Top 10 Misapprehensions about islam...

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mater don't even exist dude, tecknikly

Oh. So technically you're drifting apart right at this moment? Should I send duct tape? Oh no, wait, that's matter too!

Let's not be dumb and play dumb. Okay?

so, what's your point anyway, what do you want me to say?

I'd like you to recognize how foolish your point was. "God can't be matter because....uhh....there is no real matter! Yeah, that's it!" Never mind that I'm sitting here, typing on things that are matter, because that doesn't matter. Because you have to keep your prejudices intact? What would happen without them? Would you, too, fall apart?

(Do you still want the tape?)
mater don't even exist dude, tecknikly, only energy exists, in all this creation, and allah, is beyond our senses, and our mind, we even almost don't know anything about this univerce!!
so, what's your point anyway, what do you want me to say?

We can not know, so let's believe in mumbo jumbo. Is that what you are offering to fellow human beings? This is a disgrace to human mind. That's why I find religious mentality as dangerous as racism or slavery.

But human systems are mostly hypocrite regimes; blaming one sick ideology but supporting another one in order to rule the masses more easily, even if that ideology offers "don't think and just obey".
that word, they think, that they are doing the right thing, but they're not, BUT, you're talking about those terrorist organisations, wich they are the minority of the minority of the muslims, (am talking about organisations that attack other countries, and kill children, women, and destroying buildings and everything, if they were attacking the military, i want say anything, and i will say ok, cause you attacked them and invaded them in the first place, but also in another sense, wich i defferently don't support there acts of bombing people, i don't blame them from doing that, those countries actually attacked there countries,killed there famileies, children, women, even babies, also destroyed everything, i don't blame them, they are doing the same thing that you are doing for their countries, anyway, wich also i don't suppor there attacks, cause they are like you, and they are killing women and children just like you, (i don't mean, you you, the normal people, i just mean the country in general) , and destroying the civilian buildings(the non military i mean), if they were attacing your military bases, and attacking your armies, and not being like you (you are killing families and destroyng everything) i differently want blame them, but, i do, and don't in the same time, blame them cause they are being like you, and not blaming them, cause you attacked them and destroyed everything in the first place, so, anyway, you did undersatnd what i mean, and as final result, i don't know what to think about them, but i know they are not doing the right thing, wich i don't blame them, try to live in there country, as a civilian in that country, you see people die everyday, and everything burning everyday, and finally, you'll get despered, and you'll have nothing to lose to bomb your self for your country, cause you lost eerything ,and you don't want to live anymore, so you choose at least to die and do something, anyway, i can't say i blame them, and i can't say i don't blame them, the same thing i say for you, i can't blame you, and i do blame you, i blame you cause you're killing women and children, and etc... and i don't blame you for... hmm, no i do blame you, lol, (i don't mean normal people like you and every american in here) and pleas, just for a second, discuss this subject, without thinking of islam, if we talked about an example, or an issue like that, without mentioning the relegion of the invaded, or for exampel wat between two christian countries, sure you'll understand, but if you knew that that invaded country is muslim, you'll say that that country invaded them to save the world, and help muslims by killin them and causing the creation of terrorism organisations.
So what word do you want to use to refer to Muslims who kill non-Muslims in the name of Allah?

For example:
- The English Muslims who bombed their Fellow Citizens of England on the trains in London. They said they did that in the name of Allah and Islam.
Are they Islamic Terrorists?
- The Thai Muslims who live in Thailand and are Citizens of Thailand who chopped off a fellow Thai Citizens head because he was a Thai Buddhist. They say they did this in the name of Allah and Islam.
Are they Islamic Terrorists?
- The Russian Muslims who blew up an entire school of innocent Russian school children. They said they did this in the name of Islam and Allah.
Are they Islamic Terrorists?

What do you want to refer to those people as?
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hmm;, you see that the women is obsessed, because of the missunderstanding to women in some cultures ( in some cultures, means depend on the country) so, they think that men should never talk to a women, and a women should never work, and should never go out, and should never talk to a guy, and should never don't wear the hijab, but in fact, and in the reality, islam, wich i mean quran, don't say that women shouldnt work, or shouldnt talk to men, but she shouldnt stay alone with a man, in a place empty but them, and should not be horny to men, and also don't say that women shouldn't don't wear hijab, it simply say to dress modestly, in a way that don't attract all the people to look at her, and in a way that don't people or men get horny to see her, and women have the right to work, one of the prophet mohamed's (pbhu) wifes, was a commerce, or a merchant, sorry don't know the english word exactly, but she had buisness, also the prophet was working in commerce, and that's how he met her.
so, as for me also, i say that women in the saudi arabia are kinda opressed, i don't know much about them, but i have to admit that they are liek queens, i mean, there women have a maid, a driver, a big house, etc... but still think saudi arabia need some, opening, but i don't know, God knows better
Are women legally equal to men under Sharia law?
When Christians say the Qur'an is a corrupt Satan inspired Book of the Devil, well, Muslims are upset but this. When Muslims say the Bible has been corrupted and is no longer the true word of God - well, that's just fine and dandy.

yes, true,

I'm not sure I understand your answer. Yes what is true?

oh, we do beleive in jesus,
well, not the same exactly, we beleive jesus is a messenger from god, and he's a normal human, and not a god, and not the son of god, also we beleive that jesus is the son of the virgin mary, like you beleive,
I don't believe that a Jesus existed at all. However, the Jesus you believe in is not the same Jesus Christians believe in. They were different people. The Christians Jesus was God. You Jesus was a Prophet.

Completely two different people that just happened to have the same name. Jesus was a common Jewish name back then.

no, actually the muslim civilisation, in it's golden age, was a multi faith civilisation, but majority islam, also, jews and christians, used to pay taxes, and not hard taxed, for protection from the extremists groups, and in fact as you all think that we hate jews beleifs and think they are evil? no, in fact, we know that they have things better than us, like when their butcher, pay the meat, everyone who buy, donate with some money, and at the last day of the week, this money is spreaded to poors, also other things, but what makes me sad is there doing toaday of israeil, also we have jews in tunisia, and i have a cousin who's a jew, and we all live together, respect both of our beleifs, and in fact, you wan't even noice any difference of relegion between us when you try to compare us, (just there relegion stuff, like praying)

and in fact, in past, well, go make a search about it like you did the last time about the muslim civlisation inventions, it would be better if you see your self from official articals, maibe youtube, and try google, then discuss about it, don't discuss while you don't know about it.
Do you think it's OK to segregate people in society based on their person spiritual belief? Should we tax people based on their personal belief?

For example: Suppose Muslims who live in America are not allowed to join the army, are not allowed to be politically active (can not become president of the USA) and must pay more in tax if they want to remain Muslims (if they convert to Christianity then they don't have to pay the extra tax, can have a career in the army and could run for political office).

So? Is it fair to treat Muslims different than other US Citizens? Make them pay more tax and don't let them have the same opportunities as other US Citizens? Is THAT fair?
Ali, who's to chea is the messenger, and for sunni, is the best hand of Mohamed(pbhu) or like, anyway, he's an important person to both of sunni and chea, and he's black

also if there was racism, it's not because of islam or relegion, infact, you'll find that many muslim countries, have habits are against islam sayings, so if there's racism, it's because of people and the orignal culture of the country, also, islam don't say anything about for who islam should be, also it says, that islam and quran are both for all humans, and djins, "ALL" not white, not black, or not blue if there was.
Do you think Jews are a race? Do you think Arabs are a race?

No, that's not so at all. You're putting not only words but opinions in my mouth, in order to justify the sweeping of wholescale persecution of non-Muslims under the old Tunisian carpet. So, don't be naive, and don't be so paranoid.

Buauoahaahaaaa! Look in the link I gave you for the word "Tunisia". Booohuoahahooo! It's rife in your history too! Beheeraaahaaee! And, you can have these too:

And this:

I guess it doesn't surprise me that this history isn't being taught.

buohauhohahuu! so? what do you want me to say? why are you so angry and mad? dude, chill out,

also, what a hell are you talking about, lol xD

Oh. So technically you're drifting apart right at this moment? Should I send duct tape? Oh no, wait, that's matter too!

Let's not be dumb and play dumb. Okay?

I'd like you to recognize how foolish your point was. "God can't be matter because....uhh....there is no real matter! Yeah, that's it!" Never mind that I'm sitting here, typing on things that are matter, because that doesn't matter. Because you have to keep your prejudices intact? What would happen without them? Would you, too, fall apart?

(Do you still want the tape?)

buahohaheuhihoa!! hey dude, chill out! lol, don't explode.

So what word do you want to use to refer to Muslims who kill non-Muslims in the name of Allah?

For example:
- The English Muslims who bombed their Fellow Citizens of England on the trains in London. They said they did that in the name of Allah and Islam.
Are they Islamic Terrorists?
- The Thai Muslims who live in Thailand and are Citizens of Thailand who chopped off a fellow Thai Citizens head because he was a Thai Buddhist. They say they did this in the name of Allah and Islam.
Are they Islamic Terrorists?
- The Russian Muslims who blew up an entire school of innocent Russian school children. They said they did this in the name of Islam and Allah.
Are they Islamic Terrorists?

What do you want to refer to those people as?

yes they are terrorists, but i mean i don't blame people, who go from their invaded country, to bomb them selves in the country of the invader, also i'm not against who fight the invaders troops, but those examples you said, yes, terrorists,

Are women legally equal to men under Sharia law?

well not egal like that 1=1, but, also not as you think, also not obressed, as i already said, those sharia loaws like you see in saudi arabia, are too much, i mean, more than it should be, and it's more related to the original culture also cause they don't president, they have a king that in his mind, he's much more than it should be, do you know how the saudi arabians and the other contries of the area were before islam?
I'm not sure I understand your answer. Yes what is true?

yes true than we get sad to hear it, some pissed of, (if you're thinking that they kill people for it, no, [at least if you mean the extremists, as you also refered to them terrorists)]

I don't believe that a Jesus existed at all. However, the Jesus you believe in is not the same Jesus Christians believe in. They were different people. The Christians Jesus was God. You Jesus was a Prophet.

Completely two different people that just happened to have the same name. Jesus was a common Jewish name back then.

ahh, we call him messiah.he's the son mary, the same as christian think

Do you think it's OK to segregate people in society based on their person spiritual belief? Should we tax people based on their personal belief?

For example: Suppose Muslims who live in America are not allowed to join the army, are not allowed to be politically active (can not become president of the USA) and must pay more in tax if they want to remain Muslims (if they convert to Christianity then they don't have to pay the extra tax, can have a career in the army and could run for political office).

So? Is it fair to treat Muslims different than other US Citizens? Make them pay more tax and don't let them have the same opportunities as other US Citizens? Is THAT fair?

yes, not fair effcorse, but i was talking about past, also it's not a relegion mater, it's a country mater, and political mater, not only non-muslims used to pay taxes, also muslims, but, the name of those two taxes have different names, also, those taxes have rules, not just to pay that amount of money all the time, but a percentage (%) if he was a farmer, he give a small % of his production, and if he work in commerce, he give (%) of his earned money, and not too hight taxes actually, and in fact, i don't know much about it, am not very good at history, you try to search about it, i think on of those names were called "jezzya" i don't know who's taxes it is, don't remeber

Do you think Jews are a race? Do you think Arabs are a race?

but the arab race did exist, but not anymore, it's origin is the arabia, but now and even for the last centuries we are mixed of all races, also, we still have some of the arab genes, you can compare between an arab from an arab country and compare him with someone from another race, you know the difference, i mean, you can make the differences(most times)
yes they are terrorists, but i mean i don't blame people, who go from their invaded country, to bomb them selves in the country of the invader, also i'm not against who fight the invaders troops, but those examples you said, yes, terrorists,
In each of those examples the Muslims were Citizens of that country. We're talking about English Muslims killing English non-Muslims on English trains in England in the name of Allah and Islam.

Are they Islamic Terrorist?

If not then what do you call people who kill their own citizens in the name of Allah and Islam?
well not egal like that 1=1, but, also not as you think, also not obressed, as i already said, those sharia loaws like you see in saudi arabia, are too much, i mean, more than it should be, and it's more related to the original culture also cause they don't president, they have a king that in his mind, he's much more than it should be, do you know how the saudi arabians and the other contries of the area were before islam?
If women are not equal to men under the law then it's not a misconception to say so.

Sure some women are treated fairly by their husbands. Other's are not treated fairly. The more equal a society is the better chances are that women who are not treated fairly have legal recourse.

I knew a Muslims girl and her husband who were living in London. She was so worried about returning to the KSA. Mainly because her husband would take another wife and there wasn't a damn thing she could do about it. You may think she was treated like a Princess because she lived a wealthy life, but, according to her she'd give it all up for freedom and a chance to chart her own destiny.

Polygamy IMO is antithesis to female equality. To think that if the story book writers had made sure Mohammad himself was monogamous Arabs may have slowly taken his lead and strove for female equality. In this regards I think "Islam" does a disservice to women legal equality.
yes true than we get sad to hear it, some pissed of, (if you're thinking that they kill people for it, no, [at least if you mean the extremists, as you also refered to them terrorists)]
I'm still not sure of what you are talking about.

ahh, we call him messiah.he's the son mary, the same as christian think
Sorry Shadow1 but the person you are talking about named Jesus is not the same person Christians are talking about. The person they are talking about is God in a human form. You're talking about a Prophet.

Christian Jesus is God.
Muslims Jesus is a Prophet.

Two completely different beings.
yes, not fair effcorse, but i was talking about past, also it's not a relegion mater, it's a country mater, and political mater, not only non-muslims used to pay taxes, also muslims, but, the name of those two taxes have different names, also, those taxes have rules, not just to pay that amount of money all the time, but a percentage (%) if he was a farmer, he give a small % of his production, and if he work in commerce, he give (%) of his earned money, and not too hight taxes actually, and in fact, i don't know much about it, am not very good at history, you try to search about it, i think on of those names were called "jezzya" i don't know who's taxes it is, don't remeber
Then we agree. It's NOT FAIR. Therefor it's not a misconception to say that Islam oppresses non-Muslims.
"don't think and just obey".

wait wait wait, this is completely unresneball, also i'm against it, even in my relegion(i don't mean the extremist or the fanatic people) even in my relegion, if some one is a muslim, or going to be , he must be convinced by it, and beleive in it, not forced to, also not, "don't think just obey" if you don't beleive me it's ok, i know my life, and i know my society and my surrounding, so, have a happy life, :D

In each of those examples the Muslims were Citizens of that country. We're talking about English Muslims killing English non-Muslims on English trains in England in the name of Allah and Islam.

Are they Islamic Terrorist?

If not then what do you call people who kill their own citizens in the name of Allah and Islam?

i already unswered on this, i said yes, those are terrorists, ok? what do you want me to say? also here we're not talking about the fanati extremist minority, we're talking about normal regular muslims, if you want to talk about the minorities, i can also talk about criminals, and say they are christian criminals!!