To my beautiful Atheists

wesmorris said:
Given the thread title though, I presume the message was not intended for you eh?

Seems sort of silly to me to see a sign on a door that says "offensive language inside" and then walk through the door and become offended at the offensive language that's in there. No? Meh.
Where have you been the last how long? Have you never seen a thread for 'believers' and theists ravaged and rampaged by athiests with guns blazing?

I am in a different sci forums to you obviously..... :bugeye:
Anyway the thread was sounding like a proper dull love in, needs a bit of opposition to perk it up! I am assisting crunchy in keeping thread in top rank position.
Alejandro said:
Like it or not the supernatural belief system (religion) is built into the human psyche. You can deny it or fight it but your never going to change it.

I don't fully agree; however, I do see a tendency towards 'belief' and 'fantasy' in humans. I'll speculate that tendency is strictly controlled by genetics and while we might not be able to change an instance of the tendency, we can bring visibility to the existence of the tendency and that might be helpful to people whom are controlled by it (rather than the other way around).
Crunchy Cat said:
I don't fully agree; however, I do see a tendency towards 'belief' and 'fantasy' in humans. I'll speculate that tendency is strictly controlled by genetics and while we might not be able to change an instance of the tendency, we can bring visibility to the existence of the tendency and that might be helpful to people whom are controlled by it (rather than the other way around).

We could do the same thing about sex or philosophy: show people that they only engage in those things because they are being controlled by their genes, so they can free themselves.

Where exactly do you think this line of reasoning ends?
Theoryofrelativity said:
Patronising bunch of fuck wits all of you (those insulting theists)

Have none of you the single brain cell required to understand the value of 'belief'?

Right or wrong belief in the divine can be very helpful.


A priest was forced to watch his daughter be beaten and raped by masked men (he was also beaten himself). He and his daughter got on with their lives and forgave the perpetrators.

Myself, I could not do this.

However one has to admire those that can, as rightly or wrongly, the fact is that it is the anger and hatred that eats away at us and destroys not just that moment in time when the deed took place but the moments of your life afterwards.

I never understood how the priest and his daughter managed this and even felt shock that they thought is acceptable to do so. but the fact remains, this ability to 'forgive' which stemmed from their religious belief, enabled them to move on with their lives unaffected. Now that has to be admired, as hard it is.

Myself, I get by with dealing with shit by trying to dig out a learning experience and making that negative into a positive and it's NOT always easy, this is my alternative I guess to 'forgiveness'. It is of course possible for some to deal with extremely traumatic events without it affecting the rest of their lives, but belief and religion does help in such matters, and this is why despite my rejection of religion I can see the positive value in it and while it has value and brings strength to those that feel weak without it, you should not ignorantly dismiss it and rubbish those that believe. Afterall atheists are still in the minority and despite your 'faith' that you are right and correct in your view, to constantly treat those with faith like retards is actually very ignorant and demonstrates great lack of empathy and social skills on your behalf.


Looks like Q did a number on you. Nodody on a public forum is going to walk on eggshells for you, so take a break if it's getting under your skin.

I actually disagree with your assertion that 'belief' directly influences positive outcome. If you replace the concept of 'belief' in the above examples with 'spirituality' and 'relationships (self and others)' then I would say yes, those things can and do influence positive outcome.

Consequently, I don't treat people whom exercise faith as retards. Faith is unconditional trust in *something*. I have faith that reality executes flawlessly. Most children have faith in mommy and daddy. What I am critical of is acceptance of fantastic assertions as truth without considering suppoortive / contradictive evidence (i.e. 'belief'). I have found it much healther in my life to value truth backed by evidence over belief.
Confutatis said:
We could do the same thing about sex or philosophy: show people that they only engage in those things because they are being controlled by their genes, so they can free themselves.

Where exactly do you think this line of reasoning ends?

My line of reasoning isn't to 'free yourself' of something. It's to be in control of it so it doesn't turn destrutive.
Theoryofrelativity said:
some people would be influenced to jumping out a second floor window after watching peter pan on tv...and your point is?

To learn what (if anything) was effective in the influencing process and how to improve it.
Crunchy Cat said:
To learn what (if anything) was effective in the influencing process and how to improve it.

Ah so just like the religious you wish to convert everyone to atheism? Now aren't you just the budding little theist of atheism?
Theoryofrelativity said:
Ah so just like the religious you wish to convert everyone to atheism? Now aren't you just the budding little theist of atheism?

My motives are to learn about the possibility of 3rd party mental antivirus.
Theoryofrelativity said:
well spotted

For a young un you are very perceptive Roman and one of the few genuinely intelligent on here in that you do not have the 'sheep' mentality and can see the wood for the tree's. Thre is a great difference between well educated and intelligent.

Spurious glazed over the insults here re theists, ah yes I am crude in my insults, I must stop posting like a geeser.

Oh how silly am I for finding the above patronising and offensive to 'believers' silly little me.

Eggshells ToR eggshells
Theoryofrelativity said:
Patronising bunch of fuck wits all of you (those insulting theists)

to constantly treat those with faith like retards is actually very ignorant

Oh how silly am I for finding the above patronising and offensive to 'believers' silly little me.

oh yeh I'm just crying into my cornflakes, listen crunchy bum ;) the only tippytoeing that needs to be done here is round you blokes. Bring it on! :cool:

:bugeye: ... don't worry, I wont treat you differently.
Theoryofrelativity said:
Why did you alter your original post?

Because the IPU and FSM had sex and I just ate their offspring by mistake (I thought it was a semi-translucent italian dish)... DOH!
Crunchy Cat said:
Because the IPU and FSM had sex and I just ate their offspring by example (I thought it was a semi-translucent italian dish)... DOH!

thats the most sense you've made all day...keep flirting like this crunchy and I may have to retire early.......semi transluscent Italian dish..............I do assume that is male hotty and not pizza you are discussing?'