Thread For Christians Only.

kenworth said:
a bit of a weirdo.why?unless this is some really really elaborate prank.

cant understand me can you??

abit scared???? yes because all false doctrines will be removed and you cant stop it.

Angelic Being said:
cant understand me can you??

abit scared???? yes because all false doctrines will be removed and you cant stop it.


Great!!! You can start with the false doctrine that says Mormons aren't Christians.

You're Welcome.
you know there are so many schools you could take your child to

Really?!?!1! :rolleyes:

no matter what type of school it is the main area of concern should be - will my child be physically and psychologically safe in that school.

Well, us parents have many areas of concern.. we don't limit it to two.

how strong you want your child to be is 80% your input, the rest you must let the child find out on their own.

Although I disagree, (the 80% figure is far too high), I find the statement largely irrelevant to anything. My point was that teachers/schools have no right to push their religious bollocks down my child's throat. That point still stands, and your entire response to me was utterly irrelevant to it.
Angelic Being said:
cant understand me can you??

abit scared???? yes because all false doctrines will be removed and you cant stop it.


i can understand you but i cant not scared,i just feel sorry nfor you is all..
enough of your evil speeches - Prophet Daniel said that in The Last Days all the false doctrines that misguided individuals introduced into Christianity will be exposed.

Are you going to take that C2? Are you going to allow your fellow Christian to diss you like that?

Wasn't it the same hand of god that 'touched' the both of you? Are you not eternal brethren?
SnakeLord said:
Really?!?!1! :rolleyes:

Well, us parents have many areas of concern.. we don't limit it to two.

Although I disagree, (the 80% figure is far too high), I find the statement largely irrelevant to anything. My point was that teachers/schools have no right to push their religious bollocks down my child's throat. That point still stands, and your entire response to me was utterly irrelevant to it.

well, i can only give advice from The Scriptures and it is up to you whether you want to accept it or not.

of course, no one has the right to force their religious views upon another, especially children, and there are legal avenues to seek help from - it must be in the constitution.

from what i know of The Scriptures - if someone is forcing their beliefs on another - then that person dont have the truth.

hey - truth is freedom, is righteous, is pure -

advice - teach your child to always have an open mind - that way he will make his own decisions later on.

if you are expressing insecurity on the issue, your child will see that.
Be clear with your stand on the issue.

Marlin said:
Great!!! You can start with the false doctrine that says Mormons aren't Christians.

You're Welcome.

its no use arguing with you , marlin, because the evidence about your cult is right in your face yet you cannot see it.

you are not a Christian - you never were - you never will be.

thats as simple as i can be.

(Q) said:
enough of your evil speeches - Prophet Daniel said that in The Last Days all the false doctrines that misguided individuals introduced into Christianity will be exposed.

Are you going to take that C2? Are you going to allow your fellow Christian to diss you like that?

Wasn't it the same hand of god that 'touched' the both of you? Are you not eternal brethren?

boo hoo!! the whiner has a sarcastic side also.

your post is a non- issue - nonsensical - boo hoo!!!!
kenworth said:
i can understand you but i cant not scared,i just feel sorry nfor you is all..

no you dont - if you did understand me you will be feeling sorry for yourself.

well, i can only give advice from The Scriptures and it is up to you whether you want to accept it or not.

I'm sorry, when did I ask for advice?

I disagreed with C20's statement that schools in the UK are largely secular, and had a brief discussion with him regarding it.

In no way did I imply that I wanted advice from anyone, let alone someone quite as naive and ignorant as you portray yourself to be.

However, if you feel some need to 'give advice' to people, at least do the courtesy of making that advice relevant to the discussion. Telling me there's more than one school is irrelevant, idiotic, and hardly from scripture.

of course, no one has the right to force their religious views upon another, especially children

I know, that was my point. Nice to see you're finally starting to wake up.

advice - teach your child to always have an open mind - that way he will make his own decisions later on.

Advice: If you're going to give advice to someone do your research first - otherwise you end up looking like an ass. I can see quite clearly you didn't read anything I have written, else you might have noticed I used the word "daughter", several times.

Advice: Learn that 'daughter' = she, not he.

Advice: When and if you ever have children, you teach your child whatever you want to, do not tell me how or what to teach mine.

if you are expressing insecurity on the issue, your child will see that.
Be clear with your stand on the issue.

What the fuck is this shit? Listen - read my posts before commenting on them, and do not think you're in any position to give anyone 'advice'.
Angelic Being said:
its no use arguing with you , marlin, because the evidence about your cult is right in your face yet you cannot see it.

you are not a Christian - you never were - you never will be.

thats as simple as i can be.


A "Christian"- for what is correctly known as someone who believes that Jesus was the son of God and is our savior. Someone who follows the teachings of the bible and does good works. Someone who accepts and progresively come to live out the teachings and guidance of all of his word. The bible not being the only "book" of our Lord. The bible itself is a compilation of God's word as interpreted by man. Trust me, as history was passing by the prophets and teachings in the bible weren't focusing on how they would all fit into a bigger book. Let's not be naive.
Angelic Being said:
its no use arguing with you , marlin, because the evidence about your cult is right in your face yet you cannot see it.

you are not a Christian - you never were - you never will be.

thats as simple as i can be.

Oh, and what, your cult is somehow stupider than his?
All religions are cults, and are thus retarded.
Angelic Being said:
i had hoped that you atheists would visit other threads seeing as there are so many - but you just could not leave my thread alone.

Here's a clue:
if you have the words "for christians only" in the thread title, athiests and other people are going to go to the thread to PISS YOU OFF.
Jadon, you are truly the Dumbfucks of Dumbfucks.
Angelic Being said:
its no use arguing with you , marlin, because the evidence about your cult is right in your face yet you cannot see it.

you are not a Christian - you never were - you never will be.

thats as simple as i can be.


I believe that Jesus Christ is the literal Son of God. I believe that He came here to earth and that His mission was to make an Atonement for the sins of mankind, so that we might be forgiven of all our sins and be brought back into the Father's presence and live with Him eternally. I believe that Jesus was crucified by the Jews, that He died, and that He was resurrected in bodily form on the third day. He is my personal Saviour and I have entrusted myself to Him to save me from the effects of my sins. I strive to live by His precepts and teachings, and emulate Him in my life. He is the King of Kings, Immanuel, our great High Priest, the Lamb of God. I will one day make it back into His presence and be judged by Him, so I strive to keep myself unspotted from the world as He did.

How dare you call me a non-Christian? That is the height of arrogance and bigotry, sir. I pray that one day God will show you that Mormons are indeed Christians, and that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true Christian church (although other churches are also Christian).

Broaden you view before you become hopelessly myopic, Angelic Being.
Marlin said:
I believe that Jesus Christ is the literal Son of God. I believe that He came here to earth and that His mission was to make an Atonement for the sins of mankind, so that we might be forgiven of all our sins and be brought back into the Father's presence and live with Him eternally. I believe that Jesus was crucified by the Jews,
Oh, so you're not only mentally damaged, but you're also anti-semitic.
Fuck off, national socialist boy.
Angelic Being said:
cant understand me can you??

abit scared???? yes because all false doctrines will be removed and you cant stop it.


Angelic, who is your God? What qualifications must one have to become a "Christian" in your meaningless terms? What constitutes true doctrine and how can you tell what is false? What facts and evidence do you have to support anything you've been saying? Where in the bible does it spell out what is a true Christian? And if you find those places can you please let us know what and where they are? You seem to be extremely set with your false judgements and close-minded attitude. I look forward to the answers.
Hapsburg said:
Oh, so you're not only mentally damaged, but you're also anti-semitic.
Fuck off, national socialist boy.

This doesn't deserve a response, but I'll give you one anyway. I am not anti-Semitic--I myself have the blood of Israel coursing through my veins. It is a fact that some of the Jews in Jesus's day conspired against Him and were responsible for His death. That doesn't mean that all Jews killed Him, nor did I indicate that. If I say that the Germans killed many Jews during World War II, does that make me anti-German?
GeniusNProgress said:
Angelic, who is your God? What qualifications must one have to become a "Christian" in your meaningless terms? What constitutes true doctrine and how can you tell what is false? What facts and evidence do you have to support anything you've been saying? Where in the bible does it spell out what is a true Christian? And if you find those places can you please let us know what and where they are? You seem to be extremely set with your false judgements and close-minded attitude. I look forward to the answers.

I predict he either won't answer or he will shrug off these questions with a flippant insult rather than answer them.