Top 10 Misapprehensions about islam...

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  • yes

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • no

    Votes: 10 76.9%

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but the arab race did exist, but not anymore, it's origin is the arabia, but now and even for the last centuries we are mixed of all races, also, we still have some of the arab genes, you can compare between an arab from an arab country and compare him with someone from another race, you know the difference, i mean, you can make the differences(most times)
I don't believe race exists.

I don't think Islam has an enlightening affect on people's attitudes regarding race. It seems, if anything, Arab Jews, Arab Muslims and Persians in particular are racist. Each thinking they are a different "race" when in actuality they are different cultures.

It seems Islam is no more or no less different than the other religions in this regards. So yes. It is a misconception to pin the race label on Islam in particular.
i already unswered on this, i said yes, those are terrorists, ok? what do you want me to say? also here we're not talking about the fanati extremist minority, we're talking about normal regular muslims, if you want to talk about the minorities, i can also talk about criminals, and say they are christian criminals!!
I didn't ask if they were Terrorist. I asked if they were Islamic Terrorists

Are they "Islamic" Terrorists?

If women are not equal to men under the law then it's not a misconception to say so.

Sure some women are treated fairly by their husbands. Other's are not treated fairly. The more equal a society is the better chances are that women who are not treated fairly have legal recourse.

I knew a Muslims girl and her husband who were living in London. She was so worried about returning to the KSA. Mainly because her husband would take another wife and there wasn't a damn thing she could do about it. You may think she was treated like a Princess because she lived a wealthy life, but, according to her she'd give it all up for freedom and a chance to chart her own destiny.

Polygamy IMO is antithesis to female equality. To think that if the story book writers had made sure Mohammad himself was monogamous Arabs may have slowly taken his lead and strove for female equality. In this regards I think "Islam" does a disservice to women legal equality.

i totaly don't agree on the 4 wifes, also it's not legal in my country, also it's disrespect to women, also, in islam, if you're going to marry two women, you have the treat them exactly the same, if you yelled at one, you have to yell at the other, if you kissed one, you have to kiss the other the same, if you gave a gift, or sweet words, you must do the same of the other, so, it's impossible to realise that, so, according to islam, it says it 'ok to marry the 2cn woman, but only if you could be ecaul to both, and do the same to both exactly,
also the women diferently have the right to divorce,
in the case of saudi arabia, yes, but as much as you think they are fanatic or relegion people, also that's what i thoght, but in fact, most time you find a saudi arabian on skype, you find him or her for sex, lol, also saudi arabia is the biggest sex and porn serfer, also, you'll be shocked to find them that they are not rellegion as you think, but they have there back grounds, so, the problems are not islam, but people, people can't do everything in islam, also some times do the opposite and change thire mind and make it like ok, (terrorism, not ok, but some extremists, that they are sick people, think it is ok, but in fact, and in islam, it is not OK, :p )

I don't believe race exists.

I don't think Islam has an enlightening affect on people's attitudes regarding race. It seems, if anything, Arab Jews, Arab Muslims and Persians in particular are racist. Each thinking they are a different "race" when in actuality they are different cultures.

It seems Islam is no more or no less different than the other religions in this regards. So yes. It is a misconception to pin the race label on Islam in particular.

yes, i hate that, and i agree that the gold countries people are kinda racist to other arabs from north africa, and egypte,
i totaly don't agree on the 4 wifes, also it's not legal in my country, also it's disrespect to women, also, in islam, if you're going to marry two women, you have the treat them exactly the same, if you yelled at one, you have to yell at the other, if you kissed one, you have to kiss the other the same, if you gave a gift, or sweet words, you must do the same of the other, so, it's impossible to realise that, so, according to islam, it says it 'ok to marry the 2cn woman, but only if you could be ecaul to both, and do the same to both exactly,
also the women diferently have the right to divorce,
in the case of saudi arabia, yes, but as much as you think they are fanatic or relegion people, also that's what i thoght, but in fact, most time you find a saudi arabian on skype, you find him or her for sex, lol, also saudi arabia is the biggest sex and porn serfer, also, you'll be shocked to find them that they are not rellegion as you think, but they have there back grounds, so, the problems are not islam, but people, people can't do everything in islam, also some times do the opposite and change thire mind and make it like ok, (terrorism, not ok, but some extremists, that they are sick people, think it is ok, but in fact, and in islam, it is not OK, :p )
Then we agree. BUT, polygamy is part of Traditional "Islamic" Culture - wouldn't you agree therefor that Traditionally Islam has not promoted the legal and social equality of women with men?

Therefor the idea that in Islam women are not treated equally is not a misconception.
yes, i hate that, and i agree that the gold countries people are kinda racist to other arabs from north africa, and egypte,
See then we agree again.

It is a misconception to suggest Islam promotes racist attitudes any more or less than any say Christianity or Judaism. Actually Orthodox Christianity and Judaism is probably worse.
Also, as I said before, I do agree that it's a misconception to think Mohammad was a pedophile. If Mohammad were a pedophile then he would have surrounded himself with lots of little 9 year olds like any pedo with the opportunity would. He didn't do that. Therefor he's not a pedo.

So? Why the 9 year old bride? As I said: The story tellers wanted to ensure their own lineage and therefor, by blood, right to rule over the sheeple. THEY weren't interesting in making their protagonist (Mohammad) a Pedo but in securing their divine right to rule (this is the main reason [perhaps only reason] religion mixes with politics).

This, IMO, also presents itself as evidence there simply wasn't a "real" Mohammad. As if a genuine Religious Leader would have acted like that. It's almost laughable.

Lastly, it just too bad they didn't have enough foresight to see past their own ambition and have made their protagonist a monogamist who adopted Aisha.

See then we agree again.

It is a misconception to suggest Islam promotes racist attitudes any more or less than any say Christianity or Judaism. Actually Orthodox Christianity and Judaism is probably worse.

wait, i didnt mean it's because of islam!! but because they have oil, and they are rich, also other people from around the world do their work and they don't do anything, they are just served as kings, they think they are the best people on earth, because they have oil...
i'll show you direct vurses from the quran that proove that islam don't call for rasim, or any of you thoghts, i think it's the best way to convince you.

"O Mankind, We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other. Verily the most honored of you in the sight of God is he who is the most righteous of you" (Quran 49:13).
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Then we agree. BUT, polygamy is part of Traditional "Islamic" Culture - wouldn't you agree therefor that Traditionally Islam has not promoted the legal and social equality of women with men?

Therefor the idea that in Islam women are not treated equally is not a misconception.

ok, not 100% ecaul, but not 0% or 50% ecaul as you think, also, it is not a part of the "islamic" culture, but it's a part of the arabic cultrue before islam, (when i say arabic, wich it used to be 100% arabic, saudi arabia and it's neightbors in the desert) also, i think i told you how women were treated before islam! didnt i? before islam, women were really 0% ecaul to men, and misstreated, they even some times kill them for no reason, they think when a female is born in the family, it's a shaim on the family, so they barry her alive!!!! so it's more cultural backgrounds, not islamic, cause islam is not a culture, islam is a relegion.

also, i'll show direct vurses from the quran later.
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Also, as I said before, I do agree that it's a misconception to think Mohammad was a pedophile. If Mohammad were a pedophile then he would have surrounded himself with lots of little 9 year olds like any pedo with the opportunity would. He didn't do that. Therefor he's not a pedo.

So? Why the 9 year old bride? As I said: The story tellers wanted to ensure their own lineage and therefor, by blood, right to rule over the sheeple. THEY w%ren't interesting in making their protagonist (Mohammad) a Pedo but in securing their divine right to rule (this is the main reason [perhaps only reason] religion mixes with politics).

in the time of Mohamed, muslims suffered, it wasn't efven there what you call politics, but the only people who helped the first muslims, guess who? a christian arabic city, they accepted them between them because of what muslim told them about what quran and their relegion say about jesus, and how much he have a great place in their faith, anyway, about the 9 years old girl, i dont know, but i do know that he married many women, cause the first muslim cities and villages, were independent, and like, streached, not united, so he married a woman from each tribe, to unite them, and i know you wan't beleive me about that, that islam forbid, to mock on any otehr relegion, or to force any other person to be a muslim, or any other muslim to do his prays, he must be convinced not forced, also a man should never hitt his wife, ( bad sadly some men do, but not alot,effcorse, and thank god, and i don't mean only muslims, all people from everynation, and relegion, not just "islaam" :p )

This, IMO, also presents itself as evidence there simply wasn't a "real" Mohammad. As if a genuine Religious Leader would have acted like that. It's almost laughable.

Lastly, it just too bad they didn't have enough foresight to see past their own ambition and have made their protagonist a monogamist who adopted Aisha.

first, what's IMO? lol

also, mohamed was soo wise, and i'll post some of his sayings, also, when muslims asked him about the signs that shows that the last day is near, he said,
when women walk almost naked, when people have sex in the street and everywhere, and the polite between them, say he did it in the corner,you know what, i'll post them later... i like them actually, they could be a great film, :D
Facts about Islam:
Muslim terrorists have committed more than 15,300 deadly terror attacks SINCE 911.:(
The Koran commands Muslims to kill infidels (Christians and Jews).
Allah is NOT God. He is a moon god.
Most terrorists are Muslims.
It is oppressive to women.
One of the goals is to take over the USA from within.
Sandy is correct.
There are 16 misapprehensions, not 10.

Anyway. It's better to worship this:

than worship this:
There is a really good article about the myths of Islam. The myths include:
Islam Means 'Peace'
Islam respects Women as Equals
Jihad Means 'Inner Struggle'
Islam is a Religion of Peace
Islam is Tolerant of Other Religions
Islam Facilitated a 'Golden Age' of Scientific Discovery
Islam is Opposed to Slavery
Islam is Incompatible with Terrorism
Islam is a Democracy
The Qur'an is the Muslim Counterpart to the Bible
There is a really good article about the myths of Islam. The myths include:
Islam Means 'Peace'
Islam respects Women as Equals
Jihad Means 'Inner Struggle'
Islam is a Religion of Peace
Islam is Tolerant of Other Religions
Islam Facilitated a 'Golden Age' of Scientific Discovery
Islam is Opposed to Slavery
Islam is Incompatible with Terrorism
Islam is a Democracy
The Qur'an is the Muslim Counterpart to the Bible
Ah myths.. Have to love them..

I mean there was a myth that you were an intelligent human being and a Christian who followed Christ's teachings.

Man did that get shattered quickly. I think it was with your second post.


Wait till Shadow gets back on here.
He's going to be hopping mad:)

hahaha, i AM here, lol
i don't bother, she's a fanatic girl, let her continue her bullshit, lol, she's a poor little girl, she just lost her mind :( hahaha, i bet she replaced it with a nut, or her parents throwed her from the roof, and she felled on her head, i think she would need to connect some wired in her mind, after that accident, i think her wires were cutted, :D

do you have another theory?
My expertise is more with security than the actual religion although I do know a great deal about both.
Tell me what on the list is incorrect.
hahaha, i AM here, lol
She's a fanatic girl,....... she's a poor little girl, she just lost her mind.......her parents throwed her from the roof, and she felled on her head,....... i think she would need to connect some wired in her mind, after that accident, i think her wires were cutted.......

Prove anything on that list is incorrect. Oops, you can't because it's all true!

Shadow's list of what happened to you is all true?