Theoryofrelativity said:If you know anything about the brain and psychology then you know why early learning has such a powerful influence. Thus intelligence and free thinking are NOT the defining differences between atheists and theists. It is hard for those subjected to this 'indoctrination' to seperate from it, this is a 'brain ' thing not a retard thing. We a e lucky no such brainwashing took place.
The brain is shaped physically during early life. Paths and connections are made and it is not easy to relearn things. I was just lucky that my parents didn't give a shit about their religion. They had me baptized. But we never went to church. I went to a christian elementary school, but at this point there was hardly any christian propaganda being spoonfed anymore. I did my communion but never had the faith. I did it for the presents you get and because everybody did it. That was then the second time i ever was in a church.
Had I had fanatical parents who had brainwashed me from the beginning I would have had more difficulties shaking it. A friend came from such a family. Later I still saw him go to church every week with his family. His father was a teacher btw who like to touch his female students so innocently whenever possible. Still they went to church every week. Still they are convinced in their faith. Their silly belief. A fekking book written a long time ago by some sheep fekkers.
I was quite close to a clean state of mind regarding religion. By the time religion got to me I had already learned to think for myself. I didn't need it. No analysis of any religion could warm me up. It all is just plain ridiculous. Are we superior? Yes, I think so. If you appreciate individualism and independent thought. If your ideals differ than not.