Thread For Christians Only.

audible said:
Rotflmao, I am an atheist.
you are morally, and mentally, inferior to me. (Spiritually Superior state. a another name for delusional/hallucinating/lunacy) if you had cared to read some of my threads you would have realised, I dont suffer fools gladly, and you are a fool of the highest caliber.
stay of the drugs man they fuck you head up, opps it's to late.

oh you could be physically mentally superior to me - i am still a student - but spiritually you know nothing as evidenced by your posts that i reply too.

when you have spiritual understanding like me you will realise the meaning of the verse - " mans knowledge is but foolishness to GOD"

nothing personal.

Angelic Being said:
sounds like hasbeen again.

Angelic, when challenging questions have come your way throughout this thread you always seem to disappear until someone posts something you can actually attempt to respond to. People like you make proving points impossible because you choose to ignore what goes against your original thoughts. Ignorance at it's best..but please stop relating your ridiculous views to that of my God. And please stop speaking as if you are above others.
water said:
Romans 2:

Now you, if you call yourself a Jew; if you rely on the law and brag about your relationship to God; if you know his will and approve of what is superior because you are instructed by the law; if you are convinced that you are a guide for the blind, a light for those who are in the dark, an instructor of the foolish, a teacher of infants, because you have in the law the embodiment of knowledge and truth—

you, then, who teach others, do you not teach yourself? You who preach against stealing, do you steal? You who say that people should not commit adultery, do you commit adultery? You who abhor idols, do you rob temples? You who brag about the law, do you dishonor God by breaking the law?

As it is written: "God's name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you."

But Apostle Paul clearly stated that there will be ones who will never be able to "see" the Truth because these ones have condemned themselves by comitting the unforgivable sin.
in fact, from the tone with which Paul said these words, it can be felt that he was saying for Christians not to waste their time on them but more importantly - TO KEEP AWAY FROM THEM - for such people are spiritually and physically suicidal - certainly you can see such ones visiting this thread - their words are those of the devil that they worship but are ignorant of.

Also, thankfully such sinners will always be a minority - ha!ha!

Angelic Being said:
Also, thankfully such sinners will always be a minority

Only time will tell. (Assuming this book is correct)

Thankfully, it has moved towards my direction for the past several hundred years.

And I pray that it will continue to do so.

The Creator Loves You. :m: :m: :m:

Also, thankfully such sinners will always be a minority - ha!ha!

Oooooo... I hate to rain on your parade, but if your narrow view of religious intolerance is the meter on which we can guage the size of such a group, it would immense, far surpassing the size of your group by many, many millions of sinners.
maybe a fantasist sure but not a dullard?

A theist, but never a dullard.
GeniusNProgress said:
Angelic, when challenging questions have come your way throughout this thread you always seem to disappear until someone posts something you can actually attempt to respond to. People like you make proving points impossible because you choose to ignore what goes against your original thoughts. Ignorance at it's best..but please stop relating your ridiculous views to that of my God. And please stop speaking as if you are above others.

This is true.

They obviously have to ignore much of it, because 90% of it is beyond their comprehension or quite simply they have nothing to back up their apparent knowledge of God. When confronted with undeniable facts of the physical world they would rather belief in the "spiritual world". Now I find this quite offensive since God (obviously) created this universe and they should get their guidance from the physical world if they want to understand God. I probably know more about God than your typical fundie as I go by his work of the physical world rather than the imagined/fabricated one that is taught from birth into the small mind of the Christian.
My first question would be, if God loves us ALL, how could he choose an "evil" man's side over a "good" man's side?

Because the 'evil' man thinks he does good, as do other observers.

Replace good/evil with causing harm or not causing harm and you have a better argument.

Isn't love letting your children make mistakes?

Yes, up to the point of walking in front of a bus, perhaps.

Or do you keep them close in your house and protect them from all harm? Which position is more humane?

You don't need to close them up in the house but you should keep them close and protect them from harm until they're mature enough. That is humane.

What is not humane is assuming an invisible being will somehow protect them from harm.
Angelic Being said:
But Apostle Paul clearly stated that there will be ones who will never be able to "see" the Truth because these ones have condemned themselves by comitting the unforgivable sin.
in fact, from the tone with which Paul said these words, it can be felt that he was saying for Christians not to waste their time on them but more importantly - TO KEEP AWAY FROM THEM - for such people are spiritually and physically suicidal - certainly you can see such ones visiting this thread - their words are those of the devil that they worship but are ignorant of.

Also, thankfully such sinners will always be a minority - ha!ha!


Which is worse, blasphemy against Paul or Jesus? I've never quite figured that out. A lot of Christians quote Paul while attempting to prove what Jesus meant. You know , like Jesus said," Do not Judge"
justagirl said:
Which is worse, blasphemy against Paul or Jesus? I've never quite figured that out. A lot of Christians quote Paul while attempting to prove what Jesus meant. You know , like Jesus said," Do not Judge"

it serves no purpose for me to lie - hello!!! i find lying a waste of time - simple as that.

Advice - tyr to "read" the Holy Scriptures - but apparently you may need guidance - so just stick to this thread - if you disagree, state so but please stop branding about verses in an ambiguos way.

in my previous posts - i have clearly said i am not a judge - when you judge someone there is always one of the two outcomes - guilty or not guilty.

With Christ - you were guilty, then you were "cleansed" so you must always refrain from your former sins.

For those that have committed the Unforgivable Sin - these ones had to have been a Christian or at least to have some belief in The Christ before they rebelled and committed the Sin which have condemned them forever - i am not judging - IT IS WRITTEN.

to clear up some misconception - there are alot out there who really have not known The Christ in the way that you become "marked as one of He's", so you may commit lots of sins but there is still hope for you. For those that have known The Christ and committed that Sin - IT IS TOO LATE FOR YOU -- ha! ha! ha!.... i cant wait for your punishment - and believe me - when i say there is no hell there is no hell, but the "reward that awaits such ones will be worse then hell." - okay maybe that was abit too much from me - sorry condemned guys and gals.

The Creator Loves His "People"

Truthfully, I'm not here to learn about your brand of Christianity. I'm mostly here cos it's funny. But I think I asked you a fair question and truthfully, you didn't give me a fair answer. You pretty much blew me off and suggested that I read the Bible.
jayleew said:
It is far more likely that it is a myth that God is omniscient, at least if I am making sense of the scriptures. But what do I know?

Perhaps, God is not omniscient, and hopes that they will be told the truth.

Whatever...your arguments are made on a false premise that God is omniscient. You cannot establish that God is omniscient because God either is not, or God does not exist. At least, that is my perception with my current evidence.

The stories from the Bible tell me that God is not omniscient.
so I gather god is not perfect, it is the general view by theist that god is absolute perfection, and worthy of worship,This is, in many respects, the very reason why the existence of God is the subject of so much debate — if it weren’t for that, there wouldn’t be any religions centered around God but you say he's imperfect thus not worthy of worship.
The concepts of worship and perfection are cojoined, each feeding off of the other and each influencing how the other is known.
God cant simply be the greatest being we could think of or just theoretically the greatest being. Instead, God, to be worthy of worship, has to be the greatest possible being on absolutely every possible level, absolute perfection.
god cannot be imperfect as he would be unworthy of worship, so therefore he must be omniscient to be, god.

I will proclaim the name of the LORD. Oh, praise the greatness of our God! He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just ( Deuteronomy 32:3,4).
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justagirl said:
Which is worse, blasphemy against Paul or Jesus? I've never quite figured that out. A lot of Christians quote Paul while attempting to prove what Jesus meant. You know , like Jesus said," Do not Judge"

Since Jesus is God's son, I would have to say Jesus. Since Paul was not God, nor God's son, it would be called slander. By definition, one can only blaspheme against an entity which they revere.

Much of the scripture is used to define other scripture because we assume the author's were God's prophets and scribes, since their writings echo the history of God's character. That is why you find Christians using other scripture to define other scripture. It is the best practice of interpretation. It would be horrible if they interpreted the scripture based on their own perception, knowledge, and wisdom.
jayleew said:
Since Jesus is God's son, I would have to say Jesus. Since Paul was not God, nor God's son, it would be called slander. By definition, one can only blaspheme against an entity which they revere.

Much of the scripture is used to define other scripture because we assume the author's were God's prophets and scribes, since their writings echo the history of God's character. That is why you find Christians using other scripture to define other scripture. It is the best practice of interpretation. It would be horrible if they interpreted the scripture based on their own perception, knowledge, and wisdom.
M*W: You've got to be kidding, right? Are you living in a spider hole or something? How else could anything be interpreted except that which is based on one's own perception, knowledge and wisdom?
audible said:
so I gather god is not perfect, it is the general view by theist that god is absolute perfection, and worthy of worship,This is, in many respects, the very reason why the existence of God is the subject of so much debate — if it weren’t for that, there wouldn’t be any religions centered around God but you say he's imperfect thus not worthy of worship.
The concepts of worship and perfection are cojoined, each feeding off of the other and each influencing how the other is known.
God cant simply be the greatest being we could think of or just theoretically the greatest being. Instead, God, to be worthy of worship, has to be the greatest possible being on absolutely every possible level, absolute perfection.
god cannot be imperfect as he would be unworthy of worship, so therefore he must be omniscient to be, god.

I will proclaim the name of the LORD. Oh, praise the greatness of our God! He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just ( Deuteronomy 32:3,4).

What is perfect? What is your perceived definition of omniscient? Why is it necessary to have omniscience to be perfect?

After some thought about some of the events recorded in the Bible and visiting the definition of omniscient, I think we are thinking 3 dimensional, as if there is only one future. Omniscience is defined as having infinite wisdom, or knowing all things. With that basic definition, God IS omniscient. But, do we define it as knowing all futures, or just all things? You and I were thinking all futures.

From examples in scripture, God is not omniscient in the sense that the future is a finite thing, as we're perceiving the term omniscient. One who is omniscient can know the future today, but if something were to change today, does that not alter the future?

Bear with me: Let's say God made Adam and Eve and made them in his image, nearly perfect, but not Gods. God, with his ability to discern the future based on today and the hearts of Adam and Eve, saw that things were good and would go on forever this way. Everything was perfect, but God wanted Adam and Eve to have COMPLETE free will (including to reject God), so he gave them the choice to be "bad". So, he spent time with Adam and Eve in the garden every evening and everything was perfect. Then one day, unbeknownst to God at the time, Adam used his free will to disobey.

Scripture says that God came down and called to Adam, he didn't know where they hiding. So, he used his power to discern where they were and asked, "Why are you hiding and why are you dressed like that?" "Who told you that you are naked?" Then, God saw the betrayal of all his creation and knew the future of them all from that day. Then, he told them what they would do for the rest of their lives, and how things would be since they chose to live imperfectly. Basically, he said, "life is going to suck without me, but if that is what you want, do as you please."

The point of the story is that God knows the future, today, but the future is not an intangible thing because we have free will. He does not know what we will choose, ultimately. Is that omniscience? Not in the intangible way you perceive the future to be.

By definition, God is omniscient; but, if you attach connotations to the word that all knowledge means all futures as well, then God is not omniscient. God knows the future, today; but, we have the free will to change tomorrow, and even change God's mind after he examines the future of our decision.
jayleew said:
The point of the story is that God knows the future, today, but the future is not an intangible thing because we have free will. He does not know what we will choose, ultimately. Is that omniscience? Not in the intangible way you perceive the future to be.

By definition, God is omniscient; but, if you attach connotations to the word that all knowledge means all futures as well, then God is not omniscient. God knows the future, today; but, we have the free will to change tomorrow, and even change God's mind after he examines the future of our decision.

man where the hell did you come up with that?
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: You've got to be kidding, right? Are you living in a spider hole or something? How else could anything be interpreted except that which is based on one's own perception, knowledge and wisdom?

You are hasty, indeed.

If one interpreted with only their own perception, knowledge, and wisdom, with no other, or viewpoint, what would that result in?

If the president didn't listen to his cabinet, but instead made decisions based on his own interpretation, all the time, where would we be. Greater wisdom comes from realizing that many people know more than yourself, and that if you listen to others as well as yourself, you can accomplish greater things, than with only your own perception, knowledge, and wisdom are capable of.

It is the same with interpreting the scripture. You must listen to God, other people, cultural influences including history, and other scriptures to support your interpretation as accurate. Otherwise your interpretations are speculation.

Now, it is true that we must first perceive the evidence with a critical mind, and so the end result is subjective to one's perception, but you are better off listening to others, because of this problem.
charles cure said:
man where the hell did you come up with that?

Take the time and read a few posts back. I don't need to repeat how I came up with that do I? There are instances in scripture of God changing his mind because of a prayer, regretting decisions he's made, and feeling elated at an instance of faith as if he was surprised/glad by the action. Kind of like you are almost sure that you are going to get a car for a Christmas gift, and you do.
jayleew said:
Take the time and read a few posts back. I don't need to repeat how I came up with that do I? There are instances in scripture of God changing his mind because of a prayer, regretting decisions he's made, and feeling elated at an instance of faith as if he was surprised/glad by the action. Kind of like you are almost sure that you are going to get a car for a Christmas gift, and you do.

yeah but theres scriptural and real life instances of God not giving a shit at all about prayers and ingnoring people and leaving them to suffer and die. i think taking that into consideration the full picture seems more like we are at the mercy of God's arbitrary whims, and whether he changes his mind or not depends probably more on whether hes in a good mood.