To Atheists: How did you come to terms with having no purpose in the world?

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That is to say; atheists, by their own decrees have no inherent value, nor do their religious counterparts.

What an amazingly infantile display of ignorance.

To the atheist the value of a person is self-ascribed...but if the person who's ascribing the value has no value, then there's no credence to that value!

An "inherent value" (whatever that might mean) would be devoid of any real value. My values are chosen, and therefore of great significance.
Value without election is nothing but reaction, and therefore sterile.
... For me,now is "rotary piston" (My first post
I went to your link Emil. I can understand why this is your "purpose"

It seems like a clever idea to me. Congratulations. Glad you have it patented, at least in Romania.

Unfortunately, my Romanian, is a little rusty :D So tell me are the multi-stages shown in your fig.24 connected in series or parallel? (could be either depending on the application, but what do you discuss?

As you note those multi-chambers on the same shaft can go a long way to solving the dynamic balance problems. I also note that your sealing problem is much less than in the Wankel engine as in one full rotation your blade only cycles the short distance of the difference between the two cylinders but the Wankel seal goes all the way around the circumference of a large cylinder. - Much more friction and wear.

Summary: I like your elegant idea - I will make a post in that thread, giving you an idea as to how it can be made even better.
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Our friend Cheski,noticed something sensible.
But has nothing to do with atheist or theist.
Yes, some people lose their purpose.They feel that nothing is important, nothing makes sense and can not find any logic to live.
Because of this,they get to alcohol, drugs and even suicide.
I opsevat that usually the people with above-average intelligence, have this problem.
And what is not logical answer to their question, and they are smart, you can not "fool" them.
The worst state to reach a doctor.I understand, but I'm not sure, is the problem of hormones.
I think a doctor could say exactly which substance from the brain, is responsible for the state of mind.
It is the only pragmatic,logically answer.
But a "believer" will never accept that, and then, he have a big problem.And again reach to faith, and the circle is closed.
What an amazingly infantile display of ignorance.
: (

An "inherent value" (whatever that might mean) would be devoid of any real value. My values are chosen, and therefore of great significance.
Value without election is nothing but reaction, and therefore sterile.
Well, if you're created then you inherit value. That seems simple enough. Your crafty argot is no match for not being a clod. People change their minds 7 times before they buy milk, your accepted values are transient and not widely accepted. I live in a society; when you live in one, and you disagree with them...then you're sterile.

Our friend Cheski,noticed something sensible.
But has nothing to do with atheist or theist.
Yes, some people lose their purpose.They feel that nothing is important, nothing makes sense and can not find any logic to live.
Because of this,they get to alcohol, drugs and even suicide.
I opsevat that usually the people with above-average intelligence, have this problem.
And what is not logical answer to their question, and they are smart, you can not "fool" them.
The worst state to reach a doctor.I understand, but I'm not sure, is the problem of hormones.
I think a doctor could say exactly which substance from the brain, is responsible for the state of mind.
It is the only pragmatic,logically answer.
But a "believer" will never accept that, and then, he have a big problem.And again reach to faith, and the circle is closed.
Thanks for that bit of wisdom; however, I opsevat that intelligence is exclusive from faith, that self-awareness is the stronger corollary.
To atheists: how did you come to terms with the fact that you're all going to burn in hell for ever and ever?

Baby Jesus weeps for your lost souls.
Well, if you're created then you inherit value. That seems simple enough.

So they've discovered the "value" gene?
Interesting, I would have thought that this would have made the news...


People change their minds 7 times before they buy milk, your accepted values are transient and not widely accepted.

And yet, that's exactly how values are created.

I live in a society; when you live in one, and you disagree with them...then you're sterile.

Feel free to make sense anytime...
That is utter bullshit. You apparently do not know any atheists very well. Of course that's no surprise. You certainly do not seem like someone whom I, for example, would like to get to know better.
That breaks my heart. Maybe. : ( But you saying in every post (within the religion sub-forum) that "Religion is bullshit" seems to be ironic, since that statement is part of your religion. You know, for a linguist you sure don't know the definition of religion very well. Perhaps I can give you a hint - look up the archaic word for "religion". WOOPS. There isn't one. :eek:

why would having faith or not having faith mean that someone has a purpose or not in life, I mean last I checked Atheists still have jobs, still contribute to the economy, still have kids and parthers..

To say that any life has no meaning, can only come from a morons mouth.
So if I offend anyone with them remarks, it's just how I feel.
Maybe I didn't say it, I aggressively asked you your point. If you for example made a thread saying "Religious people have no purpose in this world", I would write in it "You are silly." Not get mad. :rolleyes:

I was really pleased with myself yesterday for improving my grades...

Oh, wait.

Wanting to improve academically is not a purpose. Because I'm an atheist, and if you don't have an invisible friend in the sky, you can't possibly have purpose.
Congrats, your purpose in life is to succeed in school?

How dare you call insinuate atheists as murderers.

You use the name of an idiotic god to release your self from guilt. You should be ashamed to be associated with such horrors. Child killers hang your heads in shame...
How did I say they are murderers? It's not "murder" if they're a burden on society, right? Well...that was the result of early Darwinism in practice within America, Britain, Germany, and Russia. I guess animated historical proof doesn't constitute evidence. :shrug:
So they've discovered the "value" gene?
Interesting, I would have thought that this would have made the news...

HAHA, that was hilarious!!! Because 'inherit' has two applications of similar meanings!!

And yet, that's exactly how values are created.
OH?!? I thought the constitution was based on religious thought, being that almost every court house used to have the 10 commandments in their court yard. JEE WIZZ

Feel free to make sense anytime...
If you're an outcast of society, only gross chicks want to date you.
HAHA, that was hilarious!!! Because 'inherit' has two applications of similar meanings!!

In what other sense of "inherit" could you possible have meant??

OH?!? I thought the constitution was based on religious thought, being that almost every court house used to have the 10 commandments in their court yard. JEE WIZZ

You could not possibly be so naive as to think that some piece of paper (that I'm not familiar with....) is the source of "value"??

Or could you....

If you're an outcast of society, only gross chicks want to date you.

Again, feel free to make sense.
Apparently it's not your forte, but you should try.
In what other sense of "inherit" could you possible have meant??
Those who believe they're created for a purpose inherit a meaning from the creator...obviously. Do you paint for no reason? Do you dance for no reason? Do you create for no reason? However, if you weren't...the concept of inheriting a purpose is campy kook!

You could not possibly be so naive as to think that some piece of paper (that I'm not familiar with....) is the source of "value"??

Or could you....
Dear Glaucon,
I have left you for a better man.
Sincerly yours, Reading Comprehension

Again, feel free to make sense.
Apparently it's not your forte, but you should try.
Well if you're "sterile" then you're...well...okay. Hope you like tattooed mentally unstable women!
I think Cheski does make one good point here- when a society doesn't see a fundamental underlying meaning behind something, it's important to have someone arbitrarily make up a meaning and then for everyone else to follow it with unshakable faith.

Thus I propose the following: if you need a purpose in life, don't worship "God", your purpose in life should instead be to worship me. Why, you ask? Well I know it looks like a tough sell at first, but for starters I demand nothing of my worshippers except that they try their best at all times not to be arseholes. Secondly, if you know me in person, I can directly answer more of your prayers than God ever seems to. Thirdly, who you gonna believe more? Some numbnutz senile bearded old rabbi/priest who spent his whole life studying the writings of men who could barely count, or a guy like me who is ready and willing to make an indisputable demonstration of any serious claim I make?
Those who believe they're created for a purpose inherit a meaning from the creator...obviously.

And that belief would be stupid in the extreme.
Genetic inheritance is well understood... and has noting whatsoever to do with "values"..

Dear Glaucon,
I have left you for a better man.
Sincerly yours, Reading Comprehension

Truly, you're incomprehensible.
I suggest remedial language study.

Well if you're "sterile" then you're...well...okay. Hope you like tattooed mentally unstable women!

I think Cheski does make one good point here- when a society doesn't see a fundamental underlying meaning behind something, it's important to have someone arbitrarily make up a meaning ...

Which was precisely my point, and not his...

and then for everyone else to follow it with unshakable faith.

Alas, that would be stupid.
An unexamined "value" ceases to be such.
And that belief would be stupid in the extreme.
Genetic inheritance is well understood... and has noting whatsoever to do with "values"..
And pizza usually has cheese on it, but wait...that's beside the point right? Well so is inherited genes.

Truly, you're incomprehensible.
I suggest remedial language study.
Me Ingles et tov mayod oo|analyse syntaxique de phrase is probably met gut sh'lo!

I think Cheski does make one good point here- when a society doesn't see a fundamental underlying meaning behind something, it's important to have someone arbitrarily make up a meaning and then for everyone else to follow it with unshakable faith.

Thus I propose the following: if you need a purpose in life, don't worship "God", your purpose in life should instead be to worship me. Why, you ask? Well I know it looks like a tough sell at first, but for starters I demand nothing of my worshippers except that they try their best at all times not to be arseholes. Secondly, if you know me in person, I can directly answer more of your prayers than God ever seems to. Thirdly, who you gonna believe more? Some numbnutz senile bearded old rabbi/priest who spent his whole life studying the writings of men who could barely count, or a guy like me who is ready and willing to make an indisputable demonstration of any serious claim I make?

Demonstrate compassion for my feigned soul.
Also demonstrate mathematically you will love your future wife (assuming you ever have one).
Let's recap t'eer tuchus. I'll be green because I'm good. You can be red/

- That is to say; atheists, by their own decrees have no inherent value, nor do their religious counterparts.

-- What an amazingly infantile display of ignorance.
An "inherent value" (whatever that might mean) would be devoid of any real value. My values are chosen, and therefore of great significance.
Value without election is nothing but reaction, and therefore sterile.

Here you don't know what inherent value is.

- Well, if you're created then you inherit value. That seems simple enough. Your crafty argot is no match for not being a clod. People change their minds 7 times before they buy milk, your accepted values are transient and not widely accepted. I live in a society; when you live in one, and you disagree with them...then you're sterile.
Here I told you that your value would be inherited from your creator if you were religious.

So they've discovered the "value" gene?
Interesting, I would have thought that this would have made the news...

Here you didn't understand what I meant probably because you didn't read it, and instead went with your tendency towards tangential directions.

- HAHA, that was hilarious!!! Because 'inherit' has two applications of similar meanings!!
Here's I made fun of you for being silly, whether it be intentional or unintentional.

--In what other sense of "inherit" could you possible have meant??

Here you somehow didn't know how value could be inherent, which really proved my original point. Game over here.

- Those who believe they're created for a purpose inherit a meaning from the creator...obviously. Do you paint for no reason? Do you dance for no reason? Do you create for no reason? However, if you weren't...the concept of inheriting a purpose is campy kook!
I explained it to you because you some how didn't know.

-- And that belief would be stupid in the extreme.
Genetic inheritance is well understood... and has noting whatsoever to do with "values"..

Here you aknowledged my definition but then mocked it...and haphazardly tried salvage your statements from looking more foolish than they already did.

- And pizza usually has cheese on it, but wait...that's beside the point right? Well so is inherited genes.
Here I mocked you again for being silly

You are truly lost.

כאן אתה תשוש מן הפה...משום שכחת שאת לא חכמה.
: I opsevat that intelligence is exclusive from faith, that self-awareness is the stronger corollary.

I thought much, what is intelligence?I like to simplify things.For that I reached the following conclusion.
If someone says he is intelligent, smart,I ask him if he is happy.If he says yes, admit that he is smart,intelligent.If he says no,then for what is useful his intelligence?
Same question for believers. Are you happy?

More can we say what intelligence means.Power of abstraction, to imagine things, to find logical solutions to problems, etc..But not nearly as great as believers think.
Try this:
To imagine an animal that does not exist and that is absolutely new and not like any animal.You'll be able to take different parts of the animal known and rebuild them.
Is quite weak for a creative God. :)

But we get back.
You must know, everyday life can be beautiful.No need to wait for heaven.
But to discover you need a little intelligence and a little inspiration.

And do not forget the example of the Bible.
Adam before biting the apple and Adam after he bit the apple.
Previously, happy and stupid, after unhappy and smart.
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I thought much, what is intelligence?I like to simplify things.For that I reached the following conclusion.
If someone says he is intelligent, smart,I ask him if he is happy.If he says yes, admit that he is smart,intelligent.If he says no,then for what is useful his intelligence?
Same question for believers. Are you happy?

More can we say what intelligence means.Power of abstraction, to imagine things, to find logical solutions to problems, etc..But not nearly as great as believers think.
Try this:
To imagine an animal that does not exist and that is absolutely new and not like any animal.You'll be able to take different parts of the animal known and rebuild them.
Is quite weak for a creative God. :)

But we get back.
You must know, everyday life can be beautiful.No need to wait for heaven.
But to discover you need a little intelligence and a little inspiration.

Oh sorry Emil, maybe I will go read a book and try to become more intelligent like you. I have opevated your genius-first hand and so I must humble myself to it. Maybe I'll one day be smart enough to be an atheist, until then I'll have to stew in sadness. Oh by the way...who told you that you were smart? Your mom? It's true that you're special. But you've mistaken your social ineptitude for's not so...women just no likey you. In that regard you're like glaucon...sterile.
Oh sorry Emil, maybe I will go read a book and try to become more intelligent like you. I have opevated your genius-first hand and so I must humble myself to it. Maybe I'll one day be smart enough to be an atheist, until then I'll have to stew in sadness. Oh by the way...who told you that you were smart? Your mom? It's true that you're special. But you've mistaken your social ineptitude for's not so...women just no likey you. In that regard you're like glaucon...sterile.

What can I tell you?
I'm not an unhappy man.
But you are a very angry man.
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