Top 10 Misapprehensions about islam...

yes or no, read the threat, and you'll know what's the question

  • yes

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • no

    Votes: 10 76.9%

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Yes. It's in the dictionary. Look it up fanatic!

fanatic [fəˈnætɪk]
1. a person whose enthusiasm or zeal for something is extreme or beyond normal limits
2. A person devoted to a particular hobby or pastime; eg a jazz fanatic
3. Someone like Sock puppet bath.

You sir, just lost yourself a sale :mad:
You haven't been chewing on Qat leaves have you Shadow?
What's up with you?
Bad day at school or something?

Try being specific instead of just yelling at everyone, quote what you think is aggressive and say why and ask for a reply. Just screaming that you think everyone is close minded or fanatical without giving an example isn't going to get you anywhere because noone can address specific points that you mean are fanatical or close minded. Think of it like a court case and you are a lawyer give evidence against the accused

yeah, but i'm not yelling at anyone actually, i was looking at you with a pepethic and a hilarous look, more than being angry, so, i was just saying and asking direct questions, that's all, no yelling, no screaming, or no whatever, if i was talking by a mic. you'll see that i'm cold, i mean, not even touched, cause i know that for you i'm just bluffing and saying stupid things, anyway, i'm not going to bother my self, with searching for prroves and stuff, and finnaly get involved into a mass of attacks by you, and maybe you'll bomb my country, ;) , who knows, you're insane! lol, anyway, let's just stop talking about this, cause no mater you'll keep discussing, i wan't make an effort to explain or to convince anyone, and finally you all start attackign me, like in my first topics, when i never thoghts you are dirty like that, i thoght it's just a friendly discussion, exchanging information and discussign about it, not attacking everyone that he have different facts and informations, so, let's just stay away of this, i have a happy life, and a great life, and i'm satisfied with it in here, and acutally i never heard about all those complicated matter, intill i came in sciforums, cause i never saw racism, fanatism or whatever there is around here, also proganda and stuff here where i live, i thoght you'll all be like us, i mean, kinda ignorant, just friendly discussions, not that complicated, and not agressive, well, i joined to a 2 tunisian forums of science and other stuff, but i must admit that science in those forums are not much discussible as in here, and usually in the tunsian forums, even in science topics, mostlyare not too serious, but i'm here just to emprove my english better and better, also science here is better discussed, after all it's all a science forums, lol, and that's my secret, my secret is my interreest in science that much, no one want to be like a science freek here, :p lol, i'm away of what i was saying, well, let's forget it, and put a point to it, ok here's the point: .

You haven't been chewing on Qat leaves have you Shadow?
What's up with you?
Bad day at school or something?

haha, no, in fact, i just had a date, :p

haha, you really think i'm angry right now? or mad? hahaha, no don't worry, i'm not. even if i get angry or sad, i forget about it in 20 minutes, :p
yeah, but i'm not yelling at anyone actually, i was looking at you with a pepethic and a hilarous look, more than being angry, so, i was just saying and asking direct questions, that's all, no yelling, no screaming, or no whatever, if i was talking by a mic. you'll see that i'm cold, i mean, not even touched, cause i know that for you i'm just bluffing and saying stupid things, anyway, i'm not going to bother my self, with searching for prroves and stuff, and finnaly get involved into a mass of attacks by you, and maybe you'll bomb my country, ;) , who knows, you're insane! lol, anyway, let's just stop talking about this, cause no mater you'll keep discussing, i wan't make an effort to explain or to convince anyone, and finally you all start attackign me, like in my first topics, when i never thoghts you are dirty like that, i thoght it's just a friendly discussion, exchanging information and discussign about it, not attacking everyone that he have different facts and informations, so, let's just stay away of this, i have a happy life, and a great life, and i'm satisfied with it in here, and acutally i never heard about all those complicated matter, intill i came in sciforums, cause i never saw racism, fanatism or whatever there is around here, also proganda and stuff here where i live, i thoght you'll all be like us, i mean, kinda ignorant, just friendly discussions, not that complicated, and not agressive, well, i joined to a 2 tunisian forums of science and other stuff, but i must admit that science in those forums are not much discussible as in here, and usually in the tunsian forums, even in science topics, mostlyare not too serious, but i'm here just to emprove my english better and better, also science here is better discussed, after all it's all a science forums, lol, and that's my secret, my secret is my interreest in science that much, no one want to be like a science freek here, :p lol, i'm away of what i was saying, well, let's forget it, and put a point to it, ok here's the point: .

Alright I tried and I think everyone will agree but I am just not reaching you or you can't be bothered :shrug:
1) Why we can't handle discussions? I don't know..thus far it seems as if the others who posted in this thread posted more substance than you...
2) Fanatic..well... what made you come to such an abhorrent conclusion?
3) lolwut... I think the only thing that's making anyone mad in here is your constant negative presumptions.
4) Aggressive way? Oddly enough, you seem to be the only one using insults, caps, and colours to make your posts seem more obtrusive.
5) I don't know..why can't we seem to be capable of treating you more respectfully..lets see..go read your posts, it's all written in there. Want respect, then show some yourself.
6) An other blunt assumption about one's nationality. Guys, are we all Americans? What's American..? Do you mean South Americans? North Americans? Or...?
7) lol did you just bring Arabs, and Islam in connection with Medieval Civilisations?
1) Why we can't handle discussions? I don't know..thus far it seems as if the others who posted in this thread posted more substance than you...
2) Fanatic..well... what made you come to such an abhorrent conclusion?
3) lolwut... I think the only thing that's making anyone mad in here is your constant negative presumptions.
4) Aggressive way? Oddly enough, you seem to be the only one using insults, caps, and colours to make your posts seem more obtrusive.
5) I don't know..why can't we seem to be capable of treating you more respectfully..lets see..go read your posts, it's all written in there. Want respect, then show some yourself.

ok... i don't bother, i don't care, .fanatics.

6) An other blunt assumption about one's nationality. Guys, are we all Americans? What's American..? Do you mean South Americans? North Americans? Or...?

u.s.a. lol, but i take it back, i mean the question and the thoght.

7) lol did you just bring Arabs, and Islam in connection with Medieval Civilisations?

lol, wuut?

And for the record shadow this is what I said in your tunisia thread

yeah, but i just said words, :D

here's an advice about my replyies and posts: do never ever, concentrate on everything i write, and don't take anything i say seriously, it was just, said, . and i didnt mean to insult you, or to say anything bad about you, :D
in sciforums, don't take what i said serously, you have to be partially ignorant when it comes about my posts and replyies, it seems weirds, but it's true, :p lol xD

oh, another advice about me sock...

when i say things about certin things in a topic, i forget about it when i enter to another, to discuss with you in another topic, :D like, i open a door, and i close another door, :p don't take things too serious, or concentrate on everything i say, when ever it comes about me
what's Qat?

This is a Qat.

oh, another advice about me sock...

when i say things about certin things in a topic, i forget about it when i enter to another, to discuss with you in another topic, :D like, i open a door, and i close another door, :p don't take things too serious, or concentrate on everything i say, when ever it comes about me

That's fine shadow but if you want to discuss things and exchange viewpoints you need to address points and issues and not get off track. Otherwise there is no point starting discussion threads.