative of most guys.
Tiassa, you raised a very good point about a double standard. Much appreciated:)

But I must respond to some of the others...

Remember, I lived in Austin, TX last few years. I HAVE been oggled and pursued (Ferverently) by gay men.
When they are respectful, it can be somewhat flattering. But a lot of times people can be pushy and that is downright aggrevating.
This next bit is going to come out wrong... But here goes...
I have been pursued by woman as well. Making catcalls and comments...
Admittedly- Women are MUCH MUCH more modest and conservative than men.
However, they do the same in much more subtle ways.

There is a stark difference between the two. And having unwelcome catcalls from any gender if I'm wearing a tank top working in the heat can be not just tiresome- but outright angering.
It can also be pleasant or flattering if delivered respectfully.

I don't know how man women I know love it for men to oggle them, make commentary or get dinner plate eyes. Some even pretend to dislike it while encouraging it. At the same time, other individuals will cover up quickly, get turned off or disgusted and hate that behavior. Some will tolerantly pretend it bothers them less than it does.

A general rule is: Give respect first.

If a person has a side that likes animalistic behavior (We do a little or a lot time to time) that will come in its own time when appropriate.

If a woman walks around topless, she should be respected enough to not act like a JACKASS as a man. However, her motives may be suspect and I admit- that respect would be based on propriety- not necessarily earned.
Because it isn't respectful to OTHER people for her to expose herself, either.

And if people oggle me- I cover up. If people seem bothered by me in a tank top- I am quick to respect them enough to throw on an overshirt (This is common, I work a heavy physical job and often times take off my over work shirt when alone and throw it on if the customer should return or approach.).

This demonstration is not about respect. If it was, they wouldn't demand respect for themselves while disrespecting others.
It's not about men being at fault.
It's not about "right or wrong."

It's a little bit of empathy and common sense. It's a shared world, like it or not.
When I hear about things like this I am left with one thought every time? Would I rather hang out with June Cleaver, or Janeane Garofalo? I liked June, she never failed for a second at being a lady. I feel sorry for men today. They are left to pick from scads of body pieced tattooed foul mouths who flaunt their tramp stamp with pride. Girls who have taken equal pay for equal work and turned it into, we just hate men. We do as we please regardless of consequences (I'm sure they're all happily married:rolleyes:).


Women are trash if they have body piercings.

And I assume tramp stamp = tattoo. Oooh gosh, I had better not get that molecule tattoo on my neck that I've always wanted, since then I would go from being a human being to a lump of trash. Oh wait, I'm already a lump of trash, because I've got metal in my mouth and nose.

I don't hate men. I hate idiots and bigots, regardless of gender.

And I assume tramp stamp = tattoo.

I believe a "tramp stamp" refers to lower-back tattoos only.


I believe a "tramp stamp" refers to lower-back tattoos only.

(Image here)


You consider only One photo to be evidence supporting your claim?
Sorry guy. We're all skeptics here. You better post a LOT more of those before we can just up and take your word for it.

Ok ok ok okokokOK!!
I had my moment. Sue me.