To Atheists: How did you come to terms with having no purpose in the world?

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Sorry guy, I'm just bored, I haven't done much work for about 2 months.

Finding a job is tough man, no doubt. The point of this thread is, atheists don't have a point...but does anyone else? Most don't. But atheists will still take it as a personal attack. That's good shmoiden.

For Cheski,
There is nothing.Only I exist, something immaterial,in an immaterial universe.
Everything I think I see, hear or feel, is just a dream.
There is no god, no purpose, even you, Cheski not exist.
I was just dreaming.
Or is your dream and I do not exist? I have to think about this.
But what does it matter if there is anything and everything is just a dream? :scratchin:

Finding a job is tough man, no doubt. The point of this thread is, atheists don't have a point...but does anyone else? Most don't. But atheists will still take it as a personal attack. That's good shmoiden.

I have a good job, I just haven't done many projects, I went on sabbatical for 7 weeks, and I'm back but most of my clients are on vacation, and I only work half a day on fridays...

You are attacking atheists. You are judging them by the values you acquired while being a theist. It's as if I grew up as a monk, and ridiculed you for not wearing orange robes too! Look at those non-orange robe wearing people, how can they live with themselves? Those barbarians don't even shave their heads!
I have a good job, I just haven't done many projects, I went on sabbatical for 7 weeks, and I'm back but most of my clients are on vacation, and I only work half a day on fridays...

You are attacking atheists. You are judging them by the values you acquired while being a theist. It's as if I grew up as a monk, and ridiculed you for not wearing orange robes too! Look at those non-orange robe wearing people, how can they live with themselves? Those barbarians don't even shave their heads!

You can go sniff pepper. Joik. You're the atheist with the problem.
Next time you go to Israel, why don't you ask the guys who throw rocks at ambulances on sabbath if they have any alternative ways of getting their jollies and reaffirming their manhood. Surely they must have a purpose in life other than to laugh at the silly civilized people shaving their faces and using electricity all 7 days of the week (on the other hand, if God needs a day off, then electricity does too I guess).
What do you disagree with? It's a question, not a statement of fact.

It's a loaded question and it seems to imply a specific assertion, that being without God and religion, life is meaningless and Atheists have no morals and so forth which is silly. One can be a heathen and still have morals and a purpose in life. Shocking, I know but true. The whole notion of a "purpose," in life is subjective and can't be discussed objectively, so what's the point? What exactly is the point of this thread? What is to be gained from this discussion? It seems to me to be a meaningless debate/discussion due to the question and implied assumption, on both sides and only will amount to further fighting between us Theists and Atheists.
Next time you go to Israel, why don't you ask the guys who throw rocks at ambulances on sabbath if they have any alternative ways of getting their jollies and reaffirming their manhood. Surely they must have a purpose in life other than to laugh at the silly civilized people shaving their faces and using electricity all 7 days of the week (on the other hand, if God needs a day off, then electricity does too I guess).

They don't throw them at ambulances.
You can go sniff pepper. Joik. You're the atheist with the problem.
Why does it appear that the atheists / agnostics seem to be going out of their way to be respectful, or even nice?

What purpose does this serve, when they answer your questions in good faith, and you reply with insults? Is this helping you in some way? What is the true reason for this thread? Just to insult and incite anger? To cause unrest?

On the surface you seem to be seeking enlightenment, yet underneath... Well...

On top of that, I don't seem to remember this hostility being so egregious in your previous posts. Maybe my memory is faulty, or maybe... something has changed?
Why does it appear that the atheists / agnostics seem to be going out of their way to be respectful, or even nice?

What purpose does this serve, when they answer your questions in good faith, and you reply with insults? Is this helping you in some way? What is the true reason for this thread? Just to insult and incite anger? To cause unrest?

On the surface you seem to be seeking enlightenment, yet underneath... Well...

On top of that, I don't seem to remember this hostility being so egregious in your previous posts. Maybe my memory is faulty, or maybe... something has changed?

You got older, maybe senility set in.
On top of that, I don't seem to remember this hostility being so egregious in your previous posts. Maybe my memory is faulty, or maybe... something has changed?

It seems God has given him joy and purpose and turned him into a smiling, tolerant and all-embracing, all-loving bundle of warmth.
One can be a heathen and still have morals and a purpose in life... What exactly is the point of this thread? What is to be gained from this discussion? It seems to me to be a meaningless debate/discussion due to the question and implied assumption, on both sides and only will amount to further fighting between us Theists and Atheists.

The dichotomy 'Theist-Atheist' is irrelevant..."morals" of an atheist or a theist are unreachable/unattainable standards and will be the grounds by which both will be judged as transgressors. Acquittal is certainly not in the cards--and each of you know this.

One is either in Christ, or, they are not. Simple. Salvation is found in Christ (Perfect obedience to The Law, and substitionary atonement for one's transgressions of The Law) alone; outside of Christ and His acomplishment, condemnation and judgment await--for theist and atheist alike.
One is either in Christ, or, they are not. Simple. Salvation is found in Christ (Perfect obedience to The Law, and substitionary atonement for one's transgressions of The Law) alone; outside of Christ and His acomplishment, condemnation and judgment await--for theist and atheist alike.

As a Muslim, I would beg to differ but we need not get into that here. As for the other parts, I'm not so sure I would agree to that either.
The dichotomy 'Theist-Atheist' is irrelevant..."morals" of an atheist or a theist are unreachable/unattainable standards and will be the grounds by which both will be judged as transgressors. Acquittal is certainly not in the cards--and each of you know this.

huh?that doesnt sound right..elaborate please?

One is either in Christ, or, they are not. Simple. Salvation is found in Christ (Perfect obedience to The Law, and substitionary atonement for one's transgressions of The Law) alone; outside of Christ and His acomplishment, condemnation and judgment await--for theist and atheist alike.

everyword in that statement is wrong! (and if you know me you know how i hate the word wrong)

One either believes in christ or does not..salvation is found by understanding that jesus loved us (humanity) so much that he died on the cross for our sins,

Perfect? no such thing. we are human..we are not perfect..we never will be..
show me a person who is perfect and i will show you a person who knows how to hide his imperfections and a person i cannot/will not trust.

obediance to the law??
again..we are ALL sinners and fall short of the expectations of god. we cant even keep the laws that we ourselves make,

substitionary atonement for one's transgressions of The Law?
so you say its not ok to screw up? are you saying we have to be punished for being human?

alone; outside of Christ and His acomplishment, condemnation and judgment await.

sounds like more catholic retoric to keep you in your place, you learned the script..but it is still just a script and means nothing till you know god.
keep being a good catholic will miss what god wants from you..

man tells you to do one thing, god tells you to do something else..who you gonna listen to?
It seems God has given him joy and purpose and turned him into a smiling, tolerant and all-embracing, all-loving bundle of warmth.
I might be happy, but I don't have to be happy about it.
The dichotomy 'Theist-Atheist' is irrelevant..."morals" of an atheist or a theist are unreachable/unattainable standards and will be the grounds by which both will be judged as transgressors. Acquittal is certainly not in the cards--and each of you know this.

One is either in Christ, or, they are not. Simple. Salvation is found in Christ (Perfect obedience to The Law, and substitionary atonement for one's transgressions of The Law) alone; outside of Christ and His acomplishment, condemnation and judgment await--for theist and atheist alike.

: (
It is not clear?

That's just the objective of the thread. His goal is to get banned. If you look at his recent posting history, it's consistent with someone who is trying to burn their bridges into ban-dom.
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