To my beautiful Atheists

Any follower of an organized religion is a 'retard' by definition. Retard being used in the loose definition of someone incapable of independent thought.

They follow a doctrine formulated by someone else (often decades or centuries ago). That's per definition 'not thinking for yourself'. Obviously there might be theists that come up with a new and original religious belief system all by themselves. We can't really call them incapable of independent thought. But maybe we can accuse them of delusion.
spuriousmonkey said:
Any follower of an organized religion is a 'retard' by definition. Retard being used in the loose definition of someone incapable of independent thought.

They follow a doctrine formulated by someone else (often decades or centuries ago). That's per definition 'not thinking for yourself'. Obviously there might be theists that come up with a new and original religious belief system all by themselves. We can't really call them incapable of independent thought. But maybe we can accuse them of delusion.

'Retards' to use spurious definition are those that don't understand the mechanism of belief, and deluded if they think their experience of the world is everyones, it is not.
oh god talking in circles again
this quote i've quothed before too
'If god did not exist it would be necessary to invent him' (Voltaire)
to be or not to be that IS the question
perhaps humans in their uniquely superior way cannot handle the fact that there is no purpose whatsoever for their existence cos weeell that idea is just too scary innit
for the power brokers god is a very healthy notion and a good way to control whole masses of people and keep some sort of social order (them at the bottom us at the top)
perpetuating opposing views of who or what god is also distracts a lot of people - my belief system is better than your belief system
In the meantime Nero fiddles (what fun!) and Rome burns
On the other hand.... :bugeye:
sniffy said:
oh god talking in circles again
this quote i've quothed before too
'If god did not exist it would be necessary to invent him' (Voltaire)
to be or not to be that IS the question
perhaps humans in their uniquely superior way cannot handle the fact that there is no purpose whatsoever for their existence cos weeell that idea is just too scary innit

Well my belief has zippo to do with 'having a purpose' that is someone elses belief not mine. It also has 'zippo' to do with a need. It simply comes from observation and experience and I have chosen to label or attribute certain events etc to what I call 'god', in the absence of anyone (especially scientists!!!!) having an alternative explanation. Maybe when science can explain the very 'real' world and not their 'lets pretend it never happened cos we are too scared shitless to acknowledge it happened' world, then I will be ready to listen. I for one am always trying to figure out how these things are the meantime, I'll stick with my simply view.

I'd love a scientist to come live with me, I'd really put their little narrow view of the world on its axis, in the olden days I'd have been burned at the stake.
Theoryofrelativity said:
'Retards' to use spurious definition are those that don't understand the mechanism of belief, and deluded if they think their experience of the world is everyones, it is not.

Quite the opposite. Atheists do not try to enforce their views on other individuals as being true. That's the job of theists.

The mechanisms of belief? Mostly it is indoctrination. Nobody is born with Jesus in their heart. It is taught
Ah but WHY do humans need to have everything explained?
Does it really matter whether or not we are decended from heaven or a fushion of sub atomic particles or from kermit the frog and Miss Piggy getting it on?
What difference does sitting on any particular side of the fence make?
I'm better than you because I beleive in god
I'm better than you because I don't
spuriousmonkey said:
Quite the opposite. Atheists do not try to enforce their views on other individuals as being true. That's the job of theists.

The mechanisms of belief? Mostly it is indoctrination. Nobody is born with Jesus in their heart. It is taught

you don't read too good spurious, this forum is FULL of atheists forcing their view on others as being true, read this thread!

Re mechanism of belief what do you think I meant? Of course the jesus thing is taught, it is taught early via very powerfull brainwashing techniques that is hard to shake in adult hood. Hence the mechanism of belief. If you know anything about the brain and psychology then you know why early learning has such a powerful influence. Thus intelligence and free thinking are NOT the defining differences between atheists and theists. It is hard for those subjected to this 'indoctrination' to seperate from it, this is a 'brain ' thing not a retard thing. We a e lucky no such brainwashing took place.
sniffy said:
If I may add my tuupence worth
There is much contention over whether or not there is a god/s/diety/one true sock puppet. and i've asked this before but no-one seems to respond....
Instead of worrying our little heads over whether there is or isn't why don't we think a little harder on why humans need to believe in something or indeed not to
It seems to me that agnoticism has a place in these debates
Is it all so black and white or may there be some grey in there :eek:

Your idea is a good one, and over the years there has actually been quite a bit of modeling by various members around this. I'll give you my perspecitve. I have noted 6 core psychological needs that humans seem to have in common:

* A strong sense and value of self (intrisic)
* Freedom of creativity and expression (intrisic)
* Permission and approval (give and receive)
* Answers (give and receive)
* Appreciation (give and receive)
* Dominance and respect (give and receive)

Belief in 'God' and religion combined set a groundwork for most of these needs to be met, and because of exercising belief in 'God' across many generations, natural selection is producing mental geometries that are prone to belief and fantasy (behavior bred into the human species).

Non-believers are a threat to many believers because they tend to promote the discovery and application of truth, and that's something that can destroy 'God' / religious foundation, which more importantly threatens their fundamental psychological needs. It's the equivelant of threatening to kill them; thus, it is not a surprise that atheists are a hated (and I emphasize that word) minority amongst believers.

In my opinion, Athesits might have to eventually embark upon journey to discover how to meet all these human needs in a simple and intuitive manner and send a unified message to the rest of our species that embraces truth and core human needs. In other words, we might have to take a bit more responsibility for the sake of our species.
sniffy said:
Ah but WHY do humans need to have everything explained?
Does it really matter whether or not we are decended from heaven or a fushion of sub atomic particles or from kermit the frog and Miss Piggy getting it on?
What difference does sitting on any particular side of the fence make?
I'm better than you because I beleive in god
I'm better than you because I don't

who gives a shit. Not me.
'In the old days' it was the scientists who were burnt at the stake for daring to offer alternative views the the prevailing one at the time
women (especially those with 'thoughts') generally didn't fare too well either
opposing views do seem to be quite dangerous to human life - an observation
Crunchy Cat said:
In my opinion, Athesits might have to eventually embark upon journey to discover how to meet all these human needs in a simple and intuitive manner and send a unified message to the rest of our species that embraces truth and core human needs. In other words, we might have to take a bit more responsibility for the sake of our species.

DO YOU SEE THIS SPURIOUS? An atheist trying to convince THE WORLD his view is right, not evenh restricted to sciforums. Give me a sane pill someone cos you lot drive me crackers with your selective reading.
spuriousmonkey said:
Technically everything an atheist says is true. It's just not the truth. That's the terrain of theists.

This has got to be the dumbest thing anyone has ever said. Everything atheists say is TRUE...hmm wonder why so many in prison then...such an honest lot. I really hope you are just trolling spurious and really don't believe this crap you are spouting.
Crunchy Cat said:
In my opinion, Athesits might have to eventually embark upon journey to discover how to meet all these human needs in a simple and intuitive manner and send a unified message to the rest of our species that embraces truth and core human needs.

I had a good laugh at that one. Essentially what you said was that atheists might have to eventually invent a new religion.

On that point at least I totally agree with you. The rest is all pseudo-intellectual garbage.
sniffy said:
'In the old days' it was the scientists who were burnt at the stake for daring to offer alternative views the the prevailing one at the time
women (especially those with 'thoughts') generally didn't fare too well either
opposing views do seem to be quite dangerous to human life - an observation

well no change there then
crunchy thanks for all that but succinctly
humans need to believe ie
i believe that god is real
i believe that god is not real
undecided (or neither of the above perhaps there's a third way) not a popular stance