Top 10 Misapprehensions about islam...

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misconception 6. Islam is Spread by Sword

When people say "Islam was Spread by the Sword" they are talking about the Islamic Crusades as well as the Wars of Aggression Muslims waged to conquer new territories.

Think of it like this. Were ALL Native Americans forcibly converted to Christianity by the Sword/musket? No. But, once they were conquered, denied their rights, and ruled over by Christians many Native Americans did choose to switch to the new religion just to see a small amount of their lives and freedoms returned to them.

People are only Human after all.


Taxing people and restricting their political and economic activities based on their belief is coercion and this is the main gripe most people have in terms of Islam. Although to be fair this was the same as Christian Nations in the past. We moved on to secular democracy and Muslims are starting to - but still stuck in the past. That's what this is all about. Muslims see the writing on the wall. If they really live up to their own ideals - then they'll see Islam diminish in their Nations. If not they will see Islam labeled as a miscreant belief system.

Seem like a win win to me :)

no, actually the muslim civilisation, in it's golden age, was a multi faith civilisation, but majority islam, also, jews and christians, used to pay taxes, and not hard taxed, for protection from the extremists groups, and in fact as you all think that we hate jews beleifs and think they are evil? no, in fact, we know that they have things better than us, like when their butcher, pay the meat, everyone who buy, donate with some money, and at the last day of the week, this money is spreaded to poors, also other things, but what makes me sad is there doing toaday of israeil, also we have jews in tunisia, and i have a cousin who's a jew, and we all live together, respect both of our beleifs, and in fact, you wan't even noice any difference of relegion between us when you try to compare us, (just there relegion stuff, like praying)

and in fact, in past, well, go make a search about it like you did the last time about the muslim civlisation inventions, it would be better if you see your self from official articals, maibe youtube, and try google, then discuss about it, don't discuss while you don't know about it.

#7) Muslims are against education.

Is the author trying to make the point himself??? :shrug:

Look superstition in general is against progress and modernization because most of the time human's didn't know wtf was going and this was part of the reason they wrote these stories. Now we know a little bit more about how things are and were and of course this new information contradicts these superstitious myths.

For example: It seems Christians and Muslims have a hard time accepting Evolution is true. Not all Christians and Muslims. But many. And they do so directly because of Christianity and Islam. Of course if you talk to some Christians and Muslims who accept Evolution they say everything is fine with their belief and those other guys are mistaken. THAT'S not really the point. Those other people are Christians and Muslims and it's their superstition that has retarded their mental faculties and THAT'S why they are backwards thinking.

again, google it, :D

the first word in quran was written was, "read" !!
and to teach who can't read!

also searching for knoledge, studying, teaching people, are all praying to God, it's a way of thanking God, and warship him,
not relegion studies only, or relegion knoledge, but all kinds of knowledge, you think i'm lieing? well, your problem then, try to google it,

misconception #10. Islam is Racist

It seems that Muslims (like a lot of people) fall into the trap of believing in Race. They often think Jews are a race. Or Arabs are a Race. Or Persians are a race.

They are not a race.

I wouldn't say Islam is any different in promoting this point of view. It's pretty much like any other religion in this regards. Most back then were not all that forward thinking in regards to race and so Islam fits into it's time period of thinking - 1400 years ago.

Ali, who's to chea is the messenger, and for sunni, is the best hand of Mohamed(pbhu) or like, anyway, he's an important person to both of sunni and chea, and he's black

also if there was racism, it's not because of islam or relegion, infact, you'll find that many muslim countries, have habits are against islam sayings, so if there's racism, it's because of people and the orignal culture of the country, also, islam don't say anything about for who islam should be, also it says, that islam and quran are both for all humans, and djins, "ALL" not white, not black, or not blue if there was.

what happened to 8 and 9?

also, are you sure you readed the link? or you just readed the titles? if you didnt , go back, and read it ALL, including those quran vurses, and try to google again, and not in the anti-islam sites

anyway, supose , x is a number, e is also a number,
now, x/e=1 duuh, so God/Allah=1 cause God or Allah, are the same, so, like, 5/5=1 duuuh... lol

If a number is represented by "X" you must have a different number in your mind that you are using a different symbol; in your case it was "e". In other way of saying, 5/5= 1 can be represented as either by x/x or e/e; not x/e or e/x, so you are mathematically wrong.

Because of that, or maybe because of some other reason, you are philosophically wrong too. If God = Allah you wouldn't have claimed that Islam is distinctively better than other religions. You would believe in a divine creature and you wouldn't need a religion at all. But you are following a particular type of creator, a type of creator defined by Islam and named as Allah. And your religion also strictly asks from its believers "not to believe what others believe in". I am afraid your God = Allah equation requires some revision as not members of other religions but mostly only Muslim people claim that all Gods (or Allahs) are same. A Christian would not accept to equalize his or her God to your Allah. Think about it.

And when you see a mathematical equation, you can reverse it. If "God/Allah = 0" (you are not claiming that, I do), it means that either God or Allah, or both of them are equal to 0... In other way of saying: "Does (or -do-) not exist".

If a number is represented by "X" you must have a different number in your mind that you are using a different symbol; in your case it was "e". In other way of saying, 5/5= 1 can be represented as either by x/x or e/e; not x/e or e/x, so you are mathematically wrong.


yeah, sorry, :p a mistake, i meant x/x and since God is the same Allah, then God = Allah, and God means Allah, so, God/Allah=1 (1) is one God or Allah, :p

Because of that, or maybe because of some other reason, you are philosophically wrong too. If God = Allah you wouldn't have claimed that Islam is distinctively better than other religions. You would believe in a divine creature and you wouldn't need a religion at all. But you are following a particular type of creator, a type of creator defined by Islam and named as Allah. And your religion also strictly asks from its believers "not to believe what others believe in". I am afraid your God = Allah equation requires some revision as not members of other religions but mostly only Muslim people claim that all Gods (or Allahs) are same. A Christian would not accept to equalize his or her God to your Allah. Think about it.

And when you see a mathematical equation, you can reverse it. If "God/Allah = 0" (you are not claiming that, I do), it means that either God or Allah, or both of them are equal to 0... In other way of saying: "Does (or -do-) not exist"

ok, i say allah or god, cause, god in christanity, is jesus, how can a human be a god? also, allah or god for us, is the creator, who have no son, and not fother or mother, but in catholic they beleive in the same, i mean that god is the creator of everything, and God is not jesus, anyway, if you don't beleive in god, doesnt mean that everyone else shouldnt, you don't beleive in god, i beleive in god, end of story, and here i say allah and God both in the same time, cause i'm not talking to other muslims, if i was talking to other muslims in english ,i'll say just God, and if i was talking in arabic to other muslims, i'll say Allah, and now a point "." this case is closed..

well, about Gods, no, we beleive in one God, in arabic we say Allah, and in english to another muslim, we say God, but i don't say God to a christian, cause when i say God, you'll think i mean Jesus.
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you don't beleive, i beleive, so? are you trying to force your thoghts?

You can not show me a single sentence where I was trying to force my thoughts. It's your own problem to believe in or not to believe in a lullaby, I believe that human beings will come up with a novel solutions for many issues they have been struggling with for ages and I am a mad dreamer for others.

However, if some people make life more miserable for others in the name of this or that religion, or this or that ideology; I mean if this belief and its doctrines starts to become an issue for wider social areas, in this case you can not hide behind the "this is my belief" rubbish. If it was your personal belief why social rules are organised by this "so personal" belief? Because it's also a social, political, moral, cultural and legal regime. And you know what social means I assume; otherwise you wouldn't have cared less to start a thread to scrutinize the "Misrepresentations about Islam" in the first place...

You can not show me a single sentence where I was trying to force my thoughts. It's your own problem to believe in or not to believe in a lullaby, I believe that human beings will come up with a novel solutions for many issues they have been struggling with for ages and I am a mad dreamer for others.

yeah, me too!

However, if some people make life more miserable for others in the name of this or that religion, or this or that ideology; I mean if this belief and its doctrines starts to become an issue for wider social areas, in this case you can not hide behind the "this is my belief" rubbish. If it was your personal belief why social rules are organised by this "so personal" belief? Because it's also a social, political, moral, cultural and legal regime. And you know what social means I assume; otherwise you wouldn't have cared less to start a thread to scrutinize the "Misrepresentations about Islam" in the first place...
yes, true, but this topic is not about there terrorist groups in the middle east, i'm talking about islam in general, it's not about relegion, i mean the war, try to read the replyies that told to michael, also i'm talking about islam, as a relegion, not as a country at war, that you mixe everything and accuse islam, just like some arabs and some muslims mixe between the jews as a relegion ,and the jews as the invaders, that are in war, so they blame the judhaism, just like you blame islam, and infact, those groups of terrorism, are even considered terrorists to islam, why? cause they didnt respect the protocol of war in islam, as a relegion i mean, this protocol is, not to kill children, elders, women, and not to destroy buildings, and destroy nature, like forests, also not to attack the relegion places of that country or nation, so i know how do you think, it's very confusing, i know, but it would take alot of explinations to clear things up, just the same way that i tool alot of time to make things clear about the difference between the relegion judhaism, and the invaders of palastine that are jews,

if you want to talk and discuss about it in direct, go to, and enter to the chatroom, you'll fine me, cause you'll find me the only one there, :D

ok the room don't work for now, :p so let it another time, so maybe try to google things and to read my previous replyes and the link,
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Why bullshit? It's factually true. You seem to make a great game out of this tolerance you have, but at the heart of it you're as prejudiced as any mufti. Of course many Native Americans switched to Christianity - not that that would in any way excuse what my civilization did to theirs - but even that seems to be too much for you to accept.

no, actually the muslim civilisation, in it's golden age, was a multi faith civilisation, but majority islam, also, jews and christians, used to pay taxes, and not hard taxed, for protection from the extremists groups

Since you demand everyone else research - on, ah, youtube - why don't you try these terms? I guarantee you'll find them illuminating.
ok, i say allah or god, cause, god in christanity, is jesus, how can a human be a god?

Let me answer you this way: can you think of something God or Allah cannot do?

but in catholic they beleive in the same, i mean that god is the creator of everything, and God is not jesus

Catholics actually do believe that Jesus is also God.

well, about Gods, no, we beleive in one God, in arabic we say Allah, and in english to another muslim, we say God, but i don't say God to a christian, cause when i say God, you'll think i mean Jesus.

Actually, I would think you meant God. Normally the 'Father'. If we mean Jesus or the Holy Spirit specifically, that's what we say. But let me ask you this also: does our belief hurt you somehow? Does it cause you harm?
Let me answer you this way: can you think of something God or Allah cannot do?

well, he created everything, and i can see in the quran no stupid facts, all are acutally real. so, i can't find, you try to tell me, i know that in you inside you say, bullshit, lol, it's ok anyway, it's your thinking,

Catholics actually do believe that Jesus is also God.

oh, ok

Catholics actually do believe that Jesus is also God.

But let me ask you this also: does our belief hurt you somehow? Does it cause you harm?

who said that?? no, no other beleif heart us, but politics and your invations do heart us, not your beleifs, also mockery heart us,
also do you know that in fact, islam say that we should never force anyone to any relegion, cause if we forced him, he'll hate the relegion, also it says not to disrespect any other relegion or beleif, also it calls to get known to the other civilisation, i mean, to meet people from other civlisation, to open your self, and to mixe with the other civilisations, also islam, forbid to kill children and women and old people in wars, also forbid to destroy buildings and nature, also it don't say that women shouldn't work, or talk to men (well, it says that a woman shouldnt stay alone with a man, alone) and it don't say that women must wear hijab, it just tells to wear modestly in a way not a attarct eyes, also it tells to wear the head scraft, but it's ok not to, if she's not going to look hot to attract eyes and make men look at hear horny and with a cheap way, ( a sex tool is more presice, so men don't look at her as a sex tool) anyway, so, when you find muslims do and do, doesnt mean that it's because of islam, in most countries, you find that they do things opposite to what islam say, even that they are muslim, it's more cultural and human related mater not because of the relegion, for example, in the arabia, before islam, women were raped everywhere, also women were just sex tools, most of them, also, when a girl is born in a family;, it used to be the worst thing can happen to the family, and they barry her alive, why? because she's a girl, but when islam came, it forbided that, also it was there a gay village, where men have sex everywhere, don't wash them selves, they were dirty, and islam forbided gay sex, and non-married sex=adultury, anyway... so it's more because of people, not because of the relegion, if you look at the relegion ,and look at it's bases; and understand it, without looking at those countries that are in war, and those extremists, and terreroists, you'll find it very balanced, but what makes the image soo bad about islam, not islam, but people, and wars, and trust me, i'm not lying, about the things i said, and i'm sure that your saying that what i'm saying is bullshit and not true, right? maybe you think that it's the opposite and women are told by "islam" that they must wear the hijab and not to work and not to talk to men, and and and... well i don't know, maybe, ok, look at tunisia, it's a muslim country, it have a good jews population, living all in peace, and everything is just right, (where you can find good and bad, the bad: the muslims who have sex and they're not married, drink alcohol, druging, wich it's very rare, anyway, the good and the normal tunisian, not too relegious, but still muslims, opened, and kinda ignorers, hmm, i don't know how to describe us, cause, i'm from the us, :D )
also, in fact, allah, in islam, prefer who works than who just pray, prefer who search for knoldge and study, than who just pray, to islam, and i wish if people applied it, working, learning, teaching, fixing what's bad or broken, like a runed envirement, are in fact better praying to allah, and ways to worship god(allah), and going too deep in relegion, and forgetting life, and forgetting to live, is forbiden, also living life and forgetting the relegion also dorbiden, now, if all muslims applied that? we would be just fine! and better than fine, just like in the lost golden ages, and better, (noo for exremism, and noo for terrorism)
well, he created everything, and i can see in the quran no stupid facts, all are acutally real.

I'll take that as a "God can do anything". And so, then, if God/Allah can do anything...He can't be a human also? His spirit can't inhabit a human?

Why not?

who said that?? no, no other beleif heart us, but politics and your invations do heart us, not your beleifs, also mockery heart us,

Well, if our beliefs don't hurt you, shadow, why is it illegal to preach Christianity in Islamic nations? Why is it illegal to convert from Islam to any other religion? Why do so many Muslims - conservatives, clearly - try to kill people who leave Islam?

I'll take that as a "God can do anything". And so, then, if God/Allah can do anything...He can't be a human also? His spirit can't inhabit a human?

Why not?

no, allah is not a speret, allah is the creator, we can't know how he look, he's just the creator, besides he's 99 names, wich also are he's discribtions, and all non-material descriptions, allah is not from mater,
but we beleive in the djin, as another intillegent being, like us humans, they are djins, not genes, we also can't know how they are, we just beleive they exists, and we don't know how they look, or how they are, :p

Well, if our beliefs don't hurt you, shadow, why is it illegal to preach Christianity in Islamic nations? Why is it illegal to convert from Islam to any other religion? Why do so many Muslims - conservatives, clearly - try to kill people who leave Islam?

whuut?? no one tryed to kill who converted from islam, also if you're talking about iraq, or something, they are disturbed country, they are at war, everything is in mess, and if you didnt know, u.s.a. send each year thousands of people to try to convert people to christanity, saying that it's to same the middle-east!!! duuh, whuut?
also, in tunisia, it's not illigal to try to convert people to christianity, also to islam, also there are some tunisian christian forums, also in lebanon, also in sirya! also, why are we talking about this?
whuut?? no one tryed to kill who converted from islam, also if you're talking about iraq, or something, they are disturbed country, they are at war, everything is in mess, and if you didnt know, u.s.a. send each year thousands of people to try to convert people to christanity, saying that it's to same the middle-east!!! duuh, whuut?
also, in tunisia, it's not illigal to try to convert people to christianity, also to islam, also there are some tunisian christian forums, also in lebanon, also in sirya! also, why are we talking about this?

If you keep refusing what your religion is saying you will end up refusing the other stuff as well. You are either doing this fake "I'm so amazed, really?" play on purpose, or you have no idea about Islam. Have a look at this first:

Apostasy in Islam:
no, allah is not a speret, allah is the creator, we can't know how he look, he's just the creator, besides he's 99 names, wich also are he's discribtions, and all non-material descriptions, allah is not from mater,

So he can't be matter? This is something He cannot do? I had no idea He was so limited.

whuut?? no one tryed to kill who converted from islam

Oh, really??

:shrug: What do you want me to say?

Oh, really??

:shrug: What do you want me to say?

oh, so not only happened in islam, hmm, also not only muslim organisations from this kind, hmm, also, if a crime happaned, when a muslim killed a christian, you will defferently say a muslim killed a christian, but if the killer was a jew or a christian, you wan't say a christian killed a man or a jew killed a man, hmm, cristal clear :m:

give some links about those things in tunisia...

well, i want you to say, buaoahaha
So he can't be matter? This is something He cannot do? I had no idea He was so limited.

mater don't even exist dude, tecknikly, only energy exists, in all this creation, and allah, is beyond our senses, and our mind, we even almost don't know anything about this univerce!!
so, what's your point anyway, what do you want me to say?
oh, so not only happened in islam, hmm, also not only muslim organisations from this kind, hmm, also, if a crime happaned, when a muslim killed a christian, you will defferently say a muslim killed a christian, but if the killer was a jew or a christian, you wan't say a christian killed a man or a jew killed a man, hmm, cristal clear

No, that's not so at all. You're putting not only words but opinions in my mouth, in order to justify the sweeping of wholescale persecution of non-Muslims under the old Tunisian carpet. So, don't be naive, and don't be so paranoid.

give some links about those things in tunisia...

well, i want you to say, buaoahaha

Buauoahaahaaaa! Look in the link I gave you for the word "Tunisia". Booohuoahahooo! It's rife in your history too! Beheeraaahaaee! And, you can have these too:

And this:

I guess it doesn't surprise me that this history isn't being taught.