To my beautiful Atheists

Good for you Godless. I reckon where you are at is a good place to be. Great pinnacle of perspective.

As much as I detest (absolutely) organised religions, I have to acknowledge that there may be a sentient force of some kind shaping our reality. There never was a time, even when I was young, that I ever took the dogma of religion seriously. Religious dogma is grounded in the unseen and unknown, and that is an extremely dangerous potential. Children are indoctrinated to believe that they are born in sin. How obtuse is that?
Godless said:
My critical moment? Perhaps reality slaped my face when I was on acid trip. I had my first neverous break-down when I was 19, acid overdose. Yes I'm a recovering drug addict. 11 years now. I was catholic in my early years, indoctrinated cause of parents, mom. Dad was atheist. Anyways, I started using drugs when I was 13, first pot, then coke, then everything else. :D I moved from religion to religion, till my late teens, though the drug use, was always part of my life, had many religious friends who also did drugs, so as a young naive kid, one things it's ok. It took two nervous breakdowns to completely quit drugs. Though after the first breakdown, I became atheist. My second accured when I was 33, Crack addict. :eek:

My critical moment was to be let down by the church i was attending. Reading, self education brought me to realization, that religion, was in part what caused me to seek drugs. Not that that happens to everyone, see I wanted to be psychic, I wanted brain power, so I read these books of mind altering drugs and so, I did harder and harder drugs to get into a state of altered mind. Silly now that I think about it. LOL..

I would make him study the bible. ;) Best weapon an atheist has.

Ain't that the question everyone that has ever lived, and lives tries to answer? Know thy self. is very deep thing, not all people get to truly learn whom they are untill they face hardship and overcome obsticles and look deep in the mirror. I've been fortunate that I've learned who I am, and know what I am, and what I'm capable of.


Thanks Godless!

I don't think I would have ever conceived of the exact path you took and I really appreciate you sharing. Someone (maybe spuriousmonkey or cato) said something recently along the lines of 'belief' becomes more destructive the more its fanatically exercised and of course 'belief' is the mindset that 'God' pushes as a means to understand reality.

Yeah, knowing who you are (having that self-identify) is a tough cookie. I had acutally asked usp the question because I saw alot of evidence of a missing sense of self being ever so slightly pacified by 'God'. It might be another path of destruction...
what utter prejudiced shite..... if he takes mind altering drugs and discovers athiesm its a good thing. But if someone posted here and said they found religion after doing acid, you would say that the drugs damaged their brain and that is why they believe.
Crunchy Cat said:
2) If you had an indoctrinated clone whom never encountered an Atheist, how would you choose to influence him/her?


Apparently the best thing is to give them LSD :m:
Crunchy Cat said:
1) and how did the Atheist community assist you?


The atheist community of rigid minded materialist crusaders (aka you) have assited me very little.
Light Travelling said:
The atheist community of rigid minded materialist crusaders (aka you) have assited me very little.

It is here that I point out that atheists are not a community, but a series of individuals that share ONE common belief. Beyond that it's chalk and cheese.

I would also like to point out that the most materialist country in this world happens to be America.

I can speak only for myself, but I hate materialism. Materialism I think is as much a product of religion as war is. That said I think regulated capitalism is the only real democracy in this world, and the only real form of working government.

So, please take your bland generalisations and shelve them somewhere else. If you are looking for some insight into what 'atheists' think, you should engage each person on a personal basis. Please don't argue that the same should be done for religion, otherwise you make that book which informs all of your beliefs redundant.

staples disconnected said:
It is here that I point out that atheists are not a community, .

I did not say there was an atheist community, I was merely replying to the opening post by Crunchy that said there was. If you dont like 'atheist community' reply to him not me

cheers :eek:

staples disconnected said:
that share ONE common belief.

Actually they share an un-belief..

didn't you know/
Crunchy Cat said:
As we all know, removing the 'belief' virus is tough once it has a strong foothold on an adult and I am curious as to what the most successful 'treatments' :) have been.


Do you see yourself as being in some kind of Matrix scenario - freeing people from the virus. LOL

You may be an athiest , but your still a fantasist.
Crunchy Cat said:
To embrace truth comes at a cost of being a minority and comes at a requirement of courage, committment, and risk taking. !

Thats exactly what christians say btw.

I live in England and practising Christians are a minority. When we were kids we used to beat up on the christian kids - because they really were a minority and different to the rset of us. (I dont do that anymore btw)

Do atheists get beaten up in the playground ?
Christians trying to convert everyone to their ONLY truth - Atheists trying to convert everyone to their ONLY truth.

Your ALL maniacs
Light Travelling said:
what utter prejudiced shite..... if he takes mind altering drugs and discovers athiesm its a good thing. But if someone posted here and said they found religion after doing acid, you would say that the drugs damaged their brain and that is why they believe.

He took mind altering drugs because of christianity and the negative affects of both made him rethink reality.
Light Travelling said:
Do you see yourself as being in some kind of Matrix scenario - freeing people from the virus. LOL

About as much as being a flying tuna on the planet zorton.

Light Travelling said:
You may be an athiest , but your still a fantasist.

What actions have I taken that support that claim?
Light Travelling said:
Thats exactly what christians say btw.

Don't christians say, I know what the truth is ('God' did it) and if you don't believe then you're going to hell? I don't recall seeing an atheist claim of that sort.

Light Travelling said:
I live in England and practising Christians are a minority. When we were kids we used to beat up on the christian kids - because they really were a minority and different to the rset of us. (I dont do that anymore btw)

Do atheists get beaten up in the playground ?

Depends on their geographical culture and parent's theological position. The results could be anywhere from 'No' to they never get to the playground because mommy and daddy slay them (damn those infidels).
Light Travelling said:
Christians trying to convert everyone to their ONLY truth - Atheists trying to convert everyone to their ONLY truth.

Your ALL maniacs

What 'truth' are atheists trying to convert people to and how are they doing it?
Crunchy Cat said:
What 'truth' are atheists trying to convert people to and how are they doing it?

I dont know, you said
Crunchy Cat said:
To embrace truth comes at a cost of being a minority and comes at a requirement of courage, committment, and risk taking. Kudo's to you all!

Please explain what truth you refer to..
Crunchy Cat said:
He took mind altering drugs because of christianity and the negative affects of both made him rethink reality.

No he took them because he is stupid.... I mean come on ... he wanted phsychic powers so he took LSD. :confused: How did he get that from Christianity?

Yea you can blame christianity, God, your parents, the goverment.. whatever

People should take responsibity for their own actions and stop blaming other external factors.
Light Travelling - THE CLAIM said:
Atheists trying to convert everyone to their ONLY truth.

What 'truth' are atheists trying to convert people to and how are they doing it?

Light Travelling - THE LACK OF EVIDENCE said:
I dont know, you said

Crunchy Cat said:
To embrace truth comes at a cost of being a minority and comes at a requirement of courage, committment, and risk taking.

Light Travelling said:
Please explain what truth you refer to..

That's a faulty claim there bub. My statement that you referenced doesn't claim a particular truth nor claim a method of 'conversion'.
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