Top 10 Misapprehensions about islam...

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misconception #1) Islamic Terrorism

Does this exist?

In the same way Muslims think the Crusades were Christian. Were the Christian Crusades propaganda, true history or both?

One can step back and talk about all the political ramifications, land ownership, history/culture of war in Europe, the mythology of chivalry, the persecution of some Christians visiting the Holy Land or even the constant war's with Muslims for the Constantinople Citizens etc.... Of course "True" Christians would never go on "Crusades" because "true" Christians don't kill other humans in aggression. And yet it seems reasonable to suggest there were some very strong Christian themes to the Crusades. Christians Crusades could be said to be "Propaganda" much in the same way "Islamic Terrorism" is propaganda. But, IMO if you scream Allah is Great and blow up a school full of 9-14 year old Russian Children in the hopes of doing Allah's will - that's Terrorism with a twist of Islam. If you kill and eat Muslims in the name of Baby Jesus - that's Christian Terrorism.

While I don't see the Buddhist's of Russia acting like Terrorists (they seem to be able to live within Christian Russia and do so peacefully) BUT, if they start screaming Dali Lama is Great and explode suicide belts in the elementary schools of Russia - I'll call that Buddhist Terrorism.

It's all a bit true and a bit propaganda.

To Muslims the Islamic Crusades were "defensive" the fact that they never left Persia - well, that's besides the point. Blow up the 2500 year old Buddhist Statues, well, that's not Islamic Terrorism, that's cleaning out some old junk. Raid Christian Monasteries - that's preserving Greek Literature for posterity. Build a Mosque on top of the Jews version of the the Kaaba - that's again freedom. :bugeye:

See, when you add up all of these things that are motivated under a single philosophy it's generally called something. What did we call Communism? oh, yes, Liberal Commie Pigs ... or Democrats :p (yes, I general vote Democrat).

What should we call all of the violence that's perpetrated against all of the very different non-Muslim people of the world who are killed by Muslims who think that they are doing the bloody work of Allah? When a Thai Buddhist has his head chopped off by a Muslims for the crime of being a Buddhist or 9/11 in New York, or 7/11 in London or when a Catholic Filipino has her head chopped off, or when a Russian school full of small innocent Children is blow up while the Muslims cream Allah is Great, Allah is Great... how about when the Dutch cartoonist has his head chopped off for drawing a cartoon of Mohamed in his own country or when a bar full of Aussies is blown up in Bali or when some Muslims walk into a hotel in Mumbai and start machine gunning down non-Muslims in the name of Allah.

What DO we collectively call violence in the name of Islam?
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misconception #2) Islam Oppresses Women

The first and most important observation to make about the popular question “Are men and women equal?” is that it is a badly-formed, unanswerable question. The problem which many people conveniently ignore is that “equal” is not defined. This is a very critical point: the equality must be specified with respect to some measurable property.

Actually, I've had this conversation before and I always define "equal" as "legally equal" - as in Legal Under the Law.

Are women legally equal under Sharia Law? Or not? It's a simple question.

This is a good time to point out that the person who wrote the article is defining their misconceptions in a narrow manner that they can rebut. IOW: stawmen.
misconception 3. Muslims Worship a Different God

Really, I was a Shinto Temple the other day to a River deity? Is Allah this very same Goddess? There are no Gods or Goddesses and so this "misconception" is just silly.
misconception #4. Muslims Hate Jesus

I've never thought this. But, Muslim's do hate it when people attack the beliefs they hold dear. When Christians say the Qur'an is a corrupt Satan inspired Book of the Devil, well, Muslims are upset but this. When Muslims say the Bible has been corrupted and is no longer the true word of God - well, that's just fine and dandy.

Do Muslim's hate Jesus? No. Because they don't even beleive in the same "Jesus". For Christians Jesus was God. If that's not the case for Muslims then it's a totally different Literary Character who happens to have the same name.
misconception #5. Prophet Muhammad Was a Pedophile

Here is something I agree with.

A few things first though.
(1) Mohammad is a Literary Creation. like all fictional characters, the Qur'an Protagonist was based on the actions of a few real people, but, as a whole, like all the other worlds of fiction, "Mohammad" is fictional.
(2) the reason Aisha was made out to be 9 years old wasn't (as the author suggests because that was the norm age back then - it wasn't) but was because no one could even suggest someone would have sex with a 8 or 9 year old. This means she was a virgin. Her family (although also fictional) lineage was therefor directly from Mohammad. Therefor the Rulers making this story up (decades later) were the "True" blood lineage and children of Mohammad. Even to this very day you see this game played out in modern Iranian politics.

Some things change, some things stay the same.

In the game of "Use Religion to Rule over Stupid People" it's very important to say you are directly from Mohammad because then you have a "Right by Birth" to rule other humans. With the exception of the Greeks and Romans this was always the case and still is in the ME. (actually even the Greeks and Roman's played this game to tell you the truth - hell, Japanese, Chinese, everyone did it, and did it because more rulers are no different than anyone else. They can not predict the future - they normally just try to maintain their rule first and look after the people second).

Sadly in the Game of Persian/Arab Politics millions of children have been molested over the last 1400 years and still are. It's too bad the Muslims who were making this up back then didn't care to have even a little bit of foresight. They could have had Mohammad adopt the girl. They could have said Right by Birth was not as good as Right by Deed or Ability and Muslims may have really led the way back to GrecoRoman democracy.

Meritocracy wasn't high on the agenda for the Authors of the Qur'an. Mohammad's lineage was the only thing that mattered and so they made the girl so young as to be at the limits of babyhood. They'd have made the girl 6 years old in their stories of Mohammad if they thought it'd promote their political dominance. See, THAT'S the point in the Qur'an. It's not a book about deep philosophy. It actually just rehashes Jewish/Christian Philosophy. It's a book about Submission to the magical Allah - and more importantly - submission to those who rule in Allah's name, the descendants of Mohammad.
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misconception 6. Islam is Spread by Sword

When people say "Islam was Spread by the Sword" they are talking about the Islamic Crusades as well as the Wars of Aggression Muslims waged to conquer new territories.

Think of it like this. Were ALL Native Americans forcibly converted to Christianity by the Sword/musket? No. But, once they were conquered, denied their rights, and ruled over by Christians many Native Americans did choose to switch to the new religion just to see a small amount of their lives and freedoms returned to them.

People are only Human after all.

Taxing people and restricting their political and economic activities based on their belief is coercion and this is the main gripe most people have in terms of Islam. Although to be fair this was the same as Christian Nations in the past. We moved on to secular democracy and Muslims are starting to - but still stuck in the past. That's what this is all about. Muslims see the writing on the wall. If they really live up to their own ideals - then they'll see Islam diminish in their Nations. If not they will see Islam labeled as a miscreant belief system.

Seem like a win win to me :)
#7) Muslims are against education.
The American government authorised a budget of $100, 000, 000, 000 for this project. One of the discoveries of that project was that there is a layer of material that splits the moon deep down to its core into two halves and we thereby have concluded with only explanation that the moon was split at some times in its history like two perfect halves and rejoined.

Is the author trying to make the point himself??? :shrug:

Look superstition in general is against progress and modernization because most of the time human's didn't know wtf was going and this was part of the reason they wrote these stories. Now we know a little bit more about how things are and were and of course this new information contradicts these superstitious myths.

For example: It seems Christians and Muslims have a hard time accepting Evolution is true. Not all Christians and Muslims. But many. And they do so directly because of Christianity and Islam. Of course if you talk to some Christians and Muslims who accept Evolution they say everything is fine with their belief and those other guys are mistaken. THAT'S not really the point. Those other people are Christians and Muslims and it's their superstition that has retarded their mental faculties and THAT'S why they are backwards thinking.
misconception #10. Islam is Racist

It seems that Muslims (like a lot of people) fall into the trap of believing in Race. They often think Jews are a race. Or Arabs are a Race. Or Persians are a race.

They are not a race.

I wouldn't say Islam is any different in promoting this point of view. It's pretty much like any other religion in this regards. Most back then were not all that forward thinking in regards to race and so Islam fits into it's time period of thinking - 1400 years ago.

misconception #1) Islamic Terrorism

What should we call all of the violence that's perpetrated against all of the very different non-Muslim people of the world who are killed by Muslims who think that they are doing the bloody work of Allah? When a Thai Buddhist has his head chopped off by a Muslims for the crime of being a Buddhist or 9/11 in New York, or 7/11 in London or when a Catholic Filipino has her head chopped off, or when a Russian school full of small innocent Children is blow up while the Muslims cream Allah is Great, Allah is Great... how about when the Dutch cartoonist has his head chopped off for drawing a cartoon of Mohamed in his own country or when a bar full of Aussies is blown up in Bali or when some Muslims walk into a hotel in Mumbai and start machine gunning down non-Muslims in the name of Allah.

What DO we collectively call violence in the name of Islam?

that word, they think, that they are doing the right thing, but they're not, BUT, you're talking about those terrorist organisations, wich they are the minority of the minority of the muslims, (am talking about organisations that attack other countries, and kill children, women, and destroying buildings and everything, if they were attacking the military, i want say anything, and i will say ok, cause you attacked them and invaded them in the first place, but also in another sense, wich i defferently don't support there acts of bombing people, i don't blame them from doing that, those countries actually attacked there countries,killed there famileies, children, women, even babies, also destroyed everything, i don't blame them, they are doing the same thing that you are doing for their countries, anyway, wich also i don't suppor there attacks, cause they are like you, and they are killing women and children just like you, (i don't mean, you you, the normal people, i just mean the country in general) , and destroying the civilian buildings(the non military i mean), if they were attacing your military bases, and attacking your armies, and not being like you (you are killing families and destroyng everything) i differently want blame them, but, i do, and don't in the same time, blame them cause they are being like you, and not blaming them, cause you attacked them and destroyed everything in the first place, so, anyway, you did undersatnd what i mean, and as final result, i don't know what to think about them, but i know they are not doing the right thing, wich i don't blame them, try to live in there country, as a civilian in that country, you see people die everyday, and everything burning everyday, and finally, you'll get despered, and you'll have nothing to lose to bomb your self for your country, cause you lost eerything ,and you don't want to live anymore, so you choose at least to die and do something, anyway, i can't say i blame them, and i can't say i don't blame them, the same thing i say for you, i can't blame you, and i do blame you, i blame you cause you're killing women and children, and etc... and i don't blame you for... hmm, no i do blame you, lol, (i don't mean normal people like you and every american in here) and pleas, just for a second, discuss this subject, without thinking of islam, if we talked about an example, or an issue like that, without mentioning the relegion of the invaded, or for exampel wat between two christian countries, sure you'll understand, but if you knew that that invaded country is muslim, you'll say that that country invaded them to save the world, and help muslims by killin them and causing the creation of terrorism organisations.

misconception #2) Islam Oppresses Women

Actually, I've had this conversation before and I always define "equal" as "legally equal" - as in Legal Under the Law.

Are women legally equal under Sharia Law? Or not? It's a simple question.

This is a good time to point out that the person who wrote the article is defining their misconceptions in a narrow manner that they can rebut. IOW: stawmen.

hmm;, you see that the women is obsessed, because of the missunderstanding to women in some cultures ( in some cultures, means depend on the country) so, they think that men should never talk to a women, and a women should never work, and should never go out, and should never talk to a guy, and should never don't wear the hijab, but in fact, and in the reality, islam, wich i mean quran, don't say that women shouldnt work, or shouldnt talk to men, but she shouldnt stay alone with a man, in a place empty but them, and should not be horny to men, and also don't say that women shouldn't don't wear hijab, it simply say to dress modestly, in a way that don't attract all the people to look at her, and in a way that don't people or men get horny to see her, and women have the right to work, one of the prophet mohamed's (pbhu) wifes, was a commerce, or a merchant, sorry don't know the english word exactly, but she had buisness, also the prophet was working in commerce, and that's how he met her.
so, as for me also, i say that women in the saudi arabia are kinda opressed, i don't know much about them, but i have to admit that they are liek queens, i mean, there women have a maid, a driver, a big house, etc... but still think saudi arabia need some, opening, but i don't know, God knows better
Misconception: Islam claims that Allah put his signature on everything and evidence on his existence can be found everywhere. Non-believers say that this is bullshit and accuse Islamist people as misrepresenting or fabricating evidence. This is not true, Islam doesn’t do that, the evidence is there in nature:


misconception #4. Muslims Hate Jesus

I've never thought this. But, Muslim's do hate it when people attack the beliefs they hold dear. When Christians say the Qur'an is a corrupt Satan inspired Book of the Devil, well, Muslims are upset but this. When Muslims say the Bible has been corrupted and is no longer the true word of God - well, that's just fine and dandy.

yes, true,

Do Muslim's hate Jesus? No. Because they don't even beleive in the same "Jesus". For Christians Jesus was God. If that's not the case for Muslims then it's a totally different Literary Character who happens to have the same name.

oh, we do beleive in jesus,
well, not the same exactly, we beleive jesus is a messenger from god, and he's a normal human, and not a god, and not the son of god, also we beleive that jesus is the son of the virgin mary, like you beleive,

Misconception: Islam claims that Allah put his signature on everything and evidence on his existence can be found everywhere. Non-believers say that this is bullshit and accuse Islamist people as misrepresenting or fabricating evidence. This is not true, Islam doesn’t do that, the evidence is there in nature:

lol, ok, but do you know that most of the nature pictures where you see allah, on it, are fake and photoshopped? they are, really, God is greater than to show us the word God or Allah on everything on nature, God/Allah created everything,