Thread For Christians Only.

Huwy said:
Its just I was wondering what exams you had, especially considering that so many subjects these days conflict with what is said in the bible.

I mean, you are using the internet remember? Its electronics and microprocessors.
Can you remember which christian group says "the microprocessor is the mark of the devil, it will be placed in the head or the hand"???

Terry Cook, The Mark of the New World:
"It is my well-researched opinion that the Mark of the Beast, as related in scripture, is absolutely literal. Soon, all people on earth will be coerced into accepting a Mark in their right hand or forehead. I am convinced that it will be an injectable passive RFID transponder with a computer chip — a literal injection with a literal electronic biochip "mark". . . I believe that such an implanted identification mark literally will become Satan's Mark of the Beast, as we will discuss further in this chapter." (Terry Cook, The Mark of the New World Order p. 587)

What i find really rich is these muslim extremists that claim to reject Western values and lifestyle, but spend a lot of time on the internet and using computers.

any tecnological advancement must be good for the human race - the problem is that the devil is able to use these instruments to further his cause.

Only an ignorant fool would condemn technology - besides The Scriptures is clear - The Creator gave us a brain and He wants us to use it - not let the devil use our brains for us.

thank you.
Hey Everyone!!!!
Sorry for not participating in this forum for quite a long time - i decided to take a good long break after my exams - so i went to one of the most beautiful places on Earth - i wont tell you where because it is reserved only for Christians but here is a clue - it is one of the most sought after destinations in the world.

See you guys next year and have a good safe holidays.

The Creator Loves You All (except for those that have sinned against The Holy Spirit)
Angelic Being said:
Hey Everyone!!!!
Sorry for not participating in this forum for quite a long time - i decided to take a good long break after my exams - so i went to one of the most beautiful places on Earth - i wont tell you where because it is reserved only for Christians but here is a clue - it is one of the most sought after destinations in the world.

See you guys next year and have a good safe holidays.

The Creator Loves You All (except for those that have sinned against The Holy Spirit)

You my friend are the devil...
Yes, you really are a christian devil...
dkb218 said:
You my friend are the devil...Ignorant....Yes, you really are a christian devil...
M*W: Christians invented the devil. They live in fear of the devil. They are the devil.
Hey Everyone,

Good to see that everyones okay!!

I will not be visiting this thread for about three months because i have some important place to be.

But take care.

The Creator Loves you.

Angelic Being.
AB, maybe you need to get a handle on how forum threads work. No-one had been on this thread for three months, and then you bump it solely to say that you won't be on it for another three months. :rolleyes:

A thread is not in itself a community or club. After a while, they lose peoples interest, and descend to the bottom of the pile. Bumping a disused thread for no good reason is bad forum etiquette.