Thread For Christians Only.

Jadon, what denomination of christendom do you hail from?
AB Jadon,

If you don't become more tolerant, you will go to hell. You should be able to take all of the insults and slander in the world and remain respectful toward us. That is, if you are a True Christian&trade;. The Christ<sup>&reg;</sup> would not behave so.
This is true. If I were The Christ<sup>&reg;</sup> I would send AB Jadon to hell just for being an arrogant, hypocritical, fairly dull witted, failure of a creation.
Nisus said:
Jadon, what denomination of christendom do you hail from?

I prefer to call myself a Christian - but I believe if you read my previous statements , you might think that I am a Liberal Christian.

I prefer talking to Christians really or to people who profess in the reality of The Christ - this is the most important criteria to taking part in this thread.

I believe that Christianity is in fact a Science and that the word Religion has become convoluted with mans inferior ideas.

I believe that The Creator is the Highest Being, the All Powerful, the King of Kings - the Most Superior 'Race'

Whereas atheists choose to believe that it is only us in this universe, I believe that there are other civilizations out there - definitely more advanced.

Christianity is a way of life - it is a life of Learning, Giving, Loving your neighbors as Yourself, and again Learning.

I believe that because our leaders of science have rejected The Creator we as a race have missed out on alot of scientific information and knowledge.

The Scriptures say that Knowledge comes from the ONE who gives it - THE CREATOR - but if we continue to be stubborn and ignore HIM, then I am telling you 'someone will have to go' and it will be us.

When we were put on this planet, we were told to prove that we deserve Living here. Right now, the destruction and devastation we are commiting on our Home, in our Home is indescribable.

I feel sorry for mankind, my heart is saddened at the level that we as a whole have sunk down to. Sometimes I feel like giving up but I know that there only few people like me and as long as there are people like me, Our Voices will always 'sound in the wilderness'. It will be a beacon guiding redeemable ones back home.

Stay Beautiful.
The Creator Loves You!!!!!!!.
AB JAdon:

Whereas atheists choose to believe that it is only us in this universe, I believe that there are other civilizations out there - definitely more advanced.

While the rest of your post is typical AB Jadon idiocy, this statement is just an outright lie and an indication of your complete lack of understanding of anyone but your ego absorbed self.

Some atheists believe there are other advanced civilizations in the universe, some don't. This is a matter for scientific investigation (SETI). So, you believe that god and christ were/are space aliens?
Cottontop3000 said:
Your point? My point is that he, and maybe you, are lost and don't realize it.

Can you stop your childish behaviour and get off my thread????

It is sadly interesting that you and people like you keep on pestering me. I wonder if this is just the Spiritual Law of Nature where sinners like you like to associate with Godly people like me.

Could it be that The Christ did not go to the sinners rather the sinners went to Him?

Thanks atheists/sinners - I am beginning to understand you better now. You just can't help yourself, you are attracted to Godly people like me because deep inside each of you, you are hurting and you feel safe around Godly people.

Memo: atheists/sinners are scared and insecure.

Except for the Unreedemable Sinners - The Creator Loves You.
What you, AB, haven't realized yet, is that the creator actually hates you and me. he is a piece of dog shit that I might find on my shoe.
superluminal said:
While the rest of your post is typical AB Jadon idiocy, this statement is just an outright lie and an indication of your complete lack of understanding of anyone but your ego absorbed self.

Isn't that what future sons in law are for???

Just kidding..........
Cottontop3000 said:
What you, AB, haven't realized yet, is that the creator actually hates you and me. he is a piece of dog shit that I might find on my shoe.

Okay, now someones raving mad!!!!
When we were put on this planet, we were told to prove that we deserve Living here. Right now, the destruction and devastation we are commiting on our Home, in our Home is indescribable.
What destruction and devastation.

I believe that because our leaders of science have rejected The Creator we as a race have missed out on alot of scientific information and knowledge.
Just curious like what?

Just some simple advice please stop asserting statements and try proving them for once in your life. Perhaps then you would get more respect around here. Also be careful of you ad hom attacks like this one below...

Memo: atheists/sinners are scared and insecure.

I could easily say that all Christians are close minded, anal, egotistical, fundies given your behaviour around here reciently, but I know that your behaviour AB is not indicitive of the whole Christian population.