To Atheists: How did you come to terms with having no purpose in the world?

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It's completely relevant.


The problem your having is applying those discoveries to the original concept. The reason it has to change is because it's constantly being found in error. So the bar keeps getting moved.

It's not God who is being found in error, it's humanities error. Human's inability/incompetence to fully comprehend the concept of God doesn't equal to God being in error, all it means is that as we learn more about the world around us our view of God becomes more and more refined but even this is limiting and prone to error, why? Because we are human and the very word 'God' implies that by definition alone it is far beyond any human conception.

So where does god reside ?

Not in the sky or the material world.
Ja'far at-Tahir

“ Originally Posted by jpappl
It's completely relevant. ”


Actually your correct, there is no need to bring facts into a discussion on god.

It's not God who is being found in error, it's humanities error. Human's inability/incompetence to fully comprehend the concept of God doesn't equal to God being in error, all it means is that as we learn more about the world around us our view of God becomes more and more refined but even this is limiting and prone to error, why? Because we are human and the very word 'God' implies that by definition alone it is far beyond any human conception.

And in this statement you don't see the possibility that they were in error about the concept of god in the first place.

You continue to move the bar as predicted because you know that there is no more evidence of gods than invisible elves.

Tell me why I should believe in one over the other ?

So where does god reside ? ”

Not in the sky or the material world

Then where ?

You are claiming to know because you apparently know where he does not live.
Actually your correct, there is no need to bring facts into a discussion on god.

1. Fuck off, you're not witty, stop trying.
2. That isn't what I am saying. Whether or not God exists isn't a scientific debate, it's a philosophical one, thus any new scientific revelation isn't relevant to the discussion in that it only explains how things work and operate within the universe.

And in this statement you don't see the possibility that they were in error about the concept of god in the first place.

Actually, I do see the possibility but don't think such an error was made but of course, you do, this is where differ and why we are discussing this now.

You continue to move the bar as predicted because you know that there is no more evidence of gods than invisible elves.

Evidence? Come on, do you know what the word 'God' means? I have my doubts because if you did, you would see how none of this really makes sense.

Tell me why I should believe in one over the other ?

I honestly don't care whether you do or not, nor do I have any motivation whatsoever to go on to tell you "why," you should believe in God, what would be the point? You already bastardize the word 'God' by comparing It to both artistic renderings and "invisible elves."

You are claiming to know because you apparently know where he does not live.

I am not claiming to know anything, I am speaking in negative terms because it seems more appropriate. Are you aware of apophatic theology? Look it up.

You don't know that. An omnipotent God could exist in the material world if He so wished. Prove that he isn't in the sky.

We can go back and forth with these pointless arguments but again, I ask, what's the point? Why the fuck can't you Atheists just accept the point that we are not saying nor do we believe that he is a bearded man in the sky? Why is that so hard? Is it because then you can't use all those "cool," snarky Dawkins insults?
I do not agree that science can say nothing about God. Organized religions make statements about God that can be tested. They make statements about the universe that can be falsified. A universe that requires no devine intervention for explanation doesn't support the premises of religion.

What's the point of pointless arguments? This website would not exist without them. But I think there is a point, religion has effects in the world, the benefits of which are debateable.

The point about the bearded man in the sky is that you still believe it's a person, albeit a transcendent person. It's modeled on the human being with feelings, goals, likes and dislikes.

Here's one of my purpose.

To judge God on Judgement Day.I will ask an account of all the injustice in the world.
I'll listen carefully and I do not accept answers to detour as:"Parents are to blame "-or I do not know how many generations","I am not to blame but Satan","That was their choice"(A victim has not chosen to be the victim).
If he fails to defend, I will pull his beard.(You, Theist, you are ready to defend your moral principles even in the face of God?)
Then can send me to hell, where I feel honored along with other atheists with the same moral principles.(You, Atheists, you are ready to defend your moral principles even in the face of God? ,even with the risk of going to hell?)

You realize that boredom in heaven for the theist.
There are not atheists,that can convert,and from which to make purpose. :rolleyes:
Or they will start a war "What religion is God who sent us to heaven"? :scratchin:
Oopsss,I forgot in the Hell we will not only be but those of another religion than God. :wallbang:

The former, obviously.
So it's not "silly" to characterize Sky-people as Gods? Interesting...

Any previous historical accounts of this only reflect humanities inability to fully grasp the concept of God
Wow. So now we have the ability "to fully grasp the concept of God"? Wow...

If you deny that we can fully grasp the concept of God, on what basis do you conclude that he is not an old man with a beard that lives in the clouds? Hmmm?
Ja'far at-Tahir

That isn't what I am saying. Whether or not God exists isn't a scientific debate, it's a philosophical one

Of course, because you have no evidence.

“ And in this statement you don't see the possibility that they were in error about the concept of god in the first place. ”

Actually, I do see the possibility but don't think such an error was made but of course, you do, this is where differ and why we are discussing this now.

You claim that they were in error about where he resides. So obviously they could be in error about other things.

Evidence? Come on, do you know what the word 'God' means? I have my doubts because if you did, you would see how none of this really makes sense.

The question is do you ? Can you really know anything about a supernatural being ? If so, please provide specifics.

I honestly don't care whether you do or not, nor do I have any motivation whatsoever to go on to tell you "why," you should believe in God, what would be the point? You already bastardize the word 'God' by comparing It to both artistic renderings and "invisible elves."

The point is that you don't have anything to base either belief on, yet you choose to accept one. It's all pure speculation on your part, starting with the big assumption that god does indeed exist.

am not claiming to know anything, I am speaking in negative terms because it seems more appropriate. Are you aware of apophatic theology? Look it up.

Yes you are, your claiming to know it does not live in the sky, so you must know where it does reside. If you want to only discuss what is not, then stick to that.

We can go back and forth with these pointless arguments but again, I ask, what's the point? Why the fuck can't you Atheists just accept the point that we are not saying nor do we believe that he is a bearded man in the sky? Why is that so hard? Is it because then you can't use all those "cool," snarky Dawkins insults?

For me, the issue is not whether he is a bearded man in the sky, it is that you are making assumptions of gods existence without any evidence of such and then with that huge assumption in place you start to make claims that you have no knowledge of. One being that he does not live in the sky.

Religions are filled with all sorts of assumptions attributed to a god who is itself an assumption.
Did you recently stop taking your meds? :shrug:

SQUIRREL! im honored Randwolf..thank

Hey..look up in the sky, what is that? could it be one of them sky people iv'e been hearing about?...dunno..get the shotgun..

Maybe you can't find god cause your looking in the wrong places..
SQUIRREL! im honored Randwolf..thank

Hey..look up in the sky, what is that? could it be one of them sky people iv'e been hearing about?...dunno..get the shotgun..

Maybe you can't find god cause your looking in the wrong places..

What are the right places ?
Shat uhp. Go find a purpose and learn basic non-douchery.

I am still not clear on where the purpose or lack of comes from the belief or lack of in god.

Why do you feel you have purpose just because of this belief.

In your eyes, are we not then all god's children ? Whether we believe in him or not we would have purpose.

So please explain.
I am still not clear on where the purpose or lack of comes from the belief or lack of in god.

Why do you feel you have purpose just because of this belief.

In your eyes, are we not then all god's children ? Whether we believe in him or not we would have purpose.

So please explain.

We're all something whether we know it or not. Whatever you want to call that something is up to you. If you call yourself a hedonist, that's a choice...because you're a hedonist something. They've chosen to recognize their own value in my onion, and my garlic agrees.
What are the right places ? theres a are asking a man to tell you what to if i tell you and you dont see him there does that mean he doesnt exist? or does it just mean i can see him and you dont.

maybe he wants me to see him there..maybe he wants you to see him somewhere that case i could never tell you where he is, because only you would see him there..but before you can see him there you have to figure out what to look for, he gives us clues, we have to sort those clues out for ourselves,
if we put that responsibility on any man (IE,priests/pastors/squirrels etc) we open ourselves up to the manipulation/control/abuse that are corrupting orginized religions now.
SQUIRREL! im honored Randwolf..thank
I'm beginning to wonder about all the participants here - you did notice that reply was addressed to Cheski, right?

If so, what in the h**l are you on about?
Shat uhp. Go find a purpose and learn basic non-douchery.
I do have a purpose. I am in search of the meaning of "non-douchery".

Meanwhile, perhaps you are in need of an enema? I'm sure they are available for free in the after life. See you there...
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