misconception 6. Islam is Spread by Sword
When people say "Islam was Spread by the Sword" they are talking about the Islamic Crusades as well as the Wars of Aggression Muslims waged to conquer new territories.
Think of it like this. Were ALL Native Americans forcibly converted to Christianity by the Sword/musket? No. But, once they were conquered, denied their rights, and ruled over by Christians many Native Americans did choose to switch to the new religion just to see a small amount of their lives and freedoms returned to them.
People are only Human after all.
Taxing people and restricting their political and economic activities based on their belief is coercion and this is the main gripe most people have in terms of Islam. Although to be fair this was the same as Christian Nations in the past. We moved on to secular democracy and Muslims are starting to - but still stuck in the past. That's what this is all about. Muslims see the writing on the wall. If they really live up to their own ideals - then they'll see Islam diminish in their Nations. If not they will see Islam labeled as a miscreant belief system.
Seem like a win win to me
no, actually the muslim civilisation, in it's golden age, was a multi faith civilisation, but majority islam, also, jews and christians, used to pay taxes, and not hard taxed, for protection from the extremists groups, and in fact as you all think that we hate jews beleifs and think they are evil? no, in fact, we know that they have things better than us, like when their butcher, pay the meat, everyone who buy, donate with some money, and at the last day of the week, this money is spreaded to poors, also other things, but what makes me sad is there doing toaday of israeil, also we have jews in tunisia, and i have a cousin who's a jew, and we all live together, respect both of our beleifs, and in fact, you wan't even noice any difference of relegion between us when you try to compare us, (just there relegion stuff, like praying)
and in fact, in past, well, go make a search about it like you did the last time about the muslim civlisation inventions, it would be better if you see your self from official articals, maibe youtube, and try google, then discuss about it, don't discuss while you don't know about it.