Thread For Christians Only.

c20H25N3o said:
Angelic Being : What business do you have claiming some sort of exclusivity, like God has favourites of which you are one?


isnt this abit childish of you?

i am clear in my statements - whether you want to believe it or not i dont really care - i am just trying to create awareness amongst those that do not believe in The Christ who will be reading this thread - i am trying to tell them that we Christians are just like them - we argue or disagree, we love and hate, but the bottom line is we must never purposely hate and desire the destruction and detriment of others.

i am trying to show atheists and misguided Christians that the doctrines from different denominations is wrong if it allows the things i mention above to occur.

I wish it were childishness on my part for your sake but these two statements contradict each other so badly!

If this is true, and I dont doubt that it it is ...

" i am just trying to create awareness amongst those that do not believe in The Christ who will be reading this thread "

why on earth did you start your thread with this ...

"This thread is for Christians only."

I am only asking that you retract the first statement of your post because anything you say from there on in got lost when you were trying to

"create awareness amongst those that do not believe in The Christ "

Please understand I am not trying to trip you up but rather beseech you to retract the statement that has been the cause of so much controversy and has been detrimental to any value that may come from the thread.


Heretical Being said:
void question - i worship every day, there is no one important day of the week - it is clear in The Scriptures.
The scriptures are bullshit.

already answered. - i am not a pagan
Belief in the trinity is a basic part of christian doctrine and belief, set by the Council of Nicea.
Certainly not - i am not a pagan.
Again, central belief to christianity. The irony of this is hilarious.

i try to give first to my "brothers and sisters in need' - i pray for my enemies that they may turn away from their evil natures.

no, i am not a pagan, but if you mean The Passover, then yes - in fact this is the most important time of the year as at marks the True Followers of The Christ.
Once again, central doctrine of christianity. You are a heretic within your own religion, Jadon.

If this was the middle ages, that you fanatical christians want to return to so much, you would probably be burned at the stake.
c20H25N3o said:
I wish it were childishness on my part for your sake but these two statements contradict each other so badly!

If this is true, and I dont doubt that it it is ...

" i am just trying to create awareness amongst those that do not believe in The Christ who will be reading this thread "

why on earth did you start your thread with this ...

"This thread is for Christians only."

I am only asking that you retract the first statement of your post because anything you say from there on in got lost when you were trying to

"create awareness amongst those that do not believe in The Christ "

Please understand I am not trying to trip you up but rather beseech you to retract the statement that has been the cause of so much controversy and has been detrimental to any value that may come from the thread.



how dull could you be?????? This is a public forum - what i was meaning was that non Christians could read the contents of this thread but not to comment as they more or less will always be what they are already. I wanted them to see that we Christians have our own problems - and also to show them that alot of the "informatiom" that they have on Christianity is based on the false interpretations (out of ignorance and malice) was created by either non-Christians or misguided Christians.

your argument is pointless, and is a waste of time - please pick a better one as i know you could.

To interested viewers::

you might have noticed that i do not reply to comments by certain people who visit this thread.

the reason is because these ones have sinned against The Holy Spirit, and therefore have no more hope left in them for salvation. - please dont get me wrong - i dont hate them - but i think their time should be spent elsewhere.

Such people are spiritually dead and will remain so until their death - i urge those non-Christians that wish to take similar paths to think very carefull before making statements that will forever condemn you.

The Creator Loves you.

Jadon said:
The Creator Loves you.
you can take your creator and shove it up your ass for all I care. Repeating your bullshit statements again and again and again will not convince anyone to convert to christianity. Only logical, sound, reasoning and proof will. Christians have yet to provide any of this, thus making christianity false in and of itself.
We ain't budgin' and you ain't budgin'. Best you can do is shut the fuck up and go away, Jadon. We don't want to hear your tripe anymore.
Angelic being

"i dont really care"

Angelic being

it amuses me when someone who thinks in the physically inferior state tries to understand a person like me coming from a Spiritually Superior state.

1 Corrinthians 13
1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. 2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.
4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
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i hate this page. why cant everyone post here?
im a christian, but i only opened this stuipid thing because i wanted to say that whoever started this is a complete and total idiot. you cant keep people
from saying what they want on here.
and why would you want only christians to write so we can just sit around and agree with eachother?
what the hell were you thinking?
a b/jadon said:
it amuses me when someone who thinks in the physically inferior state tries to understand a person like me coming from a Spiritually Superior state.
Rotflmao, I am an atheist.
you are morally, and mentally, inferior to me. (Spiritually Superior state. a another name for delusional/hallucinating/lunacy) if you had cared to read some of my threads you would have realised, I dont suffer fools gladly, and you are a fool of the highest caliber.
stay of the drugs man they fuck you head up, opps it's to late.
Angelic Being said:
To interested viewers::

you might have noticed that i do not reply to comments by certain people who visit this thread.

the reason is because these ones have sinned against The Holy Spirit, and therefore have no more hope left in them for salvation. - please dont get me wrong - i dont hate them - but i think their time should be spent elsewhere.

Such people are spiritually dead and will remain so until their death - i urge those non-Christians that wish to take similar paths to think very carefull before making statements that will forever condemn you.

The Creator Loves you.


Romans 2:

Now you, if you call yourself a Jew; if you rely on the law and brag about your relationship to God; if you know his will and approve of what is superior because you are instructed by the law; if you are convinced that you are a guide for the blind, a light for those who are in the dark, an instructor of the foolish, a teacher of infants, because you have in the law the embodiment of knowledge and truth—

you, then, who teach others, do you not teach yourself? You who preach against stealing, do you steal? You who say that people should not commit adultery, do you commit adultery? You who abhor idols, do you rob temples? You who brag about the law, do you dishonor God by breaking the law?

As it is written: "God's name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you."
This Thread Is For Christians Only
What I see displayed throughout this thread is a blatant lack of mutual respect between Christians and... others.

If you see the topic: Thread for Christians Only, the least you can do is show some respect, thus displaying some form of rational maturity and leave it at that.

As the initiator said; "Read, don't reply" if you do not consider yourself a Christian and I assume "Read and reply" if you do consider yourself a Christian.

This only exposes the jokes of "serious rational discussion" that can occur here at sciforums. If you cannot respect your "opponent's" wishes how can you even begin to discuss anything rational?
MarcAC said:
What I see displayed throughout this thread is a blatant lack of mutual respect between Christians and... others.

If you see the topic: Thread for Christians Only, the least you can do is show some respect, thus displaying some form of rational maturity and leave it at that.

As the initiator said; "Read, don't reply" if you do not consider yourself a Christian and I assume "Read and reply" if you do consider yourself a Christian.

This only exposes the jokes of "serious rational discussion" that can occur here at sciforums. If you cannot respect your "opponent's" wishes how can you even begin to discuss anything rational?

I see your point, but I do not think Angelic Being's statements here are justified.
Maybe he wishes to play devil's advicate -- but the topic of love and respect certainly are not ones to play devil's advocate with.
I can only repeat:
As you have made your bed, so you shall lay in it.

It's a very comfy bed, king size, with fluffy pillows. It's real, not imagined.
urge those non-Christians that wish to take similar paths to think very carefull before making statements that will forever condemn you.

You are not a Christian and will be condemned forever.
Then why are you so bitter and so angry, so cynical?

Why are you so ignorant?
(Q) said:
Why are you so ignorant?

water said:
Ignorant of what?

(Q) said:
Reality, of course.

Ah the great useless circular debate :rolleyes:

For theists, God is very much a reality, Undeniable from their perspective and the reality of God is reinforced through faith which does not need the kind of proof that atheists require.
Belief without proof is a reality to the theist. Belief that resulted from physical proof would take away the beautiful thing that belief is and would not even be belief.


For theists, God is very much a reality, Undeniable from their perspective and the reality of God is reinforced through faith which does not need the kind of proof that atheists require.

Just a vivid imagination is all that's required to reinforce faith.

Belief without proof is a reality to the theist.

Therefore, fantasy is a theists reality.

Belief that resulted from physical proof would take away the beautiful thing that belief is and would not even be belief.

Hence, reality.

Ah the great useless circular debate

When will theists learn?