To Atheists: How did you come to terms with having no purpose in the world?

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Ny point was!!! Atheists will post 100,000,000 threads mocking religion and wonder "How come you just don't respond?" Well...I don't. BUT YOU ATHEISTS are more easily offended than anyone.

I seriously doubt that any atheists feel like that have a purpose in their life aside from providing themselves with gratuitous pleasure. I wished one atheist could write one basic response which conveyed why their desire to live was no based on transient feelings.

NONE OF YOU DID, you're all post-Greek self-worshippers as far as I am concerned. You should all make yourselves a shrine.
Not the pink spotted floaters, they are the beauty that explains the universe. Brown spotted jellyfish are nice wrapped in space kelp, especially slowly blanched on a bed of brown space rice.

There, I fixed it for you. Spacefood doesn't go well with gravity-based starches.
You should all make yourselves a shrine.
To what end? We rejoice in living for life's own sake - not for any external sky fairy that may or may not exist.

Furthermore, I do not possess the hubris necessary to categorically assert my faith equates positive assurance that some God or other constitutes "purpose" for existence.

How about existence for the sake of existing? I am agnostic, more specifically "ignostic", and so consider some supreme being's purpose driving my life relevant to the overall cosmos quite arrogant. Who am I to know?

I only know (believe) that I am here, that I perceive perception, and that is quite sufficient for me. I try to treat my self and my brethren as well as possible, gather and give pleasure, build and advance "good" causes (as I understand such), and make today better than yesterday.

What do you do? Surely not kill infidels for some ancient wrong and ostracize others that do not so believe, right? Rather, you live your life in a fashion designed to fulfill your purpose, at least as you perceive it, correct? If you do not, as hypocritical as it may seem, I have no problem neutralizing potential threats to a peaceful way of life. "Si vis pacem, para bellum." Let's hope... Surely you are not such a threat, right?

You, like me, live to enable and enhance yours and others' pleasure in life, right? Go ahead, answer differently - you will only give credence to your detractors. Why so much pent up angst of late? Was it some sort of negative epiphany that you experienced?

How about - "Give peace a chance"? Enjoy yourself and your loved ones - is this not purpose enough?

I seriously doubt that any atheists feel like that have a purpose in their life aside from providing themselves with gratuitous pleasure.
That would be the same as theists then - they find pleasure in believing their purpose in life is serving a fantasy god - feeling like you have a purpose makes you happy (causes you pleasure). You wouldn't believe otherwise.

And since NO ONE has ever shown that gods could exist then the value in serving such a fantasy is highly dubious and most likely entirely futile and worthless.
Ny point was!!! Atheists will post 100,000,000 threads mocking religion and wonder "How come you just don't respond?" Well...I don't. BUT YOU ATHEISTS are more easily offended than anyone.

I seriously doubt that any atheists feel like that have a purpose in their life aside from providing themselves with gratuitous pleasure. I wished one atheist could write one basic response which conveyed why their desire to live was no based on transient feelings.

NONE OF YOU DID, you're all post-Greek self-worshippers as far as I am concerned. You should all make yourselves a shrine.

Somone just went cuckoo for coco-puffs.

That would be the same as theists then - they find pleasure in believing their purpose in life is serving a fantasy god - feeling like you have a purpose makes you happy (causes you pleasure). You wouldn't believe otherwise.

And since NO ONE has ever shown that gods could exist then the value in serving such a fantasy is highly dubious and most likely entirely futile and worthless.
Okay, so then answer the question with that answer. Why are you answering with what theists do? I asked you what atheists do.
You do realise that atheism is not the same thing as nihilism, right? :bugeye:
I'm not sure. Straighten up those eyes.
To what end? We rejoice in living for life's own sake - not for any external sky fairy that may or may not exist.

Furthermore, I do not possess the hubris necessary to categorically assert my faith equates positive assurance that some God or other constitutes "purpose" for existence.

How about existence for the sake of existing? I am agnostic, more specifically "ignostic", and so consider some supreme being's purpose driving my life relevant to the overall cosmos quite arrogant. Who am I to know?

I only know (believe) that I am here, that I perceive perception, and that is quite sufficient for me. I try to treat my self and my brethren as well as possible, gather and give pleasure, build and advance "good" causes (as I understand such), and make today better than yesterday.

What do you do? Surely not kill infidels for some ancient wrong and ostracize others that do not so believe, right? Rather, you live your life in a fashion designed to fulfill your purpose, at least as you perceive it, correct? If you do not, as hypocritical as it may seem, I have no problem neutralizing potential threats to a peaceful way of life. "Si vis pacem, para bellum." Let's hope... Surely you are not such a threat, right?

You, like me, live to enable and enhance yours and others' pleasure in life, right? Go ahead, answer differently - you will only give credence to your detractors. Why so much pent up angst of late? Was it some sort of negative epiphany that you experienced?

How about - "Give peace a chance"? Enjoy yourself and your loved ones - is this not purpose enough?
Jeez-luiz you won't answer the question, would you do it for money? Cepe indicum
Somone just went cuckoo for coco-puffs.
Tick tock.
Jeez-luiz you won't answer the question, would you do it for money? Cepe indicum
Look, why can't you take a hint?

To repeat, for those with slow, or low, reading comprehension:
Randwolf said:
I only know (believe) that I am here, that I perceive perception, and that is quite sufficient for me. I try to treat my self and my brethren as well as possible, gather and give pleasure, build and advance "good" causes (as I understand such), and make today better than yesterday.

Suffice? Or do I need to break it down in words with less than three syllables?

Furthermore, can you in turn answer an interrogative? Or are you above below that? Cheski...
Randwolf said:
What do you do? Surely not kill infidels for some ancient wrong and ostracize others that do not so believe, right? Rather, you live your life in a fashion designed to fulfill your purpose, at least as you perceive it, correct? If you do not, as hypocritical as it may seem, I have no problem neutralizing potential threats to a peaceful way of life. "Si vis pacem, para bellum." Let's hope... Surely you are not such a threat, right?

You, like me, live to enable and enhance yours and others' pleasure in life, right? Go ahead, answer differently - you will only give credence to your detractors. Why so much pent up angst of late? Was it some sort of negative epiphany that you experienced?

Selective reading and slow comprehension - fine - let the rest of us in on any disabilities you may have. We will make appropriate allowances...

Now try hard, and answer civilly. If that is within your power...
Look, why can't you take a hint?

To repeat, for those with slow, or low, reading comprehension:

Suffice? Or do I need to break it down in words with less than three syllables?

Furthermore, can you in turn answer an interrogative? Or are you above below that? Cheski...

Selective reading and slow comprehension - fine - let the rest of us in on any disabilities you may have. We will make appropriate allowances...

Now try hard, and answer civilly. If that is within your power...

I want 5 dollars allowance per week. Ah, so hidden in that cryptic post was an answer, congratulations! I don't have any pent up angst, I finished all of my work. I have to wait until the new Albedo data sets are available until I can write the appropriate python interface! I need to clarify the information of around 2.3 gigs of binary datasets by contrasting it with various wavelengths from an independent spectrometer. BUT alas, the data dump on the new format is shlow.
I want 5 dollars allowance per week.
Only in US $ - I will even give 10 per week.

Ah, so hidden in that cryptic post was an answer, congratulations!
Thank you, and very perceptive...

I don't have any pent up angst...
Well it is healthy to release such feelings.

I finished all of my work.
Nehh - don't believe that one.

I have to wait until the new Albedo data sets are available until I can write the appropriate python interface! I need to clarify the information of around 2.3 gigs of binary datasets by contrasting it with various wavelengths from an independent spectrometer. BUT alas, the data dump on the new format is shlow.
Well, this gives me much to reflect upon. I must get back to you on matters of such import. Meanwhile, leave the dolphins alone!
Ny point was!!! Atheists will post 100,000,000 threads mocking religion and wonder "How come you just don't respond?" Well...I don't. BUT YOU ATHEISTS are more easily offended than anyone.

I seriously doubt that any atheists feel like that have a purpose in their life aside from providing themselves with gratuitous pleasure. I wished one atheist could write one basic response which conveyed why their desire to live was no based on transient feelings.

NONE OF YOU DID, you're all post-Greek self-worshippers as far as I am concerned. You should all make yourselves a shrine.

Fuck a purpose, the universe doesn't have one, why should I? I'm here because my mother and father had sex. You have made a personal decision to accept the purposes dictated to you by a religious institution. That's no different than deciding my purpose is to plant apples trees or run for congress. You have not proven that the purposes illustrated in religious texts reflect the purpose of creation. They have not been shown to be anything but the works of men.

The ancient Greeks were awesome. They deduced the existence of the atom through logic alone.
BUT YOU ATHEISTS are more easily offended than anyone.

Of course, we aren't the offenders.

I wished one atheist could write one basic response which conveyed why their desire to live was no based on transient feelings.

At least atheists have purpose they themselves decide, whereas theists have no purpose whatsoever and must be told what their purpose is in life, that is to serve and obey. They are but automatons in desperate need of programming.
At least atheists have purpose they themselves decide, whereas theists have no purpose whatsoever and must be told what their purpose is in life, that is to serve and obey. They are but automatons in desperate need of programming.

This isn't true either and is just as silly as the OP.

This entire thread is ridiculous, is this really what were arguing about? Really?
have they been with you your whole life?(the someone else) they truly know your value or are you just listening to the ppl who know how to kiss butt?
What is my "value"?
Surely it is whatever someone else determines it to be to them - and can thus change.
Or do you consider a person's "value" to be static?

he doesn't tell us that value..unless your willing to consider the value of another man dieing for us..(atheist too)
In the context of this thread / the OP, it is enough that he assigns value and that the person is thus not valueless.

till they dont need you any more or you screw up..
And then one's value to that other person will probably drop. :shrug:

i only read the first few posts then jumped in here..but..i did not see where he said atheist have no value..he said atheist assign themselves no value..
The OP states: "Obviously, if you have no value and no have no purpose."

why is focusing on our own value so important?
Perhaps it's not, per se, but it is surely a key element of this thread, given the OP.
I wished one atheist could write one basic response which conveyed why their desire to live was not based on transient feelings.

i think this needs clarifiing...first fix the typo..

based on transient feelings..
IE baseing your decisions on your current emotional state of being.. saying that (slam) just because your mad?why are you mad?is it really the other guys fault or did he just accidently touch a soft should he know where your soft spots are? he hasnt been with you your whole life..

how bout, is your desire to live motivated by your desire to not die ?

and as far as atheist response..that applies to theists many ppl in church base their decisions on their current emotional state of being?
I wished one atheist could write one basic response which conveyed why their desire to live was no based on transient feelings.
Evolutionary survival instinct.
Is that basic enough?
I think my desire to live is transient, what's wrong with that? It's dependent on existing conditions, not based on a fantasy of eternal reward in the beyond. That's why I think atheists work harder to make this world better, because it's the only one.
I'm a Theist and I don't agree with the OP, it's silly.
What do you disagree with? It's a question, not a statement of fact.
I think my desire to live is transient, what's wrong with that? It's dependent on existing conditions, not based on a fantasy of eternal reward in the beyond. That's why I think atheists work harder to make this world better, because it's the only one.

We get it spidergoat, you answer the question. Now stop acting like I'm stabbing you with a knife.
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