Thread For Christians Only.

What do you want me, an atheist, to think about, Angelic Being? One thing that really has a hold on you. What do you want me to know? Seriously.
Cottontop3000 said:
What do you want me, an atheist, to think about, Angelic Being? One thing that really has a hold on you. What do you want me to know? Seriously.

You need Reflection.

You need to see the real You.

If you don't understand this simple words, then I am sorry - You have gone beyond the point of no return.

Thank you.
I am very serious and very christian, and I would like to talk about christian matter with you AB!

If only all these mean nasty pagan types would quit bothering us pure folk!
I think you are right! Inside, they are hurting from not knowing the saving grace of god and Jesus', our lord and savior, love. I think they are affraid to let themselves believe and be forgiven because they think that no one would love them, even though God loves all his chilldren, they just don't get it. It's dad, don't you think?
I wish that they would let themselves believe, then we would all get along and there would be on war or pain or suffering or misery and everybody would be happy and that mean old nasty satan guy would just have to go back to hell and sit on a coal all day cause no one would be fooled by him anymore becuase everyone would be together in the love and grace of god almighty.
Don't you think?
Angelic Being said:
You need Reflection.

You need to see the real You.

If you don't understand this simple words, then I am sorry - You have gone beyond the point of no return.

Thank you.

What should I reflect on? You capitalized the 'Y' in You. Do you think I am god?

For your information, I was a die-hard "christian" for the first 30 years of my life. I know a little more about "christianity" than you may think. One thing I feel that I know is that the bible is a crock of shit.
Cottontop3000 said:
What should I reflect on? You capitalized the 'Y' in You. Do you think I am god?

For your information, I was a die-hard "christian" for the first 30 years of my life. I know a little more about "christianity" than you may think. One thing I feel that I know is that the bible is a crock of shit.

You big old mean cottontop1 why would you ever say such mean ansty and untrue things!!! Of course the bible is the truth,'cause it is god's own words! It has to be true because it is gods word and god is perfect and loves us all and he wouldn't let his word be twisted or ever lie to us cause he loves us all and wants us to be happy.

You are just affraid of the real you, the you that god has put on the earth for a reason. He want's you to accept our lord jesus christ as your savior and to be happy and saved and live in grace Cotton top!! why are you affraid to let god into your life?
Good god Mephura.

Have you really, really been converted? Please don't buy the shit that AB is selling. I couldn't stand to lose you to the dark side.
If you want a Christians only thread, just like you want a christians only world, go post on a Christian board.
Otherwise I'm gonna put my 2 cents in about your delusional childish beliefs that are really nothing more than beliefs in the tooth fairy and santa claus.

Grow up.

If "Adam and Eve" only had two boys, "Cain" and "Abel", and if Cain killed Abel (Genesis 4:8), who did Cain fuck to make more children? His mother Eve?
Huwy said:
If "Adam and Eve" only had two boys, "Cain" and "Abel", and if Cain killed Abel (Genesis 4:8), who did Cain fuck to make more children? His mother Eve?
Of course. Back then, things were "different."
Cottontop3000 said:
What should I reflect on? You capitalized the 'Y' in You. Do you think I am god?

For your information, I was a die-hard "christian" for the first 30 years of my life. I know a little more about "christianity" than you may think. One thing I feel that I know is that the bible is a crock of shit.

Then you really have been lost.

I am sorry but from now on I will not be replying to any of your statements.

Fortunately you have medicine woman and hasbeen/hasburg as your posse, so chin up and enjoy your life to the full (the 'fool' of sin - he! he!)

Thank you.
"I believe that because our leaders of science have rejected The Creator we as a race have missed out on alot of scientific information and knowledge."

yep, religion sure has helped with science, i mean, just a few years ago (it was during this millenium sometime) the catholic church admitted the world was a sphere
Huwy said:
If you want a Christians only thread, just like you want a christians only world, go post on a Christian board.
Otherwise I'm gonna put my 2 cents in about your delusional childish beliefs that are really nothing more than beliefs in the tooth fairy and santa claus.

Grow up.

If "Adam and Eve" only had two boys, "Cain" and "Abel", and if Cain killed Abel (Genesis 4:8), who did Cain fuck to make more children? His mother Eve?

I suppose it would make sense that adam who lived for 960 years and his wife eve who lived for over 900 years also would have had only two sons - according to the descriptions of cain and Abel given they would have had to have been over forty years at the most at the time of the murder.

Unless they had family planning I just cannot believe that adam and eve would not have had other children - you dunce!!!!

Cain would have had numerous sisters - at the time the genetic effects of incest would not affect their offsprings because they were just one generation away from being created by GOD.

It is only today that some mentally sick people are committing incest - a thing that was later on banned by GOD a coupole of generations after adam and eve.
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Cain would have had numerous sisters - at the time the genetic effects of incest would not affect their offsprings because they were just one generation away from being created by GOD.
Another good example how you throw out assertions, but cannot back them up with any facts. Please prove that at one time incest was acceptable and did not lead to genetic deformities. Simply stating that it was because Adam's children were only one generation from being created by god means nothing.

Have you all noticed that "The Creator Loves Us!!!!" less and less with each of AB Jadons posts? I think his xian sensibilities are taking a real beating. He's pissed. Good.
AB Jadon:

Cain would have had numerous sisters - at the time the genetic effects of incest would not affect their offsprings because they were just one generation away from being created by GOD.

Ha! Stupid, weak minded, idiotic, brain dead, blathering moron. So genetics are the only reason not to have incest? What about brothers/sisters, fathers/daughters who have vasectomies or tubal ligations? Is it ok then? Also, genetic diversity of parents helps to mediate the effects of inbreeding (whis is less dangerous than you think. Do some research.)

The first generations "close to god" would have been genetically pure and would have resulted in horrible mutations. So, god condones incest. Cool.
Cain would have had numerous sisters

Where in the bible does it state that? Or did you just make that one up yourself?

Did you forget about the Land of Nod?
We are quite capable of taking care of things on our own to the best of our ability, are we not?

So you're saying we don't need god? If not I fail to see the worth of your statement in the context of discussion. It was stated that: "To find god all you need to do is ask", to which I responded that it has been tried and tested, and failed. That instantly negates the posters statement.

I was then told that I have not waited long enough to which I have asked how long is the waiting list.

As you can see, there is no implication from anyone that people cannot 'take care of things' by themselves.

I am asking a) How long one must wait after asking, and b) Why an "all-loving" being would wait so long.

When I do things God's way, it is so perfect that I can't help but laugh at my unbelief and be overjoyed at God's love.

While that's nice for you, it is of no relevance to what I asked or posted.

The waiting list varies, but it is worth the know the saying.

So why do you religious folk bust my balls for being an atheist when I am so simply because I'm still stuck on god's waiting list? Nobody can rush that list except god - and if he doesn't want to, he doesn't want to. As such we can only conclude that I am an atheist because god wants me to be.

The one thing that I know is that out of 29 years on this Earth, God has never let me down, even when I wanted nothing to do with him. And it takes hindsight to admit this

In over 29 years my mother has never let me down, the local hospital has never let me down, the cigarette shop has never let me down, my car has never let me down, this computer has never let me down - but for the past decade or so god has decided to ignore me - ergo; let me down.

Yes, you can say that's his right as god, but basically I just negated any worth your statement might have had.
SnakeLord said:
Might I ask how long that is? I'm just curious, and have a specific reason to be which I shall highlight for you now:

A while back I wrote a letter to a mutual enemy. He hates me, I hate him. We always have - as far back as I can remember knowing him, and although I have no idea why, it has been consistent for the past quarter of a century. So anyway, I sent this letter, and to my surprise I got a letter back from him.

So I got to thinking, given your statement.. If a human that absolutely detests me can respond within a week, why can't a being that supposedly loves me dearly respond within a 7 year period?

Ok, I do appreciate that my worldly enemy most likely doesn't have millennia of backlog to catch up with, but I also know he is not omnipotent - which should most certainly make clearing up several millennia of backlog rather easy.

While I forgive the stupidity of your statement, I can not forgive the manner in which it has seemingly been implied. Perhaps it's just me, but it comes across as if you're making out that I have done something wrong - that I have somehow not done what is needed to get to know this omnipotent, omnipresent being that loves his creation so much he got himself killed and is considered 'perfect'.

Given the statement by the last poster, this is clearly bollocks. "All you need to do is ask". That was the qualifying criteria. There was no mention of waiting for a decade anywhere in his statement. There was no mention of the all-loving god being slower to say 'hi' than the biggest enemy I have ever known.

I wonder, and I ask, would satan wait 7 years to respond to a call? When the biggest, most evil bastard in the history of the universe responds faster than the most loving being in the history of the universe, you know there's a serious problem.

So Cyperium, how long is the waiting list?
This is looking to be a good discussion!

So there are some alternatives to go through first.

1) Maybe you allready got your answer?
2) Maybe you didn't really need the answer?
3) Maybe God saw that the answer would do more harm to you than good?
4) Maybe God wanted us to have this discussion :) maybe not but think that maybe the consequences you got from Him not answering were the consequences you should have had.

About the fourth one:
Maybe you haven't had the same experiance as I have, but sometimes I have made a choice not to do someones request because I've sensed that it might be bad for him, and afterwards I've felt like he was feeling that I let him down, and I have hoped that he understood that it was for his best.

The fourth one is a alternative that God maybe did best not to answer.

Anyway, God won't show Himself to you at your command, and remember not to test God.

Since I don't know what you asked I can't say that much more.