Thread For Christians Only.

SnakeLord said:
I'm sorry, when did I ask for advice?

I disagreed with C20's statement that schools in the UK are largely secular, and had a brief discussion with him regarding it.
In no way did I imply that I wanted advice from anyone, let alone someone quite as naive and ignorant as you portray yourself to be.
yet you chose to talk about it on my thread - which made it my problem.

SnakeLord said:
However, if you feel some need to 'give advice' to people, at least do the courtesy of making that advice relevant to the discussion. Telling me there's more than one school is irrelevant, idiotic, and hardly from scripture.
i was basing my advice from The Scriptures - my advice is simple and pure - you are the idiot for not understanding it - or maybe you prefer to pretend not to understand it
SnakeLord said:
I know, that was my point. Nice to see you're finally starting to wake up.
i was awake all the time - you are just talking about something that really has no adversity from The Scriptures.
SnakeLord said:
Advice: If you're going to give advice to someone do your research first - otherwise you end up looking like an ass. I can see quite clearly you didn't read anything I have written, else you might have noticed I used the word "daughter", several times.
i did not see the need to do some serious thinking on an issue that had nothing at all to do with The Scriptures as relevant to this thread.

SnakeLord said:
Advice: Learn that 'daughter' = she, not he.

Advice: When and if you ever have children, you teach your child whatever you want to, do not tell me how or what to teach mine.
sorry, my bad - this was inexcusable of me, - i had alot of assignments due on that day.

SnakeLord said:
What the fuck is this shit? Listen - read my posts before commenting on them, and do not think you're in any position to give anyone 'advice'.

i clearly said that you could take them or not - advice taken becomes advise, when not taken it becomes nothing - all you had to say was " thanks for the advise, but i will think about it"

GeniusNProgress said:
A "Christian"- for what is correctly known as someone who believes that Jesus was the son of God and is our savior. Someone who follows the teachings of the bible and does good works. Someone who accepts and progresively come to live out the teachings and guidance of all of his word. The bible not being the only "book" of our Lord. The bible itself is a compilation of God's word as interpreted by man. Trust me, as history was passing by the prophets and teachings in the bible weren't focusing on how they would all fit into a bigger book. Let's not be naive.

it is not as simple as you desire it to be - perhaps you should trust me for i speak the words of The Scriptures - not of the reasoning of foolish men.

Marlin said:
How dare you call me a non-Christian? That is the height of arrogance and bigotry, sir. I pray that one day God will show you that Mormons are indeed Christians, and that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true Christian church (although other churches are also Christian).

Broaden you view before you become hopelessly myopic, Angelic Being.

this case is closed - the foremost theologians in the world classify your organisation as a cult - deal with it.

i have nothing against you - but this thread is for Christians only.

GeniusNProgress said:
Angelic, who is your God? What qualifications must one have to become a "Christian" in your meaningless terms? What constitutes true doctrine and how can you tell what is false? What facts and evidence do you have to support anything you've been saying? Where in the bible does it spell out what is a true Christian? And if you find those places can you please let us know what and where they are? You seem to be extremely set with your false judgements and close-minded attitude. I look forward to the answers.

seeing as that you seem to be a newcomer, it would do you good to read my previous posts.
MartianInExile said:
Dear Angelic Being,
May I just ask of you not to post anything so, how should I say, self-righteous and bigoted? Hey man, I'm a Christian like you, but please don't make Christians look bad. I'm trying to ask you kindly so you wont let this "holy war" continue. I really think you approached this thread in the entire wrong direction. I mean, unless you're God, please step off your "high horse" and be a little more generous and accepting of others. Closing out Mormons and Atheists is not the way. Remember, the Bible says not to judge. Please, my friend, don't let this get to your head. Besides, look at this website's url (, trying a 'Christian-only' does nothing but hurts and discourages people from looking around, or intices them to get hardened hearts. Now, I'm no Gandhi, but I can see this trouble and what it may mean for any potential seekers. I just thought you may want another perspective on this.
Oh, one more thing, it was the upper-class Jewish elite in the Roman Empire that killed the Jewish-born Jesus.

read Job's story - besides i have done nothing to offend anyone.

Marlin said:
Apology accepted. Yes, I'm aware that many have persecuted the Jews in the name of revenge for Jesus's death. I should have said that some of the Jews in Jesus's day killed Him, not just the Jews. My bad.

Hmm. I don't know much about Roman record-keeping, but I do know that Jesus lived, and furthermore, that He lives today. He stands at the head of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and guides the prophets and apostles of said Church.

please take your delusions elsewhere - truth and lies dont mix.

(Q) said:
I think you know by now that a person cannot show you God

Despite the fact theists continue to claim to have seen and talked with god? Why can't they simply ask their god to reveal himself to us non-believers? Wouldn't that put an end to our doubts?

And why is it that god tends to talk with theists, yet manages to not keep his comments consistent amongst his flock?

Do yourself some good and stop fighting ghosts.

Perhaps you should stop believing in ghosts.

i will comment on this later.

Marlin said:
Again, I don't know anything about Roman record-keeping, but this I do know: that Jesus lives and is the Christ, the living Son of God. My logic goes like this:

The Book of Mormon testifies of Christ and is true, according to the testimony God has given me of it;
Therefore, the biblical account of His mortal ministry is also true, as it doesn't conflict with the Book of Mormon, and both books testify of Him.

you should have known that 'hasbeens' comment that there were no records about The Christ was an idiotic one and duncy on tthe highest scale.

the sixty year old man thinks like a teenager and wishes to become a teenager again so just ignore him.

Angelic Being said:
Christianity today is like the flock of sheep and goats - The Christ clearly said that the Last Days would be marked by the separating of the goats(misguided Christians) from the Sheep(Christians).


No, it won't. Your interpretation (shown in the parentheses) are heavily biased.

Christianity was a small breakaway religion, a sect, an underground cult in Roman times. But unlike other religions like Manicheeism, which was much more popular at the time, it didn't fizzle out and instead grew.

So many historical possibilities.
Christianity was chosen not by God, but by chance. Its chances of surviving and growing were increased from its fervent nature exhibited in people like you, Angelic.
Angelic Being said:
this case is closed - the foremost theologians in the world classify your organisation as a cult - deal with it.

Funny, that's what the foremost theologians of the early Christians' day thought of them, as well--that they were a cult. The Mormons are in good company, wouldn't you say?

i have nothing against you - but this thread is for Christians only.


You are a complete idiot. This is not your website, nor do you "own" this thread. Anyone who registers with SciForums is free to post in it.
Angelic Being said:
you should have known that 'hasbeens' comment that there were no records about The Christ was an idiotic one and duncy on tthe highest scale.

the sixty year old man thinks like a teenager and wishes to become a teenager again so just ignore him.


Actually, I prefer Hapsburg over you, bigot.
jadon/angelic b: could you answer a question for me, what do you consider to be, based on the scriptures, a true christian? and are you that christian?.
So what if those theists claim they have seen God and talked to Him? What is that to you?

If theists are talking to god and I'm not, then I'm missing out on something, don't ya think? I'd like to talk to god too, wouldn't you?

Maybe God is revealing Himself to you, right now as we speak.

Where? How? When? What? Who? Why?

Does He? I think this is just your fear, preconceptions, ignorance and pain speaking.

So, the inconsistencies, arguments and downright denials between theists is somehow my fault?

Do yourself some good and stop fighting ghosts.

Think, for a change.
(Q) said:
So what if those theists claim they have seen God and talked to Him? What is that to you?

If theists are talking to god and I'm not, then I'm missing out on something, don't ya think? I'd like to talk to god too, wouldn't you?

Do you really want to know God?

Maybe God is revealing Himself to you, right now as we speak.

Where? How? When? What? Who? Why?

I don't know. You'll find out in due time.
It it advisable that you give up your preconceptions about how you think God should be.

Does He? I think this is just your fear, preconceptions, ignorance and pain speaking.

So, the inconsistencies, arguments and downright denials between theists is somehow my fault?

No. You clinging onto everything theists say and you taking it to be the truth about God -- this is your fault.
Do you really want to know God?

Sure, doesn't everyone?

But you miss the point. The whole concept of gods is mere human quackery. So, the only way I'm going to know a god is for you to describe your imagined version of him.

I don't know. You'll find out in due time.

Quacking is still quacking, at any time.

It it advisable that you give up your preconceptions about how you think God should be.

That is what I don't do and all theists do do. Shoo be doo.

Your own view of gods is how you think gods should be, that is, you don't have anything negative to say about what gods shouldn't be.

No. You clinging onto everything theists say and you taking it to be the truth about God -- this is your fault.

Theists say a great many things about gods, they hold gods in their highest regard, far above that of their fellow men. We have been conquered and divided because of what theists say about gods. We live in ignorance and fear because of what theists say about gods.

And the worst part about the whole thing is that none of them agree on what the other is saying about gods.

I see no truths.
(Q) said:
Do you really want to know God?

Sure, doesn't everyone?

But you miss the point. The whole concept of gods is mere human quackery. So, the only way I'm going to know a god is for you to describe your imagined version of him.

I don't know. You'll find out in due time.

Quacking is still quacking, at any time.

It it advisable that you give up your preconceptions about how you think God should be.

That is what I don't do and all theists do do. Shoo be doo.

Your own view of gods is how you think gods should be, that is, you don't have anything negative to say about what gods shouldn't be.

No. You clinging onto everything theists say and you taking it to be the truth about God -- this is your fault.

Theists say a great many things about gods, they hold gods in their highest regard, far above that of their fellow men. We have been conquered and divided because of what theists say about gods. We live in ignorance and fear because of what theists say about gods.

And the worst part about the whole thing is that none of them agree on what the other is saying about gods.

I see no truths.

The truth will be known soon enough, but we all are really confused with eternity, and the truth will come from God himself. It is up to you to decide beforehand who it is you will serve for all eternity. Yourself and what you have faith in, or God.

Faith is an impossible thing to have, it must be given. Belief, on the other hand, is subject to your own will. If you want to find out who God is, you have to first decide to ignore your own logic, theories, and evidence. It takes a sheer act of will, but why? Why should you do such a foolish thing as be illogical, or is it illogical to believe in God?

That is also not up to you. Your logic is subject to your perception of reality. You must be given a reason to believe in the face of evidence, and it better be good! There are many reasons, but they must be shown to you by God, people, and nature.

You have probably been through a lot, and so you cannot logically escape the physical limitations of your perceived reality. Is it safe to assume that since you are here discrediting the existence of any god?

You ask for proof of God, but no more proof will be given by God. He can give you faith and you can change your perception (which would open the doors to more proof), but why should you believe that 1+2=3 in order to believe that 3+3=9? Absurd and foolish.

If things are as they seem with you, you will never find God on your own, nor do you need any god. At least that is the way you perceive reality. A person does not need God to exist, that would be absurd and a discredit to God's intentions. It happens to make life fuller and more enjoyable, but that doesn't give weight to the value of believing, or does it? If you seek the truth, it is illogical to believe in fantasy.

I was raised learning about God, then I rejected his existence, and God drew me back, and I cannot logically leave my belief now. I didn't know about Pascal's wager before a few months ago, but that is the argument that was the turning point to my belief in God. That argument gave me the intellectual strength of will to at least fake being a Christian until I became a God follower.

What I am saying, is there is nothing I can say to help you with your beliefs. I can voice my opinion, but that does little good in the face of logic. The only thing I can say, is that there is no truth today because we are all limited to our perception. There is one truth, but we don't know it yet. The universe is still much of a mystery that we postulate about. I would argue with Pascal's wager, because you have nothing to lose and a richer life to gain, regardless of eternity (which we know nothing about because we don't believe the people who claim to come back from clinically dead because there is no scientific reason to believe them). Enlightenment comes from knowing that you know nothing. As you slip out of black and white arrogance, you let reality be what it is, which is something we know only from the senses. Enlightenment comes from realizing that there is more to life than perception. Is what you believe the truth? Is my belief in God the truth?