To Atheists: How did you come to terms with having no purpose in the world?

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maybe he wants me to see him there..maybe he wants you to see him somewhere that case i could never tell you where he is, because only you would see him there..but before you can see him there you have to figure out what to look for, he gives us clues, we have to sort those clues out for ourselves

oohhh......I was completely dazzled.
Where is He eventually?
[incoherent bubbling]

you should be banned for trolling, or just for being an idiot, either way a 7 days ban is in order...

The purpose of an atheist is exactly the same as a delusional theist: eat, drink, shit and reproduce.

We can throw in teaching the ignorant, and by that I mean you, just to make it more a purposeful life....

You have any other questions?
[Pejorative quips lacking humor]
So you've settled on performing your basic necessities to sustain a life of semi-low standards of cleanliness.

I do have a purpose. I am in search of the meaning of "non-douchery".

Meanwhile, perhaps you are in need of an enema? I'm sure they are available for free in the after life. See you there...
Your boorish wit is disenchanting. I'd think a self-ascribed pillar of intellectual endowment such as yourself would be more clever.
Your boorish wit is disenchanting. I'd think a self-ascribed pillar of intellectual endowment such as yourself would be more clever.
Disenchanting? You must have been receiving your enemas from the wrong place...

In fact, you've probably been receiving many things in, or from, the wrong places. No fear, for we can rectify that dear.

Anyway, this pillar, self-ascribed or otherwise, is quite cleverly endowed with the intellect necessary to enchant anyone.

Especially, I like to fondle your "endowment" - it whispers like a spring breeze from your enchanting keyboard. Oh - and endowment coupled with pillar - what a combination!

Be still, my beating heart... For Cheski speaks! (or at least gurgles)
I'm more intellectually endowed than both of you. My intellect hangs at about 11.3" give or take.
Disenchanting? You must have been receiving your enemas from the wrong place...

In fact, you've probably been receiving many things in, or from, the wrong places. No fear, for we can rectify that dear.

Anyway, this pillar, self-ascribed or otherwise, is quite cleverly endowed with the intellect necessary to enchant anyone.

Especially, I like to fondle your "endowment" - it whispers like a spring breeze from your enchanting keyboard. Oh - and endowment coupled with pillar - what a combination!

Be still, my beating heart... For Cheski speaks! (or at least gurgles)

I'm more intellectually endowed than both of you. My intellect hangs at about 11.3" give or take.
You're both vulgar and your mothers and future wives would be ashamed to know you.
Bahahaha! Nice knowing you dude, I'm sure Israel will be quietly relieved to be spared the embarassments you bring it.
No productive posts for quite some time.

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