To Atheists: How did you come to terms with having no purpose in the world?

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So atheists, let me ask you...why do you keep on living at all?

Instinct to survive. Don't want to die.

- Is it to simply enjoy the next physical sensation in a never ending quest for ambrosia?
- Do you enjoy constructing emotions through intentionally placed ignorances?
- Does the struggle of giving another shmo with no purpose an equal chance to share meaninglessness drive you through life?
- Or are you just afraid to die?

First off it seems ironic that the believers are also afraid of dying. In the end nobody wants to give up a sure thing.

Why do you believe that an atheist has no purpose in life ? Just because it's not to some imaginary sky being.

Or, I would at least like to hear the delusions they use to convince themselves

LOL, so you having purpose because you believe in imaginary sky people is not delusional.
That's a silly characterization.
Silly, as in characterizing Gods as Sky people, or silly as in characterizing Sky people as Gods?

Remember, throughout much of history the Gods were depicted as having "descended from the sky" - not a particularly large leap to "sky-people", do you think?

Furthermore, the God of Abraham supposedly resides in "Heaven" - ask ten theists "which way to Heaven?" - guarantee you'll get ten looks / gestures upward. To the Sky. So why the adjective "silly"? After all, you guys made the rules... :rolleyes:
It's a personified entity associated with the heavens (sky). Sky person is derogatory, but then again, the idea is deserving of ridicule.
Silly, as in characterizing Gods as Sky people, or silly as in characterizing Sky people as Gods?

The former, obviously.

Furthermore, the God of Abraham supposedly resides in "Heaven" - ask ten theists "which way to Heaven?" - guarantee you'll get ten looks / gestures upward. To the Sky. So why the adjective "silly"? After all, you guys made the rules... :rolleyes:

No, we didn't, depsite historical aritistic depictions of God, in the sky, with a big bushy beard, it's no believed he resides in the material world or in the sky. Any previous historical accounts of this only reflect humanities inability to fully grasp the concept of God. Primitive depictions and beliefs doesn't reflect true theology. Due, to the historical depictions it wouldn't be inappropriate to informally point up. I do so on occasion, in a joking way, but I don't truly believe he resides in the clouds, anyone that does should go read some books.
Despite historical artistic depictions and so forth it's inappropriate to assume that God is a "sky person." He doesn't reside in the sky nor in the material world. Saying this is bastardizing the word 'God'.

Then why the historical depictions. It's not a new concept, are you suggesting they where wrong in their belief of where god resides ?

Why would the idea of where god resides need to change ?
... only reflect humanities inability to fully grasp the concept of God. Primitive depictions and beliefs doesn't reflect true theology. ...
Interesting. So religions do evolve. Perhaps some day they will think life does too?
Then why the historical depictions. It's not a new concept, are you suggesting they where wrong in their belief of where god resides ?

If they truly believed he resided in the clouds, then yes, I don't blame them, people of the past didn't have the type of knowledge we have today. Not only this, they were artistic depictions. I have stressed artistic for a reason.

The fact that you people are trying to create an argument around an insult is ridiculous.
If they truly believed he resided in the clouds, then yes, I don't blame them, people of the past didn't have the type of knowledge we have today. Not only this, they were artistic depictions. I have stressed artistic for a reason not only this.

They also could have made it all up because they didn't have the knowledge about little things like the earth not being the center of the universe.

Just a thought

And when the sky crackled with thunder and lightning they thought the sky person "god" was mad at them.

Which is why it's not a suprise at all that primitive people believed in gods.
They also could have made it all up because they didn't have the knowledge about little things like the earth not being the center of the universe.

Just a thought

And when the sky crackled with thunder and lightning they thought the sky person "god" was mad at them.

Bringing up new scientific revelations in comparison to ancient/primitive belief seems irrelevant to me.
Bringing up new scientific revelations in comparison to ancient/primitive belief seems irrelevant to me.

It's completely relevant. Just as new scientific discoveries are to science.

The problem your having is applying those discoveries to the original concept. The reason it has to change is because it's constantly being found in error. So the bar keeps getting moved.

Just as you have done here. Move the bar. God living in the clouds was fine a thousand years ago. But now that we have a greater understanding of our atmosphere and what is and what isn't in it the bar has to be moved

So in order to not like a complete imbecile by claiming god lives in the clouds, you move the bar.

Apparently we have a better understanding of the atmosphere over the past thousand years but not god.

So where does god reside ?
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