Thread For Christians Only.

sorry but it seems that the I may have to accept that atheists are like flies, they just cannot learn.

Or perhaps they are persistent and that annoys you.

I'm not sure you can truly call yourself a christian. I have many great friendships with christians, and I'm pretty sure they like me despite my beliefs.

That you cannot begin to accept a differing point of view let alone consider the people that hold those points of view of any worth indicates that you disregard the teaching of your own dogma.

In provoking responses from people you would rather not hear from, it seems to me you go out looking for ratification of something bordering on hatred for people whose paradigm of beliefs contains an aspect of atheistic credence.

The Creator Loves You? How about you display some of this love you so confidently espouse instead of being a complete hypocrite.
staples disconnected said:
Or perhaps they are persistent and that annoys you.

I'm not sure you can truly call yourself a christian. I have many great friendships with christians, and I'm pretty sure they like me despite my beliefs.

That you cannot begin to accept a differing point of view let alone consider the people that hold those points of view of any worth indicates that you disregard the teaching of your own dogma.

In provoking responses from people you would rather not hear from, it seems to me you go out looking for ratification of something bordering on hatred for people whose paradigm of beliefs contains an aspect of atheistic credence.

The Creator Loves You? How about you display some of this love you so confidently espouse instead of being a complete hypocrite.

Okay you guys are like children now -WHATS LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT!!!!!?
angelic being
Get Lost Atheists And Mormons - This Thread Is For Christians Aka Beautiful People Only.!!

This thread is the funniest. I got a good chuckle from reading every post. Sorry angelic being I am sure you can start a better thread soon. This thread is civilization at its best.But to be honest are you not supposed to spread the gospel? so why the segregation. everyone simmer
Okay you guys are like children now -WHATS LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT!!!!!?

Is that not a principle tenant of christianity? And what you always end your posts with, but something to which you do not adhere?

What's worse is that you have just made an assumption about me, then applied it to everyone else here. Further you just started insulting me for no good reason. I made an observation about your behaviour which was not a personal attack. Not simply that your posts displayed an eloquence of thought that would allow me to make the assumption that you were mentally under-developed.

Go somewhere else, not because I want you to, but because it will better fulfil the purposes you put forward at the beginning of this thread.
Hi, angelic being.

I am a former Christian who has joined the ranks of communism and recently my respect for atheists has put me on the agnostic boundary in terms of belief.

I believe in evolution and the Big Bang.

I think many religious fundamentalists exhibit severe intolerance, both in the intellectual and moral senses. Such is one of the reasons which I have rejected the mentality of these people.

I believe that the Bible must be interpreted more symbolically in order to survive and reconcile with science.

That is all I have to say.

Oh, by the way, am I invited?
muwahahahaha, sweet sweet payback for christians ruining my atheist-only thread. man this is sweet. =]

just for fun, why don't I hit you with a flaw in christianity.

if god grants any prayer then he is taking away someone's free will, think about it. even if you pray for a safe trip home (which would take away the free will of anyone wanting to do you harm) or more patients (which takes your own free will to be impatient), the bottom line is that god must take away free will to grant prayers. so what is right? does god take away our free will? or is one of the staples of christianity (prayer) wrong?
I love this one:

"god bless America"

Translate: Please god, let us dominate the world and be successful in decimating our enemies because we are better than them. Amen.
I spew you out of my mouth with projectile vomiting!

there are the elect. 144,000 people whom God has elected to remain on earth after he, for the second time, removes man from the planet. These are those who kept his commandment. You know, those commandment to that part of the bible that yours was tacked onto the end of.
This thread is for Christians only.It is a place where we can come together and discuss our doctrines and its relevance to society, its relevance to science, and its contribution towards the development of Mankind.Note:

1. Only mainstream Protestant Denominations
2. Roman Catholic and Orthodox
3. Atheists can just read but must not contribute. Preferable that they
dont visit this thread at all.
4. Mormons are not allowed.
Topics can be started by anyone, about anything that you feel we as Christians must be aware of.

The Creator Loves You.
This is the funniest thing I've read all day! :p
Either you are a master troll AB or just about the fundiest fundy I've ever met! Don't you know you can't discriminate here on sciforums?
I too, do not understand people calling themselves Christian, and then displaying the very opposite (I do believe they call they hypocracy). Jesus accepted everyone. Some day, very soon, I do believe that we will come to find out much about his life, and what has been hidden from us for centuries, as a form of control...many secrets exist. Some secret would shake certain religions by their roots. I believe in God, his son, and also many other enlightened beings who walked this earth....Nostradaumus, Buddha, Daniel, Edgar Cayce, order to get in touch with God, one merely has to ask.
one_raven said:
Preferrably sinners, it seems...
NIV Matthew 9:9As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector's booth. "Follow me," he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him.

10While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew's house, many tax collectors and "sinners" came and ate with him and his disciples. 11When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, "Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and 'sinners'?"

12On hearing this, Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 13But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."
Sorry guys,

I am busy at the moment but is there any serious Christian out there?

Would you like to discuss some Christian Issues?

Stay Beautiful.

The Creator Loves You.