Thread For Christians Only.

Angelic Being said:
Get Lost Atheists And Mormons - This Thread Is For Christians Aka Beautiful People Only.!!

Do Not Contaminate This Thread With Your Ugliness.

Thank You.
1. most christians are far from beautiful- AFAICT, all of the hot chicks at my school are athiest, agnostic, or buddhist.

2. Mormons are christians. Excluding them from your "christian-only" thread only proves your bigotry even further.
hey, im scott, and im a devout christian ;)

but i disagree with rule 4
"Mormons are not allowed."
our creator loves all of his creations, should we not model ourself after the almighty and love our mormon bretheren?

This Thread Is For Christians Aka Beautiful People Only.!!

"I don't want you and I don't need you
Don't bother to resist, I'll beat you
It's not your fault that you're always wrong
The weak ones are there to justify the strong

The beautiful people, the beautiful people
It's all relative to the size of your steeple
You can't see the forest for the trees
You can't smell your own shit on your knees."

~Marilyn Manson
Christians are so out of touch with reality that is kinda makes me sad... then I realize they are mostly hypocritical jerks, and I don't feel so bad.
Hapsburg said:
1. most christians are far from beautiful- AFAICT, all of the hot chicks at my school are athiest, agnostic, or buddhist.

not in my country. in my class there was like 12 girls and 2 of them were christians (they said) and they were both pretty and there was 1 pretty atheist

cato said:
Christians are so out of touch with reality that is kinda makes me sad... then I realize they are mostly hypocritical jerks, and I don't feel so bad.

NOT ALL CHRISTIANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
its relevance to science

I can state for you that religion has no relevance to science.

Yes, I am an atheist - but a small point you forgot all about is that I do not take orders from you. It's like a slug telling a lion it's not allowed to roar. Please, don't make me laugh.

not in my country. in my class there was like 12 girls and 2 of them were christians (they said) and they were both pretty and there was 1 pretty atheist

It is well worth pointing out that there is no correlation between looks and religiosity. I think you're all twits for even discussing the issue in a serious manner.
geeser said:
theres no such thing, that's an oxymoron.

wy nut?

SnakeLord said:
It is well worth pointing out that there is no correlation between looks and religiosity. I think you're all twits for even discussing the issue in a serious manner.
you're weird if you think we were being serious! but i don't think you were serious when thinking that we were being serious....
c7ityi_ said:
Because christianity is a religion and implies theism.
Atheism is the refusal of religion and theism.
They are polar opposites, and therefore saying that you are a "christian athiest" is an oxymoron, moron.
you're weird if you think we were being serious! but i don't think you were serious when thinking that we were being serious....

Oh c'mon.. You've already proven to pretty much everyone out there in cyberspace that you're a complete drivelling nutbag. Of course you were being serious. Yes, I also know that when you get in too deep you like to then respond: "I was only joking!", but I know enough about humans and how their minds work to not fall for that old schoolyard foolishness.

While Hapsburg is somewhat excluded simply because he's young, you do not have that luxury. You're just a crackpot.
SnakeLord said:
Oh c'mon.. You've already proven to pretty much everyone out there in cyberspace that you're a complete drivelling nutbag. Of course you were being serious. Yes, I also know that when you get in too deep you like to then respond: "I was only joking!", but I know enough about humans and how their minds work to not fall for that old schoolyard foolishness.

but i was just kidding that i was kidding.....
Hapsburg said:
Because christianity is a religion and implies theism.
Atheism is the refusal of religion and theism.
They are polar opposites, and therefore saying that you are a "christian athiest" is an oxymoron, moron.
Atheism is not a refusal of religion, it is a non-belief in God.
Someone can consider himself a Christian and an Atheist, if he follows the philosophy of teh teaching of Jesus Christ, simply does not believe in God.
Just as someone can consider himself a Buddhist and not be an Atheist, even though the Buddha was.
but i was just kidding that i was kidding.....

Clearly demonstrating my point. And now you're just going to say that you were kidding that you were kidding that you were kidding - and thus ensure that this discussion is dragged so far away from it's intended purpose that hopefully nobody will ever notice that you're a bonefide halfwit.

You're still a halfwit, no matter how many "kidding's" you respond with.
I see all you heathens ignored Angelic Being's very clear instructions. How disgraceful of you all. How disruptive. How insubordinate and insolent.

Can I join too? :cool:
one_raven said:
Atheism is not a refusal of religion, it is a non-belief in God.
Someone can consider himself a Christian and an Atheist, if he follows the philosophy of teh teaching of Jesus Christ, simply does not believe in God.
Just as someone can consider himself a Buddhist and not be an Atheist, even though the Buddha was.

Do you think that your fellow atheists agree with your idea, because I believe I mentioned something like that in my previous thred - The Creator Loves You - which was locked by the owners of this forum, believe me I got alot of opposition from your fellow atheists. I was even asked to apologise as I had insulted all atheists.

This is part of the reason why I specifically stated that no Atheists are to cooment on this thread because to tell you the truth I am not learning anything new from you guys.

Could Christians please state themselves first so that I can have a sensible discussion with them - sorry but it seems that the I may have to accept that atheists are like flies, they just cannot learn.

Thank you.
I am not an atheist.
I would be willing to bet some atheists would agree with me, and some of them wouldn't (I know at least one does -c7ityi_).
I would also be willing to bet that some Christians would agree and some would disagree (I know at least one does -c7ityi_ ;))
Your other thread was locked because it turned into nothing more than people throwing stupid insults and making juvenile remarks back and forth. It was not leading to any worthwhile discussion.

By the way, who asked you to apologize for offending atheists at large, and what was said to offend them? I doubt it was the simple notion that someone can be both a Christian and an Atheist.

You are welcome.

You are free to ignore anyone you wish and simply respond to Chrstians if you want to. No one is focing you to respond to anyone. This is, however, as was pointed out, not you personal forum, it is open to all.
Being that there are at least as many atheists as theists here (if not substantially more) perhaps this isn't the best place for you to discuss religion if you don't want to have your ideas challenged by people with opposing viewpoints.